Archive for the ‘spirits’ Category

Response to: Content Deep Dive: 3spm The Heaven’s Gate Apologist

March 6, 2021

Here is a post on youtube I responded to:

Content Deep Dive: 3spm The Heaven’s Gate Apologist

Sawyer’s reply;

I am a former Student that is still a student attempting to Stand in Defense of all TI and DO said/taught. There is nothing at all to apologize for in all they said and did and that’s easy to document why I’m saying that. Also I’m not “The” as if there are no others (former students or new students) also Standing in Defense of TI and DO, that same task all believers in Them have if they want it.

Also, I’m not at all personally upset by anything said about me in this youtube post. I can see why some people would think as this youtuber demonstrates thinking. However, that doesn’t mean I agree with his point of view on much of what he said about TI and DO and me and others who believe in TI and DO.

With that, I did take some notes and here are my responses – not in any order:

-Shrek – I was mostly joking about that and perhaps should have said so more clearly. I’ve had my share of trolls for years. I found it funny and perhaps I shouldn’t have but TI and DO do have a sense of humor. However, if you knew what I know about how Jesus was made into a fake Jesus by many well intended Christians unknowingly, though there is no joke to that, this person who was comparing Jesus to Shrek is evidence of how far someone might run away from Jesus’ teachings because of the way humans have portrayed him and how the religions don’t hardly at all talk about much of what he said. I know Christians personally who when 9-11 happened were in favor of going to war against Afghanistan and the even Iraq though especially Iraq had nothing to do with 9-11 and had no weapons of mass destruction and was not even very far along in acquiring nuclear weapons. All that has been proven and yet Obama did nothing to hold anyone like Bush and Cheney and the mass of senators and congress people who voted to go to war in Iraq where the US has murdered who knows how many tens of thousands. The largely Christian government showed their hand as an evil empire.

That’s just one current example. And people think I am dangerous or need help? Go figure.

So when I saw that comment, I knew well it was a troll or distraught atheist, or the like, perhaps someone who had a lot of religious ideas laid on him/her to deal with. I know to many people the entire idea of there really being Creators and/or Spirits and/or people from outer space and a purpose for the existence of the planet and it’s life forms to include humans. Yet I think that person can actually be ahead of those in growth because they are responding to the religions that were the result of humans distorting and diluting what the Next Level Above Human Representatives sent before said and did.

The reference to the Green horse in the apocalypse was silly as to be honest I think Trump was the first human/space alien led half of that “harvest” (green) horse and I have a lot to say about that. But to be a little more comprehensive on that, I believe DO was the Soul with the position of the “light” horse, said as “white” (pure) vehicle (horse) as he took that position in the 1990’s most directly by putting out the remaining 6 Thunders/Roars from Rev 10. After him the next three horses are space alien run humans starting the tribulation in earnest in the US/EU, etc. with the endless war on terror that used state sanctioned terror – as he is depicted as being given the power to wield a mighty sword (military). And Obama was the black horse presiding over the Two Beasts – the G7 heads and the G10 horns (militaries) and over the 2008 Financial Crisis that was started by the Red Horse leader of the Beast (US as the first head).

-DO, nor TI “pushed” anyone in that conventional sense of that word any more than a physics teacher pushes someone to take their course, but with TI and DO even less than that as no one paid them to Teach them and there was never a promise of graduation, so there was no real carrot-stick method. There was no punishment, no abuses, no meaningless requirement to recite prayers to gain stature among one another or with Them like seen in most all the religions and in the modern belief systems surrounding selective “science” with constant media bombardment of putting fear into people with fear of the end of the world, yes among secularists via global warming then backed off to call Climate Changes – some of the plagues in Revelation 16 that the Two Witnesses have the power to instigate.

-From 1975 on TI and DO claimed that they were NOT Jesus but were from the same Family as He was from. The reason that makes total sense is because Jesus was the name of the human body an Older Member Soul took over for that task of presenting the graduation requirements to those Souls who were also taking vehicles (born of water (again)). So even when DO at first posted a document on the WWW in 1995 that was entitled, “Undercover Jesus Surfaces Before Departure” – it was saying that he was the same Soul who was back again “undercover” so that no one would easily recognize him except for those vehicles they prepared to recognize him when He came public. Notice how Jesus had just about 100 students at first. So the plan was to not even come identifying with being that same Soul to the public because the ones who were prepared could recognize him by what he said was required to be his student – leave all behind to build a glorified body – to bring one’s Soul through a metamorphosis into a “butterfly” – a glorified body. Then after that document was up for a while he changed it to: “Undercover “Jesus” Surfaces Before Departure, putting the name of the vehicle he used back then in quotes to show it had a special meaning because he wasn’t using that same vehicle, though said that same Next Level vehicle or one that was equivalent would be returning for the finish of the harvest and the sending the BEAST and Luciferians into the lake of fire and brimstone to be recycled to potentially restart a new garden with a new crop of Luciferians that are choosing to be against the Next Level and Kingdom of God now.

Therefore DO by putting up the first version without the quotes appears to be his following TI’s guideline from outside her vehicle to do and because of that it is giving Christians who are aware of the quote from Jesus that warned the elect that were looking for his return – it seems in this last wave to not believe someone who “comes in my name” saying I have the christ (anointed/appointed) one and we know there have been many Christians who have said that very think that they were the return of Jesus. Rev 3:12 also describes that they both, Father and Son would have new names and the Son would ID the Father (God to the Son), as his Older Member which DO said about TI . If someone is looking for a reason to not pay attention to all the many signs that He was the return, then DO gave them what they wanted and I know some have told me this was the reason they won’t look any further at the myriad of evidence that they were the same Souls returned.

-For anyone who does believe in what Jesus said, they shouldn’t be that surprised that he was teaching to conquer one’s sexuality and that even voluntary castration could be an option. DO didn’t instruct anyone to go through the castration and only about 7 students did as it wasn’t offered to female vehicled students because DO said it was too invasive of a procedure for a female.

-I wasn’t in the group when they sang that song and I don’t play piano much at all.

-I was not in a low part of my life by any means before I joined and neither can anyone substantiate that I was vulnerable. You can read Sawyer’s story on my blog – to see all the details I can muster about myself growing up and then in joining and leaving. People who say that without evidence are just looking to explain away something they don’t understand or want to understand. The “cult” did not take me in. They didn’t need members. That is clearly evidenced by only about 10 months of public meetings in 1975-6 followed by a very small private offering in 1988, thus no public interfacing until short offerings in 1992, 3 and a thorough repeat of public meetings for about 9 months in 1994 and then some internet offerings thereafter until their exit in 1997 that was huge and continues today. If they really wanted lots of followers they could have diluted the message and continuously held meetings like many of the other cults and religious groups and secular groups did and do to date.

Yes, I need help but not in the ways many people think. And yes, there are new believers and I’m sure that they are anything but naïve but are some of the most experienced Souls in vehicles on the planet because they see through the illusions in the human kingdom and with the religions and even what’s become known as Spirituality.

Standing for TI and DO is Our Task Now

May 3, 2020
I am regularly criticized for having a youtube channel – 3spm and this blog and Facebook page because I talk about my personal experiences in TI and DO’s classroom. I am also criticized for talking about what Jesus said in relationship to this time period and in accordance with what TI and DO said. I am also criticized for relating Prophecy from Jesus and found in the Book of Revelation to TI and DO’s teachings. I am also criticized for relating the many “signs” Jesus related as happening at this time in the sun, moon, stars (planets, comets, etc.) that become visible to us through our eyes and through our telescopes and through NASA and ESA, etc. space telescopes that are very, very unusual. I am criticized for having written a book about all of the above.
Ironically, my main critic of all this has been the former fellow student of DO known as Carlan aka Crlody in the classroom who uses the name Jason on youtube (only saying so that people know it’s the same person).
Here is one of his recent comments below with what DO said that he seems to think means I am doing something against TI and DO’s wishes by expressing myself on my livestreams, blog, etc. that are from my mind.
This is not a longshot to take his inclusion of a statement from DO in the comment below as indicating what he thinks is wrong with what I seek to communicate because he has said as much in no uncertain terms in dozens of his comments over the years. He just didn’t say anything to that affect in this one comment. If anyone wants to see what I’m talking about, just search this blog for the two names he has used… Carlan or Crlody and you will see a number of blog posts. I am not against his making accusations though I wish he would be more thorough when he tries to back something up with things DO has said that we have documented evidence for. I have asked him for evidence from DO’s Mind rather than his opinions. He’s free of course to have opinions and to express them and it’s not like I don’t ever take what he says to heart as I know I can always improve in the work I do to Stand for TI and DO.
DO didn’t tell us all the ways of communicating and what to study and what to use as evidence of He and TI’s teachings in the world to date and what would be considered as working (Standing) for Him and TI and Crew. So to tell me what not to say and/or do isn’t appropriate. It’s only the negative influences that we all have to work against that would not want people to hear all that TI and Do said and did over their years incarnate. It’s not anything new to have former classmates in disagreement on things. After all believe it or not members of the class were quite the independent thinkers and the stakes are very  high now especially in this “war” with the lower forces on seeing the truth about TI and Do as the return of the Ones who were referred to in the records as The Father in Heaven (at that time) and “Jesus” – the body the Older Member (DO) took to perform His task through. Even 2000 years ago Paul of Tarsus was writing and portraying himself as a teacher that didn’t come from Jesus’ Mind so is perhaps the biggest sower of misinformation, distortion and dilution of Jesus’ teachings. That’s why the organized Christian church doesn’t teach anything much that Jesus taught. They are most all, know it or not Paul disciples. I am not saying there aren’t ways I could get off track, so in that light am glad for Carlan’s expressions but then on another note to leave his comments without showing people a broader view that is more accurate to demonstrate all TI and DO taught would be like turning people away from the fact that anyone can at this time grow closer to graduating into Next Level Membership and that doesn’t include suicide to do as DO spoke of Three Types of people who would be saved and using suicide didn’t get one through the “gate” though it was the method of exit and show of total allegiance and trust and separation from the human kingdom for the 38+4 who had all spend time in a personal relationship with DO (and TI for many).
With this inclusion of what DO said evidence shows he’s clearly implying the same premise. He wants me to shut up because he doesn’t want me to get any attention because he thinks I’m getting an ego buzz off of doing so. In other words it’s the old adage of when you can’t shoot down the message, shoot down the messenger. In this case he’s saying that what I say is “false prophecy.” What I say is, if so then show me what is false about what I say. If I simply give my opinion about something I can’t prove is directly from TI and DO’s Mind that can be suspect of course but isn’t automatically “false speaking about the Next Level’s truth”.
I have no interest in putting Carlan down and I don’t block him because even the criticisms can be useful to me and potentially to anyone who comes in the direction of becoming a student of TI and DO to date, because we all will have such an opposition even from among some who say they believe in TI and DO. The Luciferian Space Alien Fallen Angels seek to influence all of us. Like DO said, “We all have demons”. I’ve been told by several that I come across as “cocky”. Maybe I do and maybe that’s a characteristic of one of my “demons” that I don’t yet know how to get rid of entirely. But even if I am getting some kind of ego buzz from appearing to know what I’m talking about, that’s between me and DO and TI not another student. So it irks him and that’s one of his demons to overcome as that tendency can also be directed at DO and may be part of the reason he left the classroom.
But what Carlan doesn’t seem to know is that we (everyone who is making application to be in TI and DO’s classroom in it’s current form and thereafter in the next civilization’s startup) NEED to talk about TI and DO for our own growth to show Them what They and Their Information means to us and to face us with the difficultly of doing so which is part of the “overriding requirement”… to be saved for a future classroom. Talking about them, telling the truth about them and supporting all they taught as true is what They referred to as “Standing” for Them and that also includes disseminating their information in the process which was also their intention, said in many ways throughout their left behind materials.
Just leaving our vehicles is not a ticket to anyplace but the spirit world and an end to taking advantage of the need to have a human vehicle to learn lessons through. Search the Heaven’s Gate book for the word “suicide” and see their position against “suicide”. The Luciferians would love for people to commit suicide even thinking that was a ticket to being with DO on his crew. I don’t know if there is anyone who didn’t have a personal relationship as an “Active student” to a “present” Older Member, which means in person with DO who, by leaving by their own hand would be seen by TI and DO as taking their best step towards graduation. DO said it clearly that we need our vehicles to learn lessons through. So for anyone who might consider laying down their life, prove it to DO by doing the job they outlined for us to do now. Separate from their humanness in all the ways they taught and maintain that separation and simultaneous to that STAND for them as without working for Them, separation may be no better than how monks and nuns separate from their humanness yet may ignore or poo poo that The Father and Jesus have returned already for the teaching part of the promised return.
There is a reason it’s such a hard task to Stand for them. The lower forces want to steal Souls for their selfish purposes so they will use any ploy to accomplish that. I know as I could see how I was slipping in that direction of serving humanity before The Next Level gave me a new dosage of “smelling salts” again.
Here is that statement Carlan included in a comment:
DO: “We have put into Heavensgate just about everything we have to say, as far as we are capable. The time I’m sitting with you is a tiny little fragment of time. I couldn’t tell you all the things I know if we sat for days and days and days. But if you want to know more about us, if you can believe what I am telling you and you want to know more about it, you can go to Heavensgate on the Internet. You can pull down all kinds of stuff that we have written, things that we have done, things about our history. We even have a book that is available to you – I’m not going to spend time now trying to sell you some book. But there is a book available that you can find on the Heavensgate website”.
Sawyer (aka 3spm, Swyody) replies:
Case in point… “…just about everything we have to say...” – which means there is more to say.
Another case in point is how they left behind the audio tapes and said in the letter addressed to MRC/SRF (aka Mark and Sarah), (presumably since their names were blacked out (by them according to you, since you sent me the letters that you got from Rkkody that you said Rkkody said he got from Mark and Sarah (Mrc/Srf) when they turned over the task to retrieve the contents of storage to them, which I don’t doubt any of).
“We would hope that the public would have an opportunity for more thorough knowledge of who we are and what we’re about.”
These letters were received by Mark and Sarah days after they had laid down their vehicles lives, right so this was after DO expressed having said “just about everything we have to say” so that is clear evidence that DO knew there would be more to say.  And since the Heaven’s Gate book had before then been put together in the first blue covered version that has been verified to have most of the same material as in the now purple covered version Mark and Sarah had printed on DO and Crew’s instructions (I believe) these statements in this letter become evidence that the remainder of what there is to say is contained outside of the content of their Book and WebSite.
This statement I just referenced came after they wrote in the same letter, in the context of giving the information of the storage locations and codes to access their cars and a truck and the entire content of storage (where the tapes as you reported to me Rkkody had told you were stacked in their cases right up front to stand out when one opened the door):
“It is our desire that any items of value that are retrievable by you be divided among those who feel inclined to disseminate our information. Any of the funds you retrieve can be used towards that end and for the living expenses of those involving themselves with this project.”
What does dissemination of Their information entail?
Is the contents of the audio tapes their information? I say it is and I believe the reason Rkkody didn’t succeed on his first attempt to exit his vehicle was because DO wanted him to get the ball rolling more on disseminating the audio tapes and other documents.
(Rkkody, at that time also started writing a book I’ve recently learned). Rkkody published on his “right to know” web site a handful of documents DO and The Class wrote some of which I can confirm were written while I was still in the classroom –  the one(s) on the Anonymous Sexaholics’ Celibate Church DO had us set up in the 1990’s that was discontinued before he sent us out to hold public meetings in 1994 (and all the others as well as I fully trust Rkkody).
My point is that, that information is in addition to the information in the Heavens Gate Book so the Heavens Gate Book IS “just about everything we had to say” because it includes all the primary points.
If DO and Crew didn’t want the audio tapes and these additional documents to become public they wouldn’t have left them behind in Rkkody’s keeping because I am sure they knew if Rkkody had them he would disseminate them which he did by including them on his Right To Know website, which he also sent to me via cd before he left his vehicle.
I was present for all of the audio tapes we have and don’t have, except for a couple of the 1994 audio tapes made when we were on the road that we have and for a couple takes like Blackhawk that were recorded at “Retreat time/task” (though I listened to them after they were recorded). That means I am a witness. But I understand I am fallible and can misremember things so what I often say during my livestreams is that the most dependable things to put our trust in is what is in the Heaven’s Gate Book and the Audio Tapes and Video Tapes that are clearly from TI and/or DO and Crew.
Being influenced to limit what is talked about as if eye witness testimony is like what the Catholic church did when they began to limit what was to be in the New Testament and Bible.
However, I remember clearly hearing TI and DO say, the words of Jesus (the “red letters” in the gospels) were kept in there because the Next Level “worked very hard to keep them accurate and available” (paraphrased).
But DO included in our study in the 1990’s (since we didn’t study bible materials before that and it was still optional) the materials from the Dead Sea Scrolls and the Nag Hammadi library – the Lost Books of the Bible, the Book of Enoch, The Essene materials and other works, and also brought us a Strongs concordance – Hebrew and Greek dictionary and various versions of the bible because some provided alternative translation choices. One of those was Dakes Bible but DO also enjoyed referring to the Amplified Bible for that reason as well. We still did not have Bible lesson times except on a tiny few occasions. One time DO gave me a task to investigate the evidence in the bible for a form of reincarnation in the Bible and when I completed the task, which I wrote down he had me present my research to the entire classroom while he was present.
Something that Carlan repeatedly criticizes me for is that my name wasn’t mentioned in the names of those who DO and Crew listed as helping with the task of disseminating Their information. Yet in this letter I just quoted he broadened who could do the dissemination task to:
“those who feel inclined to disseminate our information”
…which clearly gives ANYONE AND EVERYONE that TASK whether we were in the classroom or not. That project imposes no limitations on how, when, where to do that task, though stipulates spreading “our information” so not just anyone’s information which is why I qualify what I say from my memory since one would have to listen to all the audio tapes and all the videos and all the documents in the book and others to potentially find evidence that many of my memories actually come from TI and DO’s Minds.
Also, in that same letter DO’s Crew also talked about how the CBC office (Canadian Broadcast Company) in NY had wanted an interview with DO and/or Crew that they declined. They said Simon Boyce was their “preferred media contact”. His producer director for a major documentary on UFO’s and paranormal was Debbie Geller about which they wrote:
“So for this reason, we are recommending that they be involved to some degree in the coverage of this event, that is, if their attitude seems to remain somewhat objective and you find working with them not too difficult. Of course, this is contingent upon whether or not you should choose to say anything to the media on our behalf. We would hope that the public would have an opportunity for more thorough knowledge of who we are and what we’re about”.
Two points stand out here that show their intentions:
1) they anticipated mark and sarah (and anyone who chooses) to choose to say things to the media on their behalf. Did that mean they would only be allowed to quote them or refer them to the Heaven’s Gate Book? They said, “say anything to the media on our behalf” which is exactly what I am attempting to do and are authorized by Them to do with everyone.
2) If They wanted Debbie Geller and the media to participate hoping they would be as objective as they and Simon said he was going to be in making the doc, then am I supposed to believe that DO wouldn’t have a former student who is Standing for He and TI and their information not to do things in the media. Should I just let the media dictate what gets spread to the public because otherwise I’m not letting DO’s information “stand alone” in it’s remote corner of the internet or to the few people who might happen to come by it and find you or me to be sent the information via email or something.

