Archive for February, 2017

One Battle against Sawyer’s provision of his personal experience with Ti and Do and interpretations of Jesus prophecy in his book

February 27, 2017

The following includes comments left on my Blog and on the The Escondido Grapevine story “Heaven’s Gate survivor 20 years later”, in reference to the Inside Edition story that Sawyer was the prime interview for that was used:. The link to that article is below but I wanted to show the back and forth with two who are opposed to information provision except what they consider to be authorized and how they are participating in limiting the full truth being available as Ti and Do and Crew desired and evidenced in a number of places, some of which I provide the links to here. This is a rather unique perspecitve as Crlody was in the class for several months in 1994 where I met him, though briefly but left and told me he had trouble accepting DO, if I recall accurately. I don’t find fault with that as all of us dropouts did so because of things we haven’t yet overcome. Glaive entered the picture that I knew about for the first time several years ago from my youtube site: 3spm. He was in Europe somewhere and said as a young teenager when Do and Crew laid down their lives he had the thought that these were the “saints”, that is if I correctly recall what he told me. I actually invited him to come to the states and I would help him and he told me he thought that would be a good learning opportunity for him as I was writing my book and even hoped he could help me edit it. Then we got into some tangles over the subject of hybrids and Muslims and vehicular coloration as white and the links to some relationship to the Luciferian space aliens. For one or more of those conversations, he began to call me names so we ceased talking until he came on my blog several years ago to mount a campaign against my book development and perhaps other things I was saying in my blog that was kin to what Crlody (aka Carlan) was saying against the same. I hope both of them will weigh in on this blog if I’ve said anything inaccurate as I have also said continuously about anything I say about Ti and Do or Jesus that seems inaccurate. Carlan’s accusations past did help me to examine whether I was too focused on what I thought and not as focused on what Ti and Do and Crew said. I wanted to start to document this back and forth so others could see what they will also have to deal with should they come in the direction of trying to work for Ti and Do by sharing their information. At this time, I believe that could include sharing the understandings of what Jesus said and the Book of Revelations that Ti and Do referred to and wrote about “all being fulfilled” and that included AFTER they performed their task that I began to see in the Revelation. My saying that and talking about the many dreams I had with Ti and with Do that I interpreted as my being provided a task, though fully knowing that I didn’t leave the group to perform such task, has challenged Carlan’s acceptance of much of anything I say, yet has not provided any evidence of his claims of my being a fraud. Glaive also doesn’t provide such evidence.

All in all this has been a lesson step for me to deal with but as much of this has transpired on the Escondido newspaper’s blog, the closest big town to where Do and Crew exited, I think it important to provide the content in the Link that was nothing special and the comments for whatever they may be worth. Like Jesus the Lamb said in Revelations and Do said was the meaning of Armageddon, it’s a war for souls and the Luciferians will stop at nothing to turn eyes away from the truth. Glaive wants to keep people away from seeing what I write or say. Carlan has weighted in to that view as well I think it safe to say, but I see them as giving into influences ideas as otherwise they would have specific things to say instead of blanket empty accusations as how can anyone correct something if they aren’t told what needs to be corrected. I can’t help it that I have 19 years of hearing Ti and Do’s voices in my head so to not refer to that would to me hiding from the task that for all of us is part of the lesson step to speak/write about.

So here is the conversation so far:

crlody Says on Sawyers blog:

February 22, 2017 at 3:57 pm

I believe that you are a fraud. I didn’t believe it when Rio claimed he was receiving info. from Do and I don’t believe that you have “contacts” with the NL in the form of an “open phone line””. I don’t believe that your book is fulfilling prophecies in the Book of Revelation. You are here because you are unwilling/afraid to accept the invitation to leave just like everyone else, your mission is entirely self-appointed. I believe that you have been on your self-appointed crusade all these years because you want attention and recognition. You have attracted followers, individuals who have called me a “Luciferian” because I don’t agree with you. Your book is an incoherent joke compared to the info left behind by the Class.

Sawyer Says:
February 24, 2017 at 8:24 pm

I don’t know why you have to start lies. I think you are getting me mixed up with Rio because that’s the only way you can mount your case against me. For instance you said, “I don’t believe that you have “contacts” with the NL in the form of an “open phone line””.

Well I don’t believe I have that either. I don’t recall Ti and Do claiming to have an “open phone line”. They said many times they felt like they would “call” and there was no answer and they would think they needed to rethink the question or wait for another time to ask it. I do recall Rio saying in the 10 year anniversary article written by a newspaper that he had a “ticker tape” connection and I recall commenting on my blog that, that sounded suspicious since Ti and Do never spoke of having that kind of connection. I don’t mind you confronting me with anything but I think you owe it to Ti and Do if you still believe in them to try to bring genuine criticisms instead of making things up as I have seen you do many times. I have no “followers” in the sense you seem to mean that word. If someone follows what I write on this blog and elsewhere then the only one they will “follow” is DO, not me though I hope what I say to people is pleasing to Ti and Do and do welcome examining that. Why am I responsible for someone else calling you a Luciferian. I put no one up to that. I don’t believe in name calling but perhaps it’s karma for all your name calling – remember all you would say about Mark and Rio – “false prophets”, etc. and me as a “fraud” yet can show nothing fraudulent so it’s just empty words just I like I get from many others. How do you know my book is an “incoherent joke compared to the info left behind by the class.” Have you even read much of it? If you have, I will be the first to admit it’s hard to follow at times and can be disjointed and scattered and poorly structured and filled with editing errors and grammar problems and that from start to finish shows that I was learning as I went so that by the end there were things in the front that I could have updated. In my mind I ran out of time.

How do you know who does or does not have contact with the Next Level? Wow, aren’t you full of yourself to take that position with anyone. There could be many thousands that the Next Level have communication with and you wouldn’t know it.

No the book doesn’t fulfill prophecy. Prophecy means something inspired by the Next Level is being spoken – written. It a person that chooses to accept the task of the speaking what the Next Level provides. The book is an accumulation of what I heard and read from Ti and Do and what Jesus said and what was related to what Jesus said that I did some re-translation of and thus re-interpretation of to show how it is evidence of all Ti and Do taught and did. That’s what’s throughout the book. If you spoke/wrote to someone about what Ti and Do said, you’d also be fulfilling that task of what is a dissemination of their information.

It seems to me and I could be wrong about this I know, but I don’t see that you equate Jesus with DO and Ti with The Father or perhaps you hold those ideas in limbo as part of what you didn’t want to accept from Do when you were in the classroom, the reason you told me why you left.

You state facts as if they are facts when it’s clear they are not facts now saying I have a “crusade”. Where do you get those thoughts and words? Not from Do’s mind that I see any evidence of so where does that leave one to think as there is only two kinds of Mind.

You seem to just play the same “tapes” over and over every time you write a comment like you are stuck in an endless loop never hearing anything I say as a rebuttal to you empty accusations if you even read what I say.

Yes you are right that it was fearful for me to think about laying down my body at this time. And that may be because of the influences with me, though I don’t know that as it’s possible the influences at this point would love to get rid of my vehicle so they aren’t confronted with the truth as much, as is occurring more and more now.

So you got your beef off as you have done many times now and it does affect me to hear/read it. I have taken to heart some of your accusations from years ago, to a degree that in my own self examination I saw had some merit but beyond that you have not said anything, but have made things up like that stuff about “open phone line” that I never said or implied. You know bearing false witness against your neighbor was one of the Ten Commandments that would fall under the category of being deceitful as a major offense so maybe you should do more fact checking before throwing out lies.

Glaive Says on Sawyers blog in reply to Crlody’s comment:
February 26, 2017 at 2:17 pm | Reply   edit

Agreed with CRL, this book is heresy. Anything added after the Exit to the info They left behind is heresy.
That being said, it’s not that I never did it myself, but, at least, I realize and regret it later.

Sawyers reply on blog to Glaive:

Now you are spreading lies about what Crlody said as I don’t recall him calling my book “heresy”, though perhaps now he might I guess. Are you quoting him? Who said that nothing could be said after the exit? Who are you quoting for that?

Why is it so easy to cast stones without evidence? I will listen to evidence. I’m not perfect by any means.

Since you commented here I’ll include the comments you left on:

The Escondido Grapevine story “Heaven’s Gate survivor 20 years later”, in reference to the Inside Edition story:

I left a comment on this New story post:

Sawyer | February 24, 2017 at 11:06 am | Reply

Hello, I am Sawyer who was featured on the Inside Edition story.
For the full interview I gave to Inside Edition I have posted on my youtube channel:

Sawyer’s interview with Inside Edition on 02 15 2017 – part 1 of 2

Part 1 of 2: A crew interviewed me and I also recorded it. The report is out and they stimulated a new lie saying there was a room where 4 members left blood stains on the carpet but there was no blood anywhere in the mansion according to reports. And I made a mistake by paraphrasing a bit about how Do questioned his sanity every day after the St. Louis prosecutor made him take a psychological exam to let him out of jail and he passed it so was declared sane.

Sawyer’s interview with Inside Edition on 02 15 2017 – part 2 of 2

Part 2 of 2: A crew interviewed me and I also recorded it. The report is out and they stimulated a new lie saying there was a room where 4 members left blood stains on the carpet but there was no blood anywhere in the mansion according to reports. And I made a mistake by paraphrasing a bit about how Do questioned his sanity every day after the St. Louis prosecutor made him take a psychological exam to let him out of jail and he passed it so was declared sane.

If anyone wants to read my Book – it’s filled with the truth and my interpretation of scripture and is available free on my blog but is an ebook and softcover found at:

There is a lot to be said that is a new perspective that is included in my book that brings a vast amount of evidence that Ti and Do were the Father and “Jesus” (not his vehicle) returned. Ti and Do and their Crew didn’t spend any time at all trying to show how it all was part of the prophecy fulfillment but I have and it’s all in my book which was planned for this time (though I didn’t know it, but shows up on prophecy)

I have also been outspoken on many stories over many years and I follow stories with corrections. For instance there were many to Ashley Feinberg’s piece for Gizmodo to be found on:

Sawyer’s Critique of Heaven’s Gate Webmasters Interview with

Gizmodo: “Online legacy of a suicide cult and the webmasters”…misinformation, lies and deceit

Finally, as we come up to the anniversary, the Kingdom of God, Kingdom of Heaven that Ti and Do and their “saints” represent are instigating many “signs” as Jesus taught would be in the heavens – Sun, Moon and Stars (planets, comets). Ti and Do are not space aliens. The space aliens are the fallen angel souls who have been abducting humans and implanting them and stealing their eggs and sperm to hybridize new physical bodies they can inhabit and are teaching humans these techniques along with spacecraft design and elemental development to power them. There have been many, many signs as has been led up to in a more major way since 2013 especially with the Near Miss meteors and asteroids and comets with companion objects and comets that look like a formation of 3 to 7 objects. Hale Bopp was determined to have a double nucleus and thus the companion photographed by the Japanese but covered up by the Hawaii observatory.

Escondido story reply to Sawyer:

Glaive | February 26, 2017 at 12:02 pm | Reply

Nobody should listen to Sawyer, his book is heresy. Nobody’s allowed to add anything to the info They left behind before Exit. Sawyer did. Therefore he’s heretic and shouldn’t be taken in consideration. Read materials instead, it’s the only source of pure info.

Sawyer’s reply in Escondido story to Glaive:

So Glaive we meet again and you have become an adversary it seems by your choice yet have no evidence I am saying anything Ti and Do didn’t say or Jesus didn’t say or that related to the signs in the heavens at this time. It’s easy to just cast stones. Anyone can do that but can you point to specifics, that takes effort and actually forces us to walk the talk as they say. I’m all for people going to the Heaven’s Gate Web site. My book is full of all the links to all the documents that I refer to all the time. It’s like you think that 19 years with Ti and Do is worth nothing. If you could see how many misconceptions I’ve addressed because of my vast experience you would be flabbergasted. Some of those may actually be more interested in going to the Heaven’s Gate web site now, when otherwise they may never have. And saying that does not mean I am recruiting for Heaven’s Gate as there is no new cult and there is no new leader or Older Member. I am a student working for DO but that doesn’t mean I can do no wrong, make no mistakes so if you see me say something that is different from what you can prove Do said or would say then run it by me. That would be helpful to the Next Level wouldn’t it, that is if you want people to have the most accurate information, some of which isn’t contained in the book posted on heaven’s gate web site. For instance, many people don’t know how much effort Ti and Do put into considering the exit location and method and timing starting in 1975 and it’s not in the Book. Also Ti and Do’s focus was on that graduate class not so much on the “second  type” of those who could be salvaged from the recycling as Do spoke about in “Last Chance to Evacuate before Recycling”. That’s “our” job to help with, for those that choose to tackle it and includes showing how all Jesus prophecy is being fulfilled by Ti and Do. I don’t understand how that can be a negative to the Next Level. To the Luciferians and discarnates that could be a negative and something to try to compete with. You seem to be seething because I don’t think Muslims are the “antichrist”, ignoring how Do spoke about Muslims as often caring more about pleasing the Lord. Do you recall what Do said? Some Christians seem to go along with this idea, but if you believe in EVERYTHING Ti and Do taught then how can you? Also you had a problem thinking that the Luciferians were engaged in hybridization programs to produce new vehicles they could inhabit, that is if I recall our previous conversations where you start cursing me out when you don’t agree that I have proof of on my blog. Yet Do spoke about their hybridization programs didn’t he, but maybe that part of what Do said you don’t agree with. I’ve got plenty of opposition but I don’t enjoy it but it goes with the territory. Do you really want to be opposed to someone who Do spoke about on the Beyond Human Tapes as an “older member” referring I believe to being an “elder” student. I didnt’ say that about myself. Still I fell from that position so failed to graduate but there are second chances and believe I have one. If Lucifer was given many chances to recover after what he was doing against the Next Level’s wishes, why wouldn’t little ole Sawyer get some second chances. But like I said, show me where I say anything wrong and I’ll examine it and correct it if it is in error.

Escondido story:
Glaive | February 27, 2017 at 3:08 am | Reply

You shouldn’t bother, Sawyer, my comment wasn’t for you, cause I’m done with you, and it’s been a time since. My comment was for those new believers who may come here. It’s like a warning to them.
On the other hand, somehow I don’t believe you will manage to sell many copies anyway, so… whatever, I guess ^^

Sawyer on blog:

Both Crlody and Glaive seem to both be in unison saying that I should shut up as if saying nothing would be what Do would want to happen, which you both have no evidence of.

Why are you both so sure there is something wrong with my talking about my experience and writing down the evidence that shows the world how all Jesus prophecy is fulfilled by Ti and Do?

Can either of you explain that to me. I can certainly see why the Luciferian space aliens and their discarnate minions would  hate to see such a thing happening as they’d much rather see the whole story go away or kept it little cult niche that few if any would take seriously or would see as casting doubt on what has become common Christian thinking.

Maybe you don’t like seeing me get all this attention? Maybe you think it’s elevating me in some way? Well, for whatever it’s worth, though I like talking about Ti and Do, I’m not thinking my name will be in lights and I will become the next big kahuna. I could have tried for something like that by twisting the info and story, especially in my book.

Plus Glaive, have you read my book to claim that it’s heresy? Didn’t Jesus warn against swinging at a gnat and swallowing a camel or trying to remove the twig in one’s eye while having a log in your own. Don’t those examples seem fitting this name calling attack that I get from you every so often?

Escondido story:
Glaive | February 27, 2017 at 3:40 am | Reply

I guess, I have to clarify for the public. Do personally approved any document put on the website. Nobody’s approved the content of Sawyer’s book, except… well, Sawyer himself. Now, it’s up to you to decide which source of info is worth you trust.

Escondido Story:
Sawyer’s reply:

Glaive, you sound like a fundamentalist Christian that insists that because the Book of Revelations says at the end that nothing can be added to this book, and because it was put as the last book in the New Testament that there can be no further information that can come after that and that any attempt to bring further information would be heretical and this is part of why there was an Inquisition of murder and torture by “Christians” who would say they were killing on God’s behalf. The problem was, it was the wrong God, it was the false God feeding them with that perspective. So how did Ti and Do think about this, you still have not explained. You just say the Do approved of all that was in the Book, but he didn’t say anywhere in that book that this was the only material one could use to learn the truth. In fact in the letters sent to M and S, the webmasters of who were given the option to maintain the site, etc., that were NOT included in the Heaven’s gate web site/book explained their anticipation of the audio tapes being available for those who want to disseminate their information that included the audio tapes information that was NOT in the book or in the web site, so the public could learn more in depth what they were about. Here are the quotes:

Directly from the letters that I possess are in quotes below:

1) “We put into storage items that we would prefer the authorities not have access to. You can do with those items whatever feels right to you. The only exception to this is some exercise equipment which belongs to our landlord, Sam, and we suspect he will want at some point.”

2) “Pursers have included an additional document as part of this packet that further covers the disposition of our cars and this truck. So we ask that you refer to that document for details. It is out desire that any items of value that are retrievable by you be divided among those who feel inclined to disseminate our information.  Any of the funds you retrieve can be used towards that end and for the living expenses of those involving themselves in this project.”

3) Referring to a CBC producer/director who wanted them (the class) to participate in a documentary, who worked out of the New York office, they wrote, “So, for this reason, we are recommending that they be involved to some degree in the coverage of this event, that is, if their attitude seems to remain somewhat objective and you find working with them not too difficult.  Of course, this is contingent upon whether or not you should choose to say anything to the media on our behalf. We would hope that the public would have an opportunity for more thorough knowledge of who we are and what we’re about.”

They had already published all their books content on their web site, in 1996 well before these letters were written as they were all dated, so what was going to provide a “more thorough knowledge of who we are and what we’re about” if not the content of the 484 audio tapes, 270 or so of which have still not been provided by M & S, though they have indicated they would provide for a cost but last I heard were still withholding which M’s reason for is totally inconsistent with what Do and Crew said in these letters and other places in the audio tapes and in favor of having ALL the information about them available to anyone who wants it.

Furthermore, there were documents not provided in the Heaven’s Gate web site and book that Rkkody had and provided to include a document Ti wrote and some meditations and affirmations we were given. To see those go to my blog as I provide EVERYTHING as I want everyone to have the total truth. Glaive is angry because he has some very limited views that I confronted him with to which he had no rebuttal based on what Do said. I hope he can outgrow those limitations as I have nothing against him, but I do hate the promotion of lies and deceit and being told I am a heretic WITHOUT EVIDENCE.

While we are at it, there is also the book Do and Crew published that I have and that I was present when we published and I took that book to bookstores to sell them in Dallas where we lived that is named, “The Transfiguration Diet” that is an amazing diet I am largely using to treat my Lyme disease successfully without the need for pharmaceuticals (not because I’m against using pharmaceuticals and nor were Ti and Do but because I’d rather not). That book is not on the web site and not in their Book nor am I aware of any mention of it, though it may have been spoken of in the audio tapes that M & S refuse to release to the public.

Now lastly re: my book, to say there is something wrong with researching how all Jesus prophecy supports the events, behaviors and ways provided through Ti and Do and Crew is ludicrous, as if Ti and Do never referred to the Book of Revelations and as if they didn’t say all along what we could count on what was put into “red letters” in the 4 gospel accounts and that Do even said he thought a great deal of that was dictated to students then. Ti and Do both said that the Next Level worked very hard to keep that information in tact and reliable as from the Next Level.

Additionally, Do provided to our library the “Lost Books of the Bible”, the “Nag Hammadi Library”, the book, “Essene Christian Faith” and other books about the Jewish sect called the Essences that pays special attention to Enoch’s writing who Ti said was one of Do’s incarnations and who Jesus’ disciple Peter also wrote about. In other words, DO was willing to explore lots of materials even though he knew the Jesus gospel quotes were the most reliable.

My book is following Do’s lead as best I know how and is also supported in prophecy as coming out at this time and anticipates those who will try to bring those of us who provide the truth down as we see being demonstrated here that is a choice to continue.

Here are some links to more info on this subject to include part of the book that contains interviews with Ti and Do in 1974 and 1976 and a document they wrote that’s included at the end of the book entitled, “What is Happening in the Heavens at This Time” that describes what TI and DO referred to then as “7 Major Helps” when their membership was close to the earth, where: 1=Adam, 2=Enoch, 3=Moses, 4=Elijah, 5=Jesus, 6= Bo and Peep  (Do and TI) in the task of the Two Witnesses and finally 7= Starting with what I believe was Do’s acknowledgment of his past incarnation in the vehicle named Jesus that ends the Judgment “Hour” (approx. 40 year period) with his return with his Armada of graduated Elder Students (Saints/Angels) all in their Next Level vehicles and spacecrafts in the book that’s partially provided here:

UFO Missionaries Extraordinary

The Transfiguration Diet, by littlegreen inc.’s think tank published in 1986. This link is only a report about the use of the Books program but may become filled with excerpts or even the entire volume sometime down the road. Do and Crew described it as an 11 year effort and a “gift from space” but said nothing about TI and DO in it. They wrote that it was “An Extraordinarily advanced “turnaround” concept regarding man and food – health! or disease!

Transfiguration Diet Overview including some pictures and the chapter on the Three “I’s” – whose talking when we say “I”

Ruffles “Snacks for Thinkers” was written by Do and the Class in 1979 and never officially published but was made into a little booklet we ended up storing and carrying around in boxes (maybe a hundred copies or so) for years. We never used them for anything I was aware of. I don’t know what became of them.

Ruffles “Snacks for Thinkers”

Here are three links to one of the 484 audio Tapes of TI and DO’s Meeting given in Blackhawk Colorado 1 of 3

Audio Tape of TI and DO Meeting given in Blackhawk Colorado 2 of 3

Audio Tape of TI and DO Meeting given in Blackhawk Colorado 3 of 3

Over 200 others are available.

Finally as I made reference to, the documents Ti largely wrote:

The Power of Goodness, Meditations and Affirmations Ti and Do gave their students to Prepare for Service

TI & DO The Father & “Jesus” Heaven’s Gate UFO Two Witnesses-Section V. ‘UNDERCOVER “JESUS” SURFACES BEFORE DEPARTURE’- 6th Thunder

February 18, 2017

*** Link to Previous Section of Book:

TI & DO The Father & “Jesus” Heaven’s Gate UFO Two Witnesses – Section IV.D.2.Daniel 9 – Seventy Weeks (Years/Affirmation Periods)-Judgement Hour-Tribulation & Abomination of Desolation (Weed Waste Bucket=Hell)

TI & DO The Father & “Jesus” Heaven’s Gate UFO Two Witnesses – Section IV.D.2.Daniel 9 – Seventy Weeks (Years/Affirmation Periods)-Judgement Hour-Tribulation & Abomination of Desolation (Weed Waste Bucket=Hell)


V. UNDERCOVER “JESUS” SURFACES BEFORE DEPARTURE – Do’s writing that was published to 90 World Wide Web Newsgroups in 1995 – the 6th Roar/Thunder. Part of the start of what would become the LAST HARVEST WAVE:

The original can be found on my blog at:

Undercover “Jesus” Surfaces Before Departure, By Do

‘UNDERCOVER “JESUS” SURFACES BEFORE DEPARTURE’ (posted by Do and Crew in 1995 – The Sixth Thunder

I, Sawyer who was present with Do for 19 years (10 of which while TI was incarnate), from 1975 to 1994 that can be seen on the first, second and a few other of the Beyond Human video tapes as Do’s “helper,” sat in front of him to hear him say all these things many times in various ways. So I am an eye witness. I wanted to include this document just the way Do wrote it but because of the way Do’s writings have been copyrighted by others who I can not trust would give me permission to include in my book (and because my book is for sale as the best way to distribute it most widely), to not infringe on those human laws I’m re-writing Do’s document in my words, like I said the words I heard him say many times:

1. Do said he is a member of the Kingdom of God which is in generic terms referred to as “The Evolutionary Level Above Human” and that he is about to return to his Father’s Kingdom.

A. He said this return requires him to prepare to lay down his borrowed human body so he can renter his biological body that belongs to the Kingdom of God, just as he did approximately 2000 years ago when he laid down the human body that was about 33 years old in order to reenter his body belonging to the Kingdom of Heaven.

B. He said The Level Above Human is a physical Kingdom Level and it is in the physical Heavens aka space. Those who are in that Kingdom identify with their Soul and its mind (aka spirit) and not with the “flesh” or physical body they “wear.”

2. He says that this time his “Older Member” (who he realized was his Heavenly Father) came with him. It was in the early 1970’s that they incarnated into adult human bodies that were in their forties. About 2000 years ago, He incarnated into a body that was in its late 20’s or early 30’s just prior to, during and following his baptism with John the Baptist. (Note the incarnation was performed in stages as it takes time to put Next Level Mind into a human vehicle, although He said the Jesus body had been specially prepared for that task.)

3. He said it seemed each time we, or others come from the Level Above Human, to Earth or leave, it is by the transportation of a Next Level spacecraft.

4. He said his Father is an Older Member in the Next Level.

Note: They said that on earth there was the Mineral Kingdom then the Plant Kingdom and then the Animal Kingdom to the Human Kingdom but that the Human Kingdom was designed as a “stepping stone” or said in scripture as a “footstool” for Souls to graduate by their will and efforts by adopting all they are given by the incarnate Older Members who they can not graduate without as they must literally please both Older Members while with them in the flesh. However, those that can not be with them in the flesh now because they are not incarnate can still advance towards their graduation to adult membership and can even be rewarded with a student level membership in the Next Level that if they continue can be brought back to have the needed overcoming experience with the incarnate Older Member to gain Adult Next Level Membership that includes eternal life and significant service opportunities in their new Next Level family.

A. He said his “Father” birthed him into that Kingdom by taking him through his overcoming of a mammalian civilization and that this took place long before this current human civilization started. (Revelations chapter 12 indicates His Father births him again to the “throne” task that they then performed together before His Father exited the female vehicle he had taken to perform that task.)

