Archological and Anthropological Global Evidence of a Directed Evolution and Conspiracy Against Truth

I have received Jonathan Grey’s newsletter for years and have found his research invaluable in linking together human history that knows no boundaries and provides considerable documentation for the skeptical among us, that is IF they want to learn the truth as one can be skeptical but if they never see the handwriting on the wall they become entrenched in skepticism. Like I said in my last post, there really is no difference in the actual realities except in language – terms – the words and the concepts words describe. That’s why Jesus in prophecy says his battle, his war in which to fight uses the weapon of his mouth to wage against the deceivers lies. So as Johnathan stipulated I have copied all of what he sends out in his newsletter so if you want to see more you can contact him, but what he includes here is a wealth of data that can be used as pointers when talking with avowed atheists and pagans and those of any and all belief or non-belief systems alike, though I suppose if they are avowed they won’t even have an ear to hear what we say anyway, but at least we continue to give them the chance. Jonathan has also provided many great articles that describe all sorts of ancient ruins in areas where you would least expect, in the Grand Canyon that match Egyptian hieroglyphics, some of which he is referring to here, that were covered up from becoming public knowledge, though the time is now for as Jesus said, “all things to be revealed” and for “knowing to be increased” so we could KNOW the whole truth and nothing but the truth to then decide what then to do with it as I say that all paths lead to Ti and Do but each must go through their process to get to that which is done by opening up to what just may be most true in our human history.

With that said here is the full content of the newsletter:

Jun 30 at 7:02 PM

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