Sawyer’s Commentaries to Heavens Gate Podcasts by Pineapple Street Media

February 26, 2020
Pineapple Street Heaven’s Gate Episode 1 Podcast re: Doubt in Ti and Do’s Classroom, Tests as a “Filter”
No Real Comparison of Jonestown suicides with Heaven’s Gate
Pineapple Street Episode 3 Judges TI a Hypocrite using a preconceived hypothesis based on rumors and broad assumptions
Pineapple Street Heaven’s Gate Episode 4 commentary by Sawyer
Pineapple Street Episode 5-The Tape from DO to Terrie – TI’s “daughter” comments by Sawyer
Jesus-Rebuilding Temple in Jerusalem, Hiding, Miracles, Abandoning Children, When Two Witnesses Come
X-Member of the Heaven’s Gate Cult claims Sawyer was not in touch with feelings “inner child”
Brnody’s Overcoming and Health and “Heaven’s Gate” Classroom Food Overcoming and Dietary Longevity Research Summary
Pineapple Street Heavens Gate Episode 6 x-member claims DO becomes Psychotic

Critique of Daily Mail article 12-15-2019

December 20, 2019
Here is an article that seems to be something reconfigured from the past to which I have followed with my commentary as there are many things said that are misleading and even outright wrong, so read them with a grain of salt until you read what I have to say about it, if you want to get a more objective picture of what’s true. To go right to what I wrote search for Sawyer:
Ex-Heaven‘s Gate members still ‘connect‘ with 39 victims
Posted by SDD Contributor on December 15, 2019 at 9:26 am
EXCLUSIVE – ‘We still connect to the Next Level‘: Surviving members of Heaven‘s Gate cult say they are in with 39 victims of mass-suicide who all believed they‘d be ‘transported to a higher level in a spaceship‘ 20 years ago.
When first responders answered a 911 call to an upmarket suburban California home on March 26, 1997, they could never have expected the shocking scene that awaited them: 39 bodies, carefully arranged, laid out under purple sheets, each person’s feet bedecked with trendy black Nike sneakers.
The unforgettable crime scene images would soon be seared into the public consciousness as it emerged that the deaths were the result of a mass suicide by a cult known as Heaven’s Gate – who believed they were travelling by space ship to a higher level. Videos recorded by wide-eyed leader Marshall Applewhite, 65, are still instantly recognizable 20 years later – as academics, the public and authorities still wonder about the largest mass suicide on US soil.
The website for the group, which ran a web design company, remains active to this day, maintained by two surviving members who provide information to people curious about the Heaven’s Gate beliefs – although they insist, as the 20th anniversary of the deaths approaches Sunday, that the group does not persist.
‘The Group came to an end in March, 1997,’ they wrote in an email to DailyMail. ‘There is nothing to join but the information is timeless.’
When asked whether they were still connected to or in with their deceased former comrades, however, they said: ‘Yes, we are still connected to the Next Level, when they are’ – without elaborating.
The website masters are reportedly a couple who left to get married, which was against Heaven’s Gate rules, but retained their association – and shared beliefs – with the group, even allegedly fighting to take possession of the items the late members left behind. They refused to confirm this information to DailyMail or divulge any other personal details. They did, however, say that they look forward to being reunited on another ‘level’ with the members who departed this world in 1997.
‘We hope to have the opportunity sometimes in the future but we do not know when that will happen,’ they told DailyMail. ‘Probably in our next reincarnation on this planet.
‘The simple understanding is that there is a real, physical level above the humans one here on earth. It is not a spiritual existence. It is real individuals, in real bodies, in real crafts taking care of the issues of their planet. The Next Level, as it is called, created this planet and all the life on it. The Next Level are the care takers of not only this planet but all the systems of the universe.
‘From that, all the other understandings follow. They periodically come down to this planet to check in on this civilizations development. The last time they took a very close up observation, in human form, was from about 1972 to 1997. The time before that was 2000 years ago. At those times they talk to those interested about the opportunity of the Next Level and how a very select few can enter into it only after a long period of transition and instruction.’
And while the cult’s unorthodox belief system and mass suicide shocked the world in 1997, it had been decades in the making.
The cult first began when Applewhite, a divorced father-of-two and son of a preacher who had tried his hand at everything from acting to running a deli, met nurse and middle-aged mother-of-four Bonnie Nettles in Houston in the early 1970s. They shared an immediate bond over their mutual interest in both biblical theology and the occult, and they began cobbling together their own belief system – eventually deciding that they were the ‘two witnesses’ mentioned in the Book of Revelation. They believed they were prophets for a God who was really an advanced extraterrestrial, that individuals could advance to an evolutionary level above human, and that the world would one day be ‘recycled.’ The pair believed that Jesus had been sent on a similar mission by this same celestial being.
On New Year’s Day, 1973, they set off across the country to share their beliefs and eventually garner hundreds of followers from across a vast socioeconomic and geographic spectrum. They left their former lives behind, including their respective children; during their initial travels, they ran out of money and would stop at blood banks for cash or routinely skip out on bills. At one point, Applewhite spent six months in jail in Missouri for auto theft after renting a car and simply driving off with it – before Do and Ti eventually disavowed stealing.
They distributed fliers and even took out newspaper ads as they continued their cross-country proselytizing mission, picking up followers along the way. The group would shift in name, belief system and number over the years, but always under the leadership of Applewhite and Nettles, who called themselves Pig and Guinea, Bo and Peep and, most famously, Do and Ti – in a fantastically close, platonic relationship. At one recruitment meeting in Los Angeles, they reportedly said: ‘We are The Two prophesied in Revelation. God has sent us here as an experiment, so you might call us Guinea and Pig.’
Members were kept to strict regiments as the group moved across the country, sometimes living at campsites, other times renting houses with funds often taken from a follower’s trust fund. Anyone joining was required to leave behind family, friends and possessions (although the trust fund made the cut) and to abstain from sex, drugs and other worldly pleasures; by the time of his death, Applewhite and several other male members had been voluntarily castrated. Everything was regulated, from their communal clothes – including underwear – to the length of their bathing time (six minutes using one gallon of water) to the size of their pancakes. They were allowed to work regular jobs in their areas of specialties outside the commune, however, generating more funds for the cult – and at the time of the suicides ran a computer company.
Applewhite and Nettles believed they would be killed for their beliefs and rise again three and a half days later in a ‘cloud’ or UFO, after which the world would be destroyed.
The group was never targeted or threatened by the government or anyone else, however, skewing their predictions of achieving resurrection through murder. Nettles instead died from cancer in 1985, again shaking the core belief system. Applewhite altered his ideas and came up with a new revelation after astronomers sighted the Hale-Bopp comet and, in November 1996, a photo emerged which appeared to show an object trailing in its wake. Applewhite announced this was a spaceship which would pick up the remaining followers if they cast aside their earthly bodies.
At the mansion the group then shared in Rancho Santa Fe, California, a suicide pact was formed.
Over three days, the members consumed a mixture of vodka and phenobarbital poison with pudding or apple sauce, then tied plastic bags over their heads. Each was dressed in black shirts and sweat pants, brand new black-and-white Nike Decade sneakers and armbands reading ‘Heaven’s Gate Away Team.’ The bodies all had a five dollar bill and three quarters in their pockets along with packed luggage at their sides.
As each shift of followers died, the remaining members removed the plastic bags and arranged the bodies before taking their own lives. The final death shift consisted of two members, left with no one to remove the bags or neatly array the bodies.
The victims ranged in age from 26 to 72. Some had been in the group for 22 years; others had left and come back when their outside world lives hit speed bumps or they simply continued to feel the Heaven’s Gate pull; others had been members for just a few years. Some were parents who, like Applewhite and Nettles, had left behind their children. Some members were dreamers and drifters, while the occupations of others ranged from bus driver to ex-paratrooper to paralegal to journalist.
They were discovered by another Heaven’s Gate member, Rio Di Angelo, who had planned to be the 40th body discovered in the mass suicide – right up until a few weeks beforehand, when he claims to have woken up with a feeling that he had something yet to do on Earth. So he left with the Applewhite’s blessing, he said, and after the suicides received a package with a videotapes and a map to the home where he would find them. He got a ride to Rancho Santa Fe, went inside and then alerted authorities.
The group had planned meticulously before they ingested the fatal concoction, making ‘exit’ videos explaining why they were making the decision – as well as preparing a press release for the media.
‘By the time you receive this, we’ll be gone – several dozen of us,’ it read. ‘We came from the Level Above Human in distant space and we have now exited the bodies that we were wearing for our earthly task, to return to the world from whence we came – task completed. The distant space we refer to is what your religious literature would call the Kingdom of Heaven or the Kingdom of God.
‘We came for the purpose of offering a doorway to the Kingdom of God at the end of this civilization, the end of this age, the end of this millennium. We came from that Level, that time, that space, and entered this one. And in so doing, we had to enter human bodies – which we did, for the most part, in the mid-seventies.
‘Now it was time for us to leave those bodies (vehicles) – bodies that we borrowed for the time we were here (by previous arrangement) for this specific task. The task was not only to bring in information about that Evolutionary Kingdom Level Above Human, but to give us the experience of working against the forces of what the human evolutionary level, at this time, has become. And while it was a good learning experience for us, it also gave all who ever received knowledge from that Kingdom an opportunity to recognize us and this information, and to even move out of the human level and into the Next Level or the Next Evolutionary Level, the “Kingdom of Heaven,” the Kingdom of God.
‘The Kingdom of God, the Level Above Human, is a physical world, where they inhabit physical bodies. However, those bodies are merely containers, suits of clothes – the true identity (of the individual) is the soul or mind/spirit residing in that ‘vehicle’. The body is merely a tool for that individual’s use – when it wears out, he is issued a new one.
‘No one can enter the Kingdom of Heaven by trying to live a good life in this world, and then, thinking that when this world’s life takes your body, you get to “go to heaven.” The only time that Next Kingdom can be entered is when there is a Member or Members of that Kingdom who have come into the human kingdom, incarnated as we have, offering clarification of that information.’
The website maintainers told DailyMail that they had been in the group for 12 years and ‘joined immediately after attending a meeting that Ti & Do held. Their truth was undeniable.’
They said interest continues in the group’s complicated belief system mixing traditional theology with its sci-fi-esque tenets.
‘We get an average of about 10-12 emails a day,’ they said. ‘They come from all over the world. We sell several books a year and give away about 40 or so free VHS tape sets. There is no dominate geographic area. More tapes and books go out domestically because of the cost of shipping internationally. The demos on this are very diverse.’
Survivor Rio Di Angelo, who was selected to discover the Heaven’s Gate bodies, also continues to espouse the group’s beliefs and remains in occasional with the website moderators, they say. To coincide with the tenth anniversary of the suicides in 1997, he released a statement, insisting: ‘I’m glad to be alive and planning to stay that way. I have a wonderful life with purpose. I am alive NOT because I rejected anything about Heaven’s Gate. I am alive because I have discovered something so extraordinarily important to the world that it needs to be passed on to you in its most true and accurate form from ME.’
He went on to explain the tenets of Heaven’s Gate, saying: ‘When there is a Representative from the Level Above Human (Heaven) here on Earth, you will be drawn to Him and His mission. You then will be taught the final lessons in a type of finishing school. These important lessons enable you to know how to create a Soul. A Soul is different than a Spirit. A human Spirit is Earth bond only. A Soul is “you” conscientiously choosing to evolve into a new creature that has the non-human ingredient needed for transition into the Level Above Human.
‘That Representative becomes your teacher and is the only one who can usher you into the higher level of existence. He knows how because He’s done it before.
‘This is my understanding of the mission that Jesus started. This is why He was here and said he would return.’
Confirming his three-year membership in Heaven’s Gate, he said: ‘I know everything worth knowing about them and I can say with absolute, undeniable certainty, that Heaven’s Gate was indeed “The Second Coming of Jesus.”’
He said: ‘I am against suicide and so was the group. What happened to Heaven’s Gate was an “EXIT,” “The end of the Spirit reincarnation process and the beginning of life as a Soul in the Level Above Human.”
‘They “EXITED” their bodies (vehicles) and are now with their Guide and Teacher in the Spirit world (the Valley of the Shadow of Death) helping mis-guided Spirits before their ascension.
‘I am here to bring you the truth and to clarify information for you to examine. Also, to help with understanding the next steps, after the “Second Coming,” if that is your choice. I am not here to convince you to do anything or to believe any of this. If it speaks to you, use it. If not, go on.’
Sawyer’s critique:
These are my corrections and additional explanations to this article.
1) There are no “surviving members of the Heaven’s Gate cult.” There are only former student members like myself and others and like these two webmasters who are managing the web site. All former members are dropouts who failed to make the steep qualifying grade to have remained in the group, though at the time we each left the group, whether voluntarily or not, because these two were dismissed because they didn’t want to follow the instructions and lesson step that was labeled “I could be wrong” that was designed to eliminate one’s dependence upon self by recognizing that wherever a decision needs to be made, one’s opinion might be wrong, relative to what the teachers TI and DO would choose to do.
This is a lesson to learn because working in a crew on a physical spacecraft laboratory of different kinds and sizes, with some as large as planets, Next Evolutionary Kingdom Level Above Human Members are crew minded and they love it (just like many humans love being part of a great team). DO described the crews as being like a Star Trek crew minus human behaviors and ways, thus no sexuality as they don’t procreate (nor die) nor are there gender roles or comparisons because they have no gender. They have outgrown gender and sexuality both in their Mind and in any kind of identity with the human physical vehicles they took over while a student working towards Next Level Membership. Ti and Do referred to a human vehicles sexual and/or gender identifications as “plumbing.”
This stating of “I could be wrong” designed to use a phrase like that in front of or behind or in the middle of any statement of opinion was the lesson step mechanism that by exercising was overriding the vehicles self confidence in it’s opinion and that lesson step was not something these webmasters wanted to abide by so DO had each of the student in the group at that time express to these two that they were being dismissed from the classroom until such time that they wanted to abide by that lesson step, when they could return. Their choice to not abide by it was not any worse relative to those Classroom teachings as my choice to not accept DO’s help because of the way I gave into sexuality with myself that I wasn’t conquering to the degree I needed to, to qualify to graduate into the Next Level. Each dropout had their own lesson step they didn’t choose to work on at the time they were in the classroom. The only difference between these two webmasters and some others was that they didn’t directly choose to leave the classroom where I did and others did over the years. (However, there were 19 students who Ti and Do sent out of the larger classroom unit that numbered at the time about 100 students, which happened in the fall of 1976. Some of those found the Classroom again in the early 1980’s by seemingly coincidental circumstances, so rejoined then).
Since these Two still believed in TI and DO as their Older Members from the Next Level, but didn’t want to rejoin when they were given the option in 1994 that I witnessed, when DO was ready to leave he asked them if they wanted to do some tasks for them. They didn’t know at the time what they were planning. I did know of the planned exit, as DO brought up the premise of taking it upon ourselves to exit our vehicles (by our own hand) directly in late August of 1994 after we finished about 9 months of public meetings across the U.S., after having increased our numbers by almost double the 24 members we were down to by mid 1993. (However some left after that so the numbers ended up at 38 students plus 4 who laid down their vehicles lives in the year or two after the large body of student did with DO in March of 1997.
Yes it was the Souls of the vehicles who upon completion of their task of overcoming the behaviors and ways of the human kingdom – aka taking full control over the vehicles they had a hand in choosing from the vehicles birth that would be taken on board a spacecraft that was close on hand. However, they all preferred for it to go a different way, they said which is why they packed bags for travel and had a tiny bit of money on each of their possession in case TI (DO’s Older Member, aka DO’s Heavenly Father in religious terms) chose to take them with their human vehicles, like in case TI wanted them to do a task somewhere else on earth that required having a human vehicle. DO didn’t know what other usage TI would have for their human vehicles since it’s the Soul that graduates into Next Level Membership. Ti and Do had taught years before, even in the late 1970’s that another way they might exit the task is by the Next Level taking our human vehicles and putting them on a table on a spacecraft next to the new Next Level dense physical vehicle they were going to be awarded for their efforts so the Soul could be moved into the new vehicle. By the way the New physical vehicle would not be one made of human like flesh. It would be grown on a vine to adulthood (as there are no children vehicles in the Next Level). Another way they talked about exiting our vehicles could have been by their being killed by humans who hated them for what they were teaching, like an irate Christian who could see them as antichrist, though they would be totally wrong as what Ti and Do taught and did was 100% in line with everything Jesus taught.
Jesus instructed his closest students that they must lay down their vehicles lives while in service to Him and His Older Member (Heavenly Father) He was operating as One with, though his Older Member (named TI this time) was a different person. He described their doing so in the same way He was demonstrating by telling the truth about the Next Level’s reality to those who didn’t want to hear the updates who as they hated Him would also hate them for speaking.
Joh 10:17 Therefore doth my Father love me, because I lay down my life, that I might take it again.
Joh 10:18 No man taketh it from me, but I lay it down of myself. I have power to lay it down, and I have power to take it again. This commandment have I received of my Father.
Here Jesus was talking in such a way that today if heard people would say he was promoting suicide. Humans think that humans killed Jesus and they did but only killed his human vehicle and weren’t able to kill his Soul that then healed the vehicle enough to demonstrate that it wasn’t a spirit his students saw. TI said that it was characteristic for a Member of the Next Level (Soul) to heal a human vehicle that became damaged in 3 1/2 human days if that’s the task they had to do. TI didn’t have that task as TI knew from the beginning that she was here to get DO started and then would go back. When TI would tell him this in their early years together he wondered what she meant by going back. They at first thought they would go back together. DO said he couldn’t imagine TI was meaning she would go back to be with her human family again. So at the time he put that idea on the back burner. When her vehicle died and TI didn’t try to heal it DO knew then what she was referring to – her return to her Next Level station on a spacecraft to oversee the completion of the task DO was to finish without his Older Member’s physical presence. TI’s exit is demonstrated in Revelation 12 as DO told us the Woman was TI and as is described about TI’s exit would occur by the “earth opening it’s mouth,” an old expression for going into the grave/dying.
So DO was preparing for whatever option Ti chose to take and as we know that ended up being allowing them to go through that difficult step of laying down their vehicles to the vehicles death – all knowing that they were not their vehicles, knowing because of previous experiences of those Souls that were with Jesus (DO’s previous incarnate task) that the death of the human vehicle was not the death of the Soul. To humans without that experience it seemed like they were committing suicide but to them suicide would have been to not go with the instructions DO received from TI on how to exit when the time was determined to do so. DO and Crew wrote that They taught that for a human to kill their own vehicle is much different as humans as well as TI and DO’s classroom members needed their human vehicles to learn lessons through but that they were done with their lessons.
They wrote that for a human to commit suicide was wrong, a waste because they didn’t want to deal with hard lessons would be short circuiting their progress towards graduating into the Next Level at a future time. It doesn’t mean that someone in the human kingdom who commits suicide does not get saved for another lesson time, but by committing suicide they flunked out learning all the lessons they needed to learn.
2) Saying ‘We still connect to the Next Level’ if that’s all they said about it, is misleading. There is no direct connect. At best it’s like picking up the telephone and knowing Their address/phone number – in this case, the distant deep space “heavens” and knowing who they are trying to contact – TI and DO, and leaving a “voicemail” asking a question or asking for strength to conquer an addiction or asking to learn the truth about something or asking how to be of greater service and then hanging up and then putting out a repeated effort to discover/identify answers to those questions that mostly will come through what are seen as normal human channels, like in the news or from people we know or don’t know, or by having an ideas of something to do or try that might yield answers. Answers would never be something that would harm ourselves or anyone else in any way to do but will always be things to do that are reversible and even be things that may show us that we asked the wrong question or could show us that what we were asking for is not really what we want and/or need. When They respond to us, we can have a sense of their reply through these ordinary channels but we won’t be certain it’s Them responding. There won’t be voices in one’s head telling us to do or not do something though one can have a feeling in that regard. I believe it is possible when asking to get a sense of an answer right away.
This is also applicable to anyone. Jesus taught it as the Lords Prayer, meant to be an outline of how to talk to the Next Level (Kingdom of God, Kingdom in the literal heavens). It was meant to be a private petition for help in some way not to be made into group prayers that just bolster people’s sense of being holy in appearances.
Now if someone doesn’t know the “address” (deep outer space) or to whom they are seeking an answer from, as Jesus instructed directing our petition to “our Father in the heavens” there are any number of spirits – discarnate – deceased human minds that love to step in to be someones’ “god” or “jesus” because they died believing they were in that role to other humans as intercessors so they continue to try to operate in that way in the discarnate condition. That’s why we hear of people saying Jesus or God told me to do it, even some horrible harming of another human being. An answer would never be inconstant with the behaviors and ways taught by the Next Level through their incarnate servants over the millennium, mostly through Moses and Jesus in this current civilization but potentially through a different part of the experiment as seen in Hinduism and/or Buddhism for example.
3) It was a purple shawl draped over each of the deceased vehicles of those Students not a sheet. That event was about the only time over my experience of being with them for 19 years that symbolism was used in that direct kind of way for the sake of those who would discover their vehicles. They didn’t spell out what the various symbolism was in the use of the Nike (slogan: Just DO It) sneakers. By the way the word “nike” in the New Testament Greek, means, “to overcome, conquer, gain victory over” the human kingdom “world” as Jesus taught was required for everyone who was to experience a “Spirit/Mind Birth” which is what I believe we all were witnessing happening.
4) It’s a misguided opinion without evidence for the writer of this article to say it was a “crime scene”. The San Diego Chief of police and the coroners office both said there was no evidence of fowl play. It’s was eerie for them but peaceful and they left a number of statements and video footage “exit video’s” where most all of the student members of the group said something about what they were about to do and how it was joyous to do so (as hard as that is for many to  accept, I can attest that they were telling the truth about the way they felt and how DO carefully spent years making sure each student was fully cognizant of what they were doing. There was no coercion, no pressure, no guilting, no carrot held before them (in a way that was a lure). In fact it was contrary to that. It was hard to stay in the group though not because the difficulty was that apparent, except for those that had doubts they didn’t choose to combat. There is a great deal to say about this, some of which is outlined in my blog post:
5) The “higher level” was described by TI and DO as The Evolutionary Level Above Human, The Kingdom Level Above Human and in short The Next Level. It was compared to the human evolutionary level scientifically (physically and mentally) with the way there is on earth a Mineral Kingdom, Plant Kingdom, Animal Kingdom and Human Kingdom to where the Human Kingdom was not the end of “evolution” (not Darwinian evolution). They taught that the human kingdom was designed to be a “stepping stone” into membership in the Next Level. They described the Next Level as physical and many membered but not as many members as in the human kingdom. They said their numbers were in the thousands. Members are actually graduate Souls. A Soul is a container that is of a plasma like physical consistency (unlike a Spirit that is etheric – a frequency construct). Souls are deposited into selected human vehicles that were picked to be a match for a returning Soul’s lesson requirements to qualify to graduate the human kingdom. There are different types of souls and all souls that are deposited don’t survive the process to graduate. One type of Soul is deposited in selected human vehicles who are going to host a returning Soul that had grown some in a previous incarnation while with an incarnate Older Member like Moses and/or Jesus, while another type of soul is deposited for a first timer entering the program during the time when one or more Older Members is in the flesh (incarnate).
There are humans right now, following the 1997 exit who have received Souls, perhaps even one of either type who are able to take their next step towards graduation that wouldn’t take the shape of laying down their human vehicles by their own hand because the Older Member isn’t physically present anymore to know whether that is right for them to do. That’s why Suicide isn’t supported by the Next Level as we need to have our human vehicles to proceed with our overcoming lesson steps that are right for us now. Suicide for us would be not taking advantage of the opportunity to learn difficult lessons while in the human kingdom. No matter how someone dies their spirit and/or soul is judged by the Next Level as to when and where their next opportunity to graduate will be. Next Level Members are very fair but it’s never a human vehicle that graduates into Next Level membership. It’s always the Soul that graduates. Upon entrance into Next Level membership, each graduate is awarded a newly grown dense physical vehicle (not dense like human flesh is dense) that is grown on a vine (like a plant) to maturity. There are no children vehicles in the Next Level though there are Older and Younger Members. Time is not the determination of Old or Young. Experience is what defines an Older or Younger Member. Members don’t wear their experience like humans do, like in the military with hash marks and ranks but Members can recognize an Older Member among them as it’s a quality of Mind they feel. I can relate to that in what I felt from TI and DO. It wasn’t what they said that identified them to me as Above and Beyond Human (though that was part of the conscious recognition). I subconsciously felt their Above Human Stature. That can be explained as the Soul having both been helped to have that recognition and/or having gained that recognition from a previous lifetime of experience with an incarnate Older Member. Souls come with a “chip of recognition” (like a computer chip that has certain programs that provide a certain amount of identification of what is true – what makes sense that another human may not have or may not have awakened to yet but that anyone who wants to have it can be given if they ask for it, so no one is left out from growing towards Next Level Membership).
6) Some media have reported that the ones running the Heavensgate website were “surviving members” but that was an erroneous way of describing them. To be a surviving member means they would have left the human kingdom with the 39. Those left behind by their own choices (including me) are not necessarily going to survive the recycling. TI did say that all [Souls] who came back with them would return to the Next Level’s keeping to have another opportunity to be in a human or human equivalent kingdom to finish their overcoming process. That might take the shape of being “saved” “on ice” DO called it, though said that wasn’t literal ice. It’s true there is no group anymore though there are new believers who DO left instructions for how to grow further with the overall requirement to be “saved” from the upcoming recycling being:
“In order to get saved for further planting, the overriding requirement is to recognize that this is true (these are the facts).  You must believe that we represent the Kingdom that created this planet and all of its inhabitants.  And you must be willing to take a stand in defense of that belief, and sustain that stand until the end – your departure – regardless of the consequences.”
This is not the complete formula to qualify for graduation into significant or elementary service in the Next Level after a student’s vehicle dies. That formula is stated as:
“The formula is the same now as it always has been.  To begin a metamorphosis in order to be born into the Next World, you must abandon everything of this world (just as the caterpillar about to become a butterfly must do).  You must separate and begin to wean yourself of all mammalian ways – ties and addictions – replacing them with the ways and behavior of a more advanced and refined level of life.  You cannot do it by yourself.  You must seek, to the best of your ability, the guidance of a Representative who is a member of that kingdom, who has been through the metamorphic process at a previous time, and who has been sent with the specific task of midwifing newborns.  Or, at very least, you attempt to connect with an active “student” of a present Representative.  This is an extremely rare opportunity, as we approach the End of the Age.  There is a tiny remnant left of a window for catching the eye of the “caretakers of this world.”
(These quotes came from the Heaven’s Gate Book, ‘How and When “Heaven’s Gate” (The Door to the Physical Kingdom Level Above Human) May Be Entered’ in the document entitled, “”Away Team” from Deep Space Surfaces Before Departure” written on TI and DO’s behalf by the elder student named Jwnody (June-ody)).
7) The two webmasters are not saying enough in my opinion to more accurately portray the Next Level Members relationship to Their planet earth experiment for growing Souls upon by saying; “They periodically come down to this planet to check in on this civilizations development.” The truth is that the Next Level is constantly working with the humans on their planet though only periodically send their Older Members and Crew to incarnate to help move a Class to it’s next lesson steps. When Representatives come they don’t just talk to those who are interested. They prepare individuals (Souls and vehicles) to recognize the Older Member by His words and vibration so they can move forward a step towards a graduation. They are very busy the whole time. There is nothing casual about it as they seemed to imply by saying they “check in”, It’s a major project.
Yes “few” are selected but many are called (said Jesus) but the time period of receiving instructions isn’t automatically assumed to be long as the Next Level never holds anyone back (as humans do one another) so some can grow very quickly.
In the current civilization this took the shape of three trimester periods starting the first trimester (before that was the prep time for the first trimester) during the time recorded as Moses and the Children of Israel (the Overcomers).
The second trimester was when the graduation formula was laid out by Jesus – separating from human family and giving all one’s Mind, Heart, Soul and Strength to the Next Level through the most currently incarnate (present) Older Member, in our case now to DO (who TI instructed students to make our commitment to, as she said she came to help get him started).
8) DO said that the only thing He and TI had in common at first when they met was a “love for their Heavenly Father”. They didn’t then go about “cobbling together their own belief system” – ideas came to them individually but at the same time that when they compared notes on those ideas they matched.
At first in 1973 they each realized they (Their Minds) each came from The Evolutionary Level Above Human, a physical many membered kingdom (in the records described as The Kingdom of God in the literal heavens (outer space)), and were here on earth to take over the human vehicles prepared for Them to, “bring updates to the Bible” and to “fulfill prophecy”. It was months later through seeking and searching that they recognized the prophecies they were to fulfill were outlined in the Book of Revelation, chapter 11 having to do with the Two Witnesses.  Ti originated the short phrase of “Next Level” because for humans it was their next step in evolution (not Darwinian) by their efforts to abide by all the Older Members taught and demonstrated in Next Level behaviors and ways.
Years after having a classroom DO told us that TI was the “woman” in Revelation chapter 12. Other than that they didn’t teach from the bible at all though would occasionally mention something Jesus or Moses taught. They said we could trust the records of what Jesus said in the four “gospel” accounts because a Next Level Crew worked very hard to make sure his words were still accurate for our benefit.
TI told us that DO was the same Soul who performed the tasks of: Adam, Enoch, Moses, Elijah and Jesus.
TI and DO taught that every Member of the Next Level was a “God” relative to humans because the Kingdom of God was a kingdom level above human with the comparison of the relationship of a dog to a human – a kingdom level of differences. Jesus described this same idea saying that among humans John the Baptist was the greatest human but that the youngest member of the Kingdom of God was above him. (I surmise that the Soul in the vehicle named John the Baptist had not yet graduated into adult membership in the Next Level before that time but was more experienced than any of the other of his students so was given a different task from the others appropriate to his needed growth).
TI and DO did say that the most experienced Member of the Next Level was the “Chief of Chiefs” but that we wouldn’t begin to understand more about where he came from until we were in the Next Level because the human brain wasn’t capable of understanding that. DO said that TI was Chief Administrator of the Earth project which they called an “astronaut training program” for Souls. (Souls are physical containers, DO at first called a “pillow case” or a “pocket” and then in 1994 compared it’s physicality to being “like a plasma” state of matter.
9) I believe it’s misinformation that Ti and Do and/or students stopped at blood banks and/or routinely skipped out on bills. It’s possible that some of those early would be students in 1975 stopped at a blood bank but that wasn’t necessarily approved by TI and DO. I have a lot of reasons to think it wasn’t approved by TI and DO. Here’s some of the reasons I say that. When the group I was in (at a time when groups had very limited contact with TI and DO in those early days in 1975 and 1976 we sometimes went into dumpsters behind a grocery store or donut place to find food that still looked good. When Ti and Do later found out about that, they disapproved entirely as I suspect they might have said about going to blood banks. Our instruction then for meeting our food and gasoline and sometimes shelter needs during that remaining  6 or so months of our public meeting period of time was to “test churches” because the churches claimed to be working for God that included feeding the hungry when asked and we were working for God and so should be given help in that regard. They never told us to ask for money. No pan handling or selling roses or anything on street corners as the Moonies did. We simply would go to a church, find a pastor and ask for help with our needs of food and/or gasoline to continue our mission and/or lodging if need be (though we were equip to sleep outdoors in tents in the decent weather).
re: DO’s felony conviction:
The charges against DO were dropped. They rented a car using one of DO’s old credit cards he still had with him but wasn’t using til then. When they didn’t return the car on time it was reported stolen. TI and DO said they sent letters to the rental car company explaining that they would pay for it (though they didn’t know how but were so taken with their task they hoped the Next Level would help them in that regard). When the rental car company got the car back they dropped the charges but the DA in St. Louis knowing of their unusual story decided to take up the case to make easy points for his  re-election bid (DO felt). After 6 months in jail DO’s case was to come to trial and DO was offered a plea of guilty or go to trial and take his chances. So he coped a plea because it meant he would get out of jail right away since the sentence was 4 months and he already served 6 months. They never approved of stealing and They regretted renting the car but felt they had instructions to do so. Perhaps the Next Level wanted DO to appear to be a “thief in the night” as it said would be the modus operandi of the return of “Jesus” in his new incarnation with a new name.
re: the accusation of “skipping out on bills”; there is only one indication that this may have happened. When TI and DO were out of money and were traveling in late 1973 the report was that they stayed at a motel somewhere east of St. Louis before they rented the car. This was reported by the motel owner who said these two alleged to be TI and DO left a note in the motel room that said something about how the motel owners were helping members of the Kingdom of God. TI and DO never told this story but they didn’t tell every little thing they did in those early years to everyone in the class necessarily. The note they left when I looked at it did make me suspect that TI and DO wrote it but I could be wrong.
10) The group never “shifted in name” nor “belief system”. Some things they believed at first changed but not entirely. In 1997 they still believed it possible they could be picked up with their human vehicles by a spacecraft and preferred that exit rather than laying down their vehicles lives. One can also see this thinking in their packing a travel bag, I suspect with the idea that if TI wanted to take them with their vehicles (and even heal their vehicles) they would be ready to be given another task on earth. TI and DO had once talked about tasks Next Level Members could have on earth. There was a report one time of two people going into a café or something like that in the 1970’s and they were reported as looking very strange and described as wearing a clothing fashion from the 1930’s which made them stand out. TI said if those were Next Level Members that crew needed to do a better job with getting more up to date clothing.
11) By the time we were living in houses, trust fund monies had dried up and about a dozen of us got jobs in the world to pay the bills. Yes we were required to leave all behind but that didn’t mean bring no money with us. They also needed cars since the modus operandi was to go city to city holding public meetings that lasted for about 9 months starting in August of 1975 though for TI and DO can be shown to have lasted for the 1260 days described in Revelation chapter 11 re: the time period the Two Witnesses would be speaking publicly.
Bathing time was 12 minutes not 6 minutes – it was 6 minutes on the shower side and 6 minutes on the lavatory side.
TI and DO ran the organization like a laboratory as if it was on a Next Level physical spacecraft like a Star Trek crew without human behaviors and ways, so no sexuality nor children to take care of nor personal likes and dislikes as we all needed to become crew minded so yes there were many procedures that developed over the years including the size of a pancake a crew was making for others.
TI and DO used the human daily needs of our vehicles for the lab lessons. In a Next Level laboratory every detail of what we do and how to do it can be very important to the successful fulfillment of the task. Having standards like in pancake size became important to have a consistent experiment. Food was thought of as fuel not as something to gain a sensuous experience from preparing or consuming, though they wanted it to be prepared well and to be tasty but they were the lab instructors and we were the voluntary students so these things were not a negative in any regard unless a student was rebellious in which case perhaps that was a sign they didn’t want to be in the group and at times some such procedure became the straw to break the camels back, so to speak, so that someone chose to leave, sometimes in the middle of the night since there were no locks on the doors to exiting and no one watching everyone all night long.
12) The timing of the recycling was never talked about nor used as a threat or made into a prediction, just a reality that was upcoming as the experiment is completed and each human has decided what they believe or not before they die.
It didn’t matter to most of the fully dedicated to TI and DO students (such as myself) that the “demonstration” might not happen, when they told us they felt the being killed in the street prophecy took place when the national media broke the story of the disappearance of many people from the Waldport, OR meeting and subsequent rumors abounded as to where they went and whether they were abducted and/or to be killed. I was among the Waldport followers and we were never in harms way in the least. So TI and DO, then Peep and Bo names were seen as evil abductors of people, hence when they learned of their human vehicles names were crucified by the press on national TV by Walter Cronkite and all the networks as charlatans, etc. When TI and DO told us of this change in interpretation of the shooting in the streets scenario they understood if people didn’t want to follow them because the demonstration of resurrecting a first was a big part of what they expected to demonstrate. But for the most part, including me, it had no bearing on my wanted to follow them. They never actually dropped that there might be a demonstration and DO even wondered if our holding public meetings again in 1994 saying this time that DO was the return of the same Soul who was incarnate in the vehicle named “Jesus” would stimulate some irate Christians to bring about our exit from our vehicles as happened 2000 yrs ago. That might still happen as I speak in December of 2019 and thereafter by the hands of govt and/or religious and/or by atheists as this tribulation time period escalates. Already there are democrats writing laws to make it a criminal offense to refuse to vaccinate. How much will that movement grow?
13) TI’s vehicle’s dying in 1985 didn’t shake the “core belief system” of most of the students and shook none of the students who laid down their lives in 1997, nor mine at the time since I was present for. I recognized TI and DO right from the start as a number of students in the exit video’s said. That recognition was very real though can’t be explained by the often primitive human sciences because many of those folks don’t know that there is a spirit/mind and/or Soul that is very real that exists before and after it’s in the flesh experience. It’s similar to the idea of reincarnation but not exactly as there aren’t a set number of souls that exist who return over and over as there is a genetic Spirit that develops from each new human vehicle that grows from it’s genetic and environmental starting mind/spirit from ancestors through parents and care givers and then from society. They don’t really re-incarnate except for the way a computer software program can be developed on one computer and then moved to another one, which is taking place for all humans as the hardware having many spirits time sharing each new human biological computer system. The only reality to reincarnation is when the Next Level brings Souls back to take over new human vehicles to continue their lesson plan to graduate the human kingdom. Jesus taught this would happen upon his return which is still in progress since TI and DO evidence being the teaching part of that return with DO fulfilling the task as the return of the same Soul who was in the vehicle named Jesus in the 1990’s but when he had his students do all the talking about so didn’t change the public prophecy period of 1260 days in Revelation 11 as one of the Two Witnesses with his Older Member (Father) TI.
The media portrays TI’s leaving her vehicle before they initially thought would happen as some big shaking up of students and for a few perhaps it did so they left but for the core strongest students it was somewhat surprising but didn’t shake their core beliefs at all or they would have also left. We actually had notice this might happen in about 1983 when TI had her eye removed which was said to be cancer then. TI and DO by then had already prepared the class for their potential departure before us though they still thought they would both leave together.
What’s interesting is how Revelation chapter 12 outlines the classrooms start to finish in 1997, to now even and that during that time period the “woman” (who DO said was referring to TI) would be helped to escape the flood of negativity from the Luciferian (dragon) Space Alien Fallen Angel Souls which includes all the humans who were sending negativity to her and DO by “opening it’s (earth’s) mouth” – a saying related to someone dying and being buried:
Rev 12:15 And the serpent cast out of his mouth water as a flood after the woman, that he might cause her to be carried away of the flood.
Rev 12:16 And the earth helped the woman, and the earth opened her mouth, and swallowed up the flood which the dragon cast out of his mouth.
Rev 12:17 And the dragon was wroth with the woman, and went to make war with the remnant of her seed, which keep the commandments of God, and have the testimony of Jesus Christ.
A “flood” represents the negative thoughts and feelings being sent to her by humans and Space Aliens against them from all over the US and world even. It’s interesting that after TI left her vehicle he felt like he then knew what TI had said to him in the very beginning that “I’m here to get you started and then I’m going back” was referring to her leaving her incarnation ahead of him. So TI knew it though didn’t know how it would play out. They said all along that their vehicles would die and that they would resurrect. They at first thought their resurrection would be public but knew by 1978 that it might not go that way. (I have three witnesses to these things I am saying now).
Then in verse 12:17 it implies the woman is no longer in the picture and that the testing is being put upon her “seed” – those “she” seeded – deposited with Soul containers, which includes DO because DO got his membership in the Next Level through TI (who he recognized as his Older Member, not because TI told him so) which completes the real trinity of Father to Son to Student via their Holy Spirit/Mind that is like the blood of all members of the Next level to be the instruments of.
14) DO (Applewhite) didn’t alter his ideas – He actually said that TI “burned out her vehicle” dealing with the world’s negativity the included from Their students and of course from the loved ones of the students that were sending such negative thoughts to them.
The Hale Bopp comets arrival with or without a companion object was not a “new revelation” at all. In fact DO said it was the “marker” He and TI had been anticipating since at least 1975 to pick them and their qualifying students up. (DO (AppleWhite) never said the alleged companion object was a spacecraft. What he said was that it was irrelevant whether it was or was not a spacecraft – that the comet was the “marker” for the timing of the exit they had been planning since 1975 and in earnest since 1994 since he knew by the human responses to the second period of about 9 months of public meetings around the US that they wouldn’t be exiting their vehicles because of irate Christians who would see them as the antichrist.
15) They weren’t wearing “armbands”. They were patches which read “Heaven’s Gate Away Team”.
16) Rio, in the group named Neody wrote in his book, “Beyond Human Mind – The Soul Evolution of Heaven’s Gate” that he never intended to lay down his life but was waiting until the last moment to leave. (He knew of the plan from just months after he joined in around March of 1994, because DO talked about it several times before I left the group and then they prepared to leave thereafter over the course of 2+ years, thus saying he “had planned to be the 40th body discovered in the mass suicide” seems to be misinformation in this article or something Rio didn’t recall in his book. They (we) were in the San Clemente warehouse “craft” in September of 1994 when I recall DO bringing up the prospect of leaving by our own hand (for the second direct time).
Here’s what Rio says in his book “Beyond Human Mind – The Soul Evolution of Heaven’s Gate”: (speaking about when DO asked us whether we’d be willing to exit our vehicles by our own hand on page 48 Rio writes)…
“I went along with the idea and possibility of DO being the “Second Coming” just for learning purposes. I knew that leaving the body behind was not for me but wanted to stay until the end.”
Yes he left with DO’s blessing but not to perform another task because DO waited for him to instigate wanting to leave. Thus DO recognized that TI knew of Rio’s plan, but since Rio still wanted to serve (like the webmasters did) DO felt to have him shop the movie they had been working on and let him be the one to find the bodies (though they also sent instructions to Rkkody (I think it was) about their exit plan), in case Rio changed his mind. I never heard that Rio got a map in the mail. He lived in that house for some months so I doubt he wouldn’t have known how to find them but I suppose DO’s crew could have sent him a map to cover their bets or in case the instruction fell into someone elses hands. Even though that was all unlikely to go that route DO was covering his bets to be thorough about how it might work.
17) re: the part of the report citing Rio’s statements:
Everyone on earth will not be drawn to a future incarnate Older Member from the Next Level any more than all humans were drawn to TI and DO in the 70’s to date. Their classroom in the future will only be a “finishing school” for those who have gone through the “process” of overcoming their humanness. DO said that even some of the 38 students who laid down their human vehicles lives would need to return to finish their overcoming. We humans – students of the Next Level Older Members or not nor Space Alien Souls know how to create a soul”\ or how to destroy a soul. Only the Next Level can create a Soul or destroy a Soul. A soul is a container created by the Next Level. It has a plasma type of physicality and is deposited into selected human vehicles that the Next Level determines can be a “match” for the needed growth of returning Souls to qualify to graduate the human condition through. What we do create is what we choose to do with the Mind/Spirit – information, behaviors and ways provided to us from the Next Level that can grow our soul but it always remains an option and all don’t succeed and it during this civilization was structured to occur over thousands of earth years, a short time in the Next Level since they are out of time.
Rio was mistaken to say “I know everything worth knowing about them…” as I can attest to, there is always more we can come to know about Them – TI and DO. No one on earth knows everything worth knowing about them. Rio said in his book that he didn’t know if DO was the return of the same Soul as was in Jesus. By the 10 year mark after they left it seems he changed his mind about that, which is fine but he also said things at that 10 year mark that was off track, some of which I pointed out to him. Like he said he had a “ticker tape connection” with DO but we never and TI and DO never had a ticker tape connection. That portrays a connection that is very exact and it’s not that it couldn’t be. It just seemed too certain and even TI and DO had a check and balance system to their connection before they would determine an instruction having come from their Older Member.
TI and DO always said from the start that they were not “Jesus” because Jesus was the name of the human vehicle prepared for an Older Member Soul to take over to perform that task through. For the teaching part of the task that vehicle was not coming back. TI and Do stated in a statement they wrote in the back of the book UFO Missionaries Extraordinary that Jesus would return as part of the 7th and last “closeness” where they TI and DO were the Ones who returned as the 6th Closeness. That 7th closeness would seem to be depicted in Revelation chapter 19 that Christians often think is the description of the entire return, since no one seems to get that the Two Witnesses are the Father and Son both returning for the teaching incarnate period where the final return is not a teaching time according to DO. It appears from Revelation chapter 6 that there is a time upcoming when people will see DO’s “face” in association with even an armada of spacecrafts in the near heavens – to see with the naked eye, like the biggest comets can be seen. When that occurs depending on how apparent it is and how many people can actually physically see it and understand it seems to be based on who comes to know about TI and Do since their exit in 1997 and thereafter. Otherwise some might see the Armada in the near heavens as Space Aliens or Humans or as cgi because before that it seems DO thought the Luciferian space aliens would trick many humans with holograms like Fatima to try to steal souls from seeing the truth.
DO did go public as the ‘Undercover “Jesus”‘ in his publish of a document with that title to a number of newgroups on the world wide web in 1995 that I believe was the 6th Thunder (roar) as forecast in Revelation chapter 10. The reason Jesus was in quotes because the name is the name given to the human physical body He – The Older Member Soul took over to perform his task for his Older Member (Heavenly Father (not incarnate then)) through. He was undercover because no human would know it was him unless they were prepared by the Next Level to recognize him since humans can’t ordinarily see a Soul nor can necessarily see a spirit/mind – discarnate with occasional exceptions in part.
I don’t believe the Christian phrase “Second Coming” is over until the recycling is fully underway so I don’t know what Rio is referring to by saying he can “help with understanding the next steps, after the “Second Coming”…’
Any steps any of us can take now are laid out in the Heaven’s Gate Book and/or through the Beyond Human – The Last Call video tape series and in the hundreds of internal classroom audio meeting tapes that are available for free download in different ways for those that ask Carlan (Crlody – Classroom name) or me – Sawyer – (Swyody – Classroom name). My email address is:
I also have a facebook page: sawyer.heavensgate and a blog: and a youtube channel where I do weekly livestreams under the channel name: 3spm

