Archive for October, 2020

​Response to Crlody’s post blaming me for someone’s statements in my livestream

October 28, 2020

The title to Crlody’s post was:

“i was just proposing a less strict version of Heavens Gate teachings in order to reach more people. Then, if the members are ready, they can go full Cathy ​what will happen when Sawyer is no longer with us? Who will guide us?”

(Crlody’s entire post follows at the end of this post)

This is taken from the chat room of my livestream on my youtube channel: 3spm  with the title talking about “Two Asteroids…” a few days ago.  The individual in the chat room admitted and apologized for being sarcastic and suggesting to a new TI and DO believer to have a commune that allows sex to attract more people which the new believer, Cathy was set against as am I as are TI and DO. So Crlody aka Carlan decided to make a post of this and blamed me (partially) for it. I only rebloged it because on some occasions past he has not allowed my comments on his blog and since he is accusing me of things I think I ought to have the right to speak in my defense for the sake of those that might value what He or I say sometimes. So here is the comment I tried to add to his post. I don’t have time to go back to his post to see if he allowed my comment, plus since he was a classmate I want others to have the chance to see what one another are saying about one another.

I know there are those who have called this “infighting” and I don’t care if that’s what it is as it’s not about anything personal in my opinion. It’s about what is true. I am fully open to being wrong about things I write/say and will seek to correct them when I become aware of them. That’s a way of a member – or aspiring member of the Next Level – to want to know when they are off track and wrong. The criteria for being right or wrong is not an opinion. We are only “wrong” if we are expressing things that go against what TI and DO said and taught. If they didn’t address it specifically it’s not wrong though it may not be from their Minds to say, but that’s the value to someone questioning what we say as it’s often not easy to know if it’s something TI and DO said/taught – especially related to prophecy and current world events since they hardly discussed much of prophecy and left only some examples of how to think about politics, science, etc.

So here is the comment I left on Crlody’s blog post:

Carlan, you have once again repeated things that have no truth to them.

For instance for a casual observer they might come away from thinking I have “followers” which I do not – none and never will because the only Ones to follow are TI and DO not dropouts like myself and Crlody or any of the others.

A second misleading statement you continue to hold onto and use repeatedly over the years is by saying that there is no “task” for me and/or anyone who chooses to perform the task of Standing for TI and DO. Is that not a task? DO and Crew laid out that task in the Heaven’s Gate Book and in the letters and in other documents and it can be found spoken of in the audio tapes. In fact the task for all returning souls was to “deposit thoughts” (which can be found by listening to the appropriate audio tape) – which are the truth from TI and DO as the content of those thoughts are they not.

Carlan seems to be expressing this about me because I had found a number of places in the book of Revelation that showed the tasks for students described. In short, these are evidenced as taking place in three primary stages coordinated with the two times when TI and DO first sent us out to speak to the public and test the churches in 1975 (Rev 11 – The Two Witnesses that also describes Their followers).

The second primary stage was in the 1990’s when Students did the primary public interfacing that took us face to face with people in 1994, again for about 9 months. At that time we publicly stated that DO was the return of the Soul that was in the vehicle named Jesus and that TI was His Older Member, aka “Father” in the Heaven’s during the times of the Jesus task. (TI and DO never said they were Jesus because that was the name of the vehicle an Older Member (DO) used for that task and plans to come back with when it’s fully recycle time (Rev 19, that many Christians think is the only description of his return). Then DO put a period at the end of the “sentence” about who DO is by putting out the document “Undercover “Jesus” Surfaces Before Departure” which was sent to 90 or so usenet groups. You all might want to know that there will be Christians who have said DO was not the real returned Jesus because in this document when DO first put it on the web he didn’t put the word “Jesus” in quotes. They might say about this that because Jesus said if anyone comes “in my name” claiming to be the returned Christ not to believe them. TI and DO in 1975 clearly stated many times that “we are not Jesus” because that was the vehicles name and that same vehicle wasn’t coming back for the teaching part of the return task. Do added the quotes soon after the post of the doc without the quotes around the name Jesus.

My suspicion on that score was that DO and Crew were temporarily blinded from seeing how that Would be twisted by Christians to have a reason to not see DO as the promised return. This wouldn’t be the first time They/We were temporarily blinded in some little way. If a Christian seeing that disqualifies DO as the return they are looking for that easily they are showing their lack of thirst for the truth. I know of many times when TI and Do felt led to do or say something that they later considered a mistake but also felt like it was instruction to make that mistake. I know that’s hard to imagine but this supports the truth that the Next Level doesn’t need new members and so makes becoming a member very difficult.

The third time period when students would be performing the task of disseminating everything they taught which they put no limit on – for instance if we heard them say things we have every right to repeat what we heard them say is found in Rev 5 (backside of the book) and Rev 10 – “prophecy before kings of the earth, etc which was to be done AFTER the Two and their Elders exited by “falling on their faces” (Rev 11:18).

