Archive for February, 2015

Ti and Do’s Heaven’s Gate Hale Bopp Comet Anniversity in progress with A new highly unsual UFO Comet

February 22, 2015

As predicted and even like clockwork here is another Comet that has the folks at NASA and JPL and ESA and everywhere else as they say “Puzzling” and “scratching their heads”. And in this blub they are still calling it an “icy visitor” yet not much bigger than a “comet-boulder” another new term, so how does a ball of ice and rock survive Sun temperatures. They can’t claim it didn’t survive the sun as they did with the 2013 September comet ISON. (It did survive the sun though the media didn’t cover it as that’s not really supposed to happen to an icy rock).

First I will post what posted and then what I found on youtube that is much more revealing what even looks like a “flying saucer” shaped “comet”, but don’t take my word for it, look at the video and watch all the progress and reality deniers squirm to come up with explanations and debunking for fear of the truth. If it’s not a comet after all, then the FACT that it’s much smaller and doesn’t act like comets begins to make more sense.

And of course look when it’s happening. February 19, 2015 just as we saw quite surprising events in Feb-Mar of 2013 – meteor hit in Russia, the near miss asteroid and comet Pan Starrs with the OBJECT photographed flying AHEAD of it’s coma and then fireballs all over the world with most in the US and across the eastern seaboard and then Feb-Mar of 2014 also included a near miss asteroid, fireball and a very bright unexpected comet. That was followed by the of very unusual September-October comet ISON that when studied with software to uncloak satellite telescope images NASA disguised with software looked like a flying WING that came out of the other side of the sun and was no longer followed by the media but looked like 7 objects in a V formation. Then just last October with comet Siding Spring caused a huge visible explosion on Mars when it passed very close by to be seen at:

So here is what is saying about this new surviving sungrazer that came out of nowhere they have EVER seen before, they say:

*** post: ***

UNUSUAL COMET DIVE-BOMBS THE SUN: Astronomers are puzzling over a comet that passed “insanely close” to the sun on Feb. 19th. At first glance it appeared to be a small object, not much bigger than a comet-boulder, doomed to disintegrate in the fierce heat. Instead, it has emerged apparently intact and is actually brightening as it recedes from the sun. Click to view a post-flyby movie recorded on Feb. 20th by the Solar and Heliospheric Observatory (SOHO):

Unofficially, the icy visitor is being called “SOHO-2875,” because it is SOHO’s 2,875th comet discovery.

Karl Battams of the Naval Research Lab explains what’s odd about SOHO-2875: “It’s a ‘non-group comet,’ meaning that it does not appear to be related to any other comet or comet family that we have on record.”

Most comets that SOHO sees belong to the Kreutz family. Kreutz sungrazers are fragments from the breakup of a single giant comet many centuries ago. They get their name from 19th century German astronomer Heinrich Kreutz, who studied them in detail. SOHO-2875, however, is not one of those fragments.

“Non-group comets like this appear a few times a year, so in that sense it’s not toounusual,” continues Battams. “But this one is relatively bright. The big question most people will have now is, Can I see it, or will I be able to see it, from Earth? At first I thought the answer was no. But I am very pleasantly surprised–shocked in fact! The comet has brightened dramatically and now is sporting an increasingly impressive tail. Visibility from Earth in a few weeks is no longer out of the question, although I still wouldn’t put money on it.”

“I’ll continue to tweet updates on my feed, so folks can follow along there too.”

***end of spaceweather post***

Here is the youtube post that shows the comet surviving the sun encounter:

Humans are being dummed down. Many are incapable of critical thinking though they will quote the academics past and are satisfied with illogical answers to the many observations that can not be denied by someone with any intelligence.

Comments against Ti and Do and their teachings and Sawyer’s responses

February 19, 2015

Here are my responses to a avid follower of my posts who is critical of most everything Ti and Do taught and that I post in their favor. I don’t have a problem with his criticism though at times it has been trying to deal with as it can be so lacking of evidence except in his opinions. So this time since his statements may reflect many others now or to come I tried to provide comments on the main points in his latest comment.