Allegiance to Ti and Do – not based on Their fulfillments of prophecy in the Book of Revelation

August 29, 2019
Crlody’s comment of DO’s statement put on Sawyer’s YouTube channel (3spm) re: a livestream that focused on the Book of Revelation:
“It’s no basis for our allegiance to our task. And it shouldn’t be to you. If you can think of it in that light, and just simply be amused by it, because we’re not trying to lock in on what we’re doing with fulfillment of the prophecies in the Book of Revelation, or Isaiah, or anyplace else, or Daniel”.-Do, Beyond Human Session 11
Sawyer’s reply:
The Book of Revelation or any other records never were the basis of my allegiance to TI and DO’s task. My allegiance to Ti and DO’s task They gave to “us,” that started in 1975 for me, was never based on the Revelation at all and it’s still not.
However, it was after the Beyond Human tapes that DO began being more forward to the public with regard to “our” position that “we” were the return of the same Souls who were The Father and Jesus and Their students.
This is clearly evidenced in a number of audios but perhaps the clearest is in the Portland, OR meeting tapes made in the spring of 1994.
In that tape, Rkkody asks a question of DO along the lines of… should we start standing on street corners holding up a sign or poster like the ones of those produced by DO and Class that are in the Heaven’s Gate Book. (That say DO and Students are the return of the Soul who used the vehicle named Jesus about 2000 years ago and His Students).
Also in that tape, DO tells the class, that included new students, that they should get familiar with the scriptures so they can speak to people with some background and that we might need to get that bold if they continue to ignore us.
I’m fulfilling some of that – helping to give anyone who is interested a great deal of evidence to set the records straight as DO also said in slightly different words, that Christians were the biggest group of people that were prepared for Jesus’ return.
DO on that occasion and other occasions in the Beyond Human series and in a big way did talk about key topics that are only found in the Book of Revelation, like Armageddon in the document He wrote called:

Armageddon which side are you on”
Also in the document he wrote, (I believe after I left the class in 1994), named:
(because they were bombarded by Lucifer and his helpers) and hardly stood a chance, which means they have a chance):
“Now, before departure via a “NEXT LEVEL” mothership, my students and I will be assisting my Father and His other Next Level helpers in their WAR against these lies – this serious misinformation – perpetuated mainly by the so-called CHRISTIANS and JEWS”
DO also said that the WAR recorded as Armageddon was a war for Souls.
We know that He and TI were the fulfillment of the Two Witnesses prophecy in the Revelation, though they didn’t want to put that fact up front in their talks because they weren’t trying to ride those “tail feathers”, especially for those that were prepared to graduate who were most receptive to their more accurate terms of describing the Next Level Above Human and the “process” to embark (overcoming).
I also witnessed (and Pypody and Andody (Frank) and Mrcody (Mark) and Srfody (Sarah) were present for) DO holding a meeting that TI didn’t attend, (so before June of 1985) in which he gave instructions to bring whatever Bibles we had on hand to, where he had us open to Revelation 12:1, which he said was talking about TI as the “Woman”.
I know I can’t depend on all that was written in the Revelation as accurate because DO said in that same Portland tape, I think, that John didn’t know how to write down accurately some of what was being given to him, which I hadn’t heard or remembered until I recently listened to that tape.
Many Christians think they know it all, to include in the Revelation and some humans have picked up on major new ways of thinking about the Revelation, that I observed while researching certain topics for the book I wrote. (TI and DO The Father and “Jesus” Heaven’s Gate UFO Two Witnesses)
DO didn’t say we couldn’t read the Revelation materials, if only to be “amused” so I’m not doing anything wrong or against Ti and DO’s wishes to choose to talk about those materials. (Years ago, Carlan cited that part of the Beyond Human tape before as criticism of my writing a book focused on all Jesus prophecy to include the Book of Revelation).
In about 1985, that the students I mentioned earlier might recall, Dncody (Dick – not among the 38 yet his vehicle became deceased because of disease) was assigned a task by himself to re-write the Bible, if I recall correctly, though I wasn’t privy to what parts as I doubt it included that Old Testament. He left the class some years later, perhaps as late as 1991 so I don’t know how far he got or whether it was discontinued soon thereafter. I only bring it up to show Ti and Do’s thinking back then.
One of the main points of the awakening Ti and Do first experienced, they said, in Boerne, Texas in 1973 was that they were both from the Kingdom in the literal heavens (outer space), here to fulfill prophecy and to bring updates to the bible.
I know these records are not important to our allegience to Them, possibly to include to new students at this time period, after their exit of their human vehicles they borrowed but how do we know they won’t be important to certain ones now or to come? Even if none of the Souls that might still remain to find vehicles they can take over to show their belief and allegiance to Ti and Do don’t benefit from the Revelation materials, it faces Christians with the truth so they can choose whether to serve their humanness (mammon) or The Next Level through the “keys” (teachings) provided by TI and DO.
It also provides the Next Level with more options if TI and DO want to use what we and others write/say about more of the truth of the application of those historic records for a future civilizational classroom, should it be organized by the Next Level soon or in the distant future. TI and DO talked about this and assigned us in the class at that time in the 1980’s the task of writing a “book” for that purpose – to be an aid to a future Next Level crew. A future Next Level crew would be on earth again, in this way to relate to humans as They don’t need these records but those might benefit from having them.
I would think that anyone who believes in TI and Do would want to see Them talked about in every applicable positive minded way.
For whatever it may be worth, that lower forces influences (that we all have to battle) would have some believe about me, I’m not competing with anyone. Nor do I think I’m a hotshot or elevated over anyone for doing what little I do. If anything, my talking about scripture much might turn away some that choose to turn away because of their difficulty with those records – often because of the way those records were framed as a part of the so called Christian religion that they may understandibly hate because of the centuries of hypocrisies and outright lies, that they got mostly from Paul of Tarsus (that TI talked about in audio tape 66 or 201 if I recall correctly).

Some corrections to those who say nothing Ti and Do said came true

January 8, 2019

Here are just a handful of all the many things Ti and Do said and taught and did that showed to have come true. However it will be each person’s choice to try to grow to see them or not. With each one – in no special order, I could give a lot more examples. I will expand this as they occur to me since a few people seem to think nothing they ever said came true:
Things TI and DO said that have come true:

1) In the 1970’s Ti and Do said we would enjoy the music of the spheres while Next Level Members:

from on 11/23/2018:

MUSICAL” WAVES DETECTED IN EARTH’S MAGNETIC FIELD: This week in Norway, a space weather observatory detected sine waves of exceptional purity rippling through Earth’s polar magnetic field. The waves, which persisted for hours with nearly perfect pitch, have been linked to “tearing instabilities” and explosions in Earth’s magnetic tail–not to mention bright auroras in Arctic skies. Visit today’s edition of to see the waves and to learn more about them.

2) Ti and Do developed a movie script they said was fiction based on the truth that entailed Pluto being an “earth lab” inside and having a big “whitish” louvered door for spacecrafts to go in and out.

New Horizons spacecraft has documented that Pluto has a blueish atmosphere and has a large whitish spot on it’s “top” – could that be the “door” a type of a membrane door.

3) A spacecraft did come to pick them up. They felt Hale Bopp was the “marker” for that to come true.

4) Ti and Do said they would die and resurrect.

When the media hit they said for about 3 days they felt the “mission was dead” and there was no sense going on. (See 88Update). But they stood on their feet again to continue to have meetings and then after TI left DO stood up by himself (resurrection means “to stand up again”) as the one who was incarnate in the vehicle named Jesus and saying Ti was his “heavenly Father”.

An additional way this was true is demonstrated by Revelation chapter 11 as the two witnesses being first “subdued” (overcome) (1975 on the national news their vehicles reputations were shot down talking about them a thieves) and then they then “separated by dying themselves” (Greek “apokteino auto”). Their ascension (rising up) was invisible to humans but not to “those with eyes to see”, a common expression by Jesus referring to those who recognized “them” in some way.

5) They said they were not “Jesus” because Jesus was the name of the vehicle taken over by an Older Member from the Next Level and taken through a metamorphosis to change into a new creature. They said Jesus would return as part of the 7th Closeness. (See UFO Missionaries Extraordinary). That closeness seems to have begun again, mostly as of 2017 with a final closeness yet to come but they said it was not to be a teaching time as that time has passed. For 20 years the Heaven’s Gate story diminished in the media. In fact during the 10 year anniversary there were only a few major media done on them. One was National Geographic’s – The Final Report; Heaven’s Gate.

For the next 10 years occasionally there would be a story that talked about them among the Luciferian space alien stimulated evil and abusive cults who did pressure people with controls and manipulations and murder and money mongering and blatant sexual “freedom” while Ti and Do’s group had none of that and actually a great deal of proof to the contrary.

For nearly 15 years my subscriptions to my youtube channel, 3spm grew maybe one every 6 months. Then 2017 hit when I also released my book and there were a few anniversary stories early on, like Inside Edition to where they continued the same mis/dis information campaign over again. After the anniversary I was approached by CNN/HLN to participate in a documentary. I asked the producer Alex Pressburg why they were covering the story – was it the anniversary – and he said no – it was because “it’s an interesting story”. That came out in the fall of 2017 alongside the 10 podcast series by Pineapple Street media via Stitcher I also interviewed for extensively on several occasions. The brought out new material – the letters Terrie received and the video Terrie received and with it accusations that TI was a hypocrite and that they were manipulative and controlling and that DO was insensitive to telling Terrie about Ti’s death but it became apparent that DO was following TI’s instructions (as I can show was true because DO had no reason to lie and because TI’s biggest concern on her deathbed according to DO and Lvvody and Jnnody who helped her in those last two weeks was DO’s carrying on without her. One huge aspect of DO’s carrying on was keeping the classroom hidden from any who wanted to find them and interfere with them. Hence DO didn’t tell Terrie right away because he knew that could stimulate an investigation that could land him in jail and/or split up the classroom.

There are 218 audio tapes that show how dedicated TI was to their classroom’s completion under DO. Plus TI had many opportunities to tell Terrie she was diagnosed with cancer in around 1983 while we lived in Texas and Terrie lived in Texas, but didn’t. Instead she just wrote letters – only one phone call in that time of years. Again because all that would do would be create more anxiety with Terrie and at that point especially the objective of letter contacts and subsequent visits in 1985 and 1986-7 was to “calm family anxieties”.
The claim was also made in the podcasts and by a number of other investigators that said DO became “a little psychotic” (said by x-student Frank (Andody) after Ti left but the evidence is that he continued with the classroom exactly as Ti had instigated as they were always looking for the way in which they were to leave the earth/human kingdom and how.
It’s easy to show that Ti and Do were willing to appear to be wrong to put students that were not in the classroom with all their hearts, souls, mind and strength. In other words they followed their instructions hence the establishment of a pick up by a spacecraft in 1980 or so didn’t happen but because it didn’t Jssody (joined with Alxody) left the group, while for those that had been fully committed it didn’t matter as they (I) were not banking on a spacecraft pickup to remain in the classroom. Some souls were simply further along in their overcoming of humanness process so they had many ways of filtering them out or helping them overcome their doubts.

Lots more to say about this that can be seen in my blog posts with Pineapple in the title. That’s at:

6) They said spirits existed and now I’ve seen them on a number of occasions where while in the classroom it made sense to me so I believed it but I hadn’t seen anything. One can see my descriptions of those events in my blog in Sawyer’s Story.

7) They said there would be more interest in them after they left as it wasn’t designed by the Next Level to attract large numbers as there were only a certain amount of positions students who graduates would be given to fill.

8) They said they were from the same family as Jesus was from and was a type of repeat performance – teaching the same requirements of leaving all behind to qualify. They (DO by himself post 1985 when Ti left her vehicle) stuck to that from 1975 to 1997. It seems they began to examine exiting by our own hand (as Jesus did, since he stimulated his capture and said in the book of John, “no man takes it from me” speaking about his vehicles life. Jesus also talked about how his students needed to “drink the same cup of his blood” he was given to drink knowing they would be hated and killed the same way He was hated and killed. Ti and Do were mostly hated and some wanted them dead. I witnessed at the Waldport meeting a woman in the back shouting very loudly, “you ought to be shot” when they said children could not come, explaining that children couldn’t make a choice to leave the world they hadn’t hardly experienced.

If one compares all of the red letter parts of the 4 gospels – the words attributed to Jesus with Ti and Do’s teachings one will see they are exactly the same teachings. Thus if Jesus said it – forecast it then when Ti and Do put it in more accurate to modernity and generic terms they were showing proof they were the same Older Members returned as promised and that’s why most who call themselves Christians often don’t know they are not believers in what Jesus taught, except for a few things, but according to Jesus to be his disciple one needed to abide by all he taught, not just pick and choose.

My book: “TI and Do The Father and “Jesus” Heaven’s Gate UFO Two Witnesses” provides a great deal of the evidence of how what they said as the Father and Jesus came true or is about to come true through everything Ti and Do taught and did and said would happen at the conclusion of the civilization.

9) Ti and Do said that when they left, the human kingdom would be accelerated towards recycling and that would be a further testing ground for each human. If one looks at events that have escalated in the US since the late 1990’s (the time of the Seven Thunders of Rev 10) one will see a dramatic increase in more animalistic human behaviors as each human is forced to become what they are, what they had been entertaining in their heads mostly until then but now don’t have the self control to not play out. Hence mass shootings, more earthquakes that are larger and larger, tsunami’s, volcanic eruptions, larger hurricane’s, while humans try to take responsibility for these because the Luciferians hate for people to think the Next Level exists and are behind their escalation.

10) The Hale Bopp comet was the “marker” for their exit. In other words whether there was a companion with it or not didn’t’ matter. They knew it was the event of a spacecraft picking them up they had been waiting for since 1975. NASA astronomers stated in their annual Hale Bopp symposiums after 1997 that they believed Hale Bopp was made up of TWO objects in orbit around a common center. This can also be shown to be the “sign” Jesus described as “lightning (star like – shining/strewn from east to west (along the ecliptic).
11) Ti and Do said in 1975 that spacecrafts can be all kinds of sizes and shapes and colors. Through all the many NASA and ESA and other astronomical institutions it’s been learned that comets were not “dirty snowballs”. None of them so far are round. They look like a bowling pin sometimes and have jets that seem to stimulate their rotation and propulsion.

Ultima Thule was described as reddish and looks like a snowman made up from two clearly distinct objects appearing to be fused together with some kind of “light” attachment method – docking?

Pineapple Street Heavens Gate Episode 6 x-member claims DO becomes Psychotic

December 17, 2017

Here is Sawyer’s response to the Pineapple Street Media’s podcast series Heaven’s Gate – episode 6 – The Choice – featuring x-Heaven’s Gate cult member – Frank (Andody) who joined together with Erika (Chkody) who joined from the same Waldport, Oregon meeting as did Sawyer (Swyody) in 1975.

Chkody was among the 38 who laid down their human vehicles lives with DO in March of 1997 and her statement is included in the podcast from the Student Exit Videos.

My response here is not to find fault with Frank in any way shape or form as he made his choice to join and made his 17+ year choices to stay in the cult and has since continued to make choices on how to think and talk publically about TI and DO and his experience. My aim is to present the side of a believer in Ti and Do, that I am and in that sense believe I can speak for Chkody (Erika) as well.

I consider all former classmates to be family because of our joint experience but when they say things that in my opinion misrepresent TI and DO, I feel committed to speak up about it, so the side for TI and DO is provided for others to judge for themselves what to believe about them. That voice for them is infrequently heard otherwise.

However, in life for all people, different people often come away with different responses to the same circumstances and especially when it comes to beliefs even within the same organization. I learned this many years ago pertaining to this Heaven’s Gate story, when I visited with Frank in Seattle, around 2005 and we had completely different takes of at least one event we both experienced in the classroom. Now I know there are a number, even many more.

Frank says, (regarding he and Ericka’s joining with TI and DO); “When first joining I was mixed about not being together anymore but didn’t want to miss the opportunity and [they would] take it one step at a time.” He says it “didn’t sink in that it would be the end of the relationship” (with Erika).

Erika said in the Exit tape she made, that at the Waldport meeting it was “instant recognition” (of Ti and Do and/or their information) for her.

I also experienced that instant recognition. It wasn’t like I had a deja vu experience, thinking I recognized TI and/or DO. For me it was a recognition that their information spoke to me as being true which felt so different from all the other spiritual minded quests I’d read about or experimented with up until then. I knew I had to go with them and knew it meant leaving all behind and giving it my 100% of time and energy. I knew that included breaking up with my partner, now known as Sarah (Srfody), one of the Heaven’s Gate Webmasters with Mark (Mrcody), whom I had lived with for five years before then. She was from the same home town on Long Island where we met and who I fell in love with and who I sought to build my life with that included moving to the British Columbia, Canada bush/mountain country to try to homestead.

When Sarah and I left the Waldport/Newport, OR area, about the third day after the meeting in Waldport with Ti and Do, which was the time frame recommended to “get our house in order,” not having any other circumstances to require more time, (as some others had with house ownership and children even), I recall Sarah for the first time in even years wanting to snuggle and perhaps have sex. This was unusual because I had become the sole instigator of that physical part of our relationship and just a month or two before that time Sarah had started up a relationship with another man named Hobbit that followed what might have been another, possibly with a Canadian man (Aldi) who came to visit us and who she went up to visit. (I only know for sure about her open fling with Hobbit, but what was clear is that she hadn’t been happy with me for quiet some time and how she hitchhiked up to Canada without me to pursue.)

I was heartbroken by those events that did not work out for her so she wanted to get back together with me which I agreed to, having recovered from her choices but I was not angry with her for. I’m not faulting her for wanting someone else, but to then want me in that physical way for the first time in a long time, by her instigation struck me then as very odd and for the first time in our 5 year relationship I turned her down.

My point in explaining this, is that it appeared to be an indicator that she may not have had the same kind of instant recognition I had and would explain why she had a number of episodes in the classroom that showed that and led to her wanting to leave when the opportunity presented itself with Mark’s choice to no longer abide by DO’s teaching lesson step that was referred to as “I could be wrong.” That lesson step was designed to reduce our dependence in our own human mind over the Mind from our Older Members – Ti and Do. That lesson step was kin to when TI told us all that, “you need to give us your will” in around 1978. And it seems to be exactly what Jesus taught when he said to be his disciple one needed to “deny yourself” and is what would be a primary part of a disciples prayer to their Heavenly Father that requested that “your will be done on earth as it is in heaven”.

I was not mixed about breaking up with Sarah, though I won’t say it wasn’t a little awkward when I did see her, but like Frank described, we two were also separated and when we traveled were assigned to different groups.

The Host of the show then says: “It was drilled into the followers that human emotions were not allowed in the Next Level” and something about how one could not be “in love” and get to the Next Level.

That’s a huge distortion to say, as human emotions were not banned. We had no procedure that said, Thou shall have no emotions. I’d bet most members laughed every day and it would have been inappropriate to laugh at another expense or behind the back of others like is frequent in the human kingdom.

We still experienced sadness at times, like when we individually slipped from our goals, but it’s true we were taught not to linger in that sadness and use it to stimulate having an even better handle on those goals. (One goal would be to remain celibate in both body and mind). We were taught to maintain a “pleasant countenance”, a part of controlling our vehicles vibration.

If someone was “down in the mouth”, it wasn’t like they would be reprimanded by anyone but it showed they were troubled about something so their partner or the Overseeers of a department they were in, might ask them about it or write to Ti and Do about it, as it could be a sign that they aren’t happy even being here if they couldn’t override it.

Another time for some sadness was when TI and DO pushed us to be more “thirsty” for next steps. There was never any yelling or raising of voices or threats of any kind, nor punishment, like happens all the time in the human kingdom to keep people in line, to keep their jobs, etc.

On a rare occasion we learned they were displeased with us. The times I’m thinking of just so happened to take place when we were living in Austin and DO delivered the news in one of those cases. Ti had instigated choral singing of Christmas carols, that she did not participate in, as she said she wanted us to learn to look to DO for direction. (DO never sang with us, more than a few notes to demonstrate how to sing a certain phrase). Mllody played piano. We sang for TI after we’d practiced some and some in the class designed new lyrics to the song, The Twelve Days of Christmas. We gave TI a little concert. A very short time later, DO held a meeting without TI present and said something about our lyrics disturbed TI. Those lyrics were “ten years a waiting…” (meant to imply waiting for the pickup). The students who wrote those lyrics that we practiced separately, I believe were drawing from knowing that TI and DO hating being here because the vibration had become so distorted. TI even thought parts of the plant kingdom showed that lower vibration. The example I can recall was how TI thought the oak trees she saw growing in Texas weren’t designed to grow all crooked and twisted up like they are. They wanted the task to be over, so they could go back to resume the life style and physical vehicles and positions they had before coming to earth to do this task.

TI considered being in the human kingdom like being in a snake pit and I didn’t see it that way, even a little until after I left and I realized that to us, it’s normal for there to be all kinds of sneakiness, deceit, back biting, back stabbing, profiteering to another detriment, manipulations, predatory behaviors, legalized robbery and murder, sold as collateral damage to anybody who is in the wrong place at the wrong time because their leaders stand in the way of certain agendas, Examples as of late are found in Afghanistan, Iraq, Syria, Somalia, etc where people are killed or die because of.

But what DO helped us see was how He was with his Older Member and we were with our Older Member so we weren’t going to have the same longing to leave. We should have been happy to stay as long as it’s our task to stay. We were not really “waiting” to exit as we had our Overcoming tasks to do and needed to be here to finish it. TI didn’t need to learn the lessons we were having.

I realized, in a sense, since originally they said we’d be picked up in “months” and “not later than 5 years”, both of which didn’t come true, it was like pushing that into TI’s face to say we were waiting. By the way, TI had said one time that the reason the “demonstration” didn’t happen as they thought it would was because the students were not ready to leave then. That would explain how Revelation 11 regarding the Two Witnesses could be translated in several ways because of the varied time frames in the prophecy in between their being “subdued” and then “separating by dying themselves” (also having several interpretations that could have worked to demonstrate fulfillment).

There was also no prohibition from enjoying a food or a sunset or mountain view or the colors and aromas of flowers, etc, though Ti and Do taught that we would outgrow even those degrees of sensual stimulus.

But yes having emotion between students was taught to be suppressed and redirected to one aim, to foster that emotion with only our Heavenly Father, though TI, before she exited made it very specific that our commitment (love) was to be towards DO only. TI instigated this and it was the lesson step of making one’s “committal” to DO, which we did individually and privately in notes that would go directly to Ti and Do. They didn’t tell us what to say in our notes but we were required to express ourselves. If we couldn’t it was a sign that we weren’t in the right place being in that classroom.

As a matter of fact, I think it safe to say that everything Ti and Do taught, said and did had the potential of “testing” our commitment if we made one. That’s the nature of being a student in a cult – there are no tail feathers on the teachers – no degrees in Theology or affiliation with the rich and famous or to huge mega million dollar organizations that all tend to give us a sense of credibility, whether we see it or not.

So it’s true that one can not graduate into the Next Level when married (committed and “in love” with another human). Jesus taught this when he said:

Mat 22:30 For in the resurrection ((rising, Standing up again, graduation)) they neither marry, nor are given in marriage, but are as the angels of God in heaven.

Marriage was the form of making that committal, TI said, was started by the Next Level, to bring some structure to whom one propagated with. It became known as adultery when people broke the various procedures that governed such commitments and relationships. Jesus said Moses gave in to his students to allow them to divorce. Moses and Jesus taught that the aim was for students to give all their heart, all their mind, all their soul and all their strength to God, but when a Representative from God’s kingdom wasn’t physically present in a human vehicle with us then the way we would show our love for God was to demonstrate it by loving our neighbors as ourselves. In other words we were to see all humans we lived among as our neighbors. It’s not a theoretical “love” and nor was it meant as a sexual love, but a friendly love.

So as long as one was abiding by the teachings of the Next Level in that regard as best they could, getting up whenever they fall short of that, they were still growing closer to becoming members of the Next Level. All the plants in the “garden” don’t grow at the same rate and have bursts of growth at the same times and to the same degrees. So the lesson steps, though everyone can apply them, are given in stages so no one has more on their plate than they can handle, that is if they look to the Next Level for help.

The Next Level determines which souls or spirits still have the capacity to advance closer to graduation and “saves” them for a future opportunity, though they turn up the heat for each of us to make our choices of whom to serve, like Jesus said between making our master, God (The One true kingdom of God in whatever terms, secular or religious) OR Mammon (human mammalian forms of treasure and wealth)

TI and DO said that the Next Level still loves Lucifer and that they have given him and his associates who fell many opportunities to get back on track, even though the more one goes against the Next Level’s present Representatives teachings the harder it gets to change, so that one subtly loses whatever degree of recognition they once had. Thus the lessons need to get harder for that soul to be stimulated to change.