B. He said he served as His “Father’s” student and apprentice while in relationship with this current civilization.

Note: TI actually said he served in the tasks/vehicles of Adam, Enoch, Moses, Elijah, then Jesus and to date in the name Do, pronounced “doe” which came in part from the Sound of Music SONG, a fulfillment of prophecy in Revelations chapter 14. TI and DO felt the Next Level works often by inspiring producers and directors and writers and that the Sound of Music was in particular shaped to provide a type of wake up smelling salt to TI and DO and their task. They said their task as TI and DO was their “6th closeness” and that the 7th and last closeness was as the “Jesus” return. This document represents the start of that seventh closeness as it’s the same Older Member but the seventh closeness in not an incarnate one. He will be in his Next Level vehicle. Rev 14:14 indicates it would be a vehicle that was “like unto the son of man” and Rev 19:13 indicates he is “clothed with a vesture dipped in blood,” what seems to be a direct reference to how when he was incarnate in the vehicle named Jesus he was baptized by shedding his blood – giving his life – laying down his body on his Older Member’s instruction as he said:

Joh 10:18 No man taketh it from me, but I lay it down of myself. I have power to lay it down, and I have power to take it again. This commandment have I received of my Father.

And he commissioned his disciples to follow in his footsteps as part of their requirement to be his disciple – to drink the same cup of his blood which every aspirant to membership in the Kingdom of Heaven must eventually rise to do. That is because each will have taken in enough Next Level Mind (holy spirit) to know that their physical human body is not who they have become and that they will trust their Soul will live on in the Next Level’s care, even though it’s a most difficult task to rise to because of how our human flesh generally wants to live. But the overcoming process entails overriding the human flesh and we can grow in that process by taking on all the behaviors and ways the Older Members provide us in whatever lesson step we are engaged which is ALL accomplished by asking the help of our Older Members whether they are incarnate or not. At this time the direct connection is to ask the help of TI and DO – asking for the strength to take the next steps they would have us each take that they will then help us to recognize and take while leaving it up to our free will on how fast to grow towards graduation.

C. He said that His Father’s relationship to earth was one of “Chief Administrator” and that His Father is the One referred to as the “True God” in the early phases of this civilization.

5. He said that this time around He came with His Older Member in a way They called “undercover,” to help Him pick up where the process left off about 2000 years ago to further birth and provide “fathering” experience with those Souls who would be the next new children in the Level Above Human, aka “sons.” He said this gave Him more experience in the birthing process. He said TI returned to His Next Level station in 1985 but continued to assist Him and communicate with Him from a more advanced perspective. (Note, Do speaks of TI as a “Him” because there is no gender to Next Level Souls or their biological vehicles they wear, though there is a purpose to what gender human vehicle a souls takes to overcome.)

A. He said his Father incarnated in a female body for His 15-year stay.

B. He said most of Their task required not acknowledging who They were historically which was a strategy because They wanted as little recognition and interference as possible to be able to gather the souls who were their students from the past. They were still identified as a tiny radical cult, because just like 2000 years ago prospective members left their families and relationships to follow Him and be his student. He said he knew he would be hated again for what Christians would call “blasphemy” because of saying who He is and he will be hated by families, etc. who are affected by all who aspire to leave with him/them because the mission requires forsaking all ties and binds to this world (family ties, responsibilities, and human-mammalian indulgences).

6. He said prospective new “sons” (souls who occupy both male and female bodies) were gathered by He and TI from 1975-76 and then in 1994 which was after TI had exited her incarnation and that all these souls had had a previous relationship with Him before this incarnation.

7. He said “students” were offered the opportunity to bond with Him and His Father just like bride would bond with her husband.

A. He said, since the Next Level has no mammalian or human members, these students had to become “new creatures.” They would bond in mind, spirit, and behavior that would be void of human sexuality, human types of binds, and addictions of this world. Some of the students with male vehicles chose on their own to have their vehicles neutered, aka castrated professionally to help them sustain a more genderless and objective consciousness.

Note: Jesus approved of such an action for the Kingdom of Heaven’s sake. (Mat 19:12)

B. He also said that students who successfully bond to the Level Above Human through Him and His Father must also prepare to lay down their human bodies as we go to the Kingdom of Heaven, in order to take bodies appropriate to and belonging to that more advanced Kingdom.

8. He said as they prepare to lay down their human vehicles and announce entry into the Next Kingdom as available there might be many humans who have received “souls” in “deposits” who may choose to separate from everything of their world to go with them.

A. He said these will try to rid themselves of their old minds, and identities to instead fill themselves with the mind that flows through him to be accepted as one of his “children.” He says it will “cost” them everything of this world, they will desperately desire to be rid of fast.

B. He said to go with him, expecting to leave “very soon,” would be students must look to Him and His students for all their needs as best they can and align with them – breaking human bonds. He said if these new students declare to others that TI and DO and Crew’s presence is from the Kingdom of God that leads to the “laying down” of their bodies in pursuit of the Next Kingdom as well, then they, too, will find themselves in the safekeeping of that Next Kingdom. By safekeeping He is saying they will be in line to receive further nurturing toward membership in the Next Level.

C. He said if TI doesn’t require this “disposition” of them, TI will take them up into His spacecraft (that will look to us as a cloud of light) before they “lay down their bodies.”

9. He said Humans with deposits containing souls can most likely be recognized as some of those who are quickly losing respect for this human world or its “system.” From an establishment point of view, they are acting irresponsible, anti-social, duped, crazy, as a drifter, loner, drop-out, separatist, or cult member, etc.

10. He said a humans lifestyle, belief system, or moral values don’t matter much in between “visits” from incarnate Members of the Next Level like now and 2000 years ago. What’s important is that the Kingdom of Heaven is here NOW in HIM and in HIS students.

11. He said the evidence they speak the truth is:

A. Their information and actions match recorded accounts of the presence, behavior and mission and departure of our previous visits from the Next Level while offering membership in the Kingdom of Heaven, Kingdom of God.

B. Any Soul who knew anyone from the Next Level during past visits are capable of recognizing them and their information again now.

C. It appears some of the crashed spacecrafts were staged by the Next Level that delivered some of them to help human skeptics realize earth has otherworldly visitors.

12. He said just as 2000 years ago, no one gets to His Father or enters the Kingdom of Heaven except through Him. No other Son of His Father or Representative from the Next Level is incarnate. He said connecting with “that kingdom” only takes place when a Member is incarnate, as he is today.

Note: To those who would see this statement from Do as indicating, since he’s no longer incarnate, there is therefore no way to “connect with the Next Level,” they are not correct, though it can seem to some a cut and dry statement, so can be used by some as an excuse to not learn more about what he said that broadens that perspective. That would be one’s choice to see that way and the Next Level Older Members do “test” us, which considering everything else he said before and after writing this statement, this appears to be one of those tests. Taking what he said verbatim it is quite possible that everyone that comes to believe in and follow his teachings did “connect” with “that Kingdom” during the time when he was incarnate. For instance, one could have been 10 years old when they heard about the Heavens Gate cult and saw the Hale Bopp Comet and they could have had thoughts and feelings that led them to connect in whatever way at that time. Actually, several told me this happened to them when they were about that age. One told me, when he saw them on the news and saw the comet he had the thought that these were “the Saints” in the Bible. Others told me they knew this cult was different from all the others they heard about – an intuitive knowing, not because they had studied it all as they were very young in 1997. Do said that as long as a Rep was present incarnate “tags” and/or deposits of recognition could be given so these seem to be some examples. Do didn’t say “connect with him,” he said, “connect with that kingdom.”

He was also saying He is the only one who would be incarnate. Whether we connect with the Next Kingdom by projecting our asking to the highest Beings we can imagine exists or to the Hale Bopp comet, thinking someone might be in or on it or along side it, in it’s tail or generally with it in a spacecraft is connecting, though since He was the primary focus in the news surrounding their exit, however one connects is also connecting with him personally because he is serving/representing the Next Kingdom via his incarnation. He is the provided Link. His incarnate presence is the link – what he said and did while he was incarnate is the only instructions to follow. So that means everything he taught while incarnate for as long as it is present is the way to connect with him which includes talking to him right now.

Additionally, if this wasn’t the case, how is it that Do said in the Beyond Human Series and said in the video, Last Chance to Evacuate Earth Before It’s Recycled, given by Do on September 29, 1996, thus long after the Undercover “Jesus.”.. document, that there are three kinds or types of individuals that can have a possible future with the Kingdom of God and escape the spading under. The third type are those that never even heard of TI and DO so if they could only connect with the Next Level during his incarnation and that meant only through him, if they didn’t know of him how could they connect and be saved? It’s because as he explains some begin to separate from the world and are even seen by the world as derelict, irresponsible, cultists, separatist, even militia types (though not condoning being violent in any way) who hate the status quo and/or the human governments and/or the overall system, though they don’t know what other option there is. Do suggested Randy Weaver, and the Branch Davidians as some examples.

13. He said there are space aliens that are humanoids who are remnants from other civilizations that have spacecrafts and travel in near space. He says they grow and harvest hybrid bodies to “wear” and they enlist “souls” who fail to become children in the Kingdom of Heaven/God who are called Luciferians because of their lineage.

14. He said These Luciferian space aliens “jump in” immediately after Next Level Representatives exit their incarnation and influence remaining “patriarch(s)” to mix truth and misinformation together to become a new religion which supports the fact that accurate knowledge concerning the Next Level is only available while there are incarnate Representatives.

15. He said the Next Level sends crews to “tag” or make “deposits” in human bodies and their minds/spirits just before and during the time Next Level Representatives are incarnate “offering” their birth. Deposits offer the recipients “recognition” of the Representatives and, to some degree, recognition of the “information” from the Next Level while also serving as “homing devices” to lead recipients to the Representatives and the information to move closer to their graduation into the Next Kingdom. Without these “deposits” that provide “recognition,” a human can not become a student.

16. He said all souls of this civilization who ever received deposits from the Next Level have returned at this close of the Age. The Next Level tasks their servants, TI and DO and Crew to test them. How they respond to Do and His students, and Their information will become the criteria to judge whether a human will or will not have a further relationship with the Kingdom of God. Coming in contact with this information forces their decision and by the stand each human takes they judges themselves, choose to be saved (redeemed) or not. Those who accept TI and DO and Crew and endure until They leave will go with Them so won’t need to experience the “spading under” or recycling of this earth – and will in the future become new beginning members in the real Above Human Kingdom Level in the Heavens.

Link to next section of book:

TI & DO The Father & “Jesus” Heaven’s Gate UFO Two Witnesses – Section VI. Appendix

TI & DO The Father & “Jesus” Heaven’s Gate UFO Two Witnesses – Section VI. Appendix


TI & DO The Father & “Jesus” Heaven’s Gate UFO Two Witnesses – Section IV.D.2.Daniel 9 – Seventy Weeks (Years/Affirmation Periods)-Judgement Hour-Tribulation & Abomination of Desolation (Weed Waste Bucket=Hell)

February 15, 2017


Dan 9:24 Seventy weeks are determined upon thy people and upon thy holy city, to finish the transgression, and to make an end of sins, and to make reconciliation for iniquity, and to bring in everlasting righteousness, and to seal up the vision and prophecy, and to anoint the most Holy.

Dan 9:24 Seventy ((7657 shib`iym shib-eem’ multiple of ‘sheba`’ (7651))) weeks ((7650 shabuwa` from shaba` demonstrative of sheba`= literal “sevened,” to seven oneself (as if by repeating a declaration, to swear an oath, adjure orders or instruction (commandments, covenant, commitment seven times))) (are) determined ((2852 chathak= to cut off, decree, divide, be settled, marked out, sealed)) upon ((5921 ‘al= above, over (of elevation or pre-eminence), from)) (thy) people ((5971 ‘am= congregated unit, tribe, flock, men, nation (and upon thy) holy ((6944 qodesh from qadash(6942)= consecrated, dedicated, saint)) city ((5892 ‘iyr= Ai (from margin), city, court (from margin), town, encampment)), (to) finish ((3607 kala’= forbid, keep, refrain, restrain, withhold, shut up)) (the) transgression ((6588 pesha’ (from pasha’ revolt, sin, rebellion)) (and to make an) end ((8552 tamam= cease, be clean, be all gone)) (of) sins ((2403 chatta’ah= offenses)) (and to make) reconciliation ((3722 kaphar= cover with pitch, atone for sin (give lives as flesh sacrifice of their humanity in all forms, cleanse, purge)) (for) iniquity ((5771 ‘avon from ‘avah= fault, mischief, perversity)), (and to bring) in ((935 bow= abide, apply, attain, be, bring forth)) everlasting righteousness ((6664 tsedeq from 6663 tsadaq= prosperity, (and to) seal up ((2856 chatham= close up, make an end, mark, stop)) (the) vision ((2377 chazown= sight (mentally))) (and) prophecy ((5030 nabiy’= from naba (5012) inspired speech/song)), (and to) anoint ((4886 mashach= rub with oil)) (the) most ((6944 qodesh from qadash(6942)= holy, consecrated, dedicated)) Holy ((6944 qodesh from qadash(6942)= saints)).

This verse is an overview of the “end times” period when all souls are brought back as prophesied by Jesus to “resurrect to Life” – “stand up/rise up” to give themselves totally to the Next Level’s Overcoming of humanness program or stand-up/rise-up to “damnation” in the Lake of Fire. It doesn’t primarily refer to other times before the end time, though there are similarities leading up to the end time, but there is no other time where these characteristics are most applicable:

– Seventy Weeks decreed (determined) flock (people) sacred (holy) encampment (city) – The “Multiple of seven (times)” (seventy) is decreed/determined for those (people (saints) of/and the holy city location for their affirmation, oath, covenant (weeks)(equivalent to the Seven Seals as the Greek “sphragis” refers to both; revealing the content of the “book” (Rev 5) that had been kept a mystery, to make known the full truth of how and when a Soul can make application to graduate into membership in the Kingdom of Heaven – The Next Level Above Human and simultaneously when that same BOOK revelations, when “consumed” – read/heard, experienced, received, digested and utilized provides the formula to become an “active student” (saint) to “confirm and provide proof to the Next Level,” by their willingness to give their lives to the service of the most recently incarnate Older Member(s), TI and DO.

The Revelations 7 Seals were introduced in Rev 5:1 pertaining to the opening of the BOOK that was written from within the Throne (TI and DO) that is the primary content of the BOOK geared most for all those WITHIN the Third Trimester FIRST Harvest “classroom,” opened by the Lion of the Tribe of Juda (Jesus, but last incarnate in the name Do) and the Backside (coming AFTER what is written from within) and about the complete revealing of Jesus’ and Old Testament Prophets prophetic fulfillments as evidenced in the content of the BOOK that is an “anthology of all TI and DO and Crew wrote and did over 25 years, to make known the truth about what was previously kept a mystery until this time.

-“revolt, rebellion, sin, trespass (transgression)” is “held back, restrained or withheld (finished)”

TI and DO said the Next Level did a great deal of setup Their experiential overcoming classroom. It was for this reason the U.S. was not only a melting pot to provide vehicles for the returning Souls to try to take over and overcome and for the returning souls against the Next Level to put Those Student souls to the tests they needed to build strength by warding off and overcoming and changing their negatives into positive growth. This setup brought about by the closer presence of the Older Members and Their Crew stimulated all the “equal rights” movements, interest in outer space, health consciousness, peace movements, etc. In particular TI and DO said the Next Level was “holding back” events that would bring on what is called the “great tribulation” to provide a chance for their student body to have adequate time to complete their overcoming classroom as what we will soon see more and more of will make it very hard for anyone to dissent or live unconventionally in ways that would raise suspicions among humans. For instance having 40 people living in a single family house in a Denver Colorado suburb, actually one time in Littleton.

We can see to date how riots are starting more and more surrounding the bigotry and injustice often found between white people and people of color. We can see the same things happening in the 2016 presidential race where large groups are disrupting Donald Trumps rallies as seen in Chicago and other places around the country protesting him. Trump supporters are equally motivated to strike out. It’s been many years since this kind of mob vigilantism is becoming the norm because the Next Level was holding those opposing forces back. That includes holding back war on U.S. soil during the 1900’s but that is coming to an end with the increasing mass murder shootings and bombings related to many angers that are fuming and boiling to the surface more and more during the start of this 21st century.

-“completion, cleaning, ceasing, come to the full, be all gone (end)” of “offense (sin)” “cover, cancellation, purge (away), put off (reconciliation)” “punishment, fault, perversity, mischief (iniquity)”

This talks about the time when the price for sin must be paid. No longer is there “sin cancellation” as in the “day of atonement” the Lord gave to the Children of Israel and that Jesus was also evidence of by his self sacrifice, but was over-emphasized, when the animal flesh sacrifice was actually preparation to demonstrate our love for our Older Members and a trust in them by being willing to sacrifice our own flesh body, most importantly in Their service, rather than for the government or to stop the government as part of a military rebellion or to save the whales or environment or the like. This is different from someone laying down their life for their neighbor’s well being as we see when firefighter do, the big difference being it’s to save life, and not destroy another life in the process. In other words the entire premise that Jesus sacrifice was our atonement, though true was actually showing each prospective member of the Next Level what they too must do to abide in the love of our Older Members as they are willing to do for their Older Member, in the case of Jesus, for his Father (who was called Jehovah up until His “Son’s” incarnation in the name Jesus).

The times spoken of in this verse include the punishment of those who turn against the Next Level and Older Members who created us in the first place. It really amounts to whose Soul is still able to produce “fruit” and who is not or is a “weed” in their “garden.” The space aliens are all “weeds” – souls that not only fell away from their many chances to become adult members in the Next Level, but went against the Next Level with effort to turn another’s eyes away from their potential for Next Level membership. Their presence however, serves as a type of fertilizer. At this time though, the weeds have rendered the “garden” unable to produce fruit without a spading of the civilization to start from scratch again but before that removing the souls of those who are to be saved for that next “planting.”

– to “come, attain, apply, abide in, grant, get, give (in)” “always, continuance, eternal (everlasting)” “make right equity, justice, prosperity (righteousness)”

By requiring the payment for going against the behavior and ways of the Next Level as provided by Jehovah/Moses and Father/Jesus and TI/Do – (The Two Older Members from the Next Level who have been the Next Level Representatives in charge of Earth), justice and rightness is served.

– the “make an end to, stop, closing, seal (seal up)” of “mental sight, perception, provision (vision)” of or by a “prophets (prophecy)” about “consecrating, rubbing with oil, Christing, (anoint) the HOLY (most) HOLY.”

The recycling period is accompanied by the Next Level Crew’s exit of their close nurturing of the “garden” which removes the ability for remaining humans to see and understand their reality and the process of anointing – Christing – that is the giving of all our love/service to our Older Members and overcoming all of our humanness.

Returning to the seventy as a “multiple of 7 (times)” applied to “seven” as oath periods, but as with most all prophecy there are a number of context driven translation variances, interpretations and literal applications on the ground (earth) among the humans throughout the length of each “garden” experiment, the most recent one starting with the Genesis overview but specific to the making of Adam’s vehicle and deposit of what we learned was Do’s Mind/Soul.

Since the Hebrew shib`iym is defined as a “multiple of “sheba`” the cardinal number seven, but also “seven times” and actually is used in a few translations as; 10, threescore, 15, 14, 17, sixteen, thirteen and twelve which I won’t try to document as overall it’s translated to “seventy” as a multiple times 10 where 10, I understand from some who know the Hebrew alphabet is the number of a man.

“Seventy” is quite the common number and appears to not only have a relationship to time but also to the number of students being prepared for a certain amount of “seats” – positions on board spacecrafts and as a part of various Next Level crews.

For instance, Moses was commanded by Jehovah to have Aaron select 70 men from all the tribes of Israel who are looked up to by their tribes to use for tribal communications. Jesus sent 70 disciples out to tell the good news of his arrival – the Kingdom of Heaven is at hand (the right hand of the Father (God) actually). In the Book of Revelations there are the “Seven Spirits of God” around the Throne. The Seven Candlesticks represent the 7 churches – those who became believers in Jesus in the first century after his exit (ascension) back into the spacecraft behind the cloud cover. There are the “7 Angels with trumpets sounding.” These are announcing the arrival of the crew – The Two Older Members and the “saints” – returning souls of the disciples who layed down their lives in service to Jesus as he instructed them to do and those Souls saved from all previous times when an Older Member had been incarnate and they believed in him and began to separate from their world that saw belief in him as dangerously insane but pursued and stood for Him anyway despite the consequences that often meant a crucifixion or beheading or some form of death.

Then there are the “7 seals” that are both opening of Book contents to reveal more of what was kept a mystery that goes hand in hand with being periods of time for new believers to affirm a oath to TI and DO. Finally there are the “7 angels who pour out their vials” – the last plagues that are slated to begin in earnest with the fourth seal’s opening even to date in 2016 which correlate with the events the seven angels with trumpets announced but are taken to a heightened mightier than ever application to provide a last ditch effort to show humans Creator Beings exist and are taking the reigns away from the Luciferians and human “minkys” (a playful term TI and DO would sometimes use).

Do always referred to He and TI’s coming incarnate as in the “early 1970’s” and at one time wrote that TI came incarnate in 1970 though Do had said about a year before meeting TI things in his life started to fall apart, thus around 1971. They both started to awaken together upon meeting in around March or April of 1972 and left their world behind entirely on January 1, 1973 yet awakened most significantly after that by mid February and then by September or October while in Gold Beach, Oregon where they woke up significantly more to knowing they were referred to in the Book of Revelations in the task description of the Two Witnesses. They didn’t take too kindly to thinking of themselves as some biblical personality as they knew how it made them feel when someone would tell them they were Cleopatra in a past life. They wanted to run the other way and now they were saying they were someone spoken of in that ancient record.

TI and DO first gave a meeting in the North Hollywood city suburb of the greater Los Angeles (City of Gods Angels) in the first week of April of 1975 and by early October had about 70 students gathered that by April when TI called that “harvest over” with the instruction to finish up meetings already scheduled around the U.S. so that by mid June of 1976, their 1260 days of prophecy were concluded.

We numbered at “about 100” when TI and DO had us all gather in the Wyoming (wilderness) living outdoors in the national forest no facility camping area of the high plateau – an interesting number considering when Jesus sent out the 70 it didn’t seem to be counting the 12 who remained with him, bringing their number to 82 though adding in the disciples who were in female vehicles that some say were 7 and John the Baptist then totaling 90.

When we left the Wyoming wilderness area TI and DO had determined that 19 of the students didn’t make what they called “the first cut.” They were sent to a different area of the National Forest in Utah west of Toole, UT, where we next made camp. That made our numbers “about 81.”

About a year or so later, perhaps in 1977 is when they named us with the “ody” extensions using whatever names we chose by then, shortened to three letters so our names were 6 letters long. I had become Sawyer by then so my new name became Swyody. Our number by then was probably in the low 60’s. I’m going through all this to show the similarity with the Jesus numbers while TI and DO’s numbers continued to fall and some more were sent out of the class because they didn’t want to abide by procedures so that by the time we went public for the second time in 1993 we were down to exactly 24 students, though when we put the Beyond Human video tape series up on satellite broadcast in 1993 some who were in a type of half way house wanted to rejoin and did and increased our number back into the mid 30’s.

Then when we went public face to face for the second time over 19 years in 1994, over a 9 month period of holding public meetings we added over a dozen more students while some fell away by their exit time in March of 1997 to have 38 in their classroom and 4 who were out of the classroom but believed in TI and DO and ended up laying down their lives over the next couple years bringing the graduate number to 42 students. I left in September of 1994.

TI and DO indicated their student body would be replacing the task positions Lucifer and his associates that fell with him had. If a third of said group of angels fell, one of the meanings of Rev 12:7-8, if that number was 25 (The Dragon (Lucifer) + 7 Heads + 10 Horns + 7 Crowns) then the overall size of the classroom they fell from (if that’s the way it occurred) would have been about 75.

Do indicated that some of the 42 (38+4) would probably have to return to finish their overcoming and I would think those would include the 4 who were not strong enough to stay the course in the classroom for the entire lesson plan and perhaps some of those who joined in 1994 but could include some who were there from the beginning.

Laying down one’s life, however that happens, whether by someones hand who is against us or by our own hand, as long as it’s because of one’s desire to be with and serve and please ones Older Member counts as a big part of the overcoming process but not the entire part. As Do said about those that were with him, all he said had a previous relationship with Jesus which is why they were so ready to legitimately do what is otherwise unthinkable for a healthy minded Soul – willingly lay down one’s life when it’s not for a selfish reason like out of a desire to inflict pain on another as in revenge or to not face one’s hard lessons.

TI and DO referred to this graduation class as their “third trimester” where the Jesus classroom was the second trimester and the Moses classroom the first – all compared to a human birth of 9 months. Which by the way it’s interesting that the two periods of public meetings were each 9 months long – seed planting times and perhaps each time more deposits could have correlated so that there may be one more coming for those coming of middle age. The FIRST (harvest) public meeting was given by TI and DO at Canada College on August 24, 1975. It was very close to May 24th of 1976 when the last meetings were held. I know this because by the first or second week in June I with my group had returned from a meeting we put on in Fayatteville, Arkansas that next to no one attended and then and I don’t know about other groups but it’s in the ball park. Then for the LAST (harvest) of 9 months of public meetings we started two trial meetings in November of 1993 and then hit the road with everyone in the class until the last meeting in Boston on August 19th 1994.

Perhaps this LAST harvest time that began in 1993 is kin to the Jesus second trimester as those public meetings Do and Crew did were a coming out of the closet as the same person who was incarnate in the vehicle named Jesus 2000 years ago – coming via the student body of “saints” this time as Do held no public meetings after the ones he and TI did in the 1970’s. I don’t know if Do even showed up incognito to any of the public meetings the class did, but He did have us play part of a Beyond Human video tape at the University of Chicago public meeting. His FIRST coming out public was as the Two Witnesses, though TI had him be the primary speaker for as she always said she came to get him started and then would go back.