1) You said “if there is a cosmic truth to existence that we can know, then it would be something we can arrive at ourselves… I shouldn’t have to have stumbled upon some random cult leader to ascertain that truth”.

How else do we get ANY information except by “stumbling” upon it, whether in school where we are stumbled into whether we like it or not or by society if we have the least amount of curiosity. Please tell me what about this response to your statement doesn’t have some common sense to it. We don’t learn or do anything by ourselves. It seems impossible relative to human existence as I see it now.

2) You said “I know how you’ll answer this, but what if you had lived your whole life in Vera Cruz, Mexico? You would have never seen, heard of, or given a crap about H & BL. Your answer will be that it was inevitable you’d meet them because.”

You are both right and wrong about this in my opinion. No matter where in the world I lived how can you even suggest it would not be possible to become aware of something that became national news in the U.S. and affiliates and also international news or for the international people that got far less exposure by having reason to migrate to where the news was more apparant, like all the migrants from Mexico for instance. One classmate was going to school in Corvalis from Venezula. Others were from Edmonton, Canada. Another was from southeast asia and then of course most all of us were from many countries whose parents migrated to the biggest melting pot on earth, that is since our current history, seems safe to say. But if one believes in what Ti and Do said and that Jesus said, all his believers and those who were against him would be returning to the new area of the world because the Kingdom of God was being taken away from the middle east. So if that was true and if it was also true that the Kingdom of God plants “seeds” (deposits of their mind as a soul pocket) then those that get the seed are directed to be on the path where they can have the best access to the incoming trumpet blowing undercover operatives from the Next Level sent to gather those vehicles that received those seeds as Jesus said would happen.

3) you said, “They weren’t famous at all… an article or two, a book, but to the public they were nothing — I’d never heard of them until the suicides… people read the articles, but they were so ridiculous that nobody took them seriously.”

So the judge of whether or not they have anything to say that is legitimate is in your view only if they become “famous” in the way you believe in. Perhaps, they have to write a book that becomes a best seller or be on TV. Article or two??? How about thousands of articles in newspapers across the U.S. from 1975 to at least 1982. A grade B made for TV movie in 1982 that millions probably watched. How about the New York Times magazine section front cover and long article about Bo and Peep that had international exposure in 1976. How about National news on EVERY news station for at least a week or two of nightly coverage from Walter Cronkite from late September of 1975 to October of 1975. I assume there was plenty of talk on the radio at least on the news since it was on the wire services. How about Psychology Today in 1976. How about the fact that the FBI got involved due to thinking there was a link to cattle mutilations in the midwest? Then the books and chapters in books; There was the book “UFO Missionaries Extraordinary” by Brad Steiger and Hayden Hewes, two respected names in science fiction writing and UFO investigation respectively. Then how about over a hundred meetings in most every major U.S. City over a year’s time at Universities and in public libraries that some had accompanying newspaper advertising from april of 1975 to may of 1976. Each of those meetings had hundreds of posters plastered at most all book stores and new age centers and coops and health food stores and libraries and on telephone poles and in store windows in the vicinity of the towns/cities where the meetings were given that also involved talking to shop owners. Also the thousands of churches that were “tested” as at least 100 students trekked around the country seeking help with food and gas and shelter from those who said they were in service to the Lord. Many times that seeking of help resulted in conversations about Bo (Do) and Peep (Ti). There were also hundreds of parents and siblings and friends concerned who talked and some hired investigators (jwnody’s brother was a police officer who hired an investigator). Alxody’s vehicle’s mother formed a network of parents that were active in touch with the “cult awareness network”. There was more publicity that I didn’t know about. Plus the story wasn’t exactly run of the mill. 27 or more people left their lives behind that created a huge amount of talk in the towns where they were known that I can talk specifically about – to as reported rendezvous with a UFO to go to heaven (though they often left off the “heaven” part). Certainly when Cronkite came out to say, they were two texans and had been arrested and that Applewhite was a convicted felon, most put it out of their mind because it could not be possible that “He would come as a thief”, a curious coincidence of terms Ti and Do did nothing to fulfill in that way.