Frank then talks about how: “my thoughts at times were filled with doubts and questioning everything…”, which he indicated was part of what compounded with the “suppression of feelings” that resulted in the development of a deeper voice and a stutter in his speech.

I do wonder where Frank got the understanding that DO’s mimic of his suddenly deeper voice was expressing a masculine voice. I don’t recall if DO spoke about it at that meeting but I doubt he did, though not saying it’s not possible. The way Frank says it in the broadcast was, “…he was conveying to me that I was expressing a masculine voice.” Whatever DO said or didn’t say, Frank said he felt “humiliated – ashamed for expressing my masculinity” and said he had a “deep seated anger of who is he to express how I should speak”.

I guess by that point it shows that just being a body in the classroom didn’t necessarily mean much when one’s mind was far apart, so in this way DO’s response of repeating a low sounding voice, that Frank sees as mimicking, and may be an accurate depiction became a test to get him “off the fence,” he had apparently been on, or he wouldn’t have built up a “deep seated anger” towards DO as he reported.

Why was Frank angry? I don’t know if he gave reasons why he was angry. In terms of his reporting his response to DO’s “mimic” of thinking, “who is he [DO] to express how he [Frank] should speak,” DO was the individual he chose to leave all behind to follow, at that point for over 10 years. As far as I could tell, Frank was as committed to Ti and Do’s process as anyone else but what was going on in his head or that he might have talked about with him partners and/or TI and DO was not known to me.

But at that point of the mimic, it seems Frank didn’t see DO as his teacher or he wouldn’t have had “deep seated anger” because he would have been keeping things surfaced.

I was given a number of personal lessons and in none of them was I embarrassed. All the students got lessons in group and personally. Had I been Frank’s partner then and say he starting talking in a much lower than usual voice, I probably would have felt obligated to mention it to him, bring it up to him to examine it, and perhaps I would have written a note to DO about it since it was my partner and partners were instructed to ask one another for their observations and help to see their ways that were not the ways taught to us from TI and DO.

There was no procedure on how to speak and what tone our voice would have but this was certainly not normal for Frank so it was in itself a “red flag” that something was wrong. Now to clarify, if a partner knew their partner had been working with DO on any behavior or way, the partner wouldn’t try to step in. I never said anything to Frank about his low voice and/or stutter and I doubt anyone else would have either as it was then between him and DO. At the time I didn’t even think about it at all really. It was strange but I didn’t have a judgement about it. That wasn’t my business – we were all taught to keep our eyes on our own behavior and ways, unless something came about that we had to pay attention to.

Frank says, “I was not allowed to be me… not safe to express who I am…” and that was true because who “me” was needed to shift from the old “me” to the new “me”, from the caterpillar “me” to the butterfly “me”. It was getting rid of a human form of individuality.

Ti and Do taught that no humans are really individuals because we don’t know how we become the product of the discarnate influences that attach to us. They taught that who we really are is the “chooser” of what to think, say and do, which decided which discarnates we accept and which we reject. And there is nothing wrong with that. It’s a beautiful design of the human kingdom but was never meant to be satisfying, hence why we go through stages of “seeking” what more there might be, though that may only surface in our conscious as dissatisfaction with who we are, what we are doing.

If by “suppression of feelings” Frank is referring to not being allowed to play out his feelings for Erika, yes that was part of the program. And yes I agree that according to Ti and Do, not changing our human feelings to feelings for TI and DO’s Mind, instructions, procedures, behaviors and ways in the Next Level Program for us, could have negative mental and/or physical consequences, as DO talked about in relationship to Terrie’s physical ailments, from the suffering in relationship to her dealing with her mother’s absence from her life, which DO indicated could have been largely subconscious because of her root system to TI, her vehicle’s mother.

Additional suppression of feelings we all had to impose upon ourselves to be in the program 100% was by blocking out the past and thus suppressing feelings for our human family, friends, career, goals, forms of entertainment, desires that even include doing what one wants to do when one wants to do it. Rkkody exemplified this last point. He left the class no less than three times and was able to stay in touch so returned each time until he laid down his life in 1998. It became known among class members in a light hearted way, since DO knew Rkkody both recognized his Older Member and I know, loved him, that he felt confined at times and just wanted to be able to “go out and get a pizza when he wanted to”. DO, I believe brought specific example at a meeting when Rkkody had returned.

But this suppression of the expression of human feelings for things that used to be in our lives, didn’t have to be a negative just like not giving into sensuality, though perhaps somewhat unhealthy to a human’s normal health, if it was purely voluntary and dealt with, as such feelings surfaced, wouldn’t become a negative in that program. For instance, when I joined I knew I was going to have to cease playing musical instruments. I was part of a 4 piece band who had gigs in and around Newport, Oregon. I left them and sold my instruments. (By the way I don’t recall TI or DO or any of their literature spelling that out. I just knew it. But on that subject, I used to have dreams that I was trying to play the flute and couldn’t get the notes out, like I didn’t have the wind. For the first month after joining I had a flute with me that I brought to try to sell on the road. I didn’t feel to play it and I knew I was starting a new life and such things would no longer be in it. I sold it and used the money to buy a broken down car that lasted maybe a week.

But had I longed to play music, I imagine if I didn’t block out those feelings and shift my attention to the activities in the classroom at that time, they could have become pent up stress that over time could get stronger and could have tempted me to want to leave because of and/or could have taken a toll on my health in some ways. So that becomes compounded, the more things like that we don’t block out of our consciousness.

Frank said when he left the cult he was “elated”. In a sense I was also when I left, noting that I enjoyed doing simple things for myself, like choosing what I wanted to eat.

The way TI and DO would explain that, was that once we leave the class, we were “going with our discarnate influences” re-attracting the influences we had been keeping at bay by not giving into doing the things that the influences sought to attach to us to do through our vehicle; i.e. playing an instrument, fixing a meal of our choice, playing a sport, having a relationship, having sex, pursuing a career, etc.

Thus leaving the class eliminated that conflict which the vehicle then felt elated by. However, according to Jesus (just like what Ti and Do taught in different terms) we then attract “7 other demons that are worse than what we had to deal with before.” I can’t say I can count 7 discarnates that sought to attach to me after I left, but I can recognize characteristics of thinking I have to deal with now that I never had to deal with before and during the classroom time. For instance of late I’ve seen myself judging what others do and how others physically look to me. In the past I would have recognized differences in people’s appearance but now I’ve got an opinion about it that sort of defines the “book by it’s cover” which to me is a demon. However, I do still retain Ti and Do’s teachings so when I hear those thoughts I treat them as demons and shoe them away. Ti and Do taught that we are not responsible for the thoughts that occur to us, but we are responsabile for the thoughts we allow to linger in our consciousness.

In a comment Frank made on the Episode 5 facebook page, he said something about not suppressing feelings while not always “acting (them) out” either, but allowing ourselves to express them as being good for us to do. I’m not saying some of that can not be advantageous. I suspect that’s the basis of “confession of sins (missed the mark)”, to get things off our chest. We had regular weekly “slippage meetings” for that purpose, yet had a bunch of procedures of what not to bring up (sexuality, not even using the word) except as a generalization of something to the affect of “I gave into sensuality” and in that case would add that we wrote a note to TI and DO explaining the details. We had instruction to not blame anyone else for our slippage and to provide a remedy with each one, so what one might say, “I entertained thoughts of the past” and my remedy was to “nip it in the bud” better next time.

But I wonder if repeating our feelings over and over could be considered by Ti and Do as an indulgence in those thoughts and thus a strengthening of them and if there are others present who are susceptible to their influence an even greater negative to say out loud.

Ti and Do taught that the thoughts and feelings we have become what we are and what we “believe” and what we get when we exit these vehicles, whether they are based in reality and what degree or not. The more we entertain these beliefs the stronger we become them. When class members entertained thoughts that doubted DO they also separated from him, from His Next Level Mind and start to lose touch more and more with recognizing who He and TI are and who they represent and from having the strength to ward off the Lower Forces misinformation attacks. This applies to all aspects of the classroom, not just to doubts. When we don’t do our homework by kicking out thoughts, behaviors and ways that are not from their mind, to include thoughts/feelings of sensuality we separate from him.

Frank expressed this was happening from the start so it’s no wonder he came to see DO in a different light than that classmates that stayed, including Chkody (Erika) and others, to the point that he began to see DO, in his words as “a little psychotic” when DO brought to his students attention, after the Branch Davidian ATF/FBI murders in 1992, his consideration of the way we might get firearms to pose a threat to authorities who might then become the instruments of our laying down our vehicles lives.

Note – Even though Jesus rebuked Peter when he struck, with a sword, one of the Jewish military (Sanhedrin guards) who came to capture Jesus by his arrangement, Jesus was against violence yet instructed his disciples to have a sword with them:

Luk 22:35 And he said unto them, When I sent you without purse, and scrip, and shoes, lacked ye any thing? And they said, Nothing.
Luk 22:36 Then said he unto them, But now, he that hath a purse, let him take it, and likewise his scrip: and he that hath no sword, let him sell his garment, and buy one.
Luk 22:37 For I say unto you, that this that is written must yet be accomplished in me, And he was reckoned among the transgressors: for the things concerning me have an end.
Luk 22:38 And they said, Lord, behold, here are two swords. And he said unto them, It is enough.

Why did they need to carry swords this time when they went out to preach about him when they didn’t have them before when he sent them out. Was he trying to pose a threat without suggesting use of the sword when he said:

Mat 26:51 And, behold, one of them which were with Jesus stretched out his hand, and drew his sword, and struck a servant of the high priest’s, and smote off his ear.
Mat 26:52 Then said Jesus unto him, Put up again thy sword into his place: for all they that take the sword shall perish with the sword.

Perhaps some that they would encounter in their travels might cause some to think twice about confronting them. Jesus at their last supper together told them their task was to go out and tell the truth about what they heard and experienced from Jesus. Jesus knew that if they hated him they would hate his students too since they were of the same Mind. So Jesus led them to “laying down their human lives,” because they chose to follow him, as he was demonstrating. Jesus said that they would have to “drink from the same cup” that was literally willing to shed their blood as he was willing to do because this was part of their demonstration of their overcoming aka their Christing (metamorphic) task.

But hearing this perspective from DO, I admit was a tiny bit challenging for me to consider doing anything with a weapon, yet I knew TI nor DO would condone being violent. They considered the governments that murdered people and built weapons for that purpose as primitive savage “snakes” or “weeds”, while many in society see it at best as so called necessary evil, yet the only necessary evil as Jesus taught was in the provision of the Luciferian fallen angel space alien souls that provided our choices to go against God’s laws or not. Thus that presentation became a test of each students recognition of DO and whether they chose to override doubts and negative judgements of him or not.

It’s quite possible and even probable that the entire premise of laying down our vehicles by the hand of the govt was unlikely, at least at that time during the First Wave (Classroom), though could still apply into the future as it did after Jesus left, which is indicated in Jesus’ prophecy as occurring during the 5th Seal Opening time period. We are currently in the start of the 4th Seal Opening time period, that of the Green Horse (human vehicle) (Trump) – money, wealth being in charge which followed Obama as the “black or jacinth “horse” (human vehicle) that coincided with the wall street banking crisis in 2007-8. This followed the Red Horse (G.W. Bush and administration as the Red (Ruddy) horse who brought the endless war on terror, starting in 2000 after DO fulfilled the task of the White horse when he came public starting in the 1990’s in ways that can be documented to show demonstrating the remaining 6 of 7 roars (thunders) from the Lion of the Tribe of Juda.

But at this time, it seemed more and more apparent that DO saw the modus operandi of the Luciferian Space Alien “Fallen Angels” at this time as mostly to ignore He and TI and their returning crew of “saints”. That’s what prompted him to get bolder with what we claimed in the 1994 meeting posters and presentation, even stating in the last poster what the “shedding of our vehicles may be required”.

In the Portland, Oregon meeting in early 1994, that we do have on tape, DO expressed this to some degree, considering that we might have to get even bolder to put the truth in front of more people that could also generate a response that could assist us in our exit, as it did 2000 years ago, where people thought they were killing in God’s name.

The authorities have become the unwitting instruments of the lower forces of this planet, thus they will in many cases justify their agendas – the execution of atrocities all over the planet, seeing even their murders as “collateral damage” to keep their authority and profiteering.

DO had followed the Randy Weaver story that followed Waco and the Freemen story as well and though he never supported anyone’s enacting violence against anyone, knew that potential for us to become targets existed so he sought to prepare us for that, should it happen before or after he left. So like Jesus he was following his instruction from his Older Member to even bring up the subject of firearms, taking his clue in that regard from the Waco event. That’s the way the Next Level works, using human’s choices to convert them into a Next Level positive, in this case, completing their task which always involved leaving earth without our human vehicles.

Yes, Do thought about this and the part that Ben Zeller read was written by DO but what wasn’t nor understood was how DO updated that writing and in so doing took away that entire section about taking up firearms. He first posted the initial document, entitled, “Undercover Jesus Surfaces Before Departure” on September 25-26, 1995 and in January of 1997 updated it that even changed the title to: “Undercover “Jesus” Surfaces Before Departure”. Jesus was put in quotes because as they always said neither Ti nor Do were Jesus because Jesus was the name of the vehicle an Older Member from the Next Level (who TI said was DO) incarnated into to perform that task. (Though they always said from 1974-6 that all the Revelations prophecies would be fulfilled that included Jesus coming in the 7th and last “closeness” where they considered themselves as the 6th closeness and that that coming was not to be a “teaching one” (like the 6th was via the Two Witnesses task of delivery of new information via speaking).

Below I provide a link to my blog post that shows the full comparison of these two versions of Undercover “Jesus” where the part about obtaining a firearm was removed.

DO Reduces the Requirements to Leave with Him By Updating “Undercover Jesus Surfaces Before Departure”

Plus he never manipulated anyone – there were never any locked door or fences around our campgrounds. Keys to cars were locked up every night because some would leave in the middle of the night sometimes and Ti and Do didn’t want to lose a car to them. Money was locked up for the same reason. Doors were locked to keep people from the outside from coming in. But I don’t recall phones were disconnected at night though we often had someone up all night doing a night watch task. If someone wanted to leave Ti and Do preferred they tell them and they always tried to help them with a bus or airplane ticket and sometimes with a car and/or some money as was the case with me. I was given a plane ticket and $600 in cash. They still almost always moved soon after someone would leave if Ti and Do felt they might reveal where we were, in case a private eye was looking for someone.

DO never entertained mounting any kind of attack against the government or to do any violent act against anyone ever (Their exit method was not violent. It was as gentle as one could imagine leaving one’s vehicle could be – the vehicle dying in one’s sleep).

However, further addressing that part of the Undercover…” post Ben Zeller read in Episode 6 was what came after describing – Believers in Them taking a stand, not being submissive to authorities (though not breaking any laws either) and how that could eventually lead to those authorities becoming the aggressors and seeing radicals with firearms as a threat to the public so could facilitate their exit of their vehicles.

DO was simply following his instruction from TI by outlining an option that the Next Level would find an acceptable way to both show our commitment to the Next Level by following, if we so chose, and as a way to lay down our vehicles to exit should authorities bring trumpeted up charges against us individually or as a group and not having to submit to them and their treatment of us. He made those posts in 1995, approx. 6 months or more after he had outlined for the entire class the procedure for self exiting that he still continued then to prepare for.

I know DO bought at least one rifle which I read about in Rio’s book saying Strody (a classmate with a 60 something year old female vehicle) did some target shooting when they were building what they called a “fortress” near Mansano, New Mexico. Rio didn’t indicate there was a program for all to learn to shoot the rifle.

I’m not sure where I got this, but thought if we got a rifle we would load it with blanks and/or learn to shoot above the heads of someone so if it was to be used it would appear to be a real threat. I can’t actually say I recall DO saying that so perhaps it was how I first dealt with the idea after the Waco murders of the Branch Davidians when DO first brought up the idea. It wasn’t an easy idea for me to handle as it faced me at the time with just how far I would go in my commitment to DO. Would I shoot someone, if I was given that instruction, I asked myself and what I felt was that I wouldn’t be asked to do that. But I did not question DO’s bringing it up and considering it, so like everything in the classroom it felt like another test that I would pass and it would not be the last such test.

The way I heard Frank speak of that classroom it sounded as if he resented the procedures, saying we had to “toe the line” as if it was drudgery as opposed to performing our task assignments with a sense of feeling very happy and even honored to do so. He said we were to “stay under the radar”, as if we were hiding when a huge part of the classroom overcoming process was to want to be transparent and to enjoy being watched all the time. In this context it would have only been a negative to be watched if we sought to hide something. I think from Franks admission he had something to hide thus appears to have resented being under that Next Level microscope.

Franks case and I, Sawyer also engaged in some deceit and tried to hide some of my behaviors. But to be clear this isn’t always totally conscious, so it may be mostly in hindsight that Frank has developed his apparent disdain for DO and the classroom experience.

Ti and DO used to compare their task on earth to being “undercover” and dropped behind enemy lines to where the only lifeline they had was their remote communication with the Next Level and that the task was so important that they didn’t want to say or do anything that would jeopardize the successful completion of that task. I didn’t see that as illusionary thinking. It made perfect sense to me. But a big part of being undercover was in the procedures they had to use to verify they are receiving instructions from their “heavenly Father” as opposed to the efforts of a human or human equivalent trickster. Before Ti left her vehicle she had taught DO how to engage that “checking” process. Part of that was running things by his “helpers” and/or “overseers”. But that was often combined with his observations of events in the world, with the Waco event.

The basis of having “check partners” was to perform all our tasks with more confidence we were working in accordance to our Older Member’s wishes. And partners were to help us be to our partners a “mirror” other sets of eyes to help us see our self and what we might be thinking, saying or doing differently from what our Older Members had taught. That is what Jesus meant by making one’s eye single – having 100% concentration on one aim – to follow our Older Member wherever he goes and in whatever he would have us do.

We needed to want to be subject to that “radar”. It was part of becoming crew minded and not seeking to shine for shining sake. “Behaving” – living according to the provided behaviors and ways, “Following procedures, the rules, to those that truly wanted to be there were very satisfying, very fulfilling and purposeful feeling. Anyone that has worked in a team effort knows how great it feels to be part of that team and how fun it is to work together as different spokes in the wheel and for those that were fully there, I know they felt that.

I’m not suggesting Frank didn’t experience a lot of this pride and satisfaction, but at least in the way he spoke that was put together by the Pineapple Street crew it would seem he has forgotten about or sees in a different light now.

We developed a lot of procedures surrounding our need to feed these vehicles, to set up the preparation of food as an experiment, which I see as ingenious – simulating the real deal of training to meet the qualifications of becoming a crew member in laboratories that are involved in the mechanics of a vast creation.

So Frank calls DO “controlling” and says he got even more controlling after TI left her vehicle, but the facts are that if one wants to consider him ever to be “controlling”, he became less of that after TI left.

If he became more controlling, then why did he send us back to visit families again in 1987? Why wasn’t their sending us to visit families in 1985 enough after the first 10 years of no such visits. The first visit was spoken of by Ti and Do as relieving anxieties family members had that they became most aware of when they found out about the Newsletter Nancy Brown started. It was because of that visit that Rthody decided to leave and is when Frank and Erika who traveled together would have had the chance to run away together and when I could have run away with “sarah” as we two traveled together (and I felt on the airplane and in a car with her, I did wonder if she was coming on to me, but I ignored it.

Starting in 1987 DO brought in a bunch of books, some about UFO’s, abduction reports, close encounters, UFO Crash at Aztec, that included autopsy reports from Dr. Leonard Stringfield. He started up a little video project I was on the committee for. He sent Lggody and others to UFO conferences in Arkansas and Nevada to video interview leading ufologists.

He started us into all kinds of health and longevity research. We had a little company called, ALERT (Advanced Life Extension Research Team). He had us publish a book called the Transfiguration Diet. I was assigned to drive one of our little carpools. I’d drop off classmates at their “out of craft tasks” (jobs in the world) and then go to mine by myself and during my lunch hour, I chose to visit book stores of my choosing to sell books. I could have easily just cashed my check one day and drove off with a Cadillac. I remember one time even having that thought, though it wasn’t a thought I had been entertaining so it had no affect on me, nor did I have any reason to want to leave.

It seemed we had more frequent times when we were required to spend 20 minutes or so opening the door of our minds to whether there was something in the world we wanted. When that time period was over we were to resume blocking out such thoughts. However, if we had been entertaining such thoughts it would have strengthened such thoughts.

DO offered students $2000 to leave the classroom saying he didn’t want anyone staying because of fear of going back into the world and because life in the classroom had become easy – communal living, no worry about the things humans had to worry about like paying bills, keeping a job, dealing with life in what TI called the “real world” as ours was a simulation of life on a spacecraft and if one person lost a job it didn’t break the bank.

DO brought in more books related to the bible – Strong’s concordance, 4-5 versions of the Bible, Dakes, the Parallel, an Amplified, the dead sea scrolls, about the Essenes, the Nag Hammadi library, the Inner Earth evidence from Admiral Byrd’s expedition and even the book Holy Blood Holy Grael that depicted Jesus tricking people to think he had died and resurrected and instead went to live in France where he started a family. That was not the story we thought happened so DO was providing us with that thinking and I don’t recall that he talked about the book.

DO wrote “’88 Update The UFO Two and their Crew”, in which he revealed before he had awakened how he had been leading a homosexual lifestyle. Who knows whether learning that tested some.

Srrody and I started two companies (DBA’s). One we called, Think Link and the second one was called Word Wise and we tried to secure contract programming jobs and got a few but we were on our own to plan what we would do and how.

Srrody and I started training classmates to do computer programming work. DO didn’t give us procedures on how to do that. Students who were intested in that line of work volunteered. Chkody was one of them, with Glnody.

We started making crosses out of fine/rare woods and inlayed semi-precious stones in some of them. Prkody (who left before Frank and has since died) was a primary and Srrody and I were on the crew and we ended up selling them. Do left us on our own as to their design as there are many different kinds of crosses.

When we dealt with the public at times we started being more honest about who we were, saying we were a monastic group. I remember when Lggody was assigned the primary position to design a portable stand for the two 7 foot diameter satellite dishes we had. I was Lggody’s check partner and he was brother Logan and I was brother Sawyer to the people we bought supplies from. That was a change from hiding the true nature of our group.

I never saw Ti nor Do as controlling anyway. If Frank didn’t want to be there, which he indicated was the case, then he was seeing what he chose to “see”. There was no manipulation and the controls were all voluntary so can’t be rightfully considered controlling.