So the number seventy may additionally refer to a number of students who would confirm their oath to TI and DO and do so over the course of 70 years, like from apprx. 1975 to 2045, which would not be far fetched from the standpoint of other timeline evidence. Another date structure that seems to have significance might be 1947 to 2017 for the 70 that includes the 42 FIRST Fruit Harvest of Souls. Those who are saved above that 70 would be among the remainder of the 144,000, if that number represents how many souls were brought back from all planted in times past. TI always said, all who came with them would return. I guess that means those who showed the Next Level their allegiance significantly in times past, if they fail when they are brought back don’t become waste with the ones who failed over and over and over and went directly against the Next Level. TI and DO indicated that Lucifer and his associates that fell with him were given many chances to recover their candidacy for membership in the Next Level. Perhaps their souls were once in equivalent classrooms and were brought back each time whether they failed to make the needed grade or not but as when we fail the lessons get harder, some got to a point of no return because the began to think of themselves as equivalent to their Older Members. I know of some right now who did end up publically talking against TI and DO. I would imagine that is a pretty serious step towards permanently mutating into “waste” – giving service to some “other god” the number one commandment breakage.

Dan 9:25 Know therefore and understand, that from the going forth of the commandment to restore and to build Jerusalem unto the Messiah the Prince shall be seven weeks, and threescore and two weeks: the street shall be built again, and the wall, even in troublous times.

Dan 9:25 Know (therefore and) understand, (that) (from the going) forth ((4161 brought out, bud, spring, course)) (of the) commandment ((1697 dabar= act, business, decree, errand, cause)) to restore ((7725 shuwb= turn back (hence, away), feed, build, lay down, lodge, make)) (and to) build ((1129 banah= obtain children, repair, set(up))) Jerusalem ((3389 yruwshalaim= a dual (in allusion to it’s two main hills (mountains)), Great City, Holy City)) (unto the) Messiah ((4899 mashiyach= anointed, consecrated person as a king, priest, saint)) the Prince ((5057 nagiyd= captain, commander, excellent thing, governor, ruler)) ([shall be]) seven ((7651 sheba= seven times, seven fold, seventeen)) weeks ((7620 shabuwa= sevened oneself, adjure, take an oath, swear, X straitly, feed to the full)), (and) threescore ((8346 shishshiym= multiple of ‘shesh’ (8337 and 8336)= primitive number six, sixty or sixth with certain context= “bleached stuff” i.e. white linen, by analogy marble, X blue, silk)) (and) two ((8147 shnayim= dual of sheniy = again, double, twofold, both, couple, second (time), twain, twice, + twelve, another)) weeks ((7620 shabuwa= sevened oneself, adjure, take an oath, swear, X straitly, feed to the full)): (the) street ((7339 rchob= broad place (The Way), a width, made wide, enlarge)) (shall be) built ((1129 banah= obtain children, make, repair, set up, called, convert, delivered)) again ((7725 shuwb= break, build, circumcise, lodge, pull in again)), (and the) wall ((2742 charuwts= incised or incisive, a trench (as dug), gold (as mined), threshing sledge (having sharp teeth), fig. determination, eager, decision, diligent, (fine) gold, pointed things, sharp, threshing instrument)), (even in) troublous ((6695/6693 tsowq/tsuwq= strait, fig. compress, distress, lie sore, (op-)press(-or), straiten, through the idea of narrowness (of orifice)); to pour out, smelt, utter, be molten, pour)) times ((6256 ‘eth= time after, season, tide, terminus, eternity, everlasting, old, perpetually)).

– “Restore Build Jerusalem Messiah Prince seven weeks” – First off use of the name, “Jerusalem” refers primarily to the flock (people) – the human vehicles the Next Level gathers periodically in one location to then send an Older Member to be incarnate among. So it’s both the people who can become the next trimesters “overcomers” (the true meaning of an Israeli (no longer anything to do with those that are considered to be Jews).

The restoration and building seems to be depicting the Next Level’s bringing Souls who had been “saved” previously for their good service, most likely from their Moses classroom experience to that specific location where Jesus was to incarnate so they can also incarnate (take over a human vehicle prepared for their next “second” trimester towards “spirit birth.”

The period seems to start around the time when Mary and Elizabeth received instructions (commandments) that they would each bear a special child though Mary’s child, Jesus, TI and DO thought was prepared for his task by inseminating Mary’s egg in another way than the human method of insemination.

The Seven Weeks being “seven oath periods” then would have been equivalent to the “seven seals” that applies to the “building again” but the next time the “street” – the “wide plate,” the “broad area” described in the NEW equivalent area where a new strain of vehicles (gentiles and Jew mix) would become the regeneration Jesus spoke of, where those who are the recipients of “deposited souls” would return to when they died as Jesus and TI and DO said, “all souls who ever had a relationship with the Next Level will be returning during the third trimester time. Note how “street” is part of this prophecy and how the city names are said to be the “non-physical (spiritual) equivalents to those cities in the Middle east, which I remind Jesus said would happen upon their return, shown as the Two Witnesses who are “subdued” (overcome) in the “street” of those new locations:

Rev 11:8 And their dead bodies shall lie in the street of the great city, which spiritually is called Sodom and Egypt, where also our Lord was crucified.

It seems these 7 oath times (weeks) would have begun around the time Jesus came public as that’s when some were stimulated to make their oath/commitment to Him, which would start with those vehicles most prepared to receive returning souls who had been with Him when he took over the vehicle named Moses and then by those souls who in degrees had formed their relationship with the Next Level during that same Moses classroom who were referenced as the 70 Jesus sent out to tell the good news of his kingdoms arrival that he was the incarnate (at hand) Representative of and then that grew to 120 at the upper room where Jesus told them to wait for the “holy ghost” – a Next Level task to give them a special dose of Next Level force and understanding that was reported as growing to around 500 soon thereafter but then became those in what the Book of Revelations refers to as the 7 Churches.

If the duration of each oath time compares with the current application of the way the first 3 of 7 seals played out, it would be about 8-10 years per seal/oath period, thus 70 years. that would seem to take it to 70 AD when the physical destruction of the temple at Jerusalem took place to coincide with the mental/spiritual destruction (desolation) – rendering as waste those at the time who were the general population most geared to be the receivers of returning Souls – the Jews that The Romans slaughtered and scattered. Those that were truly giving their lives to Jehovah, however best they understood that at that time and/or in the name of the Father, through Jesus, who all died because of the onslaught – starting from when Jesus was killed, would have their souls saved for their next opportunity to take over a human vehicle to advance in their “classroom” towards graduation from the human kingdom. TI and DO referred to those in Masada besieged by a Roman legion who ended up exiting by their own hands rather than watch their loved ones be brutally enslaved and/or tortured to death by the Roman soldiers.

– “threescore two weeks the street shall be built (set up to obtain children) “to turn back” (again), and the wall (mark, cut; palisade, gold (as mined, decision), even in troublous (a strait, distress, anguish) times (after, (due) season)”

As has been often the case during this project as I am working on verses, I at times see reports or news stories that sometimes seem to be in response to my desire to know. I know that’s possible. For instance I have a number or reasons to feel at least one classmate or crew is assigned to help me with this book. I think of that person as Srrody as he and I (with Lggody) spent the most time studying scripture in the 1990’s when Do was wondering if TI would have us go public again, as before then we had not spoken to the public since around May of 1976. (I don’t seek to communicate with Srrody though – We always go through our Older Members with our petition for help and understanding.) So I turned on the radio and there was a show with an intellectual who wrote a book he titled using the word “apocalypse” re: the “occupy wall street” movement that took place starting in 2009 following the “global financial crisis” that was all about the wall street investment banks cashing in on some loopholes in laws that allowed them to offer house loans to people that clearly could not pay them. They would then take these loans that accumulated and bundle them and buy and sell the bundles which ended up making some people even more wealthy than they already were. It all came crashing down, they say, though I suspect it was another of those “let’s build a situation to fail” and then cash in when it does, like the 9/11 attacks eight years before then and many events in the past throughout the world that leaders instigated for the same reasons.

So I thought, could it be that this “wall” was related to “wall street.” Plus this is where the 1929 stock exchange crash happened with crowds wanting their money filling the area of Wall Street and Broad Street and Wall Street is .7 miles long and ends at Broadway and the Hebrew rchob means “broad place (or way).” After all, the Next Level crew could have had the task to see to it that a particular street could be named a certain way they then knew they could use to show it’s relationship to prophecy, however incidental looking. In other words the Next Level provides the prophecy and then makes it happen by a crew’s leg work – whispering ideas to those who are naming such things and the like. TI and DO even indicated some of this is particularly fun to do – no one is harmed by it and it demonstrates some of the tasks and how they are not dry but can even be silly to be a part of.

Then as is also often the case, I’m stumped and especially so by Daniel’s prophecies so I start digging through other interpretations and translations. In so doing I came upon a very detailed Hebrew word for word description on these verse and he cited many more dated interpretations and one of them included interpreting Hebrew “charuwts” as a “palisade” and I couldn’t help but relate that to the palisades along the Hudson River to the immediate northeast of New York City are very tall sharp faced cliffs that have a highway and an amusement park and a mall named after – for instance, the Palisades Amusement park and the Palisades parkway. Charuwts also translates to “gold (as mined)” and there is no place that has more gold than NYC as the Federal reserve bank has huge vaults with many nations gold stored and there was a huge cash of gold bars, some I’m told still stamped with a Nazi marking on them that were found in vaults belonging to Deutschebank in the deep basement floor of the world trade center buildings that collapsed or were brought down. Another figurative definition is “determination or decision” and it’s clear that the “wall street led financial crisis” began in 2009, seeming into the start of the 7th angels trumpet sounding and the start of the “tribulation” time written as “troublous.”

Plus this thinking takes me to the perspective that “street built again wall” seems to refer to the entire U.S. as compared to the way the Israelites in their time led by Moses and Aaron acting as Jehovah’s on the ground Representative(s), (similar to the relationship shown with Jesus and John the Baptist) layed out the measurements for the “tabernacle” (temple grounds in the overall encampment).

For instance the area that was the “temple” was divided into three parts – the Outer court, Inner Court and the Tabernacle tent where Jehovah’s quarters were. The entire area was set up in exact measurements where it’s length was twice it’s width which is moreorless the size of the U.S. mainland. There was only one entrance to this entire area that was surrounded by a “wall” made out of fine linen 7 1/2 feet (5 cubits) high that had 60 – 7 1/2 foot pillars holding up the fine linen. The gate on the east side of this 150 (100 cubits) x 75 foot (50 cubits) rectangular enclosed area, entailed 4 posts so was 22 1/2 feet (15 cubits) wide. This gate’s cloth was woven of blue, purple, scarlet (red) and fine linen (white) thread they made. It’s interesting that the St. Louis ARCH is defined as the “gateway to the west” and it’s just west of the Mississippi River that TI and DO considered the division of the area of the U.S. they felt most in touch with their Older Members in the Heavens. They would occasionally venture east of the river and even took the class east twice for a very short time of a couple weeks at most before feeling “underwater” and having a need to return west of the river.

In the Moses tabernacle area right in front of this eastern GATE was the tribe of Judah with two tribes to their north and south on that eastern side. Directly behind Judah were the tents of Moses, Aaron and Aaron’s three sons who served as priest with Aaron the “high priest.” Thus this was like the captains deck of the Mississippi River boat, what the word “Texas” in Spanish actually refers to where the Captain in this case was Moses and his partner was Aaron with his Three sons, I believe represent the “four Living Beings (creatures) in Rev 4 and are also depicted in Daniel chapter 7 and Ezekiel chapter 1. Texas is where the “Twain” TI and DO came from and I believe Samuel Clemens writing as Mark Twain chose that name and as a Mississippi River boat Captain was chosen to be like a prophet in the start of the Seven Trumpets sounding in the 1907 time period which seemed to follow the 1897 arrival of that Soul as the equivalent of the messenger before the face of, in this case TI and DO to where Do as the current name of the same person who was the Archangel Michael, where an archangel is defined as a “captain of angels.” Plus there are many other examples of fulfillments of all this history in examples and prophecy alike.

So the “broad way” in addition to what else described about NYC as it has multiple applications in prophecy fulfillments is the width of the Temple area. In that temple after tribe of Judah is encountered and then the camp of the Levi’s Moses and Aaron and Sons comes the Temple entrance that is 30 feet wide in the 100 foot wide wall. Right past the entrance comes next the Main Altar where all the blood sacrifices of animals took place. In the U.S. temple equivalent it was in west Texas but extending to New Mexico and into Arizona and southern California the U.S. Southwest where all the Next Level sacrifices took place. They began in 1897 with the crash in Aurora, Texas with one body found and then 1945 with one body found on the Laredo, Texas border with Mexico where the one occupant led some Air Force jets on a chase for a while before intentionally crashing and then in 1947 in the Plains of St. Augustine – where four bodies were found and then Aztec New Mexico where 18 bodies were found and in Paradise valley, Arizona as the essential first “sacrifice of the Next Level student model bodies they had” and then in 1997 the sacrifice of the human vehicles they took after they exited their student Next Level bodies.

So the “broad street” becomes the entire southwest and western U.S. that is a wide platt where there is significant influences to become entrapped by all manner of licentious behavior and ways – working for “false gods” even thinking of self as an ascended master in the “Ye are God” movement that began in those areas and with the great financial wealth and abundance of sexual freedoms abounding in the new age tantra lifestyle that all has a focus on the three cities of Los Angeles, Las Vegas and San Francisco that make for a very wide path to destruction of a Next Level Soul’s capacity to overcome to graduate the human kingdom condition:

Mat 7:13 Enter ye in at the strait gate: for wide is the gate, and broad is the way, that leadeth to destruction, and many there be which go in thereat:
Mat 7:14 Because strait is the gate, and narrow is the way, which leadeth unto life, and few there be that find it.

The way TI and DO spoke about this idea of a “broad path/way” was to say there are many paths up to the top of the human kingdom mountain but there is only one way off – to become a member of the Next kingdom Above Human, which was by adhering to what the Older Members give us to abide by while they are incarnate and we come upon their information.

“Threescore” is translated as a “Multiple of Six” or as a “Sixth” which can be applied like the SEVENTY except I suspect it refers to the 60 years before the TWO oat periods began which would seem to be from 1907 to 1967 – whereabouts the 6th angels trumpet sounding period of 40 years (1 hour) begins, during which the Two Witnesses come public to start the Two “oath periods” (seven weeks), the FIRST time period when the student body – Souls, referred to as the “saints” because they gave their lives in service to Jesus were to take human vehicles prepared for them, to awaken within that TI and DO compared to their receiving “smelling salts,” by the TWO Witnesses to join with them to finish their overcoming of humanness to graduate the human kingdom.

Since there is no punctuation in Hebrew nor sentences the “two weeks,” I feel wasn’t meant to be part of the “seven weeks” stated before it in the verse but was meant to show a dividing of the time periods of the Jesus second trimester from the TI and DO third trimester partially shown by the reference to “troublous times” in the later part of the verse after the Street is rebuilt. The time of great trouble refers to the “end time” judgment period that begins after these FIRST FRUIT have exited their human vehicles (separated by dying themselves) and when the Seventh Angels Trumpet sounds which is after the 9/11 Attack (earthquake) shown in Rev 11:13.

These two periods FIRST and LAST seem to be the “two weeks” where weeks is once again a “seven time oath” and Two is saying there are two periods of sevening – the first shown by the Sixth angel’s trumpet sounding of the Two Witnesses prophecy period and that closes with the Seventh Angel’s trumpet sounding and that begins the Seven Seals with the FIRST seal pertaining to Do and his 38 + 4 graduates who all conquer their humanness by literally being with Do and laying down their human lives in 1997 with 4 following suite by the year 2000.

Dan 9:26 (And) after ((310 ‘achar= hind part; again, at, away from, back (from,-side), behind, beside, by, follow (after,-ing), from, hereafter, hinder end, pursuing remnant, since, when, with)) threescore ((8346 shishshiym= multiple of ‘shesh’ (8337 and 8336)= primitive number six, sixty or sixth with certain context= “bleached stuff” i.e. white linen, by analogy marble, X blue, silk)) (and) two ((twofold, both, couple, double, second, twain)) weeks ((sevened as in the oath periods)) shall Messiah ((anointed)) be cut off ((3772 karath = to cut off, down or asunder, by implication to destroy, specifically to covenant)), (but not for himself): and the people ((5971 ‘am= flock, folk, men, nation)) of the prince that shall come ((935 bow’= to go or come, abide, apply, attain, X be, befall, bring (forth, in, into, to pass), call, depart, enter)) shall destroy the city and the sanctuary; and the end thereof shall be with a flood, and unto the end of the war desolations are determined.

– “after – the hind part or behind and/or beside, “backside” all seem to point to the time of the LAST HARVEST WAVE that is also the “troublous – distress, anguish, op-PRESS(-or) times,” which points to the time of the “great winepress of the wrath of God” as shown in Rev 14:19-20, said as taking place “out(side) the city, where “city” is referring to that bordered area where the Two Witnesses and crew came incarnate to, which would apply most to being the western U.S. leaving the U.S. east of the Mississippi River and anywhere else in the world as the “outside” part but could also count the entire U.S. as the “city.”

This hind part would also seem to qualify as during the time of the Seventh Angels trumpet sounding, I believe is indicated by the National Geographics “final Report: Heavens Gate” broadcast in 2008 that suggested TI and DO and crew as the fulfillment of the “Second Coming.” Then I would suspect the 3rd woe to be what began in 2013 – the 40 year time from when TI and DO first ventured out to delivery their “prophecy” that started with their exit of Houston on 1/1/1973 that began their substantial awakening by mid February and second substantial awakening to fulfilling the role of the Two Witnesses around the fall of 1973 when they were in Gold Beach, Oregon. 2013 was also 40 years from 1973 and would meet the fulfillment of being the end of the first “hour” to begin the “Judgment – LAST Hour.”

This LAST HARVEST WAVE would seem to include the fulfillment of the Rev 5:1 Books opening that starts with the “Heaven’s Gate” (purple) book as the part prophesied as what was “written from within” – because Do and Crew and a number of the 38 students added their statements that went with what Do wrote and the transcripts of the 12+ video tape hours of the “Beyond Human – The Last Call” series, that again shows it’s reference to being the start of the LAST HARVEST WAVE by the terminology “Last Call” where what Do said and wrote during the time He and TI FIRST came public, as the FIRST ROAR/Thunder shown starting in Rev 6:1 – from 1973 to 1976 as the FIRST CALL. The SECOND AND LAST CALL started in 1993 – what was to be the remaining 6 of 7 “roars (thunders)” – as shown referenced in Rev 10:3-4. These references to the “seven thunders” in Rev 10 are ONLY announced at that time as part of the 6th Angel’s sounding of trumpets – scheduled to begin with the Two Witnesses “prophecy” period. (See Section III.D.8. that describes the Seven Thunders/Roars.)

Rev 10:2 is when the announcement is made that describes the “little book (bibliaridion)” that seems to be associated with the Rev 5:1 – “backside” – written on the backside by the disciple of TI and DO’s choice – spoken of as John but knowing the way the Next Level works is a task that is not necessarily performed by the same Soul who received the task to write down these Revelations. Here’s why:

TI and DO often indicated that the Next Level wouldn’t plan for someone to fail to be left behind. However they could know that a certain test would be administered to certain ones that if they failed could have dire results or could be an opportunity to regain their active studentship which then could entail a plan to take advantage, make a positive from a negative by giving that person the help to perform a service which would be part of their return to giving their all and even coming back into good stead with their Older Member, to resume some part of their graduation requirements and even potentially catch up to the class lesson plan they flunked out of. In a sense that can be seen as like the Adam experiment – putting him to certain tests.

TI and DO indicated Adam didn’t have to fall. Had he passed that test – Eve became the instrument of, he would have been subject to another test and perhaps the severity of the test would be increased, if for instance he hadn’t dealt with the total strength of his assigned adversary (Satan). The object was to provide a program for others that would raise the bar on even getting into that level of student membership Lucifer and his associates had to meet to get into their student level membership. If they could ward off the Luciferian influences on them they would have overcome what the Luciferians fell away because of. I believe TI and DO did indicate the lessons were regulated. In fact once we moved away from Salt Lake City because TI and DO felt the strength of the lower forces was too much to subject their students to any longer than they had.

Another example of the regulated strength of the lesson plan. I had had two major bouts with sensuality before the one in which I fell from. I can recall writing to Do how I felt I learned from one of them that I could never assume I have good control over my thoughts and actions. That sort of confidence is deadly as then you can be caught off guard – let one’s guard down instead of keeping one’s amour up all the time regardless of whether or not one thinks they need it. They always need it. If we drop our guard then we are exposing a vulnerability and it can be as subtle as a thought allowed into one’s mind that previously they kept out. In many cases one gets more than one chance to lock one’s door to their mind and actions but it seems the Next Level can raise the flood gates a little more to have more bombardment to deal with so to stimulate the development and exercise of more strength of mind to combat, ward off, extinguish from our mind.

So there wouldn’t be a plan for someone to fail but there certainly could be a plan to increase that potential to some as a training exercise they could use to advance to their next station of service if/when they succeeded. However, TI and DO did speak about feeling there could have been one or more students who they referred to as “advanced humans,” as opposed to Student level members of the Next Level returning for their final exam to become an Adult Member in the Next Level. I suspect this talk could be found on one of the early audio tapes as it was in a meeting they talked briefly about this. I remember it as I recall wondering if I was one. It doesn’t really matter. None of us are limited in our pace of growth. We can ask to have all the stops pulled out for maximum growth and then can ask to let up on that growth some so we can garner more strength. TI and DO said this about bombardment – if we felt it was too much ask the Next Level to relax it some.

– “Sixth/sixty years (threescore) and two weeks shall anointed (Messiah) be destroyed (cut off)” – as interpreted before, this seems to refer to both a 60 year period of time and the time of the Sixth Trumpet’s sounding when the FIRST Graduates exited. This depiction of the “anointed” (Messiah) being “cut off” also described as being “destroyed” or “consumed” and as part of their “covenant” the “oath and bargain” they took to fulfill that entailed “cutting flesh” – which is related to how the harvest is depicted as cutting the stalk – the human body – down to release the fruit – spread the seeds as took place in March of 1997 when Do (Messiah) and 38 + 4 student layed down their human lives to their death to be “born of spirit.”

Referring to Messiah Prince, where prince is also translated to a “captain, commander, ruler, noble” is echoed as referring to “Michael the Archangel as an archangel is a “captain of angels” and is described as being the Rev 12 Woman’s Son/offspring she births to the Throne and then he goes to war, depicted as Michael the Archangel against the Dragon, Lucifer and his associates who fell with him and since him.

The “people (flock) prince” would then seem to be the “remnant” who “depart, come against, go down into war” (come) in the “city” which is depicted for this time in Rev 12:17 and Rev 13:7 which is the “cleansing” (sanctuary) “process” (end) from the “deluge, outrage – gushing inundation (flood) that is followed (after) by a “battle” (war- Armageddon – Rev 16) that brings about desolation, makes astonied (waste).

There are certainly variances to all these interpretations but they have the same end result. Those who seek to give their lives in service to TI and DO and don’t side with the BEAST become the target of those who do side with the BEAST and they bring about the end – death of the remnant and that is part of their “cleansing process” to experience.

This seems to also relate to Dan 12:7 where that “power of the holy people” is scattered, break in pieces, broken, caused to be discharged, dispersed and overspread then the time that had provided their power will be finished – done as said in Rev 16:7, said as “done” which is at the time of the pouring out of the 7th and last angels vial into the air, which is followed by the biggest earthquake ever that splits the U.S. into three part brings down mountains which may be referring to the governments but also the land masses as every island also goes away which may be related to the large object that is thrown into the sea, I suspect into the Atlantic that totally annihilates the east coast islands to include Manhattan and Long Islands.

Dan 9:27 And he shall confirm the covenant with many for one week: and in the midst of the week he shall cause the sacrifice and the oblation to cease, and for the overspreading of abominations he shall make it desolate, even until the consummation, and that determined shall be poured upon the desolate.

Regarding the usage of “midst” seems to also have something to do with the timing of the provision of the “Backside Little book (bible) as the task to provide it’s information seems to be expressed as a “messenger” (angel) “flying in the midst (middle) of heaven.” In other words this would seem to be the issuing of the instruction from the Older Members to provide it’s content:

Rev 14:6 And I saw another angel fly in the midst of heaven, having the everlasting gospel to preach unto them that dwell on the earth, and to every nation, and kindred, and tongue, and people,

This can potentially relates to the next verse in Dan 9:27 referred to as a “covenant confirmation” for a week – the 7 seals/affirmation periods, but specifically saying this confirmation was to take place in the “midst or middle” of the “7 seals (sevening which would be the 4th Seal which is about to start with the next election of a president of the U.S. – that is the BEAST the Dragon is sitting on and the mouthpiece for, from an invisible standpoint as the Luciferian space aliens know well how to manipulate the spirit world and through physical space alien activity in the U.S. since the 1940’s. Plus another way of looking at “midst of heaven” can be shown to refer to the “first heaven” vicinity which is moreorless the atmosphere around the earth that extends miles away from earth as it is where certain satellites are orbiting. If they can orbit they are still within the earth’s gravitational atmosphere. If and when any of the satellites lose their power they would eventually drop down to earth rather that be lost in deep space. The Midst of Heaven can also be referring to the “world wide web” – the internet, these days also referred to the way many corporations are storing their programs and data on the “cloud” termed the icloud or internet-cloud.