That is verified by DO when he left in several documents and video’s the description of who could be saved – those who Stand for TI and DO and/or those that separate from the world/humanness, some of which never hear about TI and DO but as DO said in Beyond Human could include those in militia groups (though not condoning violence).

I know it irked Carlan because I relayed that I had a dream where DO told me he could “use me”. But I had already been trying to serve him for some 10 years before that. I had been trying to decipher the parts of Revelation that DO (nor TI) ever addressed that I knew about which is when I saw what was said in Rev 5 about the “backside of the BOOK” and in Rev 10 about Student(s) Standing for the truth and I wondered if that was referring to me, so I took the dream (along with several others before then with Classmates in them) as acknowledging that.

However, that doesn’t elevate me in any way as perhaps I needed those confirmations and perhaps there is a remote chance the Lower Forces portrayed themselves as DO and Classmates to trick me into getting a big ego about myself, but why would they do that when the result would be my feeling more empowered to talk to the Kings of the earth (which easily can take place when we get to be in the mainstream global wide media) but is the same task ANYONE can have when ANYONE Stands for TI and DO as Carlan is attempting to do with a blog that is on the World Wide Web that “Kings” have access to and whenever “we” are in documentaries even in little clips.

To make a blog post surrounding what was said by someone in the chat room is fine and sure you (carlan) can use it as another excuse to lambaste me for nothing at all as I didn’t agree with that person at all and they ended up apologizing to Cathy twice and said they were being sarcastic.

Though I’m not anyone’s teacher, used as a comparison to the only real Teachers we can have, TI and DO, if people do hear things I say and they learn something from it then I’m glad. I try hard to not steer anyone away from TI and DO and I often catch myself going astray in relative minor ways as far as I know and I’m always open to hear specifics of anything I say that I’m giving the appearance of coming from TI and DO’s Mind that leaves someone in question to it’s origin, to bring it to my attention so I can examine it and see if the shoe fits. Otherwise it’s simply someone’s opinion. Even though most of your criticisms have no basis in TI and DO’s teachings, I still can benefit from them and/or use them to speak to issues you bring up that I do like to bring up again and even learn a lot by reexamining.

But the argument you often have brought up many, many times was saying that’s it’s wrong for me to say such and so when TI and DO didn’t say we could say such and so, which is upside down. They didn’t say we should treat the Transfiguration Diet as an instruction so no one is getting graded on their use of the Transfiguration Diet, yet they did provide it and it does include their teachings so I feel free to recommend it but they didn’t tell anyone that Standing for them included recommending it.

I’ve never, ever, ever equated myself in the least with TI and DO and never will. But I believe in Them and that includes everything they said so in that way I share Their Mind and in Standing for Them share it as best I can with others and can hardly find fault with anyone being interested in what I say. I would like to think I would be in their same shoes and in fact at times am. Like when I talk with Stewart who was with TI and DO in their camp for about a year in 1975 when I was in another camp and he tells me things he learned from then, I’m all ears and am eager to hear and if I hear something that sounds strange I ask him about it, the same way I hope anyone listening to me would do and have done in these livestream chats or in questions and/or comments thereafter.

So I don’t know how I am “partially to blame,” as you said, for what that person said when he wanted to start a new group where sex was part of the behaviors and I repeatedly said that was ridiculous but used it to explain why. Maybe he was sincere thinking that would be a way to attract more members which we know is human thinking because we don’t need new members – not new members to our blogs or livestreams and of course the reason for that is because the Next Level doesn’t need new members either so we all must reach up to become like them if we want to and they don’t have sex so we need to overcome it – not a moral issue, I recall DO saying.

***** Here is an additional note I didn’t cover in my comment to Crlody’s post:

Crlody is also equating me with Paul of Tarsus as he has done several times before without evidence and has blocked my ability to comment on his blog when I tried to respond to his false accusations. He continues to want me to shut up talking about my personal experience with TI and DO. Paul had no personal experience with Jesus and blatantly pointed people to looking to him. I say in almost every livestream that I’m not anyone’s Teacher – that only  TI and DO and his graduate crew are our Teachers and Student Teachers according to what they wrote in the Heaven’s Gate book and provided on video’s and audios.

Naturally when people want to learn more about TI and Do, I agree they could best do that by reading the web site data – the Heaven’s Gate Book and listening to the Beyond Human series but often when people do that to some degree they also gravitate to my youtube channel for the closest thing to hearing about TI and DO live. I’ve never said or implied anyone needs to listen to what I have to say. Paul did do that.

I may be wrong about this, but Crlody has seemed to become like a fundamentalist Christian who insists that someone isn’t showing they believe in Jesus if they don’t use their exact words at all times. In this case even when I use exact words, he wasn’t in the class at the time when I heard those words so doesn’t seem to deem them accurate. I don’t blame him for not trusting my memory but often times one could find many of the things I remember in the Book and in the audio tapes that were made while I was a classmember and I haven’t tried to trace what I sometimes quote to those tapes. But He could hear these things and wonder about them and talk to TI and DO about them in his own relationship and ask me for more information about those things and see if they sound like things TI and DO might have said instead of just blanket saying over and over that I shouldn’t be talking at all.