We were taught to fully control our own vehicles, whether that meant not letting out gas outside the “bath chamber” or not allowing our vehicle to dwell on the past or on sensuality or even in imagining ways to fix the human world.

Finally, I will show how DO actually relaxed certain “controls” as to who could qualify to catch the eye of a member of the Level Above Human. This is shown by the differences between the first and last versions of the document DO wrote entitled, ‘Undercover “Jesus” Surfaces Before Departure’. At first he expressed that “laying down” of one’s human body was needed to demonstrate one’s bond and leave with him to not be among those who are recycled. He changed it to “preparing to lay down one’s body” while not disqualifying that one could die from natural causes and still have their Soul saved for a future classroom. He also removed the prospect of taking up a firearm so the authorities might assist one in exiting their vehicle (not by doing any harm to anyone with it but just by having it when one might be apprehended by authorities for being a radical and not choosing to submit to being taken to jail on trumped up charges, for example).

As shown by my post on the way DO reduced the qualifications to leaving with him, the edit/update of Undercover “Jesus”… demonstrates without question less “control” over who could aspire to advance towards their own graduation.

Nor did DO demonstrate that “controlling and manipulative” person Frank and others try to paint him as, when Frank told DO he wanted to leave. Is asking him if he is sure evidence of controlling and manipulation? Lets say one of our kids who became an adult didn’t want to follow in the footsteps of their parents – to join and help run the parents’ company. Wouldn’t a good parent try to remind their offspring what they are giving up? That was DO appealing to that part of He and Ti’s Mind that was still in Andody’s vehicle – Frank. DO was showing how he cared for Andody to face him with that prospect. DO didn’t say no, he couldn’t leave or didn’t delay his leaving nor have students try to talk him out of it. Remember Frank had become DO’s student for around 17 years at that point and that meant passing by many “tests.”

Finally, Frank says when he was preparing to leave, “classmates were hovering around to make sure I didn’t take anything I wasn’t supposed to take,” another example of how he was in his own world as we had no instruction to watch him that I was aware of and I was one that took him to the airport. However perhaps Srrody did receive instructions to sort of usher him out of the classroom and that could have included giving back the silver wedding bands we wore, that DO gave us to represent our marriage to him (that TI before she left had told us to show to DO our commitment to him). DO at first started to wear a silver wedding band and then he had an event to where each student received one and he spent time with each student, silently as a more formal solidification of what that ring represented.

It’s interesting how that “marriage” relationship was described by Jesus related to the students in the end time. And it’s also interesting how the Luciferian space alien fallen angels stimulated a facsimile event with the Moonies where they had a huge mass marriage but not to him but to other students and it was nothing like in Ti and Do’s group as they really got married in the states eyes and I imagine were sexual and perhaps some went on to propagate, a distortion of what Jesus taught as for “angels” (in the making even) there is no marriage (as we think of marriage) and no propagation of the species. However, that wasn’t saying if one was married before they made their commitment to the Next Level entirely that they were not able to “marry” their Older Member. That option exists for as long as we each have a human vehicle.

It’s simply human mammalian behaviors needing to be outgrown to literally graduate into Next Level membership.

Glynn say’s DO became “more cruel” but where was there any evidence anywhere that he was ever cruel. What was cruel about he and Ti’s sending 19 students who followed them away from the group? What was cruel about spending all their money they received from donations on us, outfitting us to live outdoors for the first 3+ years without income?

Frank described Erika in the start of this podcast as being “loving, compassionate, bright, and intuitive” and yet he paints a picture of the individual (DO) who she, in the name of Chkody loved and gave her life to, as psychotic, manipulating and controlling and having lost his objectivity that led to her and the other student’s committing suicide. That doesn’t say much about her brightness and intuition.

What’s controlling and manipulative is shown in much of these podcasts, and in this episode in particular by putting such a focus on what Frank says to paint a picture to people that DO was controlling and cruel just like what was done to paint Ti as hypocritical in episode 4. None of these involved with this project are operating with a completely informed perspective so they might want to restrain publicly expressing their negativity. Like Jesus said the way we judge others will be the way we are judged. That’s because we become believers in our own judgement, so continue to draw to us the ramifications of having that judgement and we then become forced to “act it out”, which is why there has been an exponential increase in mass shootings, etc.

To me it’s also manipulative to depict Glynn’s early in life experience in a Christian “cult” that was hardly a cult at all comparing it to the Heaven’s Gate cult when there was nothing about them that were alike except for the references to things Biblical and of Jesus. It can easily be shown that all the religions and even today’s anti-religion groups are far from their origin in the case of Christians from the cultish Jesus teachings.

It’s easy to see how Glynn’s cult experience was not evidenced to have much of the real Jesus in it, thus why it did become an example of Luciferian influenced corruption as Jesus said would happen and spoke to as their being “false Christ(ians),” not even knowing what it means to be engaged in the Christing process – coming to trick people who can be tricked into thinking they are serving the One True Kingdom of God when they don’t know Him hardly, if at all. This is on a person by person basis and even if we do recognize the many ways we’ve been tricked, we can still change and the best advise for that is to seek what’s most true at any cost to previous ideas. That can only happen if we project our asking beyond the stars to reach the highest source we can imagine and then proceeding as a seeker – busting past previous limitations of what what might look like.

I’ve written about the dozens of examples that show how Ti and Do demonstrated the same behaviors and ways and requirements of students that Jesus required to join his cult and yet I get no time to say anything about any of that.

Most of the only things they ended up using from the interviews I gave were things they could use to paint a distorted, hypothetically inaccurate negative slanted picture of the real Ti and Do and crew.

Another example of their focusing on anything that painted a negative picture of Ti and Do and their class was shown in how David (Alxody) during one of his two visits to his vehicle’s family was videoed twisting a phone cord in his fingers. Perhaps it was nervous energy as he was subject to scrutiny from his brother(s) around then, but perhaps he always had some nervous energy. We all knew he had a lot of force. The point is why spend any time on that when there are hundreds of things to focus on that could directly inform the listener to more of the truth about Ti and Do and their group.

With all this said, I do still appreciate hearing all of what they found to put together into this series and I know the pressure of being a somewhat mainstream media organizations that needs to attract advertisers and not upset certain people in high places is enormous to negotiate and of course the status quo thinking is overwhelmingly against even considering for a second that Ti and Do could have been exactly who they said they were.



DO Reduces the Requirements to Leave with Him By Updating “Undercover Jesus Surfaces Before Departure”

December 15, 2017

Over September 25-26, 1995 DO and Crew posted a document to 95 usenet groups using the handle, Doe@Ti.Lah. The name of the document was:

Undercover Jesus Surfaces Before Departure

Then in January of 1997 He edited that document and updated it that included a new title:

Undercover “Jesus” Surfaces Before Departure

This updated version is what he included in their book:

“How and When ‘Heaven’s Gate’ (The Door to the Physical Kingdom Level Above Human) May Be Entered” which they called “An Anthology of Our Materials”

(Both the original post and the final version are included near the end of this document)

I compared the two documents and found 25 primary differences. There were a couple more that amounted to use of the phrase “Level Above Human”, when it had been, “Kingdom of Heaven” that I didn’t include all of in this comparison.

Before I show the details of all the changes here is a brief summary with my comments:

Changes 1 and 2: The Title was changed to add quote marks around the word, Jesus. Also referring to himself as Jesus is removed from the first line in the body of the document.

Explanation: DO, nor TI ever claimed to be Jesus though he said he and TI were from the “same Level Above Human (Kingdom of God, in the literal Heaven’s) Family as Jesus” and came incarnate to fulfill all his prophecies to include those in the Book of Revelation that was for the purpose of gathering the same Souls who had “any significant relationship with Jesus” and/or the information He provided, to lead them through the completion of their “Soul – spirit/mind birth” into membership in the Level Above Human.

Ti and Do said they were not “Jesus” because that was the name of the vehicle an Older Member from the Next Level prepared and took over to perform the task through and for this stage of the graduation, “harvest of fruit” process they needed new human vehicles. They also said, Jesus would come back as the “7th Closeness” where they were providing the “6th Closeness” in the prophesying task described in the Book of Revelation, chapter 11 as the Two Witnesses.

After I left the classroom in 1994, re-starting my human life that included starting a family, after they exited the human vehicles (bodies) in 1997, I began to re-awaken, mostly via dreams, to providing service to Ti and Do again. By 2001 I began to write and eventually wrote a book, entitled, “TI and DO The Father and “Jesus” Heaven’s Gate UFO Two Witnesses”.

Over 15 years researching and writing the book, I can to understand that these “closenesses” that TI and DO wrote about by 1976, shown in the book, UFO Missionaries Extraordinary aligned with Adam, Enoch, Moses, Elijah and Jesus.

TI said the Soul now in the vehicle named DO was the same Soul who had incarnated for all those 5 and now 6 Next Level closenesses. Thus DO, the Soul was Jesus but he was not that same vehicle.

However in Revelation chapter 19 it appears that He, whom we last know of as DO, is slated to return in his same vehicle that was named Jesus, referring to that “clothing” His Soul would “wear,” as having been “dipped (baptized) in blood” and had the name “King of Kings” and “Lord of Lords” written on it’s “thigh” – from His conquering/overcoming of the human vehicle he “stood up” for his Father in Heaven inside of that brought about it’s metamorphic transformation into a Next Level vehicle. This vehicle was described in scripture as his “glorified body” and as a “celestial body”.

Change 5: DO removes suggesting their M.O. this time was to arrive via “UFO Crashes”

Change 8: DO removes stating as a fact that two Older Members visited with him (while incarnate in the vehicle named Jesus) on the mount of Transfiguration.

Change 10 – DO adds that he will again be hated for his “blasphemy” because of who he says he is and hated by families, etc. because he (and TI) required disciples to leave all behind.

Change 11 – DO adds that some chose to have their vehicles neutered.

Change 12 – changes stating those students who bond with Next Level through him “will also lay down their human bodies” to say instead that they “must also prepare to lay down their human bodies”. Also eliminated was the indication that a natural death would not qualify as a laying down of one’s body – leaving what defines “laying down of bodies”.

Change 13 – again changes “lay down” our human bodies to “prepare to lay down our bodies”.

Change 14 – adds that exchanging old mind for the mind that flows through him will “cost” them everything of this world.

Change 15 – outlines how someone who looks to he and his students for all their needs to the best of their ability to align themselves with them and break their human bonds, if their declaration that our presence is from the Kingdom of God leads to laying down of their bodies they TOO will find themselves in the safekeeping of that Kingdom and towards further nourishment towards membership in the Next Kingdom.

Change 16 – DO removes this section from the original. In it, DO suggests getting a firearm and learning how to shoot it, with the idea that being seen by authorities as a radical, if authorities sought to arrest such a believer, where no crime was committed, if they had a firearm and the authorities knew it, the authorities wouldn’t hold back from killing someone which would become one’s laying down of their human vehicle’s life to allow to happen by not submitting to what they command.

Change 17 – an addition that they may not be required to lay down their lives.

Change 18 – DO changes the description of those who can likely be identified as losing respect for this world and/or having a deposit. They are not automatically the homeless or prisoners or drug or alchohol users, religious radicals or other suppressed segments of society or “sinners” from the viewpoint of the establishment.

Change 19 – includes his students as representatives from the Kingdom of Heaven that are here NOW with Him.

Change 22 – suggests how it “appears” some of the staged crashed spacecrafts was how some arrived rather than a certainty.

Change 24 – Adds that those who “accept us and endure until we leave will go with us and not experience the spading under or recycle of the planet and will become beginners in the real kingdom of heaven.

Change 25 – Deletes requirement to “drop the ways of this world and all it’s addictions and ties NOW. He removes saying his is the last bus out of this civilization.

As is the pattern for the Next Level when they bring one of theirs incarnate to teach students through, as demonstrated by Jesus and by TI and DO operating as partners and then by DO, They say and do things that bring great challenges to those they gather from the human kingdom. Everything they say is true, but in application will at times appear not to be, as that puts followers to the test to show whether they truly recognize the Older Members and/or their information or not. The Older Members then become instruments for the Next Level to sort out of the group those who aren’t of the same readiness to graduate in the FIRST WAVE of the overall harvest of Souls into membership in the Next Level.

Thus, I believe DO was blocked from certain perspectives and in this example of this document posted things that were not the most accurate way of understanding things, because it gave those that didn’t receive a soul deposit or tag a reason to not believe in who he really was.

For instance, relative to this document having the name Jesus, not in quotes was taken by some as evidence that DO wasn’t the promised return because Jesus said not to believe someone who comes “in my name, saying I am the Christ”, where his name when he said that was Jesus. Thus if someone comes saying they are Jesus don’t believe them. Even though DO did not come saying he was Jesus, when he came public with TI, after TI left her vehicle, which was also part of the design and served as a test for students, He did realize He needed to “Be Who We are” which he said to students in 1987 and then proceeded to figure out how to present themselves as who they are, where they refers to the student true “saints” also having to stand up now for who they were 2000 years ago.

Those Souls who were with Jesus, when they came back knew him, knew his teachings and knew his “voice” – his Mind/Spirit, thinking, behaviors and ways, so knew they could trust everything He/They said and did, while those who hadn’t received that portion of His Mind might have doubts and questioning of things He/They would say that became a separator, though if they still kept on seeking could also take their next step towards graduation, just probably not with the FIRST Wave but with the LAST Wave instead or could choose to ignore or even go against Them altogether.

All the primary changes to this document show this filtering process at work.

This way, no one is left out of having the opportunity to take their own next best step towards being part of the Level Above Human graduation classrooms.

So here is the line by line changes made to the first document to arrive at the final document:

1) Title:

Undercover Jesus Surfaces Before Departure

Changed to:

Undercover “Jesus” Surfaces Before Departure

2) First Statement:

I, Jesus — Son of God — acknowledge on this date of September 25/26, 1995:

Changed to:

A member of the Kingdom of God — the Evolutionary Level Above Human — I, who am called Do, acknowledge that:

3) B.

B. My Father’s Kingdom is a physical Kingdom Level in the physical Heavens or space, though individuals in that Kingdom identify with their soul — mind or spirit — and not the body they “wear.”

Changed to:

B. The Evolutionary Level Above Human is a physical Kingdom Level in the physical Heavens or space, though individuals in that Kingdom identify with their soul – and its mind or spirit – and not the “flesh” or physical body they “wear.”

4) B.2.

2. This time, my Heavenly Father came with me. In the early 1970’s, we each incarnated into an adult human body which was in its forties. Approximately 2000 years ago, I incarnated in a body that was in its late 20’s/early 30’s (not at the birth of that body, but just prior to — during — and following my baptism with John the Baptist).

changed to:

2. This time, my Heavenly Father – my “Older Member” – came with me. In the early 1970’s, we incarnated into adult human bodies which were in their forties. Approximately 2000 years ago, I incarnated into a body that was in its late 20’s/early 30’s (not at the birth of that body, but just prior to – during – and following my baptism with John the Baptist).

5) B.3.

3. Each time we, or others from the Kingdom of Heaven, come to Earth or leave, it is via a spacecraft belonging to that Kingdom. The M.O. for many of us this time was to arrive in staged “UFO crashes.”

changed to:

3. It seems that each time we, or others from the Level Above Human, come to Earth or leave, it is via a spacecraft belonging to that Next Level.

6) B.4.

4. My Father is an Older Member in the Kingdom of Heaven — the Kingdom of God.

Changed to:

4. My Father is an Older Member in the Kingdom of Heaven – the Kingdom of God – the Evolutionary Level Above Human.

7) C.

C. His relationship to this planet is as Chief Administrator, and is the One referred to as God in the early stages of this civilization.

changed to:

C. His relationship to this planet is as Chief Administrator, and is the One referred to as the “True God” in the early stages of this civilization.

8) C.5. is deleted:

5. The last time I incarnated, My Heavenly Father’s physical relationship with me was unknown to others except when He, along with another Older Member in the Kingdom of God, visited with me (in the place that is referred to as the Mount of the Transfiguration) just prior to my putting myself in the hands of the authorities in order to lay down my human body.

9) C.6. becomes C.5. and changes “Kingdom of Heaven” to “Level Above Human”

10) 5.B. addition:

Now that I am surfacing again, I will again be hated for my “blasphemy” (of who I say I am) and hated by those families and others that are affected by all who aspire to leave with us, because this mission requires that they forsake all ties and binds to this world (family ties, responsibilities, and human-mammalian indulgences).

11) 8.A – now 7.A. addition:

Some in the class have chosen on their own to have their vehicles neutered in order to sustain a more genderless and objective consciousness.

12) 8.B now named 7.B with changes of “will lay down their human bodies” to “prepare to lay down their human bodies”. Also eliminated was the indication that a natural death would not qualify as a laying down of one’s body. In other words one can lose their body through a natural death and still be considered a student who can successfully bond to the Level Above Human. It also deleted the indication that these students must willfully lose their body in allegiance to and belonging to that more advanced Kingdom Level:

B. These students/disciples who successfully bond to the Kingdom of Heaven through me and my Father will also lay down their human bodies as we go to the Kingdom of Heaven, in order to take up bodies appropriate to and belonging to that Kingdom. (None of this “laying down of bodies” will play out as a “natural death,” but will be an individual, willful loss of body in allegiance and service to the presence of the Kingdom of Heaven.)

Changed to:

B. The students/disciples who successfully bond to the Level Above Human through me and my Father must also prepare to lay down their human bodies as we go to the Kingdom of Heaven, in order to take up bodies appropriate to and belonging to that more advanced Kingdom Level.

13) 9. now named 8. changes “As we “lay down” our human bodies…” to “As we prepare to “lay down” our human bodies…”

9. As we “lay down” our human bodies while declaring that the Kingdom of God is at hand, there may be many humans who have been recipients of “souls” in “deposits” who may exercise their free will and separate from everything of their world in order to go with us.

Changed to:

8. As we prepare to “lay down” our human bodies, while declaring that entry into the Kingdom Above Human is available, there may be many humans who have been recipients of “souls” in “deposits” who may exercise their free will and separate from everything of their world in order to go with us.

14) Add 8.A.

A. They will attempt to rid themselves of their old minds, and identities, in exchange for the mind that flows through me, as they attempt to be accepted as one of my “children.” It will “cost” them everything of this world – which they will desperately desire to quickly be rid of.

15) 9.A changed to 8.B with addition

A. If they look to us (me and my students/disciples) to the best of their ability — align themselves with us — break their human bonds — and if their declaration that our presence is from the Kingdom of God leads to the “laying down” of their bodies in service to the Next Kingdom as well, then they, too, will find themselves in the safekeeping of the Kingdom of Heaven, and in line to be recipients of further nourishment from the Kingdom of Heaven toward membership in that Kingdom.

Changed to:

B. If they expect to go with me, and I’m leaving very soon, they must look to us (me and my students/disciples) for all their needs to the best of their ability – align themselves with us – break their human bonds – and if their declaration that our presence is from the Kingdom of God leads to the “laying down” of their bodies in pursuit of the Next Kingdom as well, then they, too, will find themselves in the safekeeping of that Kingdom, and in line to be recipients of further nourishment from that Next Level toward membership in that Kingdom.

16) 9.B. deleted – having to do with obtaining firearms that as a radical group may result in the government taking care of how we are to lay down one’s lives.

B. How is this “laying down of our bodies” to occur? If you DO recognize me and choose to look to me for guidance, I would recommend that you purchase firearms, get comfortable using them (or partner with someone who can), and somehow position yourselves (separate from others enough to not be vulnerable) so that you might establish a relationship with me, protected from interference as far as possible. In this day and time the authorities make no bones about their “need” to protect the public from “dangerous radicals like us.” They will aggressively attempt to require us to abide by their values and their rules (which are of this Luciferian world and its society– as difficult as that might be to believe). They won’t hesitate to trump up charges or suspicions in order to search us or take us into custody so they can “judge for themselves” whether or not we are some kind of a threat. There is no need for us to be submissive to their wishes (such as to their search or custody questioning) when we know we have broken none of God’s laws. Not only have we done nothing wrong, but our total existence is devoted to entering and offering God’s World. Our choosing to not “be submissive”– coupled with “being armed”–pretty much addresses the “laying down of our bodies” question.

[There is always the possibility that my Older Member will physically visit me in order to validate or confirm the appropriate unfolding of our exit plan (as was permitted before, at the Mount of the Transfiguration, when I asked “Can this cup be taken from me?” If my Father does not require this “disposition” of us — He will take us up into His “cloud of light” (spacecraft) before such confrontation need occur.]

17) 9.C addition

C. If my Father does not require this “disposition” of us – He will take us up into His “cloud of light” (spacecraft) before such “laying down of bodies” need occur.

18) 10. changed into 9.

10. Humans with deposits containing souls can likely be identified at this time as some of those who are rapidly losing respect for this world or its “system.” They are, from the system’s point of view, not being responsible citizens, whether their symptoms (of having a deposit) take the form of being “homeless,” prisoners, other social “dropouts” (doing drugs, alcohol, or losing respect for the family and career norms),religious radicals, or patriots/militia-types preoccupied with the loss of their God-given rights, and other suppressed segments of society — women, minority or indigenous races, gays, lesbians, etc. We always come for the “sinners,” from the viewpoint of the establishment.

changed to:

9. Humans with deposits containing souls can likely be identified at this time as some of those who are rapidly losing respect for this world or its “system.” They are, from the establishment’s point of view, being irresponsible or anti- social – and will be seen by the world as duped, crazy, a cult member, a drifter, a loner, a drop-out, a separatist, etc.

19) 11. changed to 10. with addition

11. In essence, it ultimately matters little what your LIFESTYLE, BELIEF SYSTEM, or MORAL VALUES are BETWEEN” visitations” from the Kingdom of Heaven (the last two being 2000 years ago and now). The important issue is — the Kingdom of Heaven is here NOW in ME.

changed to:

10. In essence, it ultimately matters little what your LIFESTYLE, BELIEF SYSTEM, or MORAL VALUES are BETWEEN “visitations” from the Level Above Human (the last two being 2000 years ago and now). The important issue is – the Kingdom of Heaven is here NOW in ME and these students of the Next Level.

20) 12. changed to 11.

12. Evidence of our credibility is:

changed to:

11. Evidence that we speak the truth is:

21) 12.B. changed to 11.B.

B. Any soul who has known us in previous visitations or has had any genuine (physical, personal) relationship with anyone from the True Kingdom of God, is present now, and will know or recognize us and this information again.

changed to:

B. Any soul of this civilization who has known us in previous visitations or has had any genuine (physical or personal) relationship with anyone from the True Kingdom of God, is present now, and is potentially capable of knowing or recognizing us and this information again.