The provision of this time of covenant confirmation in the middle of the week, starting essentially at the 4th seal causes a “slaughter” (sacrifice) that to those victimized is their sacrifice of their human lives by their hand which is their “tribute and offering apportioned, gift, present (oblation)” to the Next Level Older Members TI and DO, which is shown during the time of the 5th seal’s opening to continue into or even mostly take place. Remember, our vehicle isn’t what is harvested. It’s the vehicle we use to strengthen our Mind that is what we fill our Soul with, receiving our Mind from our Older Member’s Mind by abiding by all He/They give us to think, say and do that brings about a cleaning of our vehicle to make us worthy to be a “bride” to our Older Member.

It is after that “battle” which is not really a battle for the Next Level, but it does conclude the battle for souls that is being depicted in this last part of verse 27 that those who are worshiping human and human equivalent space alien god’s are turned into waste to complete (consummate) with what was decided to be poured out on the humans that have become waste (desolate) recorded as the Lake of Fire – possibly a great deal of volcanic lava flows.

The upcoming 4th Seal opening that includes the provision of the revealing of the remaining prophecy based mysteries comes at the end of the time of the 3rd Seal’s opening and demonstrates the abomination as the height of human’s portraying themselves in many ways as “God” that includes the “worship” of Human achievements and intellect and technologies – all an abomination to the Next Level as they ignore or just pay lip service to the One True Kingdom of God who created everything and all the life forms. And because of the human kingdom leaders taking this position with or without religious and/or spiritual affiliations all who side with them are seen by the Next Level as “waste” (desolation). Simultaneously we see the U.S. and the E.U. – the Two Beasts, Big and Small STANDING in the once HOLY Place, in the way they have placed themselves as the Global Leaders and literally by “taking a stand” in the former geographic location where the Next Level began the current civilizational “garden” experiment – the Middle East. Many foreign armies and air forces, etc. surround the former Kingdom of Israel and with the nation of Israel consider themselves “God” though they often talk as if they are servants to the One True God which whether they know it or not is a propaganda tactic to lure those who still have a remnant of belief in the real “God” to their side – a deceitful tactic spawned by the Luciferian Space Aliens.

Mat 24:15 When ye therefore shall see the abomination of desolation, spoken of by Daniel the prophet, stand in the holy place, (whoso readeth, let him understand:)
Mrk 13:14 But when ye shall see the abomination of desolation, spoken of by Daniel the prophet, standing where it ought not, (let him that readeth understand,) then let them that be in Judaea flee to the mountains:

TI & DO The Father & “Jesus” Heaven’s Gate UFO Two Witnesses – Section IV.D.1.The Seven Seal Openings-Fourth Seal – Second Beast (E.U.-Daniel 7 Little Horn w/2 Lambs in Appearance Only)

February 15, 2017


Rev 13:11 And I beheld another beast coming up out of ((out of, from, by, away from)) the earth ((ge= country, region, occupants, soil)); and he had two horns like ((similar (in appearance or character), manner)) a lamb ((a Christ [one who has given up their life overcoming the human kingdom for the Kingdom of Heaven])), and he spake as ((which how, like, to wit, with all speed)) a dragon ((drakon= fabulous kind of serpent)).

Rev 13:12 And he exerciseth ((4160 poieo= make, band together, bring forth, commit, content, continue, agree, appoint, avenge)) all the power ((ability, privilege, capacity, competence, freedom, mastery, superhuman, strength, right)) of the first beast before him, and causeth ((4160 – poieo)) the earth ((1093 ge= countries)) and them which dwell therein to worship ((kiss the hand of, serve like a dog)) the first beast, whose deadly wound was healed.

These descriptions seem to be spot on with the “little horn” and how it has “eyes” – The Holy See – the Holy Roman Catholic empire’s hierarchy and/or the European origin Masonic “all seeing eye” from the far east “third eye” shown to be of the mindset of the founders of the U.S. as seen inside the dollar bill’s pyramid.

Dan 7:8 I considered the horns, and, behold, there came up among them another little horn, before whom there were three of the first horns plucked up by the roots: and, behold, in this horn were eyes like the eyes of man, and a mouth speaking great things.

Another indication of the identity of this other Beast is in Daniel’s dream/vision reference to how “before” this time of the emergence of this other Beast, three of the first Beasts ten horns (Dan 7:7 documents for this context), though is often referenced here in the Revelations, really points to England, France and Spain’s (including in lessor ways; Italy, Belgium, the Netherlands – the Dutch from Holland) various claims and colonies on North America that were all three uprooted from North America by significant wars in the foundation of the U.S.

Also, this second Beast comes out of the human kingdom on/from earth. Like the first U.S. Beast it’s development began at about the same time though at a different pace, but essentially it seems as a result of the emergence of the space aliens from their underground prison cells (bottomless pit), as first shown in Rev 9.

Here is a little summary of that part of Rev 9: It describes “locusts with tails that sting like scorpions.” Whenever tail is used, it often has to do with, in this case indicating these are creatures that procreate like mammals, which we know is of primary interest to the space aliens. Also in the abduction reports most were put into a type of comatose state of semi-consciousness but had no capacity to run or fight back (though there are exceptions, that did still have a capacity to resist), but they were made into the walking dead for the time, no doubt through the use of some type of drug, even administered with a “beam of light” hitting them, as was described by Travis Walton as “blue” and  a similar report from Credo Mutwa and others. It’s interesting in the Travis Walton as reported by his companions who observed some of his abduction, a beam of light seemed to pick his body up and pull it into the spacecraft. That’s particularly interesting as one of a number of indications that this “second Beast” does great wonders including “making fire come down from heaven on earth in the sight of men” from Rev 13:13 and the name of Travis Waltons book and/or made for television movie I believe was “Fire from the sky” – sky is another translation for Greek ouranos with it’s equivalent as “heaven.”

The timeline of these events of the emergence of this second Beast is like most all prophecy in stages – degrees of application starting in this case of Rev 9 in the 1940’s and 1950’s but demonstrating these characteristics in the decades thereafter and seemingly brought to a head some time after the first Beast’s head wound is healed which shows as when the U.S. seemingly recovers from the two falls of the 9/11 attacks and the global financial crisis of 2009. But these “wonders” are technological and some of the space aliens had spacecraft with these facilities, though related to this second Beast, humans seem to now have developed some of the same technologies. Russia recently announced having a beam weapon they could use to disable anything that uses electronics. The range of operation is the greatest challenge though.

They are described as on “horses dressed for battle” which sounds like primitive (compared to Next Level) spacecrafts, and are said to have the “faces of men (humans)” with “hair like women,” perhaps depicting females and/or males with long hair.

This is interesting in the light of the report of a Swiss man named Billy Meier who reported in 1975 he met face to face with a human looking female space alien named Semjase who had hair down to her waist and said they came from a star system just past what we call the Pleiades. Billy’s first encounters were claimed to start in 1942 when he was 5 years old, a common claim from contactees and abductees to start with them when they are very young. It is interesting that many of the abductees and contactees say their captors say they came from primarily the same star systems as see noted in the book of Job:

Job 9:9 Which maketh Arcturus, Orion, and Pleiades, and the chambers of the south.
Job 38:31 Canst thou bind the sweet influences of Pleiades, or loose the bands of Orion?

Also, Meier in 1963 said he discovered what he said were ancient Aramaic scrolls in a tomb south of the Old City of Jerusalem. From them he wrote a book called the Talmud Jmmanuel that claims to be the original teachings and life events of Jmmanuel who Meier says is the same one who was called Jesus Christ. I have reviewed parts of it as it was written in German but certain parts were translated to English and it seems to be another spiritualized distortion/dilution that can be put alongside the Urantia book.

Also in some of the pictures from other abductees and contactees there were at times some that looked like “grays” but when they had problems with their victim (who often later thought themselves elevated to a “chosen one” contactee) they brought in a more human looking being that sometimes was illustrated as a male with long hair who would put them at ease. These became referred to as Nordics and that is especially interesting as they were mostly related to the Scandinavian European countries that are now mostly part of the EU.


1) One horn seems to be the Tibetan Dalai Lama as the biggest figurehead that has attracted many New Agers to, in both north America and Europe that has spawned many associated movements and practices. Offshoots who often align with the Dalai Lama and Tibetan Buddhism, if not culturally, by adopting their thinking and techniques include many Space Alien contactees, abductees bearing hybrid children who become channels and leaders of believers. Some think of themselves as a returned Maitreya, considered to be a title of some equivalence to, “Christ” in Buddhist eschatology that does have some similarities, but all and all seems to be another “copy.” However, the source of this Buddhist thinking/behaviors, lessons may have stemmed from the work of an Older Member from the Next Level, as Do indicated was possible because of similar doctrine of renunciation of the world and conquering of the senses, etc. and because Jesus said he had another “fold” he was to attend to after he left via his “cloud.”

Northern European New Agers seem to have been especially gravitated to Buddhist influences, and some of those are focused on a belief in the returning Maitreya. There are a number of Space Alien contactees that have even shared information that is kin to Buddhist ideas – and of course it’s predecessor religion Hinduism. Rael is a prime example of a leader of some 65,000 Raelians (they claim) worldwide who claims space aliens, even some with the names Satan and Lucifer, whom Rael reports he met face to face during one episode, were the Book of Genesis Elohim and thus created all humans and also created Jesus. Rael currently uses the title, “Maitreya” and he may be the biggest European manifestation of this “horn.” It’s interesting that those same two Space Aliens who told Rael this, also said they didn’t create the planets, which according to the Genesis account that Moses wrote was created by the Elohim as well, which then becomes confirmation as to who these Space Aliens are. They are the Fallen Angels who did engineer or propagate and hybridize their seed with human seed to produce those called the Nephilim who could be considered the “tares” Jesus spoke about, the seed from the enemy sown in the same “field” of the garden as Their “wheat/corn seed” was sown.

Regards to the Maitreya portrayal, there is another who has for many years gone by the name Benjamin Crème who has an organization called “Share International” who says there is an India born Englishman who is the Maitreya but who isn’t going to show his proof of that until the world has fallen to a certain condition of degradation that he will then save humanity from, as I generally understand it.

Another who claims some spiritual elite status is Billy Meier and there are various believers in him who became channel’s of the Luciferian Space Alien souls and/or discarnates known as Pleiadians. There are many others to include Aetherian and Arcturan contactees and groups which have formed around them, some of which also have contactees who insinuate or directly say they are the return of Jesus (what I heard on a meeting tape implied by Alex Collier and from reports of what David Icke said when he first came on the public scene) or say they are both the return of Jesus and the Buddha, especially in the case of Rael.

David Icke, a contactee who I’ve read a little about said or implied he was the return of Jesus. Most of these seem to gravitate most to Hindu and Buddhist beliefs and practices thinking that traveling to Tibet and India is a way to reach for further enlightenment along with certain yogic practices. They seem to have in common believing in the practice of meditation, they suggest if everyone did would bring about world peace through the idea some have called the “100th monkey.” That’s saying as soon as the 100th one did something the entire community would just begin doing it. I don’t deny there could be truth to that, except it’s really happened in reverse to where most are pro killing whatever they see as their enemy and even doing so in the name of their “god” who of course is a “false god” – the IMAGE or copy or facsimile of the Real Members of the Next Level.

I would say most of these don’t generally acknowledge the presence of a real being named Lucifer who because of his agenda to get off the planet stimulates further efforts among humans to develop their sciences and technologies to where human’s death and destruction and coveting of resources and those who suffer because of, become “collateral damage,” as we also see certain humans talk of, they use to justify their killing of civilians in their various warring.

These New Agers generally replace the fact that there are Living Beings who designed everything. Instead they promote thinking of the creation in nebulous ways removing the Chief of Chiefs (what TI and DO called the Oldest Member of the Next Level) with his being a “Cosmic Consciousness” or “Universal Mind” or “Oneness” no one need answer to as an authority over us and all of the creation, replacing the reality of the many membered kingdom that created the Earth for a purpose to grow souls upon who can graduate from their human condition to the idea that we are already living eternally in spirit form in an endless cycle of reincarnation or that we can overcome the world without appealing to Older Members from the Next Level to achieve eternal life as a spirit and not have to return to incarnate again. It’s telling how the two webmasters of the web site have seemed to adopt quite a few of these frames of thought as their new philosophy, while portraying themselves as the authority over all the information TI and DO and Crew left behind for us.

For example this view of “endless reincarnation” (according to reports from the interviews given by webmaster and former student of TI and DO, named Mrc, in the group, who was instructed by Do to leave the group in 1987 for not wanting to abide by all the lesson steps talks like this, while they say they are also working for TI and DO, turning into quite the contradiction since TI and DO never even insinuated such a concept  in all their tapes and writings and what I personally heard from being with them for a combined 19 years.

These former students are the very ones who are maintaining the web site Do and Crew set up and gave them as a task to keep up. This and many other things they say (presuming both are of one mind in their statements as they no longer use names) in their interviews are seeming to move far away from TI and DO’s Mind that I can bring a great deal of evidence for saying. However, they can still change as can we all when we learn about how we have gotten off the straight and narrow.

But here are links to the blog posts I made to try to bring more truth to what they provided in their interviews:

Sawyer’s Critique of Heaven’s Gate Webmasters Interview with interview with webmasters and sawyers claims of misinformation

Sawyer’s Critique of Heaven’s Gate Webmasters Interview with

Gizmodo: “Online legacy of a suicide cult and the webmasters”…misinformation, lies and deceit

Sawyer’s Critique of Heaven’s Gate Webmasters Interview with

Critique of “thenextweb” 2015 article on Heaven’s Gate

TI and DO spoke of how Lucifer gradually slipped to become more and more separately thinking from his Older Members until he didn’t even know he was separate from them. TI said he still knows the Chief exists but he so resents being jailed on earth that he is bent on battling against the Next Level even though he was given many chances to change. I have to wonder if one of those two webmasters is so resentful of being told to leave the class because of his not wanting to embrace the lesson referred to as “I could be wrong” that is behind his reason to withhold about 266 more audio meeting tapes Do made from 1985 to 1997.

These new age contactees often quote a tiny few of the things Jesus said to the general public, often focusing on two verses where Jesus says, (out of context), “The Kingdom of God is within you” where within meant both that it starts as a seed put in each human vehicle, but then that receiver fosters to grow and allows to be nurtured. Another quote describes how the incarnate Older Member comes from the Kingdom of God as one of it’s Representatives “from among you” (which is also the way Moses said one like him would return), used to justify an earth origin to the returning Rep’s incarnation. Another is where Jesus said, “God is a Spirit” which is synonymous with how TI and DO said that every Member of the Next Level was a Mind to where a Mind is the stuff that they have filled their Soul container with and that they are still physical beings because of but use physical vehicles they grow on vines to wear like a human would wear a special suit for a special task like as astronaut or diving suit. What Jesus seemed to mean by saying that, was that Next Level members were not seen and like said are composed of their Older Member’s Mind which is synonymous with the term, “spirit.”

These often focus on Jesus’ call for peace ignoring that he meant as a behavior among others, while not meaning contentment and inner peace in ourselves as within ourselves he wanted us to have “salt” which as one of it’s main properties was that of a great enemy to bacteria to preserve life while enhancing it’s value:

Mar 9:50 Salt is good: but if the salt have lost his saltness, wherewith will ye season it? Have salt in yourselves, and have peace one with another.

2) The other of the Two Horns of this second Beast would then be the latest and perhaps last New Agey styled Pope Francis as the leader of the Holy See state, the Holy Roman Catholic Church that is over the Vatican City State, who to date preaches an ecumenical doctrine now that has very little to do with anything Jesus stood behind except for rhetoric of feeding the poor while he sits on one of the wealthiest banks in the world, that is every bit as much a corporate profiteer/capitalist as exist in any of the strictly secular states and entities in the world. The position of Pope was separated from being in command of the Vatican Bank legalistically but with his Cardinals remains it’s head. His talk that boils down to a One World Religion and One World government is right up Lucifer and his associate fallen angel’s alley to have a One World Order. Pope Francis does seem to want to emphasize the plight of the poor and has taken a strong stand on “healing the earth,” at least in rhetoric, but perhaps with his chemistry background is also convinced that the climate change is as he said “mostly man made.” On May 1, 2013 he said, “The book of Genesis tells us that God created man and woman entrusting them with the task of filling the earth and subduing it, which does not mean exploiting it, but nurturing and protecting it, caring for it through their work.” I believe what was meant by “subduing it” really meant “overcome/conquer” the lower evolutionary levels of behaviors and ways.

But perhaps the biggest clue that Pope Francis in his focus on the poor is literally neglecting teaching the most important teachings of Jesus is how he is quoting only the things Jesus taught the general public that he mostly spoke in parables – stories about so they would NOT SEE:

Luk 8:10 And he said, Unto you it is given to know the mysteries of the kingdom of God: but to others in parables; that seeing they might not see, and hearing they might not understand.

They, the general public were not ready to see and hear the full truth. It would have been too challenging to them and they would have fell prey to the lower forces more easily and would have fed the forces against him. His 3 1/2 year ministry wouldn’t have lasted even that long I imagine before he would have been thrown out for sounding like a babbling idiot or possessed by devils all the more. Of course some and probably many Jewish leaders demonstrated they did think those thoughts – it was just less which afforded him more time to help his students, who he did reveal some mysteries to, further opportunity to draw everything from him they could, so they could stand for him when he left and in so doing be sacrificing their physical life which would be their ticket to their next grade in school at graduation time upon his incarnate return. (dying isn’t the ticket by the way – service to their Older Member that will result in their death is their ticket. It’s just a different focus. There are plenty of people that give their life for another and that can have it’s merit but to graduate one must not be giving their life for their own sense of self importance as a martyr that they feel makes them a spiritual hero or some sort of thing in the eyes of others. That’s a distortion. TI and DO always said theirs was “not a martyr trip.”

To top this off, Jesus said upon return he would no longer be talking in parables thus to still be preaching the parables is like sharing maybe 9th grade lessons when it’s at the least 11th or 12th grade time when those in the 11th and 12th grades with Jesus would at this time be graduating. This dilution is also seen in many churches around the lands to where they teach the parables and miracles and even the Old Testament toddler lesson plans. It’s not like those are bad things to teach but the priority could be preparing people for the return by sharing with them the things Jesus shared with his disciples that he didn’t talk to the general public about.

TI and DO said Lucifer likes “order” in his kingdom so if you break that order, you end up in one of “Lucifer’s jails” – the various governmental prison systems. Together these Two Beasts are leading the social and technological aspects of the war of Armageddon which for the Next Level is really a battle for souls between the Luciferian space aliens and the Next Level that humans are the Luciferian pawns of, though some can see through and results in their rebellion and separation from allegiance to either of these two Beasts.

Rev 13:13 And he doeth great wonders ((4592 semeion= sign, wonder, token, mark, prodigy, portent)), so that he maketh fire come down from heaven on the earth in the sight of men,
Rev 13:14 And deceiveth them that dwell ((house permanently)) on the earth (by the means of those) miracles ((4592 semeion= sign, wonder, token, mark, prodigy, portent)) which he had power to do in the sight ((in the face, presence, before)) (of the) beast; saying ((to lay forth, relate)) to them that dwell ((house permanently)) on the earth, that they should make an image ((1504 eikon from eiko 1503; a likeness, (literally) statue, profile, or as a figure [even an actual Hologram like Fatima]) representation, resemblance, akin to being weak or a faintness as a copy)) to the beast, which had the wound by a sword, and did live.

The context of who performs these “great wonders aka miracles, (Luciferian signs)” is from the perspective of this “other Beast” of prey, organizations of humans’ (mammals) countries, institutions and corporations of the E.U. who like the larger Beast the U.S. are now in various ways under the influence of the Luciferian space aliens and those who carry their seed (misinformation mind).

By the way, it’s the false Christs (false anointed ones and/or false Christians) and false prophets (speakers/teachers) that show these “great wonders” and “miracles,” not the once incarnate Two Witnesses nor their “Active Students.” (That’s a phrase Jwnody wrote on Do’s behalf that referred to his students that he indicated new believers should try to “connect with” in he and TI’s physical incarnate absence. I suspect he said that to cover his bets, should he leave before his student body, something he always considered could happen. Then new believers would know to seek out those Active Students.)

Mrk 13:22 For false Christs and false prophets shall rise, and shall shew signs and wonders, to seduce, if it were possible, even the elect.

Rev 16:14 For they are the spirits of devils, working miracles, which go forth unto the kings of the earth and of the whole world, to gather them to the battle of that great day of God Almighty.

This is why one was not going to see the Two Witnesses, bringing on plagues like Moses did nor calling fire down from heaven as Elijah did. Those were listed as their characteristics because it was to show they had the same authority. TI and DO wondered at times why they didn’t seem to have powers like that. They knew they were those in the prophecy and there were times they thought about trying them out, which they said somewhat humorously as they recognized that wasn’t really their role at this time. They didn’t abide by what prophecy said. They used it for clues of what they knew they were being fed in information. By the way, they said they would both receive the same impressions at the same time that they would only recognize when they came together and checked with one another when they felt something was coming in. This way, it was a check system so one wasn’t really leading. They worked as a partnership though Do knew TI was his Older Member and yielded if the came upon something that seemed to differ though often it didn’t really differ except in how they each registered it. They had different brains so in talking about what they were receiving they would talk about them differently at times and that was useful as Do had a closer interface with the student body where TI had a closer interface with Do and was more distant from the student body. Relating with the student body was primarily Do’s task to perform which is part of why TI left before him.

The great “wonders, miracles, signs, tokens, marks, prodigy, portents” are all on the human level and thus earth based and are things what TI and DO called “tricks” the Luciferian space aliens stimulate to try to fool people into thinking they are God or that God was them all along. They are also technologies that have been gleaned from or provided from the space aliens to humans while are also being developed or the subject of experiments to create that are giving rise to more and more advancements in all fields that are to humans WONDROUS to observe and/or be a part of developing. However in the context of this EU beast, European based technological developments and apparent space alien activity put’s front and center the many wondrous experiments in atomic and sub atomic particle and energy physics at CERN, the “Council European Research Nuclear” known the most for it’s Large Hadron Collider (LHC) that is geared to create antimatter by powering atoms to smash into one another at incredible speeds and then watching the sub atomic results that they recently feel demonstrated the existence of antimatter as described as the Higgs Boson particle.

More directly related to “fire from Heaven” is the CAST telescope recently installed that uses dipole magnets and pipes associated with the LHC that generates x-rays into the Sun looking to discover “axions” that they think will explain subtle differences between matter and antimatter in processes involving the weak force but not the strong force they think can make up dark matter. Now I don’t pretend to understand all that except that dark matter in my thinking is what TI said was “frequency.” Human scientists are talking about this as parallel universes – in existence all the time which one can imagine if we knew how to turn on and off, one could make matter invisible yet still have mass as Jesus demonstrated and TI and DO said could make it so there could be even another civilization on a planet we think is barren but we can’t see them because they are on a different frequency our brain/eyes Mind has not developed to be able to see/comprehend.

Another project is called the High Luminosity LHC which is a cutting edge Tesla superconductor quadrupole magnet and incidentally 2015 they, related to the United Nations EU headquarters in Geneva, Switzerland declared to be the “International Year of Light” (Fire?).

“Fire from heaven” in it’s most base understanding would involve the sun and the significant production of heat these experiments generate that are all doing very wondrous things on a huge scale relative to human achievements to date. Some people think they are going to create a black hole.

I have suspected for a long time that one primary desire for these particle accelerators is to try to create new elements that could be used to manufacture an element that would provide an anti-gravity field that could become the energy source of a spacecraft to just lift away from the planet instead of having to thrust our way into space as has been shown to exist in some of the crashed or provide space alien crafts.

As a side note, I can imagine that one of the ways the Next Level might have grounded the Luciferian space alien fallen angels was by knowing they had a very limited supply of the element needed to power their spacecrafts or by making changes in the sun’s output so that those elements no longer stay charged as long or as well or with as much force as they once had. I’m just guessing of course. By giving humans some spacecrafts as reported by Bob Lazar and others, the Next Level were helping humans see the possibilities so they could figure out how duplicate them and the elements that power their engines and generate the anti-gravity field. I don’t know if the Next Level did provide these crafts in tact enough to provide much data on this, but it seems the Luciferian space aliens did foster facsimile UFO crashes after initial Next Level staged crashes at the Plains of St. Augustine near Roswell, New Mexico, Aztec, New Mexico and Laredo, Texas, in other U.S. southwest and other locations and also in England known as the Bentwaters incident and at least one in a northern, remote are of the Soviet Union.

Do indicated the Luciferian fallen angel space aliens might not have the expertise nor tools/labs, mining and refining systems available so need humans to develop the technologies they need to use to try to escape from their prison on earth. If they do get humans to escape and they tag along with them in their spirit form and/or with some of those they nurtured to be their pawns then I doubt they will get very far and may not survive very long – like on Mars, for instance. NASA just announced a program looking for people to colonize Mars. G.W. Bush had announced this project during a state of the union address in one of his last years as president so this is not new and his announcement came days after China announced colonizing Mars and the Moon. The Luciferians know a lot about what’s possible, having had experience with what Do called “elementary service” in the Next Level, so they can point humans in the right directions.

Lasers are another way to look at “fire come down from heaven (sky/outer space).” As said 2015 is the International Year of Light as declared by the U.N. which combines activities of both Beasts (US and EU) with it’s bases in NYC and Geneva, Switzerland. During this year there have been successful use of lasers to deliver video communications from both the International Space Station (ISS) and a the European Space Agencies (ESA) probe on the moon which is many times faster than previous transfer mediums. Laser surgeries are now routine and use for weaponry.

Further wonders are in progress in the area of cloning and bio-engineering, growing human organs, even having ways of automating their design, called “3D printing.” A device has all the components within it that outputs a mesh shape of an organ that used stem cells genetically engineered to grow flesh over the mesh and that has been accomplished for some organs.