4.) you said, “What would you be now if you hadn’t met them? Maybe a Mount Shasta variety Buddhist? It would be something unusual because I think that is part of your gig.”

No, I don’t think I would have become a Buddhist. I did read up on such things. I didn’t join with the Maharishi Mehesh Yogi who had a regular recruitment in NYC because I would have had to stop smoking pot and I was 17 at that time and really liked my pot. I was fond of many of the spiritual books in 1968-1972 but I moved to British Columbia from NY to homestead but got deported for a stupid slip up on my part as I was living in Canada illegally. So I stayed with “Jesus freaks” in Yakima and they tried to convince me of what they believed and I told them there was too much in scripture that seemed “contradictory”, though I always thought Jesus was a hero though hated the Catholic church ways I experienced so ditched any membership in such an organization. Then when my friends were getting into meditation in Newport, Oregon in 1972 I tried it and would always fall asleep and so was bored. Then when one of my music buddies became a disciple of Sri Chin Moy and wanted me and my girlfriend to meditate with him on his guru’s picture I tried it and it felt weird to be looking at this indian fellow as someone to follow. I did try to study parmahansa yogananda’s teachings and remember wanting to be enlightened like him and then I was given the bhagvad gita by a krishna devoutee at an airport where I was working for food stamps, the program they had in San Diego I would read the stories and not understand what they were talking about but it felt holy so I continued reading for a while.

So no, I suppose I would have continued with playing in bands and who knows from there but I doubt I would have become spiritual in any organized way. I was interested in “spirits” as reality and I had debates with Christians on the streets fairly often. So my “gig” as you call it, if it was unusual certainly wasn’t planned as you tend to suggest.

5) You said, “What about intelligence? H & BL weren’t very bright… I would expect a “next level” mind to be at least bright and intelligent”.

Even by your standard of intelligence why would you think they weren’t intelligent. Do you think being a nurse for preemie babies in the Houston Hospital system, with an interest in theosophy and astrology, who had a family of three girls, two of which were retarded was someone who wouldn’t have intelligence? And Do was a college grad who was in the military at white sands missile range as a communications specialist who tried seminary and dropped out because they were too limiting in what they would study and talk/think about. He was a professor of music and a star to some degree with lead roles in the Houston Opera. He taught at St. Thomas University and would eat lunch with Dan Rather who worked for CBS whose office was across the street. He mingled with high society types in Houston. He graduated with Farah Faucet (sp?). He was divoced and had children and was living a gay or bi lifestyle, though was not happy in it because he wanted a committed relationship. All the gay people I’ve met, for some reason seem to be quite intelligent moreso than many of the hetero brutes and I was never attracted to the same sex. Does any of this qualify his intelligence? If not then please explain why not?

6.) you said, “Maybe they’d figure out a way to live within the law instead of having 30 people shacked up in a house against zoning laws? Huh? That is something they certainly could have controlled… but as it was, their “whole mission” could be jeopardized by one ODY telling a co-worker something… and that DID happen… Do was about as flustered as I’d ever heard him on the tapes… you could hear his desperation a little bit — or maybe it was exasperation but it doesn’t matter.

So if srrody told someone at his job in the world where he lived and an investigator found out and got the police to come to our residence with charges trumped up because we did nothing genuinely illegal unless you of course believe all the laws are just and fair then wouldn’t it be a disruption of what they felt was their mission whether you agree with the mission’s validity or not? So was Do not allowed to be “exasperated” because it doesn’t match your idea of “holiness” you don’t believe in anyway?