22) 12.C. changed to 11.C.

C. Even the staging of some of the crashed crafts was in order to help the skeptics realize they have “visitors from another world.”

changed to:

C. It appears that even the staging of some of the crashed spacecrafts (which we suspect some of us arrived in) was in order to help the skeptics realize that they have “visitors from another world.”

23) 13. changed to 12.

13. As true today as it was 2000 years ago, no one gets to my Father or enters the Kingdom of Heaven except through Me. There is no other Son of His or Representative from His Kingdom incarnate. Connecting with that Kingdom occurs only while a Member is incarnate, as I am today.

changed to:

12. As true today as it was 2000 years ago, no one (of this civilization) gets to my Father or enters the Kingdom of Heaven except through Me. There is no other Son of His, or Representative from His Kingdom, incarnate. Connecting with that Kingdom occurs only while a Member is incarnate, as I am today.

24) 17. changed to 16. with addition of:

Those who accept us and endure until we leave will go with us, and not need to experience the “spading under” or recycling of this planet – and will in the future become beginners in the real Kingdom of Heaven.

25) Remaining part of 17. deleted:

If you expect to be one to enter the Kingdom of Heaven, you must drop the ways of this world — all its addictions and ties –NOW — and go with ME. When I am gone — I’m sorry, but –THAT’S IT — this is the “last bus” out of this civilization. This is the way my Father has designed it!

I am not naive. I am quite aware that what I am saying here will to many, if not most, sound like I should be locked up as a mental case at the least. However, that awareness cannot stand in the way of my simple acknowledgment of these facts for the sake of those who might go with us, and also for the sake of those who desire to be a contributor to our demise or exit from this world.

Here is the original document:

(Original) September 25/26, 1995 – Statement posted to the WorldWide Web and to 95 specific newsgroups on the Internet


I, Jesus — Son of God — acknowledge on this date of September25/26, 1995:

1. I am about to return to my Father’s Kingdom.

A. This “return” requires that I prepare to lay down my borrowed human body in order to take up, or reenter, my body (biological) belonging to the Kingdom of God (as I did appx. 2000 years ago when I laid down the body that was about 33 years old in order to reenter my body belonging to the Kingdom of Heaven).

B. My Father’s Kingdom is a physical Kingdom Level in the physical Heavens or space, though individuals in that Kingdom identify with their soul — mind or spirit — and not the body they “wear.”

2. This time, my Heavenly Father came with me. In the early 1970’s, we each incarnated into an adult human body which was in its forties. Approximately 2000 years ago, I incarnated in a body that was in its late 20’s/early 30’s (not at the birth of that body, but just prior to — during — and following my baptism with John the Baptist).

3. Each time we, or others from the Kingdom of Heaven, come to Earth or leave, it is via a spacecraft belonging to that Kingdom. The M.O. for many of us this time was to arrive in staged “UFO crashes.”

4. My Father is an Older Member in the Kingdom of Heaven — the Kingdom of God.

A. He actually gave me “birth” into that Kingdom — took me through the overcoming of a mammalian civilization — long before this present human civilization had its beginning.

B. I have served as His student and apprentice during His relationship with this civilization.

C. His relationship to this planet is as Chief Administrator, and is the One referred to as God in the early stages of this civilization.

5. The last time I incarnated, My Heavenly Father’s physical relationship with me was unknown to others except when He, along with another Older Member in the Kingdom of God, visited with me (in the place that is referred to as the Mount of the Transfiguration) just prior to my putting myself in the hands of the authorities in order to lay down my human body.

6. This time He came with me “undercover” to assist me in my task (picking up where this process left off appx. 2000 years ago) of the further birthing –“fathering”– experience with the ones who will be the next new “sons” or children in the Kingdom of Heaven. To allow me to gain more experience in the birthing process, my Older Member returned to the Kingdom of Heaven in 1985, and continues to assist and communicate with me from a more advanced perspective.

A. As part of the undercover program, my Father incarnated in a female body for His 15-year stay.

B. Being “undercover,” which included lack of acknowledgment of who we were historically, was required of our task this time in order that we might, with as little recognition and interference as possible, round up the souls who were our students from the past. Even so, we were identified as a small, radical cult, just as we were 2000 years ago. And as was the case 2000 years ago, these prospective members left their families and relationships in order to follow or be a student.

7. These prospective new “sons” (speaking of soul identities, for they occupy both male and female bodies) were gathered at two different time periods — one under the guidance of both my Older Member and myself, and the second after my Older Member had returned (these were all souls that had had a previous relationship with me before this incarnation).

8. These “students” of the Kingdom of Heaven were offered the opportunity to bond with me and my Father, as a bride would bond with her husband, though —

A. Since the Kingdom of Heaven has no mammalian or human members, they had to become “new creatures” who bonded in mind, spirit, and behavior — void of human sexuality, human binds, and addictions of this world and this civilization.

B. These students/disciples who successfully bond to the Kingdom of Heaven through me and my Father will also lay down their human bodies as we go to the Kingdom of Heaven, in order to take up bodies appropriate to and belonging to that Kingdom. (None of this “laying down of bodies” will play out as a “natural death,” but will be an individual, willful loss of body in allegiance and service to the presence of the Kingdom of Heaven.)

9. As we “lay down” our human bodies while declaring that the Kingdom of God is at hand, there may be many humans who have been recipients of “souls” in “deposits” who may exercise their free will and separate from everything of their world in order to go with us.

A. If they look to us (me and my students/disciples) to the best of their ability — align themselves with us — break their human bonds — and if their declaration that our presence is from the Kingdom of God leads to the “laying down” of their bodies in service to the Next Kingdom as well, then they, too, will find themselves in the safekeeping of the Kingdom of Heaven, and in line to be recipients of further nourishment from the Kingdom of Heaven toward membership in that Kingdom.

B. How is this “laying down of our bodies” to occur? If you DO recognize me and choose to look to me for guidance, I would recommend that you purchase firearms, get comfortable using them (or partner with someone who can), and somehow position yourselves (separate from others enough to not be vulnerable) so that you might establish a relationship with me, protected from interference as far as possible. In this day and time the authorities make no bones about their “need” to protect the public from “dangerous radicals like us.” They will aggressively attempt to require us to abide by their values and their rules (which are of this Luciferian world and its society– as difficult as that might be to believe). They won’t hesitate to trump up charges or suspicions in order to search us or take us into custody so they can “judge for themselves” whether or not we are some kind of a threat. There is no need for us to be submissive to their wishes (such as to their search or custody questioning) when we know we have broken none of God’s laws. Not only have we done nothing wrong, but our total existence is devoted to entering and offering God’s World. Our choosing to not “be submissive”– coupled with “being armed”–pretty much addresses the “laying down of our bodies” question.

[There is always the possibility that my Older Member will physically visit me in order to validate or confirm the appropriate unfolding of our exit plan (as was permitted before, at the Mount of the Transfiguration, when I asked “Can this cup be taken from me?” If my Father does not require this “disposition” of us — He will take us up into His “cloud of light” (spacecraft) before such confrontation need occur.]

[If I receive a change of instruction which includes going to trial, and the death of my body is a part of that experience, then as far as I am concerned, any and all of those who are apart of me have my permission to join me as soon as they choose to.]

10. Humans with deposits containing souls can likely be identified at this time as some of those who are rapidly losing respect for this world or its “system.” They are, from the system’s point of view, not being responsible citizens, whether their symptoms (of having a deposit) take the form of being “homeless,” prisoners, other social “dropouts” (doing drugs, alcohol, or losing respect for the family and career norms),religious radicals, or patriots/militia-types preoccupied with the loss of their God-given rights, and other suppressed segments of society — women, minority or indigenous races, gays, lesbians, etc. We always come for the “sinners,” from the viewpoint of the establishment.

11. In essence, it ultimately matters little what your LIFESTYLE, BELIEF SYSTEM, or MORAL VALUES are BETWEEN” visitations” from the Kingdom of Heaven (the last two being 2000 years ago and now). The important issue is — the Kingdom of Heaven is here NOW in ME.

12. Evidence of our credibility is:

A. That our information and our actions match recorded accounts of the presence, conduct, mission, and departure of our previous visitations from the Kingdom of Heaven offering membership in that Kingdom.

B. Any soul who has known us in previous visitations or has had any genuine (physical, personal) relationship with anyone from the True Kingdom of God, is present now, and will know or recognize us and this information again.

C. Even the staging of some of the crashed crafts was in order to help the skeptics realize they have “visitors from another world.”

13. As true today as it was 2000 years ago, no one gets to my Father or enters the Kingdom of Heaven except through Me. There is no other Son of His or Representative from His Kingdom incarnate. Connecting with that Kingdom occurs only while a Member is incarnate, as I am today.

14. There are space aliens (humanoid remnants from other civilizations) who travel in the nearby heavens. They are dependent upon Earth’s atmosphere for harvesting hybrid bodies to “wear” and they recruit the “souls” who fail to become children in the Kingdom of God. We call them Luciferians because of their lineage.

15. These Luciferians jump in immediately after Reps from the Kingdom of Heaven leave. They fill the “patriarch(s)” of the resulting new religion with mixed truths and misinformation, which reinforces the fact that true growth toward that Kingdom can occur only while Reps are incarnate.

16. The Kingdom of God sends crews to “tag” or make “deposits” in human bodies and their minds/spirits just prior to and during the time Representatives from their Kingdom are incarnate “offering” birth. These deposits offer their recipients “recognition” of the Reps and, to some degree, recognition of the “information” from the Kingdom of God. They also act as “homing devices” to lead the recipients to those Reps and that information. Without these “deposits” of “recognition,” no choice of becoming a student is within the will of a human.

17. All who ever received deposits from the Kingdom of Heaven have returned at this time, the close of this Age. As part of our task, the Kingdom of Heaven is using us to test them. How they/you respond to me, my students, and our information will, in fact, judge you as to whether you will or will not have a further relationship with the Kingdom of Heaven. In other words, coming in contact with this information will force a decision, and with the stand you take, you judge yourself. Some, by their choice at this time, could be redeemed.

If you expect to be one to enter the Kingdom of Heaven, you must drop the ways of this world — all its addictions and ties –NOW — and go with ME. When I am gone — I’m sorry, but –THAT’S IT — this is the “last bus” out of this civilization. This is the way my Father has designed it!

I am not naive. I am quite aware that what I am saying here will to many, if not most, sound like I should be locked up as a mental case at the least. However, that awareness cannot stand in the way of my simple acknowledgment of these facts for the sake of those who might go with us, and also for the sake of those who desire to be a contributor to our demise or exit from this world.

The above is a sketch of some of the topics which will be discussed in more depth on an upcoming satellite broadcast –the date and time will be announced within the next few weeks.

Here is the new document:
(edited/updated) January 1997 – Statement posted to the WorldWide Web and to 95 specific newsgroups on the Internet


A member of the Kingdom of God — the Evolutionary Level Above Human — I, who am called Do, acknowledge that:

1. I am about to return to my Father’s Kingdom.

A. This “return” requires that I prepare to lay down my borrowed human body in order to take up, or reenter, my body (biological) belonging to the Kingdom of God (as I did approximately 2000 years ago, as Jesus, when I laid down the human body that was about 33 years old in order to reenter my body belonging to the Kingdom of Heaven).

B. The Evolutionary Level Above Human is a physical Kingdom Level in the physical Heavens or space, though individuals in that Kingdom identify with their soul – and its mind or spirit – and not the “flesh” or physical body they “wear.”

2. This time, my Heavenly Father – my “Older Member” – came with me.In the early 1970’s, we incarnated into adult human bodies which were in their forties.Approximately 2000 years ago, I incarnated into a body that was in its late 20’s/early 30’s (not at the birth of that body, but just prior to – during – and following my baptism with John the Baptist).

3. It seems that each time we, or others from the Level Above Human, come to Earth or leave, it is via a spacecraft belonging to that Next Level.

4. My Father is an Older Member in the Kingdom of Heaven – the Kingdom of God – the Evolutionary Level Above Human.

A. He actually gave me “birth” into that Kingdom – took me through the overcoming of a mammalian civilization – long before this present human civilization had its beginning.

B. I have served as His student and apprentice during His relationship with this civilization.

C. His relationship to this planet is as Chief Administrator, and is the One referred to as the “True God” in the early stages of this civilization.

5. This time He came with me “undercover,” so to speak, in order to assist me in my task (picking up where this process left off approximately 2000 years ago) of the further birthing – “fathering” – experience with the ones who will be the next new “sons” or children in the Level Above Human.To allow me to gain more experience in the birthing process, my Older Member returned to that Kingdom in 1985, and continues to assist and communicate with me from a more advanced perspective.

A. As part of the undercover program, my Father incarnated in a female body for His 15-year stay.

B. Being “undercover,” which included lack of acknowledgment of who we were historically, was required for most of our task this time in order that we might, with as little recognition and interference as possible, round up the souls who were our students from the past.Even so, we were identified as a small, radical cult, just as we were 2000 years ago.And as was the case 2000 years ago, these prospective members left their families and relationships in order to follow or be a student. Now that I am surfacing again, I will again be hated for my “blasphemy” (of who I say I am) and hated by those families and others that are affected by all who aspire to leave with us, because this mission requires that they forsake all ties and binds to this world (family ties, responsibilities, and human-mammalian indulgences).

6. These prospective new “sons” (speaking of soul identities, for they occupy both male and female bodies) were gathered at two different time periods – one, in 1975-76, under the guidance of both my Older Member and myself, and the second, in 1994, after my Older Member had returned (these were all souls that had had a previous relationship with me before this incarnation).

7. These “students” of the Next Level/The Level Above Human were offered the opportunity to bond with me and my Father, as a bride would bond with her husband, though –

A. Since the Evolutionary Level Above Human has no mammalian or human members, they had to become “new creatures” who bonded in mind, spirit, and behavior – void of human sexuality, human binds, and addictions of this world and this civilization. Some in the class have chosen on their own to have their vehicles neutered in order to sustain a more genderless and objective consciousness.

B. The students/disciples who successfully bond to the Level Above Human through me and my Father must also prepare to lay down their human bodies as we go to the Kingdom of Heaven, in order to take up bodies appropriate to and belonging to that more advanced Kingdom Level.

8. As we prepare to “lay down” our human bodies, while declaring that entry into the Kingdom Above Human is available, there may be many humans who have been recipients of “souls” in “deposits” who may exercise their free will and separate from everything of their world in order to go with us.

A. They will attempt to rid themselves of their old minds, and identities, in exchange for the mind that flows through me, as they attempt to be accepted as one of my “children.”It will “cost” them everything of this world – which they will desperately desire to quickly be rid of.

B. If they expect to go with me, and I’m leaving very soon, they must look to us (me and my students/disciples) for all their needs to the best of their ability – align themselves with us – break their human bonds – and if their declaration that our presence is from the Kingdom of God leads to the “laying down” of their bodies in pursuit of the Next Kingdom as well, then they, too, will find themselves in the safekeeping of that Kingdom, and in line to be recipients of further nourishment from that Next Level toward membership in that Kingdom.

C. If my Father does not require this “disposition” of us – He will take us up into His “cloud of light” (spacecraft) before such “laying down of bodies” need occur.

9. Humans with deposits containing souls can likely be identified at this time as some of those who are rapidly losing respect for this world or its “system.” They are, from the establishment’s point of view, being irresponsible or anti- social – and will be seen by the world as duped, crazy, a cult member, a drifter, a loner, a drop-out, a separatist, etc.

10. In essence, it ultimately matters little what your LIFESTYLE, BELIEF SYSTEM, or MORAL VALUES are BETWEEN “visitations” from the Level Above Human (the last two being 2000 years ago and now). The important issue is – the Kingdom of Heaven is here NOW in ME and these students of the Next Level.

11. Evidence that we speak the truth is:

A. That our information and our actions match recorded accounts of the presence, conduct, mission, and departure of our previous visitations from the Level Above Human offering membership in that Kingdom.

B. Any soul of this civilization who has known us in previous visitations or has had any genuine (physical or personal) relationship with anyone from the True Kingdom of God, is present now, and is potentially capable of knowing or recognizing us and this information again.

C. It appears that even the staging of some of the crashed spacecrafts (which we suspect some of us arrived in) was in order to help the skeptics realize that they have “visitors from another world.”

12. As true today as it was 2000 years ago, no one (of this civilization) gets to my Father or enters the Kingdom of Heaven except through Me.There is no other Son of His, or Representative from His Kingdom, incarnate. Connecting with that Kingdom occurs only while a Member is incarnate, as I am today.

13. There are space aliens (humanoid remnants from other civilizations) who travel in the nearby heavens.They are dependent upon Earth’s atmosphere for harvesting hybrid bodies to “wear” and they recruit the “souls” who fail to become children in the Kingdom of God.We call them Luciferians because of their lineage.

14. These Luciferians (space aliens) “jump in” immediately after Representatives from the Level Above Human leave. They fill the “patriarch(s)” of the resulting new religion with mixed truths and misinformation, which reinforces the fact that accurate knowledge concerning that Kingdom seems to be available only while Representatives are incarnate.

15. The Kingdom of God sends crews to “tag” or make “deposits” in human bodies and their minds/spirits just prior to and during the time Representatives from their Kingdom are incarnate “offering” birth. These deposits offer their recipients “recognition” of the Representatives and, to some degree, recognition of the “information” from the Kingdom of God. They also act as “homing devices” to lead the recipients to those Representatives and that information. Without these “deposits” of “recognition,” no choice of becoming a student is within the will of a human.

16. It is our understanding that all souls of this civilization who ever received deposits from the Level Above Human have returned at this time, the close of this Age. As part of our task, the Level Above Human is using us to test them. How they/you respond to me, my students, and our information will, in fact, judge you as to whether you will or will not have a further relationship with the Kingdom of Heaven. In other words, coming in contact with this information will force a decision, and with the stand you take, you judge yourself. Some, by their choice at this time, could be redeemed. Those who accept us and endure until we leave will go with us, and not need to experience the “spading under” or recycling of this planet – and will in the future become beginners in the real Kingdom of Heaven.

Believe it or not – Your choice – Your judgment.

I hope this will assist you in whatever you might be seeking.

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Brnody’s Overcoming and Health and “Heaven’s Gate” Classroom Food Overcoming and Dietary Longevity Research Summary

November 29, 2017

Brnody had no easy time. She started in the classroom in 1975 or early in 1976 physically well. But by 1977 or 1978 needed crutches and then leg braces and then by 1984 was in a wheel chair. She was diagnosed with osteoarthritis. She had polio as a kid but it was thought to be in remission. At one point I believe Ti indicated it developed because of her need to grow by battling an influence (booger) who thrived on being in control, as a manager, but who couldn’t get it’s way in the classroom so the conflict surfaced as disease that made it so she had to be in control in a different way by limited her ability to function like everyone else in the classroom and thus need special attention. I’m not implying that everyone who experiences this or other diseases is in the same boat, but according to Ti and Do there is a connection between disease and the influences we attract. For instance if I recall accurately at one point Ti and Do wanted us to get rid of any guilt we might have felt at any time in the past. One example I believe they used was that some breast cancer in women developed because of being made to feel guilty in some way about their breasts. Again, I’m not saying they said anything else about it that I recall but I don’t think they were saying this is the case for all who contract breast cancers. Linking physical disease with what we allow in the content of our Mind/Spirit was also evidenced in Do’s tape he sent to Terrie that was just recently broadcast part of the Pineapple Street Media podcast, episode 5 – The Tape.

At one point DO had 4-5 students lay hands on Brnody’s legs, her knews and ankles and feet were very swelled. She also had medications from a doctor – I recall progesterone was one. I was one who laid my hands on her legs and I recall thinking for this to work I needed to believe it possible so that perhaps my vehicle could be an instrument in that way. I think we did that laying on of hands twice, though we also did some massaging of her legs from the knees down that I also participated in a few times. There was no change I was aware of or every heard about. She could barely walk with braces with one leg totally bent out of shape.

Note: Saying this laying on of hands didn’t work gives those of you who are critics of Ti and Do more ammunition expecting that they should have been able to heal Brnody. My response to that is that Ti and Do were simply following their instructions that came when they sought how to help Brnody whether it worked or not. As a side benefit it put those who were doing the laying on of hands to the test as what if it didn’t work. Was it another of the things that didn’t come true? Yet to me and I suspect to others who were doing that laying on of hands (as I don’t know if the whole class knew about it as it was done behind closed doors), that I recall one was Alxody for me it didn’t phase me that it didn’t seem to work.

So after TI left we started on cleansing diets that DO said TI didn’t need to experience even though it was TI who started us on “pink drinks”, we called them made with protein powder and a number of supplements like Lecithin and Wheat Germ so one can’t say that DO started us on health based consuming – linked to overcoming food likes and dislikes separate from TI’s instructions. Ti also started us on a Pritikin like diet which was very low amounts of flesh foods. Our diet research began with a fast on apple juice and then a mucousless diet that came from Dr. Christophers mucousless diet system that was also stemmed from Arnold Ehrets writings. DO continued exploring a number of diet for health and longevity so our vehicles could last as long as needed and also served as a challenge to our dietary habits. Ti said that food was not an addiction, yet there were aspects of it that needed to be overcome. That research using ourselves as guinea pigs became the basis for the book “The Transfiguration Diet” with the author listed as, “littlegreen, inc”. I used to take copies to my out of craft task in Dallas so I could try to sell them during my lunch hour. I did sell a half dozen or so. I could do that because I was the car pool driver so I ended up with keeping a car at my out of craft task. Less than a year after publishing some of us moved to California while part of the class remained in Dallas. Do then sent Jwnody and Lvvody to visit with Anne Wigmore, the founder of the Hippocrities Health Institute in Boston. They were in Anne’s workshop for a “live food” diet. When they came back they put what they learned into motion as we began to grow our own food in the house we lived in. That house was actually one of John Wayne’s old houses in Newport Beach up the channel a little ways. We had over a dozen 4 shelf 12 foot long racks we put cafeteria trays on that we grew Buckwheat greens and Sunflower greens on and wheat grass and we made our own compost. We would blend the greens and add apple to cut the bitter taste to drink every day. We did a number of things and also started a side business called ALERT – Advanced Life Extension Research Team, selling off the excess carrots and other vegetables we bought in bulk at the LA docks at a farmers market.

Then DO started Brnody and myself and maybe another person or two on colonic irrigations via a professional service. I had vertigo that started when we started on the Pink drinks that prompted Ti and Do to cease that diet alone and added yeast rolls which did the trick to rid me of the vertigo symptoms, though they started to come back if I ran myself down.