Interestingly, it was in Rael’s book, the Frenchman UFO contactee who started the Raelian religion, that he reports being shown on board one of their crafts a computer that two beings named Lucifer and Satan described as a cloning device. The premise was they could take a piece of one’s forehead bone and put it in the computer and it would produce a clone of the person at a younger age they then could take over, presumably when their existing body died. They told him that they “outlived planets” in this way. By the way they said they didn’t create the planets though they claim to be the Elohim “Lord” in Genesis who created humans. I later realized they might not be lying but are mixing up the story so that they were indeed the fallen angels that created the hybridization program or just had sexual reproduction with the “daughters of humans” to seed the ones called Nephilim who became very mighty and even giants physically who ended up being very violent and seems to even feed off of humans prompting the Next Level to choose to wipe them all out and start over, thus the Noah flood. But it’s interesting that Rael went on to found a company called Clonaid that clones animals and Rael though he claims to be the returned Maitreya and/or Christ claims there is no Kingdom of God and that all humans came from his space aliens and that technological development is the solution to all the worlds problems – which amounts to yet another type of “false idol” worship.

I’ve read that South Korea excels in organ manufacturing (and by the way cloning of animals) technology which I became aware of having application for already, when I saw a report of a new city like facility being built under the cover of a ski resort in what is called the Northeast Kingdom area of Vermont. They were describing the businesses they were drawing to the facility and one was a South Korean human organ manufacturer. To me that was some icing on the cake of what was really intended for this facility, having an airport and entire infrastructure planned and in development subsidized in part by Federal monies like the recent shift to a digital wireless electric company monitoring throughout the state. All this in a very rural sparsely populated area, though a stones throw from the state capital of Montpelier that I remind has at statue of the goddess Ceres on it’s statehouse. I would venture to gamble such a facility is being installed nearby every big city in the U.S. and no doubt Europe and probably throughout the world, for the leaders of the countries and their rich backers to literally buy quarters within in the event of a need to flee underground from any number of regional and/or global-wide catastrophic events or uprisings or wars. The Next Level may allow certain ones to survive their spading, recycling as indicated in prophecy so they can be used as catalysts for the growth of those who survive this judgment time the Souls who don’t show their allegiance to the Beast or it’s Image (Spirituality, even to a hologram like Fatima).

Drawing fire from the heavens can also refer to doing things in the atmosphere of Earth that can stimulate thunder and lightening storms. There has been considerable indications of this with the talk of NASA’s project Blue Beam and the HAARP project in Alaska that as one of it’s missions is weather modification using an array of antenna that transmit frequencies anywhere on the planet that can be made to affect the planets electromagnetic field and potentially stimulate storms or perhaps a reduction of the way that field is a shield against the suns solar wind. If that shield is altered or disrupted, perhaps also related to the ozone layer more of that solar wind can get to the surface. CERN maybe engaged in some of this as well. And there are new plans for even bigger facilities in all these respects all over the globe.

As fire is related to Hell, and Hell to the Luciferian fallen angels who are in hell in that they can not escape their fate when the Next Level is done with using their desire to combat the Next Level, they are also drawn with their space alien descendents and human pawns to the earth that includes the fact that they will be judged by “fire” – cast into the “lake of fire,” perhaps a multiple pronged strategy of recycling using both forces outside the earth as in the Sun and forces inside the earth as the molten core that we see in the last decade being stimulated in volcanic eruptions. Mt. Etna, is one that has continued to show slight activity but could be one of many that could all create “lakes of fire” when the Next Level is “done”

Further development of radioactive elements into energy systems and propulsion systems are yet another example of fire from heaven, with heaven meaning from what the space aliens provided the Nazi’s in the mid 1940’s however they did that, possibly related to excursions to and discovery of a hidden underground lake in the continent of Antarctica. One could imagine that any sizable object hitting any ocean would cause many times the damage of what happened in Fukashima, Japan from a tsunami stimulated by an ocean earthquake. And with the many nuclear reactor sites on coasts that would have their cooling systems destroyed by flooding could cause many meltdowns that would further pollute any ocean or waterways they are built on to create ocean sized “lakes of fire.”

Re: “image” – In a literal way, a Luciferian hologram like Fatima. Generally speaking, what TI and DO called a “facsimile, copy,” something that was “not real and didn’t exist” and referred to humans with Luciferian misinformation that way because being filled with misinformation means no possibility to avoid being recycled thus not existent. We can recall that the Lord told Moses his names as “I Am” or “I exit” or “Existing One” (Jehovah) and that Israel meant “one who prevails as Jehovah,” thus overcomes through adhering to the instructions aka commandments from Jehovah that enables their “existence” where otherwise all else is a non-existent representation, resemblance of what exists, a likeness which is how those before Adam and Eve were referred to have been created male and female “like” in appearance and quality to the Elohim – existing ones – the Governors or Chief Administrator of the Earth garden as Do referred to TI as one time.

Thus this “image” is anything that is portrayed as Above Human that is not or that puts humans on a pedestal they are not on, or the working for Spirits, discarnates, space aliens, religions, so called spiritual teachers, Christian Evangelicals, Channelers, Artists put on a pedestal, Science and scientists who are seen as can do no wrong, etc. Since this is used as one of the conditions of judgment of who is “saved” from the recycling and who is not, equating with worshiping (serving, working for) either/or the Beasts and/or “it’s image,” as in Rev 14:9-11 and 15:2. These who work for the Beasts and/or their Image(s) are also those who suffer the consequences of the FIRST ANGEL’S POURING OUT OF THEIR VIAL on the earth that starts and is ongoing as shown in Rev 16:2, but has stages of application to the “Great Day of the Wrath of the Lord” during the time of the 6th Seal.

Rev 14:10 The same shall drink of the wine of the wrath ((passion, breathing hard)) of God, which is poured out ((2767 kerannumi=filled [also translated as; “to mix, or pour out as for drinking,” but considering the next word is related to being unmixed, undiluted, it seems the “filled” option might be more contextual])) without mixture ((194 akratos= full strength, undiluted)) into the cup of his indignation ((3709 orge= movement, agitation of the soul [stimulation towards growth, the “salt” each prospective member of the Next Level needs to have, aka “thirst” for the behavior and ways of the Older Members], the natural disposition, desire (as a reaching forth or excitement of the mind),  vengeance and punishment [reaping what was sown], anger [at the effort to turn people away from the truth about the Kingdom of Heaven and it’s Older Members in that Next Level Above Human])); and he shall be tormented with fire and brimstone in the presence of the holy angels, and in the presence of the Lamb:

Notice the language of “pouring out,” which is applied to how wine is mingled to fill one’s vessel (cup) – one’s lot – chosen direction in life, that in the application in the resulting receipt of that “wine” (mind as instructions from the Next Level to implement) delivery gushes out, is shed abroad or forth as in distributed when the disclosure (voice) is give. The aspect said as “without mixture” or undiluted, when examined in a number of translations is said as “full strength” which is indicative that it won’t be spread out nearly as much in severity and frequency and scope as it has been up until this point.

One will note throughout history major natural disasters are sporadic even throughout most of the 1900’s, with few in the territory of the U.S., though quite large when they hit (New Madrid, San Francisco, Galveston, etc.) But since the mid to late 1990’s a noticeable increase in earthquakes (Japan, China, Indonesia, Iran, Chili, Haiti, Italy and of late Rome, etc.), tsunami’s (Sumatra, Japan (Fukashima)), tornadoes (Arkansas, Missouri, Oklahoma and Texas, some a mile wide), hurricane’s (Katrina, Sandy, Irene, Matthew), drought and subsequent forest or range fires (Colorado, Oklahoma, Montana and California), huge hailstones the size of softballs and/or hard enough to break through thin metal roof tops on sheds, massive fish and bird die offs, famines, genocidal wars (Rwanda), State, even illegal waged wars (Afganistan, Iraq) and foreign and domestic terrorism events, heightened volcanic activity including eruptions (Hawaii, Alaska, Mt. Etna in Italy, Chili, Mount St Helens, Yellowstone and others most focused on the area of the planet spoken of as the “ring of fire” – the Pacific rim).

Therefore what this verse is indicating is an increase to full strength of these plagues and calamities that seems to be in the timeline at the start of the Opening of the Sixth Seal in Rev 6:11-17, yet indicating some will still be able to “stand” for the Kingdom of God/Heaven, Next Level, TI and DO according to what they have become aware of. I suspect this time period is slated for around 2025-2032, counting 4-8 years to each Seal opening as was evidenced between Seals 1, 2 and 3. The spread of 4-8 years is because of the “days being shortened for the remaining (elect),” so it could certainly be even sooner. These were not the only considerations. The biggest one is because TI and DO indicated those in middle age around the time of his exit would see the completion of the the events in Revelations, obviously not counting the 1000 years after these calamities are “done.”

These three Seal periods in the world begin with the Bill Clinton regime that was in place until the exit of Do and Crew in 1997 so seems to coordinate with Rev 14:6’s first angel’s speaking in the “middle heaven” the true information (gospel) by Do coming out on the “internet” (starting via satellite uplink in 1993 and ending with the web site and their globally reported exit) as the return of the same Soul who was incarnate in the vehicle named Jesus, that a few years later begins the “hour of judgment” (40 year period).

The Bush regime seems to coordinate with the start of the Two Falls of Babylon in Rev 14:8 with the 9/11 attacks and the response of what I call the Endless War on (of) Terror, as Jesus said, those who live by the sword die by the sword.

The Obama regime shows the start of the second fall, set up by the time of the Bush regime for him to manage as the Global Financial Crisis, another U.S. (and allies) stimulated event to usher in the New World Order and the U.S. Secret Govt that first began to form in the 1950’s because of the Space Aliens being permitted by the Next Level to circulate among humans again. This seems to be according to the timing as noted in the second “another angel” in Rev 14:8.

The third angel of Rev 14:9 seems to mark the start of the Opening of the Fourth Seal that appears to be depicted as the Woman in Revelations chapter 17 and 18 also representing the “city” that sits on the Beast as the:

Rev 17:18 And the woman which thou sawest is that great city, which reigneth over the kings of the earth.

Of course it’s not the “city” that reigns over anyone, it’s the people occupying such an entity no matter where they are located though by various descriptions may most apply to New York City and of course it’s axis to Washington D.C., Chicago to Houston to Denver and Los Angeles as main hubs.

This Rev 14:10 period is led up to through Seal openings 4 and 5, then depicted as the 7 Angels who pour out their Vials, starting with:

Rev 16:1 And I heard a great voice out of the temple saying to the seven angels, Go your ways, and pour out ((1632 ekcheo= to pour, figuratively to bestow, gush (pour) out, run greedily (out), shed (abroad, forth), spill)) the vials ((5357 phiale= broad shallow cup)) of the wrath of God upon the earth.

Christians might say this wine (from Rev 14:10) was the Holy Spirit, which is true in that it’s the “Mind,” TI and DO equated with the term “spirit” that his pure (holy) because it’s totally real and true, but given to a world that has thrived on the misinformation mind/spirit from the Luciferians that diluted the Next Level Mind when it was “poured out” before as when Jesus came incarnate, his being the receptacle (vessel, cup) for his Father’s Holy Mind/Spirit which is the “passion” of Next Level members to provide. But when humans who have not learned and practice taking in that mind and keeping it in their vessels to be used to build their internal “Soul” container, (given them like a seed is given to the earth), then it spills out – meaning humans can’t contain themselves and their passions however they are translated according to the pattern of programming they have accepted.

If they translate that passion by going out to clubs to get high on substances and get all sexual, more of that spills out literally and as a figure. If their passion is to get even with someone or some government or people who they have seen as doing them wrong, then they can hardly contain themselves from striking out with their passion in angry ways and we see hatreds and shootings from jealousies and vengeance and bigotries of all sorts escalate. If they get rid of that passion by amassing power over others as we see in governments through military and security forces down to the police level that then spills out.

If people have bought into certain thinking that sets them above others due to their intellect or science capacity, etc., they will pour out themselves into that passion and we see increased technologies and with success in business tends to build their sense of self into a heightened stature among other humans that often because of closes their minds to anything that could challenge their view of themselves. For those that it stimulates their sense of a spiritual self, they can’t help but get all self righteous to look down on people that they don’t think have God in their life, judging them as sinners and heathen. The same is shown among those who count themselves “spiritual” teachers. They have often magnified themselves to a position that can be the equivalent of a religion’s leaders, with or without an organizational banner. Some of these consider themselves enlightened or channels for spirits they think are from a higher realm or “contactees” of space alien’s they directly or indirectly deem “gods,” some of which will subtly allude to beings significantly over them. Some of these aliens portray themselves to humans as “Space Brothers.” TI and DO talked about this as “everyone getting what they have come to believe.” Many times what people believe is actually a complete illusion so they get that illusion, that is until the Next Level recycles and then they get reality.

People often can’t help but gravitate to their own comfort zone even if it’s one of hatred and arrogance towards someone else or some other group that yield troublesome, injurious, pernicious, destructive, baneful thinking and behavior as shown in response to the first of seven of these provisions of release of the Next Level’s Mind that few have a program to translate in any other way:

Rev 16:2 And the first went, and poured out his vial upon the earth; and there fell a noisome ((2556 kakos = evil, harm, ill, bad nature, mode of thinking, feeling and acting that is troublesome, injurious, pernicious, destructive, baneful)) and grievous ((4190 poneros= full of labors, annoyances, hardships, pressed and harassing, bringing toils, perilous to faith and steadfastness, causing pain and trouble, physically diseased or blind)) sore ((1668 helkos= a wound, production of discharge pus, an ulcer)) upon the men which had the mark of the beast, and upon them which worshiped his image. ((copy”-, facsimile of Next Level, even hologram like Fatima or Spirituality))

This becomes the main criteria of separation of those who turn to the real Next Level Beings for help, according to how they relate to the Next Level that must include showing the Older Member Living Beings in the Next Level we mean what we say and want to be in their service and grow to be in their Above Human Family as best we can understand it, so trust them to help us, which will include a separation from allegiance to humans. This is not to say, this becomes an excuse to neglect the responsibilities we have taken on in the human kingdom to one another as the Next Level uses the human kingdom as our stepping stone which is why Jesus gave the instructions he did to, in his physical absence to show our love for him and his Father and his kingdom by doing to others the way we want others to do to us and treating even those who would cause us harm with the same respectfulness knowing they don’t know any better or they wouldn’t act the way they do. But what’s important is to seek a stronger relationship with the Next Level Older Members day by day, looking for the ways they can help lead us closer to bonding further with them and there can always be a greater bond.

There is nothing to be assumed. We have to seek out what they want us to do for them. They don’t need us to do for them, but it’s the only way we can draw their mind into us and not have it spill out and be wasted. And for those that have heard about TI and DO, they must address their desires to them. To bypass the ones more recently sent to us is to deny they exist. All humans who don’t show the Next Level what they want in a relationship with Them will be those that are spoken of as the ones who have received the “mark of the beast and/or those that worship that Beasts image” meaning service self as a God or equivalent or religio-spiritual imagination or to the academy of sciences or to the institutions of higher learning, or even to an actual hologram like Fatima. It’s not that we don’t recognize things of value to those human and governmental organizations. It’s more that we don’t put any faith in them even though when we put our faith in the Next Level first, they may lead us to solutions to our problems that might take advantage of what humans have learned to do in their sciences.

It’s really as simple as getting into one’s quite place and then screaming to the Next Level (inside our heads) to allow us to become “putty in their hands” – projecting that beyond the most distant stars to not be interfered with by the space aliens or discarnate that have some circulation in the lowest part of the heavens mostly within the atmosphere of the earth.

Those who don’t seek this kind of giving of allegiance to the Next Level will be left to their own decay, but mind you, we don’t know who is or isn’t changing one hour to the next. We can tell from behavior who is not acting in Next Level ways towards others but they could be one minute acting out their spilling out of the Next Levels passion and the next minute could wake up to the fact and can seek to change in which case the Next Level will forgive them their trespasses against us, as we too want to be forgiven but then must continue to grow to have a greater capacity to keep the Next Level’s passion inside of us, converting that energy into positivity as requests for greater service and bonding with our Next Level Older Members. If we simply do the good deeds but without letting the Next Level lead us into them, then we can become tricked by then another form of the image of goodness as we see in many of the religious, though are judged person by person not by us but by the Next Level overseers.

In Rev 19:20 those who constitute the Beast and False Prophet along with those deceived by them to receive the mark of the Beast and/or “worship his image” are cast alive into a “lake of fire burning with brimstone” while the remaining meet another fate by the word of the one doing the judging at that point that results in some becoming the flesh the space aliens (fowls) feed off of. Feeding off of flesh (DNA) is exactly what the space aliens do when they abduct people to get their DNA, eggs and sperm, etc.

Rev 13:15 And he ((they)) (had) power ((1325 didomi= adventure, bestow, set, show, take, utter, deliver, smite, strike, bring forth, offer)) to give ((1325 didomi= bring forth, show, offer)) life ((4151 pneuma= spirit(-ual), current of air (etheric), mental disposition, godly, superhuman, angelic)) (unto the) image ((1504 eikon from eiko= likeness – literally a statue, profile or as a figure a representation, resemblance – an image [New Age spirituality claiming all are gods – a facsimile of the truth even in the form of a hologram like Fatima])) (of the) beast ((2342 therion= dangerous animal (human governmental organizations))), that ((hina= in order that, (denoting purpose or result), because)) the image ((spiritual facsimile of an angel/God, copying the Next Level in some way to lure humans against the Next Level)) (of the) beast (([Human Governmental Organizations])) should ((2980 laleo= to talk, preach, say, speak, tell)) both speak ((2980 laleo= to talk, preach, say, speak, tell)), and cause ((4160 poieo= make, do, agree, avenge, commit, content, fulfill, band together, bring forth)) (that as many) as would ((whosoever)) not worship ((kiss the hand of, work for, serve)) the image ((spiritual facsimile)) (of the) beast (should be) killed ((hina + apokteino= might go away, exit, be separated by dying)) .

This OTHER BEAST (EU) with it’s TWO INSTRUMENTS (HORNS) of the Holy See, currently through Pope Francis and the Dalai Lama with their religio-spiritual and even pro Space Alien talk and facsimile of Next Level allegiance, have that POWER to BRING FORTH a SPIRITUAL, ANGELIC and GODLY IMAGE – RESEMBLANCE and LIKENESS, what TI and DO called a FACSIMILE, REPRESENTATION and COPY, of/from/with THE BEAST (US) that can even be a hologram like Fatima that can “speak” that could bring about the physical death of all those they see as heretics, dissidents, anarchists and rebels because of choosing not to align with the BEAST and/or that FALSE IMAGE. It was said of this time as in times past, that people will kill others in the name of thinking they are serving God to do so for not KISSING THE HAND (serving (worship)) OF THIS BEAST and/or it’s IMAGE.

In other words, people will be deceived into giving their allegiance to the Human governments and/or spiritual thinking and practice, which could become the “winepress” for those who refuse showing that allegiance and they might even physically die “standing up for” the One True Kingdom of God (as best they know of it) but for those who do, for TI and DO.

In Rev 6:8 regarding this fourth seal it specifies “death” to identify what the one sitting on this GREEN HORSE represents in this stage in the completion of this Next Level garden project. As people are won over by the Beast and False Prophet they are deciding to accept and give their service (worship) to the Beast’s One World Government and/or One World Religion that Pope Francis seems to be heading with an ecumenical anti-Jesus (Christ) message that is even appealing to many who have come out of Catholicism and sort of merged in with modern Hinduism, Buddhism, Islam, Judaism, that all no longer resembles their founders behaviors and ways. Religions then become an IMAGE, a facsimile of the truth and coming from the Greek “pneuma” has to do with “spirit” which according to TI and DO is synonymous with “mind,” that’s either by Do’s description is either Next Level true Mind/Information or “misinformation mind.” Thus all who gravitate to that misinformational mindset, who don’t know they have made that their reality will think they are doing service to the greater good of their way of thinking of all humans being of one mind, living in peace and prosperity with equal rights and humanitarianism and environmentalism (green), global socialism, united, will be motivated to report those they see as upsetting their applecart of peace and harmony. The Next Level would have us act towards one another with peace and harmony and love. When the Older members have not been incarnate in our lifetime then being a humanitarian is the best we can do, as Jesus said of the second greatest commandment to Love you neighbor as oneself.

TI and DO did believe in a certain amount of environmentalism – having clean water, food, air, but even those things were not above looking to the Next Level for how we can serve. For instance when I was cutting tree boughs in the national forest so we could put up tents without having a tree leaning on the tent when it was our task to set up a functional camp, I walked around with Do and he would tell me which branches to cut as I was the chain saw operator (sawyer). He didn’t want to cut any more than necessary. I even did cut some he didn’t indicate but he said nothing about it, but I knew I’d slipped as that was looking to my own mind and the purpose of being in he and TI’s classroom was to adopt His/Their Mind which actually extends to every thought and behavior and way that he would give us. It was TI who instructed us to make this kind of commitment to Do or not be in the classroom.

TI and DO, as Jesus, didn’t teach having peace and harmony in the world. They said in the world you would have disharmony, stress and tribulation with your enemy even potentially being in your own household, that is if you “stand” for what they teach when put to the test, meaning you let it be known who you believe in and work for. In a sense this could look like the opposite of how the Lord had the Israelites mark their door with lambs blood so the “angel of death” would skip over their house and family. If one thinks about it with GPS (global positioning system) and the way you can go online to Google maps and literally look at many people’s actual house from the many pictures taken from the streets and air, knowledge of who is in each house is also knowable and how they think and act by their internet data and any local informants to the way they think. Then with drone technology if they think someone is a threat, according to their “orders,” then they are marked in reverse and may be sought after to get rid of in whatever way. It’s what in a real sense has been happening in Afganistan, Iraq, Yemen and Pakistan with drone strikes and it’s happened in the U.S. with the Randy Weaver and family story.

Do brought up the Randy Weaver story as an example of how some were breaking away from the world by rebelling against the status quo establishment and how it threatens the “order” the Luciferian space aliens want to keep humans maintaining. However, he didn’t condone violent rebellion.

In short, the story that became called the Ruby Ridge Standoff in Idaho came to a head on August 21st, 22nd and about 10 days after that in 1992 when U.S. Marshals killed the Weaver family’s dog, because the dog was giving away what was supposed to be the Marshall’s clandestine survey of the property, that resulted in Randy’s 14 yr. old son’s retaliation by killing the Marshall who killed the dog. That brought many law enforcement to the property and without further provocation shot Randy in the shoulder and killed Randy’s wife and house guest. The entire standoff came about because of an FBI sting operation on a white supremacist group Randy had some association with and the charge that Randy had sold the undercover FBI agent two shotguns that were sawed off shorter than the law allowed, that Randy denied but was followed by a warrant for his arrest when he didn’t show up to court to answer those charges. The government later admitted Randy was sent the wrong date for the court appearance. The FBI was trying to get Randy to lead them to the leader of the white supremacist group which Randy didn’t want to cooperate with.

Do also felt another example was with the government massacre of David Koresh’s camp Davidian group which happened under President Clinton’s watch with attorney general Janet Rio’s order to the FBI and ATF teams to attack the compound with tanks, allegedly loaded with a flammable substance they appeared to use to start a fire to burn them out that ended up killing 90 men, women and children who were hiding in a buried bus.

When Do was watching that on television’s live newscast I happened to be sitting with him in his “craft” with his two primary “helpers,” Lvvody and Jnnody and my partner Srrody, watching the compound go up in flames and burn. We were all shocked to see that happening knowing that their crime was living against the status quo system and having guns that they used when they felt they were being attacked by the authorities they felt were Luciferian driven. Do never justified the way David Koresh lived and preached and had all those young girls he had children with, but this event did stimulate Do to respecting David Koresh’s followers willingness to die for what they believed. Do wondered if his students would be that committed.

Because of that event, Do talked to us about the idea of having guns as a way to be seen as a threat to the authorities IF they chose to apprehend him/us for some reason, in case TI would have had us exit our vehicles in that way. There was no illusion in knowing that Do was on a list with the Cult Awareness Network and FBI. We didn’t buy guns at that time, but after I had left in September of 1994 they did buy a couple rifles and while they were building their “compound” in an “earthship” design that used recycled tires packed with mud for the walls, Strody, in her then nearly 60 year old female vehicle and perhaps another did some target practice.

Later Do wrote about their thinking that they didn’t know if this would be the way they exited their vehicles but it was their way to consider all ways. They compared it to the Jews that were held up in Masada as the Romans were about to massacre them and how they committed suicide en-masse also taking the lives of their young rather than be subject to the killing, rape and torture they knew they would experience at the hands of the Roman legion at their doorsteps. Do was saying that form of self-exit would have been justified by the Lord for them. For those that don’t accept the “mark of the U.S. Beast and/or it’s image” they may meet a similar fate but it will guarantee their Soul will be rewarded with a student level Next Level “made” body soon thereafter or at a future time depending on their judgment of our grade in their school.

We have plenty of evidence of what can happen when people become afraid, whether it’s seen as the fear of someone else’s beliefs or of their taking away what they have in property or livelihood or family or their own lives, according to the way they can be led into. For instance, as I was writing about this, wondering how this tribulation judgment period and it’s calamities might come to pass, which I have already touched on in many places, I was reminded by a news story of two men in Mexico who were working for a marketing firm polling people about their tortilla likes. It’s hard to know the details but the story did include quite a bit of background on these two, but they were killed by a mob who went into the jail of a community of about 60,000 and dragged these two into the street, hung them and burned their bodies because they were strangers and had been an abduction of a young girl a couple years before that and some started a rumor that these two strangers were approaching children with their questions. A mob formed and the police came and took them to jail, in part for their own safety but the mob didn’t trust the police either so took the law into their own hands as prosecutor jury and judge and executioner and when some were asked about it afterward some said that even if they weren’t guilty it sends a message for criminals and strangers to stay away from their town.