7) you said, “the whole mythology is just so ugly and convoluted and so undoubtedly made up”.

What about Ti and Do was myth. Can something be called a myth when it’s in progress. Doesn’t myth refer to a story of the past. Of course if you believe the records of Jesus life were made up even though there is considerable evidence of Pilot and Herod and the Jewish treatment of a person with that name and Josephus, a non believer in Jesus, writings that confirm he was a real person and other references with the addition of the manuscript discoveries in Qumran and the Nag Hammadi discoveries in the 1940’s and 1950’s, then what can I say – it’s your choice what to consider true or false about history.

And what is it about Jesus or Ti and Do’s life that was “ugly”. Do not humans with belief systems of all kinds end up giving their lives to various causes. Thousands of U.S. soldiers died, many of which thought they were serving a truthful and worthy government. Many activists give their lives to bring peace and justice to their country and people. Emergency workers sometimes give their lives to save others. People do death defying things for thrill of it or to try to get famous. A case can be made that these are not worthy causes. Jesus follower risked their lives by talking about him and their belief in him. Jesus said that giving your life is the highest form of showing love for another. The students of Ti and Do chose to give their lives. There is no evidence at all that anyone was manipulated or pressured and some left even weeks before they laid down their lives and Ti and Do didn’t let some join them and sent others out of their group and sought to even pay some students to leave because they didn’t want anyone staying with them because it became comfortable. There was zero evidence of any abuses and there were over a hundred dropouts with only trivial complaints against them. eg. they didn’t like the procedure on the direction to shave (despite the fact that they didn’t have to follow that rule and why that became a rul to begin with – it was from someone asking how Do shaved. If anyone had a problem with a procedure they were free to state their problem and often an exception was made for them. I have dozens of examples, but part of the program was to learn to follow instructions no matter how small. This often separated those who were not committed enough for their program and Ti and Do regularly gave out airplane tickets and money and in one case a bus ticket to travel by bus for a year, to those that wanted to leave. I was given a plane ticket and $600 in cash when I chose to leave. Ti and Do never wanted anyone to leave. Even those they felt they had instruction to separate from their classroom they sought to stay in touch with if they wanted to stay in touch. They sent me a message through Rkkody to see where my head was at, if I had changed. I know the parents of some of those who joined in 1994 and one that joined in 1996 were most upset by the news of their loved one’s chosen exit of their body. But unlike the groups like Jim Jones and Solar Temple and Branch Davidians there were only adults in Ti and Do’s group. No children. I sympathize with those who lost loved ones. It is painful. I know it would be painful for me in their place. In fact when my partner broke up with me, even though I knew it was best it did hurt a great deal and when my daughter went to live with her mother I felt that root system pull hard on me for quite a while and still does at times. I can imagine that the parent of a son or daughter who takes their own life is a huge tug to deal with. But as I also have dealt with thinking I had cancer, it hurts but if we seek the help from the Next Level with our pain, no matter what we call those Above Human Beings in their kingdom, they will help us to deal with the fact that life in the human kingdom is temporary for all of us and there are no guarantees how it’s going to go, who is going to get sick and who is not and who is going to die before who. For those that don’t believe there are Creators with a plan, I don’t know what they can do to ease their pain, whatever it is from.

With that said, I don’t know what was “ugly” about Ti and Do unless the fact that all life on earth is temporary. If that is ugly then I guess life is ugly to have in the first place as if you never existed you would never experience an end to you or others existence.

8) you said, “heck you were jacking off long before you quit the group”.

That’s not true. I first masturbated late in 1993, 18 years after joining. I never even touched my privates to try to stimulate excitement for those 18 years though I certainly could have done a better job in control of my eyes though on the thought level became pretty good at. I never thought about the sex act at all in those 18 years. I did feel attraction to females in the group but I never imagined myself being intimate with any of them. My battle was turning my eyes away and then of course cutting off the stimulant that even a few seconds of looking at something stimulated. After 18 years of celibacy it took next to nothing to start to become stimulated.