But this laying of hands and dietary changes and massage seemed to have little to no affect on Brnody’s health and Brnody seemed to be getting worse. One time DO was meeting with craft overseers, of which I was one at that time and he expressed a real concern that Brnody could die as she was curling up and not able to get out of bed sometimes. DO was very concerned about this from the perspective of Brnody and also for the continence of the classroom. Brnody always was under a doctors care for years, though I don’t know if that continued once we started the dietary research.

We were in California then and DO had a crew go down to Tijuana, Mexico to the Gerson clinic and they came back and started Brnody and Alxody and a couple others on a special diet that included the use of raw cows liver. I don’t know what Alxody’s health problem was exactly.

I’m not getting the timeline exactly right but eventually DO felt to start up a “craft” (satellite) for Brnody and at first with Anyody (who was among the 38 but had a new name I don’t recall right now). I was on the crew with Jwnody that took Brnody there and got her situated and then added Anyody and at one point Cddody as well, though they had problems working together so Cddody got another apartment in the same complex in Dallas. Cddody had other problems. He got into an angry pushing match with Alxody one time but was also showing rebellious signs of not wanting to be in the classroom. A year or so later he was invited back into the classroom and didn’t want to rejoin so never returned. I visited with him in Dallas in 1995 and he had become bitter against Ti and Do. I kept in touch a little and a few years ago I saw a newpaper article that said he had died.

At one point around that time when Brnody and Anyody were at this half way type of craft Alxody and Sngody were also sent by DO to have that experience but I don’t know why but it wasn’t long lasting for them two. Tllody and Stlody left the classroom some time later and had their own places in Dallas but returned when they saw the Beyond Human tapes play on Satellite TV.

But the experience for Brnody proved to be excellent for her. She became very independent. DO helped her get a car and she qualified for govt assistance with getting a wheel chair lift installed on the back of it. And she got a good job working for that JR Ewing TV show, in accounting or something like that. I was sent to visit her once with Brnody and sometimes I was on phone calls to her. She always had contact with us and a crew assigned to keep up with her. She tried hard to live by all the procedures we had. She had become very debilitated requiring so much extra care and consideration while in the larger classroom setting and was limited in her in craft service because she couldn’t get around well and couldn’t move quickly when needed, etc. The classroom operated as a professional business.

When Brnody and Anyody returned they were quite happy and Brnody said so on the exit video, still in a wheelchair but she had conquered her vehicles rebellion and disease enough to have a positive attitude and I know that was no easy task for her even though it didn’t appear that sexuality was ever a characteristic of her biggest “booger”.

Jesus-Rebuilding Temple in Jerusalem, Hiding, Miracles, Abandoning Children, When Two Witnesses Come

November 28, 2017

Here are comments on my blog post on Pineapple Street Media’s Heaven’s Gate podcast episode 5, with my responses:

You are ignoring a lot of scripture. The prophecies of Rev can’t happen until the temple in Jerusalem is rebuilt and the temple is in full operation (eg sacrifices, etc.). And that is literal — there is no way around it. He was referring to the temple in Jerusalem. He wasn’t playing funny with the words. So the two witnesses haven’t appeared on the scene yet — they can’t. Countless thousands upon thousands have thought they were “the two” over the millennia, but the bible is crystal clear.

Also, Jesus absolutely loved children — he wouldn’t have abandoned his children. Also, Jesus didn’t hide scared like Do did most of his life — hiding from the cult awareness network exactly as a cult leader would do.

Do didn’t perform a single miracle for us either. He didn’t perform any for you, too. He didn’t cure the blind for instance. Ti said that the cancer would never kill her (“mark my words” she said).

Sawyer’s responses:

The only things Jesus said in regard to rebuilding the temple was referring to the temple as his body that he would rebuild in 3 days:

Mar 14:57 And there arose certain, and bare false witness against him, saying,
Mar 14:58 We heard him say, I will destroy this temple that is made with hands, and within three days I will build another made without hands.

He did rebuild his human body.  It was referred to as his healed or glorified new body because it had new characteristics that he demonstrated having shortly after coming out of the tomb.:

Luk 24:35 And they told what things were done in the way, and how he was known of them in breaking of bread.
Luk 24:36 And as they thus spake, Jesus himself stood in the midst of them, and saith unto them, Peace be unto you.

This is the second time Jesus demonstrates making his body visible and then invisible.  Perhaps this is where the book/movie by H.G. Wells, The Invisible Man, came from. Ti and Do said the Next Level influenced movies and books to help humans wake up to their realities.

Ti and Do taught that this was a characteristic of that model of a Next Level grown physical body. They said they can also do the same thing with their physical spacecrafts.

Luk 24:37 But they were terrified and affrighted, and supposed that they had seen a spirit.
Luk 24:38 And he said unto them, Why are ye troubled? and why do thoughts arise in your hearts?
Luk 24:39 Behold my hands and my feet, that it is I myself: handle me, and see; for a spirit hath not flesh and bones, as ye see me have.
Luk 24:40 And when he had thus spoken, he shewed them his hands and his feet.
Luk 24:41 And while they yet believed not for joy, and wondered, he said unto them, Have ye here any meat?
Luk 24:42 And they gave him a piece of a broiled fish, and of an honeycomb.
Luk 24:43 And he took it, and did eat before them.
Luk 24:44 And he said unto them, These are the words which I spake unto you, while I was yet with you, that all things must be fulfilled, which were written in the law of Moses, and in the prophets, and in the psalms, concerning me.
Luk 24:45 Then opened he their understanding, that they might understand the scriptures,
Luk 24:46 And said unto them, Thus it is written, and thus it behoved Christ to suffer, and to rise from the dead the third day:
Luk 24:47 And that repentance and remission of sins should be preached in his name among all nations, beginning at Jerusalem.

Jesus wasn’t recognized by his disciples at first until he began to talk.  That’s because they recognized him by his Mind/Spirit and/or his voice. When he first came out of the tomb, which was before this account, he told Mary Magdalene who was there and saw him not to touch him as he needed to go to be with his Father first but would be back.

Ti and Do said that his metamorphosis was completed at the time documented as the Transfiguration. In other words it was after that, that he could repair his own vehicle.

Curiously, the Greek word translated to “transfiguration” is metamorphoo and actually means “changed into another form” or to be transformed or changed.

Ti said that it’s a characteristic of a Next Level Member to be able to heal the human body that was killed in 3 1/2 days.

(Note how Ti didn’t go along with scripture in saying that as 3 1/2 days when the quotes from all the verses in this regard state it as “3”.)

He also said all those stones that make up the temple (sacred place) would be thrown down, which has happened several times and may still happen again before it’s all done.

Luk 21:5 And as some spake of the temple, how it was adorned with goodly stones and gifts, he said,
Luk 21:6 As for these things which ye behold, the days will come, in the which there shall not be left one stone upon another, that shall not be thrown down.

That sounds like a recycling is scheduled as DO talked about a bit.

There were two Greek words used to denote the temple:

3485 naos {nah-os’}
from a primary naio (to dwell); TDNT – 4:880,625; n m
AV – temple 45, a shrine 1; 46
1) used of the temple at Jerusalem, but only of the sacred edifice (or sanctuary) itself, consisting of the Holy place and the Holy of Holies (in classical Greek it is used of the sanctuary or cell of the temple, where the image of gold was placed which is distinguished from the whole enclosure) 2) any heathen temple or shrine 3) metaph. the spiritual temple consisting of the saints of all ages joined together by and in Christ

2411 hieron {hee-er-on’}
from 2413; TDNT – 3:230,349; n n
AV – temple 71; 71
1) a sacred place, temple 1a) used of the temple of Artemis at Ephesus 1b) used of the temple at Jerusalem

He was said to be in Jerusalem for the usage of the former of the two but not necessarily for the later of these two definitions as it also meant a “sacred place”.

In any case it is spelled out that use of “temple” referred to his body, the writers thought and that’s not without evidence but one has to go to Paul’s writings to find it.

1Co 6:19 What? know ye not that your body is the temple of the Holy Ghost which is in you, which ye have of God, and ye are not your own?

1Co 3:17 If any man defile the temple of God, him shall God destroy; for the temple of God is holy, which temple ye are.

1Co 3:16 Know ye not that ye are the temple of God, and that the Spirit of God dwelleth in you?

Further, Jesus said that Jerusalem would be left desolate. Jerusalem was both the “city of the Children of Israel” – the people who became the dedicated students of Moses and Elijah and then Jesus and the geographical location:

Mat 23:37 O Jerusalem, Jerusalem, thou that killest the prophets, and stonest them which are sent unto thee, how often would I have gathered thy children together, even as a hen gathereth her chickens under her wings, and ye would not!
Luk 13:35 Behold, your house is left unto you desolate: and verily I say unto you, Ye shall not see me, until the time come when ye shall say, Blessed is he that cometh in the name of the Lord.

The house was referring to that “household, the dwelling place for those who were the Children of Israel. In other words, the returning Souls would not be coming into Jewish vehicles thereafter is one of several ways that can all be accurate to witness.

2048 eremos {er’-ay-mos}
of uncertain affinity; TDNT – 2:657,255; adjective
AV – wilderness 32, desert 13, desolate 4, solitary 1; 50
1) solitary, lonely, desolate, uninhabited 1a) used of places 1a1) a desert, wilderness 1a2) deserted places, lonely regions 1a3) an uncultivated region fit for pasturage 1b) used of persons 1b1) deserted by others 1b2) deprived of the aid and protection of others, especially of friends, acquaintances, kindred 1b3) bereft 1b3a) of a flock deserted by the shepherd 1b3b) of a woman neglected by her husband, from whom the husband withholds himself
So the only way the Middle east Jerusalem would “see him”, which also means understand it’s him is if some are blessed – given the opportunity by the Next Level to see someone who comes “in the name of the Lord” thus someone who is to some degree a student.

Incidentally, DO and his two primary “Helpers,” Lvvody and Jnnody took a trip to Israel sometime between late 1994 and their exit in 1997 as reported by Rio (Neody) in his book, Beyond Human Mind. While I was still there DO talked about going there, even taking the entire class but it never felt right to do then as that was in the early 1990’s. DO reported upon returning that he didn’t feel there was any Next Level Mind left there – thus it became dry of the capacity to have some “fruit” growing there.

Next Jesus says the Kingdom of God would be given to a new “nation…”:

Mat 21:42 Jesus saith unto them, Did ye never read in the scriptures, The stone which the builders rejected, the same is become the head of the corner: this is the Lord’s doing, and it is marvellous in our eyes?
Mat 21:43 Therefore say I unto you, The kingdom of God shall be taken from you, and given to a nation bringing forth the fruits thereof.

Nation =
1484 ethnos {eth’-nos}
probably from 1486; TDNT – 2:364,201; n n
AV – Gentiles 93, nation 64, heathen 5, people 2; 164
1) a multitude (whether of men or of beasts) associated or living together 1a) a company, troop, swarm 2) a multitude of individuals of the same nature or genus 2a) the human family 3) a tribe, nation, people group 4) in the OT, foreign nations not worshipping the true God, pagans, Gentiles 5) Paul uses the term for Gentile Christians

A Nation can refer to one or all of the following: a country and a people and an ethnicity, thus the Jewish people were not slated to experience the return as their development had gone astray.

Re: “thousands” of Two Witnesses:

I don’t know that “countless thousands” have said they were the Two Witnesses but perhaps that’s true but Jesus said before he came there would be many who claimed to be prophets and/or false Christs (false Christians?), even using his name – Jesus.

But the Revelation doesn’t start with the Two Witnesses. They only come on the scene during the 6th Angels Trumpet Sounding. That means there were 5 soundings before they come public to speak inspired by God, the definition of to prophesy.

Further we have evidence that there was planned a new Jerusalem both as an ethnicity and location:

Rev 11:8 And their dead bodies shall lie in the street of the great city, which spiritually is called Sodom and Egypt, where also our Lord was crucified.

The word Spiritual here comes from the Greek, pneumatikos which is defined as “non-physical” by Strongs. Thus these listed areas will not be the same physical areas they represented when this was given.

Since we know Jesus’ physical vehicle was killed in Jerusalem, there is also to be a new “Jerusalem, Sodom and Egypt”.

Sodom comes from Cdom and it means “to scorch”;burnt (i.e. volcanic or bituminous) district and also was said to be near to the “dead sea” which was dead because it’s many times saltier than ocean water.

Ti and Do were in Las Vegas when they, their bodies – their human reputations were shot down by the national press all over the US. Las Vegas is fairly close to the Saltan Sea in eastern California in a desert (scorched area). Egypt represents the greater area, defined as “two straights” or “two streets” which can depict two paths – or Two “Waves” in DO’s term, with first starting by Ti and Do’s Two Witness task and overcoming process and the second started by DO and crew from 1987 to 1997 as the return of the One who was incarnate in the vehicle named Jesus – seen by the world the most as Heaven’s Gate Cult, DO called the Cult of Cults and the Cult of truth. These two waves can also be seen as the First and Last harvest periods with the Last started AFTER their exit, during the time of the Seventh Trumpet sounding, thus now as described by the opening of the Seven Seals (Affirmation Periods/revealing of the remaining information related to their history in scripture – that was in the backside of their BOOK (Rev 5:1) and the Little Book (Rev 10).

Apparently Los Angels area was to be the new “city of God’s “children” (angels)” (non physical location where the Two Witnesses are subdued and exit) – southern California. Their first meeting was in North Hollywood in April of 1975. Isaiah referred to Jerusalem as the “valley of vision” – it’s at the bottom of the San Fernando Valley. Pop culture even referred to girls growing up there as “valley girls”. San Francisco comes from St. Francis of Assisi. Ti said that her spirit guide helper was named “Brother Francis” and came from the the movie, Brother Sun Sister Moon about St. Francis who went against the mainstream church.

Ti and Do were never slated to be “killed” but they were slated to bring on their own death of their vehicles but that was only going to happen after they were first “subdued”, said as “overcome” in most translations but not the primary definition:

Rev 11:7 And when they shall have finished their testimony, the beast that ascendeth out of the bottomless pit shall make war against them, and shall overcome them, and kill them.

overcome = 3528 nikao nik-ah’-o from nike 3529; to subdue (literally or figuratively):–conquer, overcome, prevail, get the victory.

Notice it’s “to subdue” which is also what each student needs to accomplish against their human vehicle and it’s influences. Notice how the Greek word is “nikao” from Nike so even wearing Nike sneakers can have some application to their defeat of their vehicles humanness.

Plus in several places where these Two are revealed there are indicative scriptures of their student body being with them, which is why they came in the first place to collect and bring through their
Spirit/Mind “birth canal”.

The “and” between overcome and kill is a nondescript time period. and “kill them” comes from the Greek “apokteino auto” which is more accurately translated as “separated (or taken away from, or exiting) [by] dying themselves” which is how they exited, seen by much of the world as suicide.

Even so, perhaps when Jesus returns as Ti and Do said would happen during the Seventh and Last “Closeness,” that was not to be a “teaching time” again but to receive to him those who affirmed themselves as his students by becoming students of Ti and Do, while they were incarnate and/or after they exited, the Jewish/Christian/Muslim temple mount in the geographic Jerusalem will be rebuilt and then brought down again. Jesus final return is described most in Revelation chapter 19.

So the new temple, altar and court areas are respectively West of the Mississippi River – Western U.S.,(~1260 miles square), The Southwestern U.S. (where they came by crashing spacecrafts and where they exited from Escondido, both sacrificing their physical vehicles (as introduced in the Moses 1st Trimester Classroom) and the East of the Mississippi River US, Canada, England, Ireland, Scotland, Australia, New Zealand areas (primarily) and any other areas in the world where Ti and Do’s information was brought and made some impression on some. (All these areas mentioned were where DO and Crew put ads in new age periodicals in 1992, though their internet activity was global wide.)

So the temple is both one’s vehicle they are trying to make into only the instrument of God, but is also the physical area where the Older Members and Crew come incarnate and deliver their teachings primarily to and juxtaposed over that physical location is the Next Level’s spacecraft, “heaven” that is removed from the planet during the 6th Seal opening and a new one is installed after the Judgement hour (~40 years) is up and all have chosen to whom to give their allegiance, between the Next Level Above Human and “Mammon” – what human seed bearing plants consider to be their wealth and treasure as shown in their allegiance to the BEASTS – the US and the EU.

On Abandonment of human family:

But Jesus did say that there would be some of his disciples who abandoned their children would receive a hundredfold in relationship to their new family that Jesus said he had consisting of his students.

Mar 10:28 Then Peter began to say unto him, Lo, we have left all, and have followed thee.
Mar 10:29 And Jesus answered and said, Verily I say unto you, There is no man that hath left house, or brethren, or sisters, or father, or mother, or wife, or children, or lands, for my sake, and the gospel’s,
Mar 10:30 But he shall receive an hundredfold now in this time, houses, and brethren, and sisters, and mothers, and children, and lands, with persecutions; and in the world to come eternal life.

Mat 19:29 And every one that hath forsaken houses, or brethren, or sisters, or father, or mother, or wife, or children, or lands, for my name’s sake, shall receive an hundredfold, and shall inherit everlasting life.

Having a New Family of fellow believers:

Mat 12:47 Then one said unto him, Behold, thy mother and thy brethren stand without, desiring to speak with thee.
Mat 12:48 But he answered and said unto him that told him, Who is my mother? and who are my brethren?
Mat 12:49 And he stretched forth his hand toward his disciples, and said, Behold my mother and my brethren!
Mat 12:50 For whosoever shall do the will of my Father which is in heaven, the same is my brother, and sister, and mother.

Jesus did hide until he got instructions to lay down his life in Jerusalem:

Joh 8:59 Then took they up stones to cast at him: but Jesus hid himself, and went out of the temple, going through the midst of them, and so passed by.

Mar 7:24 And from thence he arose, and went into the borders of Tyre and Sidon, and entered into an house, and would have no man know it: but he could not be hid.

The nature of the task was to hide enough to gather the Souls into their vehicles to become his students again. That’s why it was said he comes as a thief in the night, where night has to do with what Ti and Do called “undercover” which is in a large way accomplished by coming incarnate so no one can see their Next Level Mind unless they are given to see it and do the work to see it.

Ti and Do hid so their classroom wouldn’t be interfered with before they had completed their task. Today it would be harder to hide the same activity as more people are suspect of every little thing that’s different and investigators can easily find anyone who legally works and lives and pays bills, etc. That will only get worse as days pass. We actually knew of several efforts to try to find us with the idea of pulling an adult out of the group as was happening to other cults. They also had several notifications that the FBI was looking for them – once because they wanted to question them regarding the rash of Cattle Mutilations in the western US in the early to mid 1970’s as with a number of mutilations a UFO was sighted nearby.


It’s interesting that Jesus didn’t consider miracles to be “signs” saying that the only sign would be his resurrection from the dead. He tried to keep the healing he did secret until after he left. There is no indication in prophecy that the Two Witnesses nor “Jesus” do any miracles. In fact there are a number of indications that if we saw miracles they were done by the lower forces, by the BEAST.

Here Jesus is speaking about the time of his Kingdom’s return:

Mat 24:24 For there shall arise false Christs, and false prophets, and shall shew great signs and wonders; insomuch that, if it were possible, they shall deceive the very elect.

Mar 13:22 For false Christs and false prophets shall rise, and shall shew signs and wonders, to seduce, if it were possible, even the elect.

Joh 4:48 Then said Jesus unto him, Except ye see signs and wonders, ye will not believe.

The word “wonder” comes from Greek teras and also can be defined as: a prodigy, portent or miracle.

The wonders/miracles were to be shown upon his return but they would all be in the literal heavens – outer space while signs or markers were to be shown on the earth but would be described as “blood (bloodshed, from famine, disease, war) and fire (lava, forest fire, drought, radioactivity, anger) and vapour of smoke (volcanic ash?)

If we see miracles now they are not from the Kingdom of God. Here is a key set of examples generated by “another beast (poisonous human mammals)”:

Rev 13:13 And he doeth great wonders, so that he maketh fire come down from heaven on the earth in the sight of men,
Rev 13:14 And deceiveth them that dwell on the earth by the means of those miracles which he had power to do in the sight of the beast; saying to them that dwell on the earth, that they should make an image to the beast, which had the wound by a sword, and did live.

wonder and miracle= 4592 semeion {say-mi’-on}
from a presumed derivative of the base of 4591; TDNT – 7:200,1015; n n
AV – sign 50, miracle 23, wonder 3, token 1; 77
1) a sign, mark, token 1a) that by which a person or a thing is distinguished from others and is known 1b) a sign, prodigy, portent, i.e. an unusual occurrence, transcending the common course of nature 1b1) of signs portending remarkable events soon to happen 1b2) of miracles and wonders by which God authenticates the men sent by him, or by which men prove that the cause they are pleading is God’s

Ti and Do said that miracles like Jesus did were not given when a student could still graduate.

However, there were some accounts in UFO Missionaries Extraordinary that Ti and Do had special powers. In one they were said to just disappear when someone turned their back. When Ti and Do read that account from Hayden Hewes they laughed and said they just walked off.

Also when Ti and Do were driving on a mountain road and the car behind them was obnoxiously wanting to pass and when they finally did gave Ti and Do the finger, Ti and Do later saw them off the road, crashed into a ditch, though they didn’t wish any harm to them but it does go along with one of the descriptions of the Two Witnesses to have that power if they chose to use it.

I believe I recall DO saying some 90% of the miracles attributed to Jesus were “exaggerated.” He indicated that would generate only a temporary false sense of faith.

True faith comes by putting into motion what is taught by the Older Members and seeing the changes in us and that gets carried on to future incarnations so that people come into vehicles now already having a degree of that faith where things Ti and Do say make sense to them. Anyone can gain that faith but they have to seek to have it by appealing to the highest source in the heaven’s they can reach for help to have it and see more of what’s true and real. If one doesn’t ask they don’t receive as much help though asking can take a number of forms conscious and subconscious.

Ti and Do said that Jesus’ disciples were given various powers because none of them were ready to graduate.

TI’s vehicle’s Cancer: (Commenter writes: “Ti said that the cancer would never kill her (“mark my words” she said)).”

I never heard TI say that cancer would never kill her but even if she did it would have been referring to who she knew herself to be – an Older Member from the Next Level who could not be killed by anything that would happen to her while in the human kingdom. It could kill her vehicle only.

Still, had she said that, it wouldn’t have phased me any more than I was phased by the other things that they changed along the way. I recognized who they were and still know who they are and they can do no wrong and that’s not actually a “blind faith” because I can show why it’s not blind.