Then I saw two more reports of policemen being shot while sitting in their patrol cars, one in NY days after a black man named Eric Garner was wrestled to the ground by police and put into a choke hold that killed him while there were onlookers and that officer was not prosecuted and the accusation was Garner was selling loose cigarettes. These others were in Philadelphia and Florida and the list if very long anymore of blacks and other races but mostly minority people of color in the U.S. being profiled as criminals in need of deadly force with little to no provocation.

A woman died in police custody after she was arrested for “talking back” having at first been pulled over for not using her turn signal and the officer got irate that she would not get out of the car when he ordered her. It was all captured on the officers own video and it’s only under investigation. Like Mexico the people know that most times there is no investigation and even if there is the officers are often exonerated if it even comes to trial and even if prosecuted get some minimal sentence when they literally killed someone in their custody or without apparent probable cause.

On top of that there is a heavily armed militia group that just took over a Federal wild life refuge in Oregon saying they were taking the land back from the Federal government and yet the FBI is on the scene but these men are white and so they are trying to come up with a peaceful solution when most know that if they were Native American or black or brown or non-mainstream religious or Islamic especially they would have been arrested. There are a number of militia groups that are looking for a cause to get behind to bring about a revolution so it’s smart for the Feds to have restraint but now the locals are beginning to get adamant that they want these guys off the refuge and out of their area, so if the Feds don’t act, who knows if some will take it into their own hands and then the U.S. has a civil war brewing.

What that will bring about is a bigger security state, more gun control whether it’s just or not and more vigilantism like we’ve also seen on the news while more and more anger among the people builds and some with the addition of lots of meds many are on, snap and go shoot a bunch of people, which there has been a huge increase of in the last couple years.

So we are all in a pressure cooker of sorts and the pressure is being put on us all but how we respond to that pressure is based on the kind of person we have become. If we’ve been directly affected by police brutality or domestic violence or gun violence or wars abroad, (which is another huge problem with soldiers coming back from Afganistan and Iraq and learning their service was wasted and they are often haunted by those they killed or saw killed, largely for a lie they were told) then it will be harder to step back from it, especially if we remain in the cities where the sheer number of problems is exponentially mounting from many angles.

For instance in Flint, Michigan, because the govt was trying to save money they switched the water supply to the Flint River from the Detroit water company and the Flint was so full of sewage the e-coli corroded much of Flint’s water pipes house to house and people starting getting lead poisoned, causing what may be irreversible brain damage in children and very bad rashes (sores) just like we see illustrated in Rev 16:2. And there is evidence of other locations having the same kinds of problems. So these plagues are not at least at this point instigated by the Next Level except in how they have “turned up the heat, the pressure” in part because of their pulling away as while they were incarnate “Babylon” – the U.S. had not yet “fallen” as it says in prophecy it does which can be shown primarily by the 9/11 attacks and what stimulated them in the first place and the global financial robbery by wall street where many lost their homes to crooked wheeling and dealing of mortgage bundles.

So it would appear that the IMAGE has to do with the illusion of holiness through all forms of religiosity, spirituality, and honoring human achievements to include inanimate things as seen as miracles and wonders of the sciences, physical and mental, that all become man-made false idols and could be a literal holographic image like Fatima that people are tricked into worshipping and/or giving their service to.

This time period also seems to be right at the start of the Seven Angels pouring out their vials (like medicine). And that could be used to motivate the new world order as the first one seems to be related to the beasts vaccination programs they are pushing hard to make mandatory for everyone to take. (It’s not that all vaccinations are necessarily a bad thing). It’s thinking that they all are a good thing that’s the biggest problem to where many are convinced that they get herd immunity and that one person not vaccinated becomes a deadly threat to the herd, which makes no sense as if they have immunity then why would one who doesn’t be a threat. The proponents are very powerful and they could legislate criminal penalties for those who don’t want to accept their vaccination program 100%. There will be more about this in the section on the Seven Angels with Vials.

With both the Two Beasts in place, the US and EU and their Image, their spirituality and/or space alien worship, even to a hologram like Fatima, replacing perception of Creators, the judgment period is set up. Each person will be demonstrating to whom are truly aligned with between the One True Kingdom of God and Mammon (human wealth in all it’s forms) as Jesus distinguished between. This is the tribulation time period, the “winepress” being the pressure put on people to choose between that people will be willing to die for rather than align with the bestial human organizations but will find them in good stead with the Kingdom of God because of.

Rev 13:16 And he causeth all, both small and great, rich and poor, free and bond, to receive a mark in their right hand, or in their foreheads:
Rev 13:17 And that no man might buy or sell, save he that had the mark, or the name of the beast, or the number of his name.
Rev 13:18 Here is wisdom. Let him that hath understanding count the number of the beast: for it is the number of a man; and his number is Six hundred threescore and six.

The best interpretation of this number 666 seems to me to be the one that suggests they are representative of the Roman Numeral System in it’s base letter representations where D=500 C=100 L=50 X=10 V=5 I=1 which adds up to 666. Linking the USA with this system is quite apparent in a number of ways relative to this system, seen in the use of Roman Numerals with the Masonic pyramid on the base of the U.S. One dollar bill where 1776 is written as “MDCCLXXVI.”

Use of the pyramid is telling to the link with Egypt, the empire the Israelites were first freed from to start their 1st trimester classroom with Jehovah, Moses and Aaron that was Father, Jesus and John the Baptist in the next trimester and finally TI and DO and their two primary “helpers,” Lvvody and Jnnody, though with Lggody and Jwnody to in my way of thinking possibly constitute the 4 Living Beings in Revelations. Also on the one dollar bill, inside the top of the pyramid drawn with it’s peak separated from the body is the single Masonic and occult, “all seeing (third) eye” which is the same symbolism used on George Washington’s Masonic apron.

In these symbols the base of the pyramid is Daniel’s fourth beast that rises out of the sea of humanity and the little peak of a pyramid would be the LITTLE HORN that RISES UP TO TAKE THE WORLD, AND PERSECUTES THE CHILDREN OF GOD UPON EARTH, in Revelations 9 who comes out of the bottomless pit, their underground/undersea hiding place during the great flood with Lucifer and his associates as the Angel(s) of the Bottomless pit who uses particular space alien and human bodies as his/their pawns to satisfy their agenda against the One True Kingdom of God. The battle is first shown against the Two Witnesses in Revelations chapter 11 followed in Revelations 12 for the overcoming part of the third trimester classroom of students the Two gathered in their prophecy period as related more to TI, the “Heavenly Father” perspective. Then after they leave the battle continues among the remaining who did not graduate in their first fruit classroom as shown in Revelations 6, 13, with the rise of the fourth and final kingdom with the second beast, the EU that together with the US form the New World Order.

In terms of number systems, which is the overall indication of the meaning of 666 as a number system of identification, the first 144 digits of pi add up to 666 – 144 = (6+6) x (6+6) relating both to 144 and 12 that also relates to the western musical scale in the sequence of 10 notes – also considered the number of man.

Some additional relationships I have found in my research to decipher what can be meant by 666 and the mark of the beast that actually relate to Rome, the Latin man, to include how Jesus said those that “pierced him” would also be returning during the judgment time, to include the high priest who had him arrested, which would be both the souls and spirits and genetic descendents of the Roman government officials and the Jewish priest class.

Paul of Tarsus can be identified by the number 666 as described in:

Rev 13:18 Here is wisdom. Let him that has understanding reckon the NUMBER OF THE BEAST, for it is THE NUMBER OF A MAN; and HIS number is six hundred and sixty six.

In Hebrew the number 666 is identified by the Hebrew letters TRSV, where T=400, R=200, S=60, V=6 Which TOTAL 666. TRSV is pronounced TARSU.
(Note: in scripture the place of origin often is used as part of someones name; e.g. “Jesus of Nazareth,” “Joseph of Arimathea,” “Paul of Tarsu.”

Another collaborative example in the Greek language:

THE Number 666 is the sum of the numerical value of the Greek Letters in the Greek word LATEINOS, which means “The Latin Man.” The Greek word: L A T E I N O S would have the Greek numeric value of: 30 1 300 5 10 50 70 200 = 666

The association of “Lateinos” with 666 was acknowledged, with great embarrassment, by the historian Irenaeus (ca. 130-202 A.D.),in his document ‘Against Heresies’, “For the Latins are they who at present bear rule…this being the name of the last kingdom (of the four seen by Daniel)…I will not, however, make any boast over this (coincidence)….”

In order to escape persecution and death Paul identified himself as “a man that is a Roman” in Act 22:25. The original Latins were Romans.

The first Christian pope was named “Paul.” Christian followers received ‘THE SIGN OF THE CROSS’ “ON their RIGHT HANDS and on their FOREHEADS.”

Many people have recognized how Paul’s letters conveniently began to replace what Jesus said as the foundation of Christianity, as shown by H.G. Wells (1866-1946) when he said, .” is…a fact of history that St. Paul and his successors added to,…, or imposed upon, or substituted another doctrine for…the plain…teachings of Jesus…”

As these Seals seem to be the fulfillment of the prophet Daniel, chapter 9’s “Seventy (or Seventh or Seven) Week” to where “seventy” refers to the active students taking an oath/covenant and “week” is standing for that oath, performing it seven times, thus together it is saying there are “Seventy oaths (taken, stood for) over the course of these seven (seal opening/affirmation times).” In particular there is mention of this fourth of the seven oath time periods taken which seems to be what is meant by the “midst (or middle)” of that overall “week of oath taking times (seals)” shown in Daniel chapter 9:

TI & DO The Father & “Jesus” Heaven’s Gate UFO Two Witnesses – Section IV.D.-The Seven Seal Openings-Fourth Seal-“Green (Pale) Horse”- (Trump et al) – Signs in Sun,Moon,Stars (Planets; Pluto,Ceres Lights (Temple in Heaven))

February 15, 2017


As I’m about to send this manuscript to the publisher on this December 6th day in 2016 I learned that Comet 45P/Honda was on it’s way to being quite the special event. It is headed to be a naked eye visible comet for weeks starting around New Years Eve and extending to mid February. That in itself is very significant to TI and DO’s history while incarnate as they left Houston and their human families, careers, friends and lifestyles behind on New Years day on 1/1/73, they actually told us around midnight. TI and DO then went to a ranch house in Boerne, Texas, just north of San Antonio and South of Austin in the Hill Country. It was during their stay there that they were independently receiving ideas and understandings that they were from “outer space” (their Souls), were here to bring “updates to the Bible” and to “fulfill prophecy”. They stayed in Boerne, Do said for “less than 6 weeks” which means they left to learn what Prophecy they were to fulfill by Mid February. This comet is also passing close to the Earth in between the Sun and the Earth right on the ecliptic which relates to it being a Sign of the Son of Man (in His next stage of what amounts to the LAST Harvest before recycling that the CERES cityscape of Lights and Temple like Tower also heralded. And there are one or two more comets scheduled as well and for the last week or two there has been a major earthquake most every day and the U.S. is on the brink of a type of civil war with the president elect Donald Trump taking power.

Rev 6:7 And when he had opened the fourth seal, I heard the voice of the fourth beast ((Living Being)) say, Come and see.
Rev 6:8 And I looked, and behold a pale ((5515 chloros from the same as 5514 chloe (Khloe) feminine of apparently a primary word= green, greenish, young foliage (The Verdant, epithet (descriptive characteristic) of the Greek goddess Demeter, the equivalent to the Roman goddess Ceres; of the harvest, corn/wheat, fertility), a green herb, a Christian female, [possibly related to chlorine and its green colored nature that purifies (makes white) via the death of the negative elements])) horse: and his name ((3686 onoma= everything which the name Represents, covers and arouses in the mind)) that sat ((2521 kathemai= from 2596 and hemai= to sit, occupy, have a fixed abode, dwell)) on ((1893 epano= above, over)) him was Death ((2288 thanatos= Greek god of death, Roman Mors or Letus/Letum)), and Hell ((86 haides= not; seen, be aware of, discern, experience, known, understood, aka Hades a person or place, Pluto; the ruler/judge of the lower regions, the realm of the dead, grave, death, receptacle of disembodied spirits, Ruler of Wealth)) followed ((0190 akoloutheo= from a particle of Union and a road or path, to follow one who precedes, join him as his attendant, accompany him, join one as a disciple, side with his party)) with ((3326 meta= with, after, behind, among)) him. And power was given unto them over the fourth part of the earth, to kill ((apokteino= cause to separate by dying [solidifies one’s judgment of self used by Next Level to divide the tares from the “wheat,” “sheep” from “goats”])) with ((instrument)) sword ((weapon of any kind – shootings and bombings and the like)), and with hunger ((3042 limos from leipo 3007= idea of destitution, scarcity of food, famine, dearth)), and with death ((ie. the humans that are moreorless the walking dead do the killing, perhaps as vigilantes and in terrorist attacks, home or foreign born)), and with the beasts ((ie. Governments and their institutions public and private)) of the earth.

This seems to be the time and place referred to in Daniel chapter 7’s fourth (and last) Beast (king) as the Fourth Seal presented by the Fourth “Living Being” (wrongly translated to beast) from the Kingdom of God/Heaven (Next Level) that is focused as most affecting in some ways the fourth (and last) part (quarter) of the world, that the evidence points to being North America.

– This “Green (pale) horse named death” is described as pale in most translations, but as shown it is from chloros, a primary Greek word for “green” so seems to be another mistranslation. “Greenish” is also a usage thus shades of green. In July of 2015 the dwarf planet Ceres was revealed by NASA for the first time to have many lights in one large crater even though NASA knew about the lights by December of 2014 and saw them as one light via the Hubble Space Telescope in 2004, the reason for the Dawn spacecraft being built and launched in 2007 to take a closer look. As I was working on this verse to try to understand it more fully, I came across a reference to chloe or spelled Khloe, which is shown to be an epithet – a descriptive term, word or phrase in this case, and/or byname in place of the word/name it describes, in this case, Khloe which is therefore a nickname that offers shades of meaning to the Greek goddess of the harvest and fertility and those who are “becoming green,” thus can be a tint or shade of green which in turn can seem to be a yellowish or pale green of a new shoot.

(Ceres Pics:

Since this is prophecy that is relative to the time and state of the Next Level’s “garden,” during the harvest LAST days this seems to be showing the one who will be the next ruler who will become an instrument to represent the necessary “death” of the gardens plants, regardless of who, how, when, where and why. It is a time when the “tares” as Jesus called them will continue to be “weeded out” of the garden that will help some others “become green” – awaken to potentially be harvested into the Kingdom of God’s “heaven,” via the avenue of separation from their humanness in that ways TI and DO described in the remaining two of Three Groups of People (Souls) who can survive the recycling as the FIRST Group have exited and their type of classroom is no longer offered by the Next Level during this civilization.

Represented as a harvest time could also be seen as the beginning of the time of afterbirth following what TI and DO described as the Three Trimester birth periods, the Third being now, completed in the graduation of the Souls (Saints) who had had a previous relationship with Older Members from the Next Level. (Perhaps their students even had several periods of relationship with Older Members as in the first trimester with Moses and/or in the second trimester with Jesus and then with TI and DO for this third trimester that yielded their “Mind/Spirit”‘s birth as the first fruit harvest into membership in the Evolutionary Level Above Human that Jesus said would happen for his disciples at this time of his return.

Therefore this afterbirth time is an opportunity for another birth, but to one’s next grade in school, verses a graduation from the school as probably occurred for about 28 of those that layed down their lives with Do in 1997. Do said he thought some would have to come back to finish their overcoming. There were 38 students with him and 4 former students exited before 2000. (It’s possible there could have been a few others that went unreported, but that’s doubtful and even so would probably be among those Souls who would need to come back).

For the sake of this prophecy, Demeter/Ceres is the Greek/Roman mythological goddess of corn/grain and the harvest, thus seeing what looks like an array of city lights on Ceres at the start of the election cycle for this next GREEN HORSE, while I am re-translating and re-interpreting this very verse, asking to see more, was a huge verification that my interpretations of the other three horses and our position in the Next Level’s garden conclusion timeline is accurate.

Note that Ceres is also in the constellation of Draco, I just learned, which is interesting in the way the so called “good aliens,” (that don’t really exist, because all the Space Aliens are anything but “good” by Next Level standards) are programming some humans, who are looking to them as “brothers”, to think are the bad aliens coming from the Draco constellation and are the Reptilians. Meanwhile the Reptilians are already among us possibly in their underground and/or undersea hiding places, who abduct humans but may wear suits/masks (as Rael reported during his abduction that they told him was so he wouldn’t be frightened by them). Do said the Luciferians were all Souls, though had initial vehicles that could live much longer than today’s human vehicles. So perhaps they do have certain lizard like characteristics to their physical humanoid vehicles they hybridized over many thousands of years, largely underground, away from much natural light, where they performed genetic engineering as well and perhaps live largely on human and/or animal blood – as they told Credo Mutwa, as shown in his interview with David Icke. And they also told Credo they could extend the life of their vehicles by smearing gold in salve form all over their bodies. They told Rael that they clone new vehicles from their own DNA in a computer system so just get a new vehicle when theirs gets old or infirm, they reported, saying also that in this way they “outlive planets” perhaps a reference to surviving recycling periods that they experienced on Earth in previous civilizations or while on another planet they originally came from as we heard about from contactees and abductees. TI and DO did talk about how the Next Level put the word out (somehow) to draw all those from other planets who were in an equivalent to Luciferian Student Level Membership in the Next Level, to offer them the opportunity to sacrifice their existing human equivalent student model physical vehicle to enter into the Overcoming of Humanness Process they were starting up on Earth. I think they indicated some didn’t take them up on that offer so I believe they were “cast to earth” anyway which may be what is shown in Rev 12:4.

I have wondered if “pale” was influenced by the name “death” in the verse. It may simply be a misinformed translation to use “pale.” But if it’s of value one could begin to play it out in the primary contenders for the next presidential election and in this case to both Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump. Pale would have nothing to do with purity but certainly would have it’s deadliness to give/show our allegiance to them or anyone in government or actually to any human or organization at this time. And Bernie Sanders, should he become president shows “green” connections galore in his policies related to the “green” progressive party in the U.S. that Ralph Nader tried to run on previously. And then there is the “green” agenda related to “climate change” that Bernie and Hillary are big talkers about. But overall, the biggest aspect I think applies at this time is “green” as it’s related to the “harvest” time and how every harvest requires the death of the vehicles that in the example of wheat/corn hold the seed/grain (fruit), thus “death” is depicted as necessary to obtain. Plus the green climate change agenda seems to be linked directly to the relationship Space Aliens play with humans and the projection that the so called bad aliens are coming to earth to destroy them, which of course is the task the Next Level will perform when they are ready as is being escalated as we speak in 2017.

Human Caused Climate Change is considered an absolute science and people are treating it as if it’s a matter of life and death to address, even willing to force people to obey their wishes in how to combat it. Meanwhile next to nothing substantial is done to change the way the environment is increasingly ridden with chemical toxins causing  people to die by the many thousands of “fire” inside of them – tumors, cancers, severe allergies, asthma, brain disorders, HIV, diabetes, on and on and on that they propose treating with drugs to mask the symptoms or by cutting out tumors or using radiation treatments. Perhaps many of the disease is the result of “fire” in the form of radioactive particles in our environment but there is no push in the US against eliminating nuclear power plants.

– “death” – This describes the character and what this “green (pale) horse (human pawn of the Luciferian space aliens)” has authority over in their position (seat) which comes from the Greek Thanatos – the “God” of Death. It’s interesting how in one ancient painting Thanatos is shown as a white skinned human with a pointy black beard who has a helmet that looks like a big white alien head over his vehicle’s head and has a cloak that has black wings coming out from it, as if it’s a Luciferian “sitting” on the human, thus the human serving as his “horse” as this verse describes.

Here is another part of the prophecy that speaks of “death” and “hell” as people that are in those conditions. I would say that “death” in this context in Rev 6:8 as well as in this next verse is referring to the “spirit world” while “hell” is referring to where the Luciferian space aliens are sentenced for when it’s time to dissolve them in the “lake of fire”:

Rev 18:8 Therefore shall her plagues come in one day ((2250 hemera feminine (with hora 5610 implied) of a derivative of hemai (to sit), as a figure, a period (always defined more or less clearly by the context)= age, judgment, (day) time, year)), death, and mourning, and famine ((3042 limos most likely from leipo 3007 (through the idea of destitution); a scarcity of food= dearth, famine, hunger)); and she shall be utterly burned with fire: for strong is the Lord God who judgeth her.

And in this verse it makes mention of “famine” the same usage as in Rev 6:8 with this 4th horse, linking them in time frame.

The 7 Angels who pour out their Vials seem to be referring to the plagues/calamities that offer a last chance to recognize the Living Beings who were incarnate from the Kingdom of God/Heaven as the Creators of everything and all the lifeforms and can be interpreted in this verse as coming during one “sitting.” Each of the four horses in Rev 6 are described as having someone “sit” on them which refers to having a certain position, except in the case of “horses” 2, 3 and 4 it’s clearly a Luciferian Soul who is doing the “sitting” on, while in other context refers to tasks/positions fulfiled by the Next Level graduate students, for example where they exercise the tasks involved with the judgment of those who remain, as this seems to refer to as well.

In the next verse “death and hell” seem to be two different conditions and locations. I would say death is the  “spirit world,” where discarnates circulate among humans and perhaps for some in areas elevated above the surface of the earth but where some still have the chance to be saved by the Next Level to brought back in some way in the future after the recycling is done, while “hell” would seem to refer to gated area perhaps extending inside and/or under the earth that is a more permanent condition where Souls that went against the Next Level are sent – or gravitate to during recycling time when the vehicles they attach to try to escape the Next Level’s wrath on the surface, as occurred during the Noah flood and is to occur again, but with Fire at the end of this “end time” period. I suspect they would only be allowed to come out of that area if the Next Level still had a use for them, as a catalyst to promote accelerated growth for graduate level students to overcome/conquer.

Rev 20:13 And the sea gave up the dead which were in it; and death and hell delivered up the dead which were in them: and they were judged every man according to their works.

Then the contents of Death and Hell are recycled:

Rev 20:14 And death and hell were cast into the lake of fire. This is the second death.

The Luciferian space aliens are hard at work as we speak trying to win souls to their allegiance which includes allegiance to the religions to include to the governments and all their interests. A tiny few will stand up for TI and DO who by looking to will help each take steps to start or continue their metamorphic process of separation from their human condition. There is no quick fix. Another came to me to suggest he was ready to exit this incarnation because he was miserable here thinking that insured his coming back to be incarnate during the time of an incarnate Older Member again. That sounds to me like more pie in the sky thinking that death insures anything. I’m not one to say what someone else chooses to do but if they write to me to present their idea I’d rather be wrong in suggesting they scream to TI and DO for what’s right for them and read EVERYTHING they said about what constitutes service to them before making an irreversible choice that may or may not yield what they think they want, considering they may not have actually started a relationship with TI and DO yet. This person also told me he wants to be a “teacher” – just so happens the same as two others who were telling me they wanted to exit their vehicle, because they were miserable. I will remind that TI and DO were miserable for the entire time they were awake but knew they’d come to perform a task. That would also be the case for those who by their actions are attempting to be “active students” who have the chance now to work through their misery to learn the lessons they must learn by looking to TI and DO and their information, behaviors and ways as our instruction for our task of gaining strength that will find us in good stead toward our own graduation into the Next Level.

Rev 13:10 He that leadeth into captivity shall go into captivity: he that killeth with the sword must be killed with the sword. Here is the patience ((endurance)) and the faith of the saints.

Leading into captivity is leading people into believing in misinformation, what the human kingdom at this time is saturated with that came from the Luciferians planted here by the Next Level to provide a testing ground for upcoming members of the Next Level to work against to graduate into the Next Level by conquering and riding themselves of misinformation mind and filling themselves with only the true information (holy Mind, behavior and ways from the Level Above Human via TI and DO and their Crew of Active Students).

Do indicated that those who kill one another are unknowingly assisting the Next Level in the “spading” of the garden. The refugees fleeing war torn areas instead of taking up the fight for their lands and possessions and homeland are in a Next Level way benefiting from their plight because it’s an early degree of detaching from their root system and if they seek out a more open society some could even have more access to what the Next Level is doing to provide opportunity to start their metamorphosis by hearing about TI and DO or simply being saved by the Next Level for a future opportunity.

– “Hell follows” in this verse comes from the Greek Hades which in mythological history related to Plouton which is a conflagration of Pluto, said to be a person who rules the Underground and Underworld that is the location under the earth for that disposing of waste, thus a condition of no return thus Hell, while Pluto is also the provider of wealth and a transformer or agent of metamorphosis. Hades is a noun so can refer to a person and/or a place and/or a thing (condition) and in some of the Greek stories Hades represents a different person than Pluto.

Now without suggesting these designations, referred to as mythology, have absolute truth to them, it’s interesting to look at them in the same sort of way we look at most all history, as a mixture of truth based information and mis-information. I don’t recall TI and DO exactly talking about the mythologies, but since TI and DO did say the Revelations prophecies would all be fulfilled and the times are showing to be advancing to this “green (pale) horse,” in the 2016 election in the U.S. and the related One World Government, it seems these major revealings by NASA on both dwarf planet’s Pluto and Ceres and the Greek Thanatos, all in this one verse at this particular time in history is quite significant and timely.

Thus the definitions that go along with these mythological figures, said as ruler-ships, sort of the way in astrology planets have ruler ships, work both ways to depict the character of Next Level Members and Human and Human equivalent creatures. Luciferians are the ones who influence humans to go after human forms of wealth and do preside over the “under world,” even relative to the earth itself and/or beneath the surface, that is, for a time, while Next Level Older Members are the ultimate rulers who even send certain of the Luciferian fallen angels to given humans who have become their active students, to challenge them to further growth towards overcoming their influence. Having a certain percentage of Next Level Mind in one’s Soul seems to thwart much drive to excel in wealth accumulation in any and all of it’s forms. They will not be satisfied for long with what wealth can buy and they won’t be likely prone to leading others, which are characteristics the Luciferians promote as a means to satisfy their various agendas that includes in a large way, influencing humans against the recognition of the Next Level supreme Beings who created everything, and for a purpose to provide an avenue to serve among them.