9) You said, “you folks believed because you really wanted it to be true — you really wanted Do to be who he said he was… why not bet the farm on that he’s who he says he is???”

Shooting in the dark – I understand. Don’t want it to reflect the truth – that’s the choice you seem to want to take and that is fine. There is no value to convincing anyone anyway, but belief because of some need to believe doesn’t make any real sense unless it is to escape the life we have which if you actually look at the lives of the students you won’t find much if any of. Do the research of dropouts. See if they joined to escape something in life they were ashamed of or were running from facing. Then perhaps for that one, you could make a case for their belief because they wanted/needed to believe in something so to not deal with who they were or what they had done.

10) you said, “20 years and nothing? Earth about to be recycled? Life goes on.”

Sorry, but Life doesn’t go on indefinitely for anyone and the Next Level are not on our earth based time frame. If you live a short time more you will see more and more of the recycling. Global Warming is fairly telling and the prophecy says the human kingdom (earth) will be destroyed by “fire” this time. It seems that will be stimulated primarily by the way the Next Level has control over the sun, the reason Al Gore had his satellite just launched to just look at the sun as other satellites do because they have seen many very unusual things on the sun even without the satellite telescopes. But the “fire” I suspect is also a death because of “passion” whether by unbridled sensuality in all it’s forms; sexuality and related responses in disease, mental and physical or from anger and hatreds and negativity and war.


February 11, 2015

Published by Do, (the return of the Older Member from the Evolutionary Level Above Human who was incarnate in the human vehicles named:  Jesus, Elijah, Moses and Enoch) in “USA TODAY” as an Ad/Statement on May 27, 1993:


The following statements could sound very presumptuous. However, these facts do come into focus or “prove” themselves if they are seriously explored a step at a time. They could also sound very “doomsdayish.” Though, in truth, they will be the most joyous “sound of music” to the ears and eyes of those who have been waiting for them.
The Earth’s present “civilization” is about to be recycled – “spaded under.” Its inhabitants are refusing to evolve. The “weeds” have taken over the garden and disturbed its usefulness beyond repair.

The human kingdom was created as a stepping stone between the animal kingdom and the true Kingdom of God (the Evolutionary Kingdom Level Above Human).

It is the soul that progresses from one kingdom level to another – each kingdom level has its own unique physical containers (bodies) for the souls that reside in that kingdom level.

As the human goes out to find servants within the animal kingdom, from beasts of burden to seeing-eye dogs – if that animal grows to find pleasure only in serving its master, no longer identifies as an animal, but sees itself as a family member in that human family, and its behavior is pleasing to that human – the two become bound together. The human family then provides the body (a human infant) for that soul to enter, allowing it to move up into the human evolutionary kingdom. (This is not to suggest that all human infants are containers for souls moving up from the animal kingdom, for most human infants are containers for human kingdom returnees still bound to that family unit.)

Likewise, when a member of the true Kingdom of God receives instruction to incarnate among humans in order to seek out the souls that might want to “separate from the pack” and are desirous of becoming only servants in the Evolutionary Level Above Human, He then offers them the knowledge and behavior that can open that door to them. If that human changes to the degree that he no longer desires any human behavior and he pleases that member of the Kingdom Level Above Human, a bond is formed and a body belonging to that new Kingdom is provided for that soul to move up into.

Both Kingdom Levels are physical and biological. However, the human kingdom is made up of mammalian – “seed-bearing” – plants or containers, while the Kingdom of God is made up of non-mammalian, non- seed-bearing “containers” for souls, and their young or “children” are those who have risen above – overcome – all human-mammalian characteristics and behavior through the tutorship (midwifing) of a member of the Kingdom of God who has been through that transition and bonded to His Father at a previous time.