Meanwhile he now also has a blog and I’m glad he has it as we need all the help we can to fight against the vast misinformation still being portrayed by the media about TI and DO and Crew.

There is a positive from this but it’s up to others to determine that for themselves.


The title of this post is some quotes from one of Sawyer’s followers during the livechat on Sawyer’s livestream. I suppose that it was inevitable that this would come to pass. What this individual doesn’t seem to understand is that this is exactly what happened 2,000 years ago when the Older Member left. A guy named Paul who had never known Jesus proposed a “less strict version” of Jesus’ teachings leading to modern-day Christianity. And what “members” is this individual speaking about? Are the “members” those who choose to listen to Sawyer and participate in the chat during the livestream? When did the class ever state that after they leave there should be a “less strict version” of the teachings in order to “reach more people”? Has this individual actually studied the information that the class left behind or do they spend more time listening to Sawyer? Is he a…

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“Do never closed the “heaven’s gate” though it’s a different kind of classroom now that the Older Members have left. We all need our vehicles to learn lessons through so you might beware of anyone who claims because they did what humans consider to be committing suicide that’s a ticket and it’s not. The overriding ticket is to Stand for TI and DO as the latest Reps from the Kingdom Level that created/made the earth and all it’s inhabitants and accept the ramifications of so doing until we leave our vehicles, however that happens”.

October 14, 2020

What I referred to as a “different type of classroom” is simply my way of saying it’s not over for anyone and that what they think, say and do from this time forward is their lesson steps. There is no new teacher as I have always said I’m not. The reasons I’ve said that “suicide” is not a ticket is because of what DO and Crew wrote in the Heavens Gate book being against suicide and how to use suicide as an escape from learning lessons was not taking advantage of their time to learn lessons now since we need a vehicle to learn lessons through. So you can pick on calling now for new believers a new type of classroom if you like but perhaps I’ll not use that term anymore but I am frequently asked to start a new classroom and I am occasionally told by some that they are going to commit suicide, but since they were never active students with an incarnate REP that’s not in their lesson step by everything TI and DO taught.

I also talk about how TI and Do felt about euthanasia – fully in support of someones choice to exit their vehicle when they can no longer learn lessons through that vehicle because it’s so overcome with illness. But if they know about TI and DO and can still function then I believe the better choice is to ask TI and DO for help, for service and to show them how to go about it instead of thinking it would be easier to exit which is what Stmody wrote about in his document in the Heaven’s Gate Book called, “evolutionary rights for victims” (if I recall the name correctly).

If someone came to you and asked what you thought about their committing suicide because they hate it here would you tell them to go right ahead? Would you tell them that by doing so they would be boarding a spacecraft with TI and DO on it as happened to the 38 and perhaps the four? Would you say nothing? The advise I’ve given to two people who told me that was to work for TI and DO – to further separate from their human behaviors and ways according to the Major Offense and Lessor Offense lists and the Seventeen Steps, etc. because it’s easy for many to commit suicide but it’s extraordinarily hard to apply the lesson steps they applied and left behind for us to have as our goals to apply. They wouldn’t have even left all this info behind there weren’t anyone to seek to apply them now.

Suicide rates are way up at this time. It’s not that hard to do for some when they don’t want to face failure. I just read a report of a policeman in Vermont who killed his wife and then killed himself. People sometimes think there is some value to that.

The Luciferians love the idea of getting people to commit suicide, especially in how it can be seen in the same light by humans as what DO and Crew did which for them was not suicide. If they can link all suicides together then they can have humans build a case to not even allow us to talk about the application of exiting by one’s own vehicle by one’s own hand which is an exit option for all humans. I know this is a fact because recently I included a link to the webpage in a comment I made on someone else’s youtube channel and it was flagged as against community guidelines and I then read the guidelines and the only possible way I violated them was because they assumed that going to that website was promoting suicide which they don’t allow anymore.


The above was written a few days ago by a former member of Ti and Do’s classroom. I have publicly stated that I probably should be ignoring this individual but their insistence on continually making the same claims about Ti and Do’s classroom has spurred me to respond yet again. Here’s what the class had to say about the classroom prior to their exit in March of 1997:

“Our 22 years of classroom here on planet Earth is finally coming to conclusion — “graduation” from the Human Evolutionary Level”.

”Our classroom is over, and followers would have been a distraction to our next step — Earth Exit”.-GLNODY, Earth Exit Statement

If one examines the materials that the class left behind NOWHERE do they state that there would be “a different kind of classroom” after the “Older Members have left”. Who is the teacher of this “different kind of classroom”? The…

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