It’s interesting that Jesus said one could only serve one of two masters, between “God and Mammon” and the Greek word Mammonous is defined as “treasure” or “wealth.” Pluto was said to be the provider of wealth thus if one made wealth into their “god” by idolizing the acquisition of treasure and wealth they would find themselves in opposition to the Kingdom of God’s hope for that person, to instead look to the Creators of the Universe and all it’s life forms as their master to “work for” (serve), the true meaning of “worship.”

I’ve gone through these mythological stories in part and can come up with some ideas of how they might correlate with the Elohim, Adam, Eve and Lucifer “hisser” (serpent) event, etc. but I don’t think that is important to try to sort through here. However, I don’t doubt that TI and DO and Crew could have easily had something to do with the naming of the bodies in space to correlate with these Revelations representations. For instance an 11 year old is attributed with telling her grandfather to name the new planetary discovery, “Pluto” after the Roman God by that name. One could say that could have been stimulated by the Luciferians or by the Next Level because Pluto mythologically speaking can be seen as supporting either.

There is a similar way of looking at Demeter/Ceres and the relationship to death as a part of the harvest. Jesus often used the analogy of humans as plants – referring to them as “grass” or as stalks of wheat/corn (same word) that all needed to die to produce their fruit, as he demonstrated and talked about being necessary – to “drink his cup” – the shedding of blood in service to the Lord. TI and DO called the human vehicle a “plant,” saying it too had a strong root system though unseen, which anyone who has offspring and cares about them knows exists as is also evident in relationships towards one’s vehicles parents and siblings, of course when those structures were strong. (Though it can be very difficult, when those structures are not strong, that can be a blessing as then it’s easy to cut those roots and become closer to the potential of grafting to the Next Level’s vine instead. That would be called making a positive from a negative.)

For instance, in TI and DO’s movie script, Pluto was a hollowed out laboratory with a working model of the earth inside used by the Next Level to manage the earth experiment. It’s very interesting how these reports from New Horizons spacecraft reveal many earth like features on Pluto – mountains, canyons, red ice, volcano’s, geysers, sand, a very large smooth area and other crater pocked areas, more geologically diverse than any other planet observed so far besides earth. Perhaps the Next Level uses the entire planet as their model or they have a planet model inside Pluto. Pluto orbits the sun on a 17 degree different angle from all the other planets and also allegedly has a far more oval orbit. It rotates on it’s side, it’s axis tilted about 120 degrees different from all the other planets except is like Uranus. It’s orbit period is allegedly 248 years though has only been observed, in theory starting in 1905 and then 1915 and verified as a planet in 1930. It spins on it’s axis from east to west as opposed to the earth’s spinning west to east.

All this has been coming to light, right along the times I’m spending trying to understand these prophecies so are becoming the corner posts to this re-interpretation.

I already knew that the Rev 6 White Horse was fulfilled by Do, the Red Horse by G.W. Bush’s presidency and the Black/Blue Horse by Barack Obama’s presidency as I have reported during those times. But since the word “pale” was used by translators for no reason that could be backed up by the Bible records, I thought it a mistake, even potentially a convenient mistake, but one the Next Level, as with everything can be taken advantage of. So I began to look at how the upcoming candidates could be related to the pale description and/or pale green, as I’ve shown looked most likely.

Now in terms of coloration that all 3 previous “horses” show some identity with, which is not to imply any rating as the Next Level has zero racial bias having created humans with a number of skin pigment coloration, starting with the 2nd horse, they can be identified by;

George W. Bush’s, though not having red skin color has been shown to have an English (red coats) even back to Hebrew blood line roots that going back to the Adamic race can be described as ruddy, the actual meaning of the Hebrew “adom” – or “blood in face,” and also represents what has come to be identified as the “Red” Republican party, who was the figurehead ushered into power through the Supreme Court led coup d’etat by overriding the Florida supreme courts ruling to recount every vote in Florida due to a number of highly questionable irregularities Jeb Bush presided over to get his brother to win Florida. This was done to bring someone into the presidency to preside over what would become the stimulus for the endless war on terror coming from the 9-11-2001 World Trade Center and Pentagon attacks. The ensuing wars in Afganistan and Iraq and expanded from there are fulfilling the prophecy, said in Rev 6:4 as “to take peace from the earth, and that they should kill one another: and there was given unto him a great sword (military might).

War has always been associated with red, the color of blood and the planet Mars and in some of these prophecies the mythological planetary designations are embedded in the Greek origins of the English words they were translated to. That is shown especially in regard to this Rev 6:8 verse. I would add that through the Bush presidency, largely because of the wars and the other deceits and manipulations that are little heard of that can be shown to relate to the Federal Reserve, like the alleged disappearance of trillions of dollars, the U.S. debt reaching new highs that to date many Republican leaders are pushing to use as an excuse to rape the country of their humanitarian programs.

Barack Obama’s African American skin color (which is really brownish and he is actually a mix with his Hawaiian, but “white” mother), popularly referred to as black, and mind you seems to have a relationship to dark blue at times in the Old Testament, to potentially relate to the popular blue color of the Democratic party, he represents. As he came into the presidency at the peak of what is now called the 2008 Financial Crisis that was on the surface led by Wall Street investment bankers activity, being talked about in prophecy in terms of the price of commodities of wheat and barley, associated with how many pennies each would cost shows further how the time of the Obama presidency was fulfilling the slot of the 3rd Seal Opening prophecy. This view got a huge boost in my mind when Dstody came to me in a dream and responded to whom I wondered about voting for and said only, “Obama” that later on I realized was related to prophecy. Also previous stock market crashes were named by the popular culture “black” as in the great depression.

So how does pale or pale green or just green play out. Is skin color even much of a factor? It didn’t perfectly describe Bush, nor Obama, but not any less than most any “white” person which takes us back to looking at the first “white horse” that I say was Do, though some Christians say is referencing Lucifer because he also has a relationships with “light” the meaning of the Greek leukos that is rooted in the Greek “luke” that means “light” and has additional context as “to make white” or “become white,” also having relationship in language to the tribe of Levi, the group of Israelites Jehovah/Moses assigned to serve the overall camp with certain administrative duties as priests.

Lucifer means “shining one, light bearer” or “morning star” or “bringer of dawn,” yet Jesus said he was coming as the “bright and morning star.” Both the Member of the Next Level who had the task of Jesus and the fallen angel Lucifer, who was a significant student member of the Next Level at one time, had a type of relationship from the start, even before the Adam/Eve event it would seem. If I recall correctly, though I can’t quote the words, TI said Lucifer was Do’s adversary(satan) and I do recall TI saying Do encountered him in a book store, I believe sometime in 1973-4, I suspect after they had awakened more fully while at Gold Beach, which was after they stayed at the Ananda Marga house in Portland, so may have been in that general vicinity at that time. I don’t know exactly what Do saw in that book store as they didn’t say more, but I believe Do said he was frightened by what he saw.

I suppose it could have been of some equivalence to that entity I saw where I lived at the time in Vermont when I was re-awakening and I had a dream with TI in it and awoke and saw this dark figure glide by me. It took me a few moments to realize what I’d seen but I tried to follow it as I have reported before. This figure was so dark it stood out in a dimly lit room as if it was about 4 1/2 feet tall as if a black sheet had been draped over a youngster of that height so I could see the head and shoulder shape.

Like the one sitting on the white horse, Lucifer, it seems also has a covenant with his followers, (that can be seen in Rev 12:7 referring to the Dragon and his angels battling with the Archangel Michael and his angels), just as TI instructed their students to form with Do, (they called a “committal” that we practiced writing to Do) which resembles the covenant Jehovah instructed their Israeli (TI and DO said meant the “overcomer”) students to form with Moses and the Father required of their students to form with Jesus (The Father expressed that several times vocally heard by some). Do’s task was to bring each student to a “pure” condition of faith in he and TI, having adopted all their behaviors and ways that included “giving our life” to them which included having the willingness to give the life of their vehicle, all importantly “in their service,” as overcoming human behaviors and/or leaving all behind and/or giving one’s life for any other reason than for Them, given one knows about them wouldn’t yield the same result necessarily as the Luciferians also have their student body willing to do the same things to please him, even though they don’t necessarily know it’s Lucifer they are pleasing. The only exception I am aware of that can get one’s Soul saved for a future classroom would be to give one’s life for another human as Jesus described to be the “greatest love” on could show for another. Since Jesus commandment at his exit was to focus on the second greatest commandment of “love your neighbor as yourself” – for those that never heard of TI and DO to give their lives to save someone else, regardless of whether they know about what Jesus said or not would seem to meet that qualification. I may be wrong about that and there may be other ways of looking at it.

Even Jesus disciples were giving their lives on Jesus instruction to drink the same cup of his blood (red/fire) he was choosing to drink – by telling the same truth to those who would want them dead because of. And in these ways, as Jesus said, one was “making their eye single” that “filled their body full of light,” which is the overcoming process that TI and DO called the “change over” and “metamorphosis” and is the definition of a “Christ” (and the caterpillar’s chrysalis), as one who accomplishes that process that yields them a new body that becomes eternal for as long as they continue to choose to fill themselves with the Mind that comes from their Older Members. That Mind comes from the Chief of Chiefs of Older Members in the Next Level. (Do said we would understand more about where He came from once we become Members of the Next Level – the human brain doesn’t have the capacity to understand much about that).

One big proof that the “white horse” is depicting Do, who was the same Soul who performed the task in the vehicle named Jesus is because the first horse doesn’t open his seal until after there is a “disclosure roar” in Rev 6:1, translated less literally as “noise thunder” which relates to the fact that it’s only “the Lion of the tribe of Juda, the Root of David, hath prevailed to open the book, and to loose the seven seals thereof” in Rev 5 who is also the one who is described as a lion roaring seven roars that were disclosures/roars in Rev 10.

Yet with that said, Lucifer is also compared to a Lion. Thus the Next Level is providing a total opportunity to believe what we choose to believe because of what they give those that want to be in their service. We can’t ever go by scripture alone. The one safeguard that always works is to do our projection of asking or screaming for help and to know the truth and how we can serve – as far out into the distant heavens as we can imagine – but directed to the one who is assigned as our “heavenly Father” in whatever language. As long as we do that, we will be led to see the truth in the scriptures. Even if we use the names TI and DO, it seems to me we need to think of them in the distant heavens to assure it gets to them, because even as we speak there can be those the Luciferians could instruct to try to interfere with anyone who calls on those names. If it’s a casual asking, there’s no guarantee they are going to see your petitioning as a meaningful request.

Also, it’s clear that this is a time when the Luciferian space aliens are coming down on us in a way and to a degree not permitted when TI and/or Do and Crew were still working on their overcoming process until at least 1997 as it says in the end of Rev 12 and other places occurs and is spoken about in Do and Crews writings as well, some of which I included in the section on Dan 7:7 prophecy.

Also, Do is depicted as sitting on the “white horse,” where white also means “made white” or purified his human vehicle making his “whole body filled with light,” as Jesus said was the goal accomplished and described as Christing, where pure light looks white. It was also said this way, using “white” because his vehicle was slated to be “white as snow” (Rev 1:14). Of course this was totally distorted by the Luciferians to influence certain humans to think anyone with a very lite pigmented skin coloration was somehow special or supreme over those with a body with more color pigment. I believe it’s worthy of consideration that the Next Level chose to send their Representative to take a whitish pigmented body, as did most of the student body because I suspect it’s genes were more kin to the white body’s the Luciferian fallen angels had when they fell. TI and DO said that they thought their current student body, if they conquered the Luciferian influence on them to fall away would be taking over the positions those Luciferians held for the time they were working for their Older Member. I suspect some of those Luciferian space aliens may have served as those referred to by Enoch as the Watchers from within spacecrafts that would have also been provided to them, (though craft that were more primitive but fitting for their task but potentially in advance of anything humans had at that time or in the previous civilization on earth.)

It could make sense that the Older Member and crew might choose vehicles that were difficult in the way they were bred to think they were “supreme” as said in the Luciferian stimulated white supremacy movement that is clear to be related to the time of Hitler, but probably well before that into the Roman, Greek and Egyptian kingdom and into the previous civilization perhaps. Thus these vehicles genetic programming, to include thinking they were equivalent or greater than those who really were their Older Members became the prime reason given for their fall, thus would need to be overcome by the returning Older Member and Crew.

That overall sense of self importance or to “want to be seen as special” or being “a little too pleased with self” are both probably characteristics of some or all of these Luciferians who fell and in fact were what TI said I needed to overcome to board the spacecraft, so dealing with became the characteristics my assigned adversary we called our “booger” would employ against me.

Incidentally, TI and DO said from the beginning that their teachings about “discarnate influences” doesn’t have to be 100% accurate as it just works to think of it that way to mount an effective defense against. However, as time went on it became clear what they meant by saying that. It was not the only way humans were influenced in an unseen way, which they compared to a human going to their computer to type in a command, programming the computer equivalent to a discarnate spirit doing so with a human vehicle.

I realized later that they had also talked about “thought forms” as another form of influence, saying that the space aliens could bombard humans with certain thoughts/programming to keep them asleep. Sometimes when we moved into a new craft (house) we would get instruction to rid the house of any unseen influences be they discarnates or thought forms. It was a silly time and I’m sure it tested some to do, but it entailed taking a broom or dust mop or something of that sort and going around the house into all the corners and closets as if we were sweeping them out of corners, etc. while verbally telling them to get out, I guess assuming some were there from the last occupants of that house, since we rarely moved into a brand new house. If we did it in a house, we did it one time and it was always done with lightheartedness, not like a solemn ritual. I never saw TI and DO do it. On one of the last exit video’s, meant for the world to see, days before they exited their vehicles, Do was anything but lighthearted.

Most of the Classroom’s internal meetings TI and DO gave were certainly serious minded. There were not always lighthearted moments. Their intention was to stimulate our growth not to entertain us. But it didn’t mean TI and DO were “down in the mouth” and certainly did no raising of their voice or talking down to anyone while it remained clear they were pushing us to complete our tasks of taking over our human vehicles while also sending out Next Level Mind to the world.

TI and DO always instilled a sense of urgency to student’s accomplishment of the lesson plan though when delivering lessons mostly addressed the entire group instead of singling any one of us out in a meeting.

They would often talk to the entire class as if all needed the motivation that comes when the teacher is trying to accelerate a students growth that sometimes resulted in a student leaving the classroom thereafter. During those times, they would sometimes say, this doesn’t necessarily apply to all of you. I don’t want to mislead anyone. The classroom was always a very serious effort but part of it was learning to not slip into human casualness, called “familiarity” with one another or with the teachers while not letting the seriousness cause us to have a disturbed “down in the mouth” countenance, nor a noticeably bubbly one. The goal was to operate on an even keel, no highs or lows in our manner though there certainly was a great deal of smiles and laughter, even fun and pleasure. It just would include only pleasures and fun the Older Members determined and regulated for us and taught us how to experience as a member of the Next Level would. After all the entire experience was considered to be like a “God Astronaut Training Program” and/or a laboratory. When we see humans working in a laboratory, even in a university, it’s not a time to joke around as we want our focus on the success of the experiment as the priority. This is why they set the atmosphere of the craft (house) to be what we would find on a Next Level spacecraft laboratory. We had no props to give the appearance of a spacecraft. It was all in our attitude. There was never room for chit chatting, or slumping down in a chair, taking our shoes off and putting our feet up kind of relaxing or dosing off. We were “on duty” all the time and the biggest part of being on duty was to be in total control over our own human vehicle both with the content of our thoughts and our actions to include our outward appearance.

I did fall for that booger’s influence that sought to build “self importance” even though I was not aware I was being taken in that direction but it took me some ten years after leaving TI and DO’s classroom to recognize. But relating these characteristics to that prospect that the original fallen angels had “white” looking vehicles, which may not be accurate, does not suggest it’s any less a task to overcome any race of human vehicle as all have Luciferian characteristic misinformation programming and genetic mammalian programs to rise out of and above. In fact the difficulty Dstody had in the classroom was compounded because for over 21 years in the classroom, he was the only “black” African American vehicle and it was tough, because his “booger” would try to have him think he was looked down upon by his fellow students with “white” shaded vehicles. I know this as I was sometimes his partner and Do also talked about it in meetings – that he had to rise above identifying as his vehicle (as did we all) but his programming in that area was that much harder to override than those in white vehicles because by in large white vehicles made up the majority in the U.S. and what went with that was the programming many were even born with in degrees and/or became fostered in their upbringing that assumed even subconsciously they were in general above non-whites.

TI and DO always said that we had a hand in picking out our human vehicles to take over to perform our task through but that the Next Level helped us, so our vehicles would be a “match” for the growth our Minds still needed to accomplish to qualify for graduation that would then provide us with ever more responsible tasks on a Next Level crew. One can be rest assured that the vehicle we each have, speaking to those who are giving themselves to TI and DO’s service now, are exactly what they need and were picked to receive their “seed” because they have the potential to both graft to the Older Members vine and overcome their humanness, whether one is a returning Soul or a new Soul – which makes no difference.

But in relating Pluto to a large planet size craft with an “experimental earth” inside as TI and DO built into what they called a “fictional story based on the truth,” though not saying what parts were fictional, it’s interesting that Pluto has a huge white heart shaped spot on it that is totally smooth looking verses the rest of the planet looking like earth minus the oceans, while also having many areas that have craters on them. I also realized that this spot they say is heart shaped is like totally white and Do (Jesus) returns one more time but not incarnate according to prophecy on a “white horse” which is said in two places in prophecy that show a different meaning.

Rev 19:11 And I saw heaven opened, and behold a white ((3022 leukos from luke (“light”), white)) horse; and he that sat upon him was called Faithful and True, and in righteousness he doth judge and make war.
Rev 19:12 His eyes were as a flame of fire, and on his head were many crowns; and he had a name ((surname, was called)) written ((graven description)), that no man ((no one)) knew, but ((if not)) (he) himself ((auto= “his own”)).

(In other words, no one knew his name except his own, those he reveals it to (Rev 3:12) and who write it on their own forehead as shown in Rev 14:1).

Now the timing here is well after the first way he comes sitting on a “white horse” in Rev 6:2 as a part of the opening of the first seal. This is shown in the next verse where he is described as “clothed with a vesture dipped in blood”:

Rev 19:13 And he was clothed with a vesture dipped in blood: and his name is called The Word of God.

This means that the “horse” he is seen sitting on is not their physical body (though can still be a Next Level Member’s biological body whose service is as the equivalent of the way a human would relate to a living form of transportation but seen by humans as a “white light,” which is what Jesus said was his modus operandi in returning, though referring to the stage that was more for the ones who were potentially in the “last” harvest, mostly x-Christians, where they are, “x” and/or “christian” by birth/upbringing and/or choice, but does not disqualify anyone who ever thought the real Jesus (not the Christian largely false Jesus) was someone extraordinarily special and perhaps really from those who created our reality. His modus operandi for those who were “first” was with “plainer/bolder,” as TI and DO called more “generic” non-religisized, non-spiritualized terminology.

TI and DO used to refer to our cars as horses. Mostly we didn’t call the cars horses but when one had to go into the shop for repairs Do would say the car or “red van.” for instance was in the “horsepistol.” Plus TI and DO said Next Level members “wear vehicles” like humans wear a suit – using the example of a space suit or underwater suit, something that provided facility to perform certain tasks by. They also said that one could have a suit that was actually a spacecraft used to transport a crew to perform certain tasks with. Imagine that, which puts a new meaning to the idea of Jonah being in the belly of a whale, though I’m not saying a whale could be a suit for a Next Level member. A whale is a mammal and Next Level Members don’t wear mammalian vehicles unless they take one to incarnate into to serve on their needed task of bringing some up. (There is no sense in wondering if there could be an in the sea among mammalian whales and dolphin graduation classroom as we know that human beings were made to appear like Next Level Members, but of course I’m not one to say what is impossible).

Also this “vesture” is “dipped in blood” which may be a reference to the Older Member’s vehicle named Jesus as it was certainly dipped in blood in that it didn’t stay dead – it was briefly dipped in death, which may be a way to see that. But even if that same vehicle came back piloted by Do’s Next Level Older Member Mind/Soul, Do said he wouldn’t be showing “scars” to anyone (which I doubt he would have in that vehicle anymore if he did decide to bring it back to satisfy prophecy in that way. Do did say that the Luciferians might portray that same vehicle in some way to trick people into worshiping them, perhaps as a hologram (Image of or with or coordinated with the Beast).

So it seems this Rev 19:11 reference to a white horse is actually speaking of the spacecraft, Do returns in, while occupying the vehicle he “changed over” into a Next Level vehicle 2000 years ago. Do didn’t address this except to say if Jesus came back he would not be showing his scars. He also considered that he might return with an “armada” of spacecrafts which then looks like the next verses:

Rev 19:14 And the armies which were in heaven followed him upon white horses, clothed in fine linen, white and clean.

Again, these are on “white horses,” their spacecrafts and they all have new vehicles (clothed) depicted as “fine linen,” which is a reference to the way the priest in the Moses camp wore “fine linen” the most delicate fabric and known to be worn by human kings and royalty that these have just graduated to receive by both overcoming their humanness through TI and DO’s direction and once again “laying down their human vehicles lives” having trusted their Older Member and having come to be one mind with him.

Rev 19:15 And out of his mouth goeth a sharp sword, that with it he should smite the nations: and he shall rule them with a rod of iron: and he treadeth the winepress of the fierceness and wrath of Almighty God.
Rev 19:16 And he hath on his vesture and on his thigh a name written, KING OF KINGS, AND LORD OF LORDS.

Again this last verse ties into the Jesus physical vehicle that all the commentators I’ve reviewed on this verse read seem to miss entirely is said this way to show his vehicle’s physicality equated with an article of clothing as a “vesture,” also translated to, “apparel, cloke, clothes, garment, raiment, or robe.”

It might be that the white spot on Pluto is a door or a spacecraft itself that is on the surface or just below the surface and/or inside Pluto. The “New Jerusalem” is described as a spacecraft some 1378-1420 miles square (or perhaps in diameter, so round). Pluto was just re-measured to be 1473 miles in diameter thus who knows if this is possible.

Since the Next Level can change the vibration of a spacecraft like they can change the vibration of the cells of the physical bodies as Jesus demonstrated with his changed over vehicle, appearing and disappearing, and since TI and DO told us that the Next Level could have a spacecraft right on top of our “craft” (what we called the house we lived and worked in) though unseen to us unless we raised our vibrations to see, it seems possible that the New Jerusalem could be literally inside of or above and below what we see as Pluto. This gives a new meaning to the term “UNDER WORLD” that is one of the primary definitions of what the deity identified as Pluto is in charge of. Additionally, if what we call “heaven,” is as the Jews defined as having three parts, the 1st could be where Souls are saved, termed Paradise (by Jesus) or Abraham’s Bosom, after their physical vehicle dies if they have pleased the Next Level to qualify. TI and DO said this “heaven” has “gates” and/or “boxes” that are not freely passed between equally by all the inhabitant Souls. I would suggest these in this “heaven” would be those in Do’s 3rd Group who could be salvaged from the recyling.

I would suggest the second heaven is then related to Do’s 2nd Group which may be where some have been given Student model vehicles to serve the Next Level and learn some more lessons until they are brought back to finish their overcoming, while the Heaven or 1st Group actually have Next Level physical vehicles assigned them and significant service and dwell in sight of the Older Members – TI and DO.

TI and DO did indicate that the “garden” is provided with all the options humans can then “pull in” by their thirst to want to know about as their civilization progresses. If virtually all the humans are cleaned off the planet that have not shown allegiance to the Next Level as prophecy indicates and the Next Level then dissolves all the spirits in that first heaven, then when they restart the next garden experiment on the NEW Earth, then having also a new “heaven” it will be like giving all the remaining humans a fresh start since all the “tares” would have also been removed – even if some of them escaped underground. (The Next Level would know who went where so could decide to preserve some to become the catalyst adversaries (aka satans) for the next civilization’s planting, even depicted as happening as soon as 1000 years after these stages are “done.”

I am surmising that the New Earth is speaking of the refurbished earth as Do said the earth was still a good planet to serve the Next Level. It just needed to be spaded and the weeds need to be recycled. But the “heaven,” this first heaven, it seems will be removed, as shown, which takes place after what seems to be a bombardment by objects in space that causes all those on earth at that time to run to hide in their underground hiding places.

Rev 6:14 And the heaven departed as a scroll when it is rolled together; and every mountain and island were moved out of their places.

The removal of this “heaven” or “sky” portion of the “elevated areas” appears to be the spacecraft referred to as the city of God that was originally moved to North America from the Middle East, as Jesus indicated would occur when he said the Kingdom of God would be given to a new nation (ethnic people) and that Jerusalem would become waste because of how the religious had stoned and killed the prophets sent there. By being moved it became the New Jerusalem prophesied in Rev 3:12, where it was said would have a New Name given to His students who were to return with Him to take human vehicles again (one meaning of resurrection), who were described as the “overcomers,” which is the actual meaning of an Israeli as “one who prevails, conquers, overcomes as, by, through Jehovah’s lesson plan” that was given to the one who was Jacob when he successfully wrestled with the “fallen angel” and prevailed. That new name would identify it’s new location, installed over the United States mainland, though in particular over the southwest part of the U.S., covering the general territory from the Mississippi river to the Pacific ocean – about 1360 miles, with Los Angeles, the “city of God’s angels” being where TI and DO first spoke to a group who leave all behind to follow them in early April of 1975 that starts their gathering of that student body. This removal of this “heavenly spacecraft” may have been tied into the great earthquake (shaking) that is sited in the verse before this removal is depicted, but is soon followed by a new earth and new heaven installation, once again referred to as the New Jerusalem in Rev 21:

Rev 21:1 And I saw a new heaven and a new earth: for the first heaven and the first earth were passed away; and there was no more sea.