Just as an animal sees his human tutor as the one and only “master,” likewise a human, as he becomes aware of a Member of the Kingdom Level Above Human, sees Him as the one and only “God.” However, the individual that that human related to as God sees Himself as a “child” in that higher, many-membered Kingdom and knows that only through His “Father” (an Older Member in that Kingdom) can He become a better member in that Kingdom.

A “student” or prospective “child” of a member of the true Kingdom of God can, with the help of an Older Member, overcome or rise out of all human mammalian behavior – sexuality and gender consciousness – and all other addictions and ties of the human kingdom. He must complete this change to the point of abhorring human behavior before his soul can become a “match” with a biological body of the true Kingdom of God for that new body is genderless and incapable of functioning at a human level.

The true Kingdom of God, the “Headquarters” of all that is, is a many-membered Kingdom which physically exists in the highest, most distant Heaven – a non-temporal place (outside of time, and with eternal life). It is the only place from which souls, life, and all creating originates. Being non-temporal, it was, is, and forever will be – a concept that we, as temporal creatures, are not designed to comprehend. That Kingdom designed the “temporal” world outside its “borders” and designed its temporal creatures to have a progression of bodies or “vehicles” (through kingdom levels, such as animal and human) for souls to evolve through. If the soul survives and moves forward through all its tests along the way – it can, with the help of a member of the true Kingdom of God, lose its temporal characteristics and become a part of their non-perishable, non-corruptible world. However, all other souls who reach a certain degree of corruption (having of their own free will chosen to become totally separate from their Creator) will engage a “self-destruct” mechanism at the Age’s end, manifested when opposing camps, be they human or “Luciferian,” come together and destroy each other – thus assisting in the plowing under of the “garden” for the Creator.

The reason the term “TRUE” Kingdom of God is used repeatedly is because there are many space alien races that through the centuries of this civilization (and in civilizations prior) have represented themselves to humans as “Gods.” We refer to them collectively as “Luciferians,” for their ancestors fell away from the keeping of the true Kingdom of God many thousands of years ago. They are not genderless they still need to reproduce. They are nothing more than technically advanced humans who have retained some of what they learned while in the early training of members of the true Kingdom of God, e.g., limited space-time travel, telepathic communication, advanced travel hardware (spacecrafts, etc.), increased longevity, advanced genetic engineering, and such things as suspended holograms (as used in some religious “miracles”).

These “Luciferian” space races are the humans’ GREATEST ENEMY. They hold humans in unknown slavery only to fulfill their own needs. They cannot “create,” though they develop races and biological containers through genetic manipulation and hybridization. They even try to “make deals” with human governments to permit them (the Luciferians) to engage in biological experimentation (through abductions) in exchange for technically advanced modes of travel – though they seldom follow through, for they don’t want the humans of this civilization to grow to be another element of competition. They war among themselves over the spoils of this planet and use religion and increased sexual behavior to keep humans “drugged” and ignorant (in darkness) while thinking they are in God’s keeping. These Luciferians see to it, through the “social norm” (the largest Luciferian “cult” there is) that man continues to not avail himself of the possibility of advancing beyond human. Many things have become the accepted “norm,” but that doesn’t make them right!

Just as the biological body is the “container” for the soul, the soul is the “container” for Mind (Spirit). Mind translates into the brain as information (knowledge). Information is available to humans from only two sources – the mind of the Luciferians – or the Mind of the Kingdom of God. The mind of the Luciferians yields misinformation (promoting the behavior and concepts of this world). The Mind from the true Kingdom of God yields true information (though the Luciferians and their servants would reverse this interpretation). As we change, in the progression of overcoming humanness – the percentages change – of which mind occupies our soul – Truth increases as misinformation decreases. If we revert back to humanness, the process reverses – the Truth is aborted as the soul becomes more filled with mammalian mind. That Truth can even be taken from us if we abuse it. When our “eye becomes single” or our soul is filled only with Mind or Spirit from the true Kingdom of God, it becomes pure or Holy Mind (Spirit).

The true Kingdom of God’s design permits the presence of a “Luciferian” element, during a human civilization, as a catalyst for growth. Without it, we would have no choices – our free will could not be exercised. Our right choices find us in alignment to recognize the Truth when it is offered.

Two thousand years ago, the true Kingdom of God appointed an Older Member to send His “Son,” along with some of their beginning students, to incarnate on this garden. While on Earth as an “away team” with their “Captain,” they were to work on their overcoming of humanness and tell the civilization they were visiting how the true Kingdom of God can be entered. The humans under the control of the Luciferians killed the “Captain” and his crew, because of the “blasphemous” posi- tion they held, and quickly turned the teachings of the “Captain” – the Older Member’s “Son” – into watered down Country Club religion – obscuring the remnants of the Truth.

That same “away team” incarnated again in the 1970’s in the mature (adult) bodies that had been picked and prepped for this current mission. This time the “Admiral” (the Older Member, or Father, incarnate in a female vehicle) came with the Son – “Captain” – and his crew. As the two Older Members put out a “statement” and held public meetings over about a 9-month period in 1975-76 to bring their crew together, the media tagged them the “UFO cult” because of their expectation of leaving aboard a spacecraft (UFO) at the completion of their “overcoming.” The two Older Members then went into seclusion with their crew (students), “lifting them out” of the world for almost 17 years (not accepting any new students), making Earth’s surface their classroom. This isolation was absolutely necessary. The degree of their overcoming of sexuality, addictions, and ties to the human environment had to be taken to the point of matching the behavior and consciousness of the Evolutionary Kingdom Above Human. Only then would their new “Next Level” bodies be functional. They resurfaced briefly for about a 3-1/2-month period in 1992, allowing some of their “dropouts” to rejoin them.

This changeover (sufficient “overcoming” to inherit Next Level bodies) has been completed, and before they return, they are instructed to share this statement with you.

The Luciferians are about to be “recycled” (annihilated) at the same time as this human civilization is “spaded.” They know that “rumor has it” that their days are numbered. They refuse to believe it and are desperate to recruit souls from the human kingdom into their “Heavenly Kingdom.” There are many “counterfeit” heavens, and each “heaven” is at this time collecting “names in their book,” forcing a stand of allegiance, polarizing each individual’s commitment to his chosen “God.”

When members of the Level Above Human are physically present, the opposing forces work the hardest against them in order to support their own position. They do almost anything to keep humans from following the path toward the true Kingdom of God. They “turn up the heat” at this time in the area of mammalian behavior, primarily sexuality. This has become such an overwhelming presence in the Earth’s atmosphere that even some of the crew that came with us were lost to its temptation. Don’t forget that when the Luciferians were expelled, in order to support their own desires, they had to condemn the true Kingdom of God and see it simply as another path inhumane and radically uncompromising.

The religious “cults” who have separated from the world have “picked up on” one major aspect of what is “in the air” at this time when the information of how to move from one kingdom level to another is available. What they may have failed to recognize is that experienced “clinicians” are necessary to take souls through that “weaning” – that difficult “withdrawal” from human addictions and binding “misinformation” concepts. If it weren’t necessary to have clinicians present who have previously been taken through that transition, we wouldn’t need to be here. Some religious “cults” might have children, participate in physical or mental abuse, hold members against their will, have weapons, or break laws in general – while we have long been aware that that type of behavior is inappropriate, especially for a transitional “classroom.”

When the present “away team” leaves (which will be very soon), the Truth will go with them. You cannot preserve the Truth in your religions. It is with you only as long as a Truth bearer is with you. Only those from the Land of Truth can bear it. It can only be your future if you “reach out and grab it” while it is offered. The Truth can be retained only as one is physically connected with the Next Level, through an Older Member, and that relationship requires that non-mammalian thinking and behavior be sustained.

Humans were, from the beginning, given a “prime directive” NOT TO KILL OTHER HUMANS. “In defense” or for “rightness” are no exceptions. Righteousness is what most frequently causes conflict. “I’m right, you’re wrong.” “You’re causing me trouble, I’ll wipe you out” (in the best interest of all, of course). The world’s systems continue to make laws permitting the breakage of higher laws – God’s laws. Weapons designed for killing humans are inexcusable. There are numerous methods of controlling a violent person without the necessity of murder. The irony is, each killer sends its victims to exactly where they want to go (to their chosen heaven). Humans fight for their desires – what they choose to not overcome – what they cling to. Our desires and attachments (or lack of them) determine which heaven we’re going to.

A soul cannot end its own existence. Though it may incarnate many times and the body or vehicle it is wearing may be terminated, only the true Kingdom of God – the Evolutionary Level Above Human – can terminate the soul. This termination of the soul is the only proper application of the term DEATH.

When a soul “awakens” in a particular “season” or incarnation (usually sometime between college age and mid-life), it is picking up where it left off at the end of its previous incarnation. What an individual participates in prior to that “awakening” is of no real significance. If a soul had previously overcome such human characteristics as family ties and relationships, at his “awakening” he is seen by those around him as suddenly becoming unstable, for he is compelled to once again separate from those imposing ties and seek to connect with what he had previously sought or connected with. What he primarily learns is what is not for him as he seeks for the Highest Truth or Reality.

The media seems devoted to “saving” the public from radical ideologies or “cults,” particularly of seeming “religious” types. Also a news “scoop” requires haste. These two elements together predetermine that they search for any and all negative quotes that will discredit the groups’ leaders and the groups’ behavior. The fact still remains that negative reporting far outsells positive reporting and after all, positive reporting of radical material can end or ruin a reporter’s career. Well, it won’t be hard to discredit this group from its leaders down, for prior to and during their “awakening” and subsequent coming together, they all made many mistakes and learned from them. Plus – you don’t give up the ways of the world without the condemnation of those who still advocate what you have overcome.

When we came before (2000 years ago) the world “cleansed” or “saved” their world from our “blasphemy” and merely got us our boarding passes back to the true Kingdom of God on the true “Enterprise” (spaceship or “cloud of light”). If you seek to cleanse the world of our “blasphemy” this time, you would simply be the instrument of our “days being shortened” while destroying your “last chance” in this civilization to advance.

Now at the close of an Age – every significant soul of this civilization has returned (and is in or attached to a physical body) to reap their reward. Most who think they are for the Kingdom of God are in fact working for the opposing side – the counterfeit “Gods” – and will want to condemn us. Your actions, even your thoughts of condemnation toward us, out of allegiance to your “God,” will cause our part of the Heavens to look upon your “god” with the same rejection.

Many say they live only for the “Harvest Time” – the “Last Days” – the “Second Coming.” Those are all finally here! – Will you accept us as them? You cannot bypass us even in your prayers – you cannot insult your Creator by refusing to go through the ones He has sent to you. There are souls here now for the express purpose of connecting – and eventually bonding – with the Next Level through us. Those souls will be protected – out of harm’s way – and “saved” from the approaching sorting out, recycling, and “spading under” of the Luciferians and their human servants. If you can get your name in our “book,” on our spacecraft’s computer (and only there), making your actions reflect that desire then you will go with us.

SUMMARY: Our surfacing is in reality a test of the public’s “civility.” Can a society that is still dealing with bigotry and prejudices against races, religions, and sexual preference extend the right of existence to some who see humanity as a stepping stone toward the Kingdom of God, and desire to take that step and briefly offer it to others? Or is Earth’s present civilization still as primitive as it was 2000 years ago? We’ll see!

CAUTION: If the above information is consumed or assimilated, you may experience such side effects as loss of marriage, family, friends, career, respectability, and credibility. Continued use could even result in the loss of your membership in the human kingdom.