As shown in Rev 19 and 20, this New Earth and New Heaven is slated to be installed after the 1000 years, during which the Luciferian space aliens are again locked up underground, in their “under world” which may include any humans still alive and in their service, occupied by them, who, whether they know it or not aligned with them so became of one mind with them and were allowed to escape the surface recycling.

I imagine the Next Level can see exactly where humans have their new facilities they are working diligently on as we speak and is what is behind some of the financial scheming the “secret government” has engaged to keep funding while keeping it’s accounting away from government budgetary scrutiny.

Imagine after 1000 years in their Under World to where they could potentially produce ten or so generations of offspring, how far removed those offspring would be from all that happened in the 21st century. All their electronic media would have degraded along with documentation that there would be little of anyway since everything is made moreorless digital and what was passed on between generations would be like playing that game telephone as memories would also fade and change and so what one would probably have would be not a whole lot different from a mythological story of gods (seen as the space aliens) battling one another with the mortals siding with one or another and getting caught in between. Meanwhile in whatever location on the planet the Next Level wanted to foster the start of a new experiment to grow souls from, these would be of a different mindset also having their stories but with the seed of truth in their souls and their lineage of genes, mental and physical that knows there exist “creators” who have the overview of it all and the Next Level seems to give some generations proof of their existence shown in Rev 21 and 22.

TI and DO said that the only time proof isn’t given, that is, in a way that is very hard to ignore, though can always be seen differently, is when there is a chance for some to graduate during the END TIME, as they must come into full trust in the incarnate Older Members on the basis of their INFORMATION and EXAMPLE alone, which is what Jesus described as the “Word” – coming in the flesh, made to inhabit flesh, made flesh. That “truth” must be taken into one’s Soul container through the human vehicle’s sensory systems and primarily through the eyes and ears – sight and hearing while under the influence of those who became by their own choice adversarial (a Satan). The process of sorting out and discarding the misinformation from the adversary that becomes the dominant mindset on the planet from Next Level Mind provides the mechanism that literally builds strength of our own Mind and is a literal grafting to our Older Members Mind.

It’s like having an interface between two computer systems. The better the interface the stronger the graft and the more they can operate as ONE, while each remains an individual instrument to assist others “coming up.” The further along one gets in having that graft to their Older Member the more distant they become with those who are first “coming up.” For this reason, while TI was incarnate they spent most of their time keeping distance from the student body. But as the student body numbers diminished because people left or because TI and DO arranged for some to leave the group – feeling they weren’t demonstrating the degree of readiness they needed, TI and DO could spend more time with the student body. Even so there were some they could spend more time with, without distractions that would come as our influences sought to weigh on them. They came to identify which student had which influences by the thoughts and feelings they would have, that they wouldn’t otherwise have if such and such a student wasn’t in close proximity.

Thus throughout the classroom Do was attempting to communicate with the student body and often saw the need to say more when he knew some students weren’t getting it. TI would often say a few words to a few sentences and it wouldn’t seem like she was saying anything extraordinary to understand, but Do would then come at the subject from several vantage points and we’d basically, if we were being good students would be just sopping it up like a good sponge. One hardly could have a question if one was listening because we were taught to linger on every word, at least that’s the way I thought of listening, so that there was no room to think about a question or to judge if I believed it or not. To each students efforts and capacity they were totally trusting them, yet if we received each “dose” it would be shown in our thoughts because we were often given assignments to express ourselves in notes to them and sometimes we’d have time for questions and answers at the end of a meeting, while at other times they would hold another meeting a day or so later to give us a chance to absorb/digest the “medicine” the new perspective contained. No one was becoming a robot from this experience though if a student was progressing they would want to be robotic in their adoption of everything they were given because they knew and felt there could be nothing greater than to be a clean “pipeline” for one’s Older Member’s mind, as Jesus demonstrated he was and wanted to be for his “Father.”

Someone giving their life in service to TI and DO will increasingly become aware of the huge gap between the norms of society and the reality from the Next Level, the reasons we even exist and our ultimate hoped for purpose we must choose to pursue or not. There will be so relative few who choose to pay attention to anything TI and DO said and that will also go for the reality of what Jesus taught, so that there will be few and far between those one can relate to on any more than a superficial level. This requires “endurance” to keep on trying to provide the truth when most will call them crazy or misled by Satan or some equivalent with hardly anything to go by at all. Even armed with all these new interpretations will be hardly paid any mind to unless the Next Level has given them a seed. In that case, when those with that seed hear the truth, a light will turn on in their head, like a smelling salt of some recognition. A few will want to pursue the truth from TI and DO full out and this would be one of the ways those providing the truth will face further persecution, as when some of these begin to separate from their world, whoever is left behind will blame what they looked to and lacking TI and DO’s incarnate presence, the next avenue to attack will be those that become TI and DO’s “active students” and this will require them to have “faith” that when they are apprehended or hunted down, if they keep their faith in TI and DO and “stand for them” when challenged, that no matter what they then experience they will reap the reward of being accelerated to their next station in Next Level service.

-“kill with sword, and with hunger, and with death, and with the beasts of the earth” – Kill is translated from Greek apokteino = separation by death. I suspect this interpretations includes how this is a time of separating the tares from the wheat as there are clearer terms to depict the act of killing as in the slaughter of one’s physical body.

This “killing” takes place in the fourth part of the earth (essentially the U.S. and it’s closest allies with/from weapons (sword – at this time with guns and bombs, possibly seen as the increases in school, mall, movie theater, sporting event shootings and bombings, political rallies, abortion clinics, on military bases and virtually anyplace public or private) and with/from famine, destitution, scarcity of food and/or from highly toxic food, water, air, perhaps like GMO’s and by the dead (those who are dead to the Next Level seeking to silence or get revenge against what they may see as heretics or blasphemers according to whatever their beliefs are, religious or secular) and by the hunting and traps set by the governmental “BEAST’s” (the U.S. and the E.U., and any employed by or in league with their behaviors and ways of thinking, laws and nationalism, etc.) as we see by increasing FBI, ATF, CIA sting operations like we saw at Ruby Ridge and Waco, Texas re: the Branch Davidians, by police departments that target any form of dissidence against the establishment that often makes people of color prime targets. To include institutions like the World Health Organization (WHO) that seek to make vaccination programs mandatory despite the consequences, or via man made pollution they won’t fix like the way lead and various petrochemical carcinogens and radioactive waste is allowed into our air, water and food supplies.

For additional considerations in the relationship between this Fourth Seal and Dan 7:7’s Fourth Beast (King) see section: III.D.4.b.iv. DAN 7:3 – DAN 7:7 INTERPRETATION.

TI & DO The Father & “Jesus” Heaven’s Gate UFO Two Witnesses – Section IV.B.-The Seven Seal Openings-Third Seal-“Black/Blue-Jacinth Horse” (Obama et al) Financial New World Order

February 15, 2017


Rev 6:5 And when he had opened the third seal, I heard the third beast ((Living Being)) say, Come and see. And I beheld, and lo a black/blue horse; and he that sat on him had a pair of balances in his hand.
Rev 6:6 And I heard a voice in the midst of the four beasts say, A measure of wheat for a penny, and three measures of barley for a penny; and see thou hurt not the oil and the wine.

This third “horse” has a black (and potentially blue or dark, as in a blue Democrat) coloration. What’s in the “hand” of the one in the position (sitting on) this “horse” (chosen human vehicle), describes what his primary focus will be, having the ability to “join” (balance) various forces, a BALANCING BURDEN – a yolk – as related to directing two oxen (Beasts), to get them to join in pulling the weight. The weight is all that’s involved with what amounts to the New World Order, putting into place the mechanisms for the One World Government while returning to a more covert “Global War on Terror,” both in the Heavens (outer space) and on Earth and “under the earth” – a reference in prophecy that seems to be literal as in the “bottomless pit” and/or geographically in the southern most continent of Antarctica where there is of late reports of Russian, Chinese, E.U. and U.S. presence and with a history related to Hitlers SS and U.S. Admiral Byrd’s expeditions.

To recap a bit, the Red Horse was brought into power with the 2000 presidential coup d’etat via the Republican lead G.W. Bush administration to start the ENDLESS WAR ON TERROR, followed by the ENDLESS FINANCIAL CRISIS, that was passed on to Barack Obama immediately upon his taking presidential office, that is described as this balancing (joining) forces shown in the prophecy as related to matters of buying and selling (trade/stocks exchanges) referred to by the reference to commodities of “wheat” and “barley” during his term.

On another level of representation the prophecy states that the events that take place are not allowed to “hurt” – interfere with those who qualify as the “oil” or as the “wine,” who are the “remaining or remnant” of “active students” of TI and DO who have chose to “give their lives” to “standing” for TI and DO’s information. OIL is the Next Level Mind/Spirit fruit yield from the olive (the human vehicle), the “pressing” (service) of which produces light for others to see by. Those who are beginning to engage active studentship (service) are the WINE whose stage of development is likened to the – Next Level Mind/Spirit fermentation like process, that is also “pressed” to bring to fruition – as Jesus and Moses illustrated.

This Third Seal’s opening that began with Barack Obama’s presidency in the way it began with the Global Economic Crisis of 2008 is still into 2015 very much reverberating throughout the U.S. and it’s allies and the world and will only continue because the bigger part of it seems to have been orchestrated and/or taken advantage of, directly and/or indirectly as a way to move huge sums of capital into un-budgeted projects that certain ones need to keep largely hidden from the general public to not foster outright rebellion when they become more aware of the depth of the deceit and manipulations and sowing seeds of confusion about what’s real and what’s fake and why.

Examples of the need for funding are seen in the huge escalation of outer space projects, space telescopes, the quest for new elements for further anti-gravity and/or energy generation research and development (eg. CERN, etc.), continuation of nuclear technology development with as little public scrutiny as possible, the very large effort to continue to build and develop long term underground facilities and tunneling networks between them that are essentially little cities where many of the elite can purchase space to flee to for whatever reason, i.e. – a meteor, asteroid or comet strike, nuclear attack and/or accidents due to earthquakes, tsunami’s or volcanic eruptions and the general havoc that is inevitable and that some even suspect is attributable to “God’s Wrath” as shown in a great deal of prophecy from the Old and New Testaments and in what Jesus said about his return and the “time of great trouble” (tribulation) through the Book of Revelations. The Luciferian space aliens spin the interpretation of the biblical records as a war against the bad space aliens when it reality there is no differentiation. The space aliens are all “bad” from the perspective of TI and DO and Crew because they are against them as the Representatives of the Creators of the Universe and all it’s life forms.

All this stimulates an increased need for security to deal with continued, dissident rebellions and general increasing unrest around the planet, as the Next Level stimulates the SIGNS OF THE TIMES, on/under and above the Earth with a large part in deeper outer space, while the Luciferian Space Aliens still clandestinely try to garner support among humans via creating more contactees, spiritualists, paranormalists, religionists, agnostics, atheists, humanitarians, environmentalists, socialists and virtually all human condition behaviors and ways to keep as many eyes away from the real Physical Evolutionary Level Above Human’s Older Members, TI and DO as they can. The humans who received a “Soul deposit” from the Next Level, whose eyes are turned away from TI and DO and/or the Next Level Above Human then become unwitting allies of the Luciferians and a pseudo spiritual and/or humanitarian/environmentalist agenda at a time when the lesson plan is to separate from humanism to show allegiance to the Next Level through belief and service to TI and DO and Their Crew. Before this time giving one’s all to humanity was a positive step out of one’s self centered mammalian mind, in accordance with Jesus teaching to “love your neighbor as yourself,” not that one doesn’t continue treating others with the same respect and consideration even as they give their all to TI and DO and Their Next Evolutionary Kingdom as that is the “way” of a member of the Next Level, which is why Jesus listed such as the “second greatest commandment.”

This third opening of the seal on the Rev 5:1 “book” as with the second seal’s opening ushers in the start of the time described as the 7th Angels Trumpet Sounding and seems to be most apparent as stimulated to start with the airing of the National Geographics Channel’s Season 3, Episode Two entitled appropriately in the series, “Final Report: Heaven’s Gate,” first broadcast on October 17, 2008. This is one of the most popular documentary television publishers in the world, so this would have been seen by even millions potentially and where it differs from all others before it, is by it’s posing the question, whether TI and DO were the prophesied fulfillment of the so called, “Second Coming of Jesus.”

It’s been shown throughout the scriptures referred to in this book that it never was Jesus’ return alone as he comes with his Father, thus as TWO WITNESSES, the Jewish requirement for any Judgment, and both come incarnate – in the flesh, again as always, to bring their student body to their “spirit/mind birth,” never meant to be a birth in which the human physical body is taken into the heavens (clouds) which is the misinformation “rapture.”

The accurate way the “spirit birth” occurs is through the returning Soul’s use or “borrowing” of a prepared human vehicle that is SEPARATED (caught away) from it’s human family and relationship root system and mammalian behaviors and ways such as propagation of the species and all forms of sensuality with elevating self to some degree of godhead and sexuality the biggest forms and “overcoming” aka conquering or prevailing against the influences that would have us fall away from that separation.

This process can not be accomplished without the hands on direction from an Older Member who had been through the overcoming process before, even many times, who becomes the equivalent of our “parent” – Jesus termed “Father,” at that time in “heaven” (in Earth’s atmosphere and/or in near to outer space) according to the steps provided that become an actual metamorphosis that used the human body to change and grow one’s Soul body within that can even make it into a Next Level physical body that Jesus demonstrated but had to be taken on board his Father’s spacecraft to complete enough to return to Earth to prove he was still physical and the same one who was crucified and was with them for those years.

However, Jesus compared one’s “spirit birth” to the “wind” – something a human can not see but exists and is still physical so can be felt if touched by it. TI and DO’s students apparently were not needed to perform an equivalent demonstration of their new “butterfly” body, so ascended into Their spacecraft while leaving their “caterpillar” shells behind. Jesus had given the proof to those he was primarily midwifing through their human kingdom birth canal. Such proof was not given to those at this time because there is still the potential for some to graduate and TI and DO taught that when the possibility to graduate is still available those students in their human vehicles can not be given any proof – they need to derive their proof by taking in the Mind of their Older Members who are/were incarnate, although Do prepared for their “exit” in such a way as to provide TI with the option to provide such an equivalent demonstration as Jesus gave or for some other task that might entail their keeping their human vehicles for a while.

The Greek word, “apokteino” that was translated to the Two Witnesses being “killed” was not the most accurate translation because “apo” as a prefix modifies the “kteino” (to slay) part with the prefix to separate or exit or go away from, or by or through dying and apokteino is followed by the Greek “auto” which is most often used as a pronoun in the plural context as “them” but in the added context pertaining to “self,” thus they “separated by dying themselves” rather than being killed by others, as was the design for their exit during the second trimester as Jesus instructed for his disciples. They were commanded to tell the world what Jesus taught and demonstrated to them. That seems to be the same kind of stage, those of us who are seeking to be TI and DO’s active students must experience to show the Next Level our trust in Them that will come about for some as they “stand for TI and DO” in the upcoming months and years before all options to graduate or be saved are “done.”

A more thorough description of this time period can be found in section III.D.11. REV 11:15 – SEVENTH ANGELS TRUMPET SOUNDING – DISCLOSURES (VOICES) FROM HEAVEN…


Two falls depicted. The Kingdom of God/Heaven don’t repeat themselves without a reason and as with all the prophecies they show the events a number of times from different perspectives, the first from more of a student perspective and the second from the worldly perspective:

Rev 14:8 And there followed another angel, saying, Babylon is fallen, is fallen, that great city, because she made all nations drink of the wine of the wrath of her fornication.

Rev 18:2 And he cried mightily with a strong voice, saying, Babylon the great is fallen, is fallen, and is become the habitation of devils, and the hold of every foul spirit, and a cage ((prison)) of every unclean ((impure)) and hateful ((persecuting)) bird ((a bird-ling, rising in the air, fowl [fowl seems to depict all humans that have become predators, which is a space alien mindset stemming from Lucifer and his associates)).

And so it is with many, many stories past to present that show how many manipulations there have always been, though the surfacing of are at this time being brought to the “light” in an unprecedented way. Yet, even still, everyone is put to the test because just seeing this and talking about it doesn’t preclude choosing to side with those fostering the deceit when it becomes a challenge to our lifestyle to counter. That challenge really comes into full swing during the time of the fourth seal’s opening starting officially in 2017, but is already showing a major acceleration since the blood moon of September of 2015.


Rev 13:7 And it was given unto him to make war ((battle)) with ((3326 meta= amid, among)) the saints, and ((2532 kai= even)) (to) overcome ((3528 nikao= subdue, conquer, prevail against)) them ((846 autos= themselves, theirselves)): and power was given him over all kindreds, and tongues, and nations.

Because of where in the timeline this verse refers, “saints” does not seem to refer to those who were among the first fruit harvested with Do in the Heavens Gate group. There were 38 students with Do at that time in March of 1997. Before the year 2000, 4 more students who had been in the “classroom” layed down their lives. Thus I have settled on the number 42 as part of the first fruit harvest.

Therefore the “saints” in this context would be those referred to by Jesus as the “remnant or remaining” who choose to offer themselves to TI and DO’s service entirely, after they and these 42 have exited their incarnations. They are referred to as “saints” because they have chose to put their lives in the hands of TI and DO that would mean they seek to make significant changes to their behavior and ways, as was required for the first fruits that includes “giving their lives” by not clinging to their human SELVES and root systems (family), leaving all by bonding instead with TI and DO that will be completed when they lose their human life while still in Their service no matter how that occurs. That giving of self in total is what defines a “saint.” It has nothing to do with what a religious organization deems a saint as in the Catholic and Hindu religions. No human can assume they qualify as one of these saints or know who does or does not. It would be a human ego trip to take or accept such a title or designation as only the Next Level Older Members can read our hearts and determine whether we qualify. One can see how making that designation leads to worshiping of students, a way the Luciferian space aliens dilute and distort the truth that can easily become a corruption of our minds.

Do referred to these who can still advance to their next station towards complete overcoming of the human kingdom and the receipt of a Next Level vehicle and service in a Next Level off earth environment as the “second type, or group or kind” who would not be among those in the upcoming recycling/spading of the garden. The first type are those who complete their overcoming while with the incarnate Older Member which is not only about separating from human behaviors and ways and root system (family) but must include pleasing both Do and his Older Member TI. Otherwise it would seem separating alone would be the criteria. This is required because of how Lucifer, though he had accomplished some part of his lessons that got him into some service in the Next Level, rebelled against losing his ego, his sense of self importance and individuality aka separateness from his Older Members mind, and because of was not someone the Older Members wanted on their crew as he would prove to be an interference in their work if he had to do things his way. It’s not that the Older Members have any desire to control us, but they do need to see that we don’t still harbor our own self interest that would result in our wanting to control others. They only want to have their Older Members mind flowing through them. That then teaches those coming up the same thing and it becomes a safeguard to not get tricked into serving another’s self interest as Lucifer and his associates did.

These REMAINING SAINTS will be subdued, the root meaning of Greek nikao translated to “overcome” a potential synonym. It’s not indicating these are necessarily killed at this time as is indicated could happen to some or even all of these during the time of the next 5th seal’s opening. This verse here shows a strong correlation to Rev 11:7 with the lower forces being given the power to battle the Members of the Next Level, Old and Young and having some success to subdue/overcome them or even cause them to bring about their own (self) subduing ahead of their exit of their in the flesh presence (incarnation) by turning against the Next Level.

In the first subduing/overcoming event is shown in Rev 11:2-7 when the beast from the bottomless pit is at war (of lies verses truth) with the Two Witnesses and subdues (also translated as overcomes) them, as shown by TI and DO, then using the names Bo and Peep, called by the press, “The UFO Two” when they were as a figure “SHOT DOWN BY THE PRESS” in October of 1975, in the U.S. national street/town square (the media) as they were finishing their testimony that gathered their “lost sheep,” those who came with them (resurrection of the just) aka the “saints” depicted as those incarnate (treading by foot (footstool, their human vehicles) “under” the “holy” (sacred/saints) city (temple geographic area).” and hovering New Jerusalem spacecraft. Then sometime later these Two and student Crew (saints) “separate by dying (or even killing) themselves,” a completely legitimate translation option of the Greek “apokteino auto,” as “auto” is a pronoun that is strongly SELF based and even related to the “baffling wind” that Jesus had compared to a “spirit” in his talk about the need for his disciples to be born of flesh to be born of spirit.

This idea that those and these bring on their own subduing and the death of their physical vehicle is reminiscent of how Jesus brought on his own vehicles death as the exit plan that in that trimester was used to show that he really wasn’t dead. Jesus talked about how regarding his life, “no man takes it from me.” He “lays it down” and he does so “for his Father.” It was his assigned task that though very difficult he was wanting to do and he knew that by his doing it, he was also showing his disciples that he prepared well for this part of his task that they too must do the same “drinking of his cup of the self blood sacrifice of his body” in service to Him, as he did for His Father in Heaven as He was their “Father” about to return to his station on board the spacecraft in the literal heavens. The service he laid out for his disciples was not to turn themselves in as he did. The task was to lay down their lives by performing the task of telling the truth about him and what he said, which He knew would if they persisted would get them killed, thus they chose to take on that task knowing they would meet the same fate as their teacher Jesus did and that was directly self stimulating the death of their vehicles. Stepping ahead to Their return they took that yet another step by all self initiating their exit by laying down their human vehicles to their death so they could take up new Next Level bodies and service and membership in the Next Level as adult members. That process is then repeated during this second stage harvest.

After the first fruit lay down their lives the second fruit group then are commissioned by Do to disseminate with their mouth the truth about TI and DO and their first fruit and in so doing draw to themselves the battle with the lower forces – the Luciferian dragon and bestial human equivalent space aliens who whether discarnate or through human or human equivalent vehicles and/or technologies are beaming down their mental bullets upon those attempting to wash their robes. There is some indication these are subdued even from within their own ranks of fellow believers, thus “themselves”, being susceptible to the Luciferian bombardment. These don’t necessarily lose the human vehicles they are using during this time, though as always they can lose their Soul’s connection to TI and DO if they cease seeking their guidance. According to prophecy it is during the time of the fifth seal that many servants of TI and DO could lose their human vehicles via service though that seems to extend into the 6th seal and 7th seals as the seals are both representing openings or revealings of mysteries and times when prospective candidates to membership in the Next Level are affirming their candidacy by making significant changes to separate from their humanness and giving service to TI and DO by “standing for them” or at the least not choosing allegiance to the “bestial” human governments and institutions and/or space alien Next Level facsimile IMAGE of the BEAST individuals and/or organizations.

It is said as the Dragon/Beast being “given to make war/battle…” because TI and DO and crew are pulling away certain protections so the remaining student body can have the chance to further build their strength by working against. In Rev 6:4, this same idea of the Next Level giving bestial humans their power is indicated when it states how the one sitting on the “red horse WAS GIVEN…to take peace from the earth,” which is reflective of this same time after the Two Older Members and their first fruit student body have exited their incarnations and returned to their Next Level “seats” – task assignments on their spacecrafts.

However, during the time of the “red horse” prophecy fulfillment, as shown by George W. Bush’s regime, the Next Level may have withdrawn certain protections of those they were working with from being overcome/subdued or “hurt/wronged/damaged” by the lower forces. I say that because in the next period of the 3rd seal opening in Rev 6:6 throughout Obama’s “black horse” regime protection seems to be indicated where the prophecy states “thou hurt ((91 adikeo= act unjustly to, sin against, wrong, damage or harm or act wickedly towards)) not the oil and the wine.” These seem to be the first two of the three remaining “types” of humans who Do spoke about who could still “leave with them,” meaning they would not be recycled in the Lake of Fire. These type included FIRST those who are giving their all by starting/continuing their metamorphosis by separating from their human lives and engaging in the overcoming process by applying everything TI and DO taught – to include giving service to, “standing in defense of TI and DO,” described as the “oil” and LAST those that are not yet strong enough to leave all behind and fully engage the overcoming process but try to make significant changes and believe in everything TI and DO said and provide service by “standing in Defense of TI and DO” and maintaining that defense until the end, accepting the consequences described as the “wine.”

It’s also interesting that three once long time members of TI and DO’s classroom who had dropped out of the class exited their human vehicles during the time period of the 2nd seals Red horse. They were known as Echody, Prkody and Dncody. I don’t know why Echody’s vehicle died but Prkody’s vehicle died from cancer and Dncody’s vehicle died by complications from I believe the AIDS virus. I had visited with him in 1995 before he was diagnosed HIV positive (though perhaps he knew but didn’t tell me). He tried many things to fight against it but I don’t know if he asked help from TI and DO but it’s probably unlikely as once someone left they are letting their adversary take over their vehicle, though probably in degrees so might not ask them. I at one point thought I had a serious medical problem soon after I left and thought it was a punishment. TI and DO never spoke that way about those who left and in the classroom they tried to help us get rid of any guilt we still may have had from things that happened to us, (our vehicles) before we awakened in them. Thus it was my own conflict and I nearly fainted considering the problem’s severity yet didn’t ask TI and DO to help me even though I never disbelieved in who they were. Asking for help would have been like saying I want to be your student again. But at that point in late 1994 my portion of Next Level Mind in my vehicle’s Soul had withdrawn from my vehicle’s consciousness so much that it didn’t even occur to me to ask their help. I don’t know how other dropouts thought. But when Dncody was in a hospital in Florida well after Do and the 38 left, near where his parents still lived, he was on the telephone asking me to come down there to I think help him with moral support as I had when I visited with him in Sedona. Arizona and he was very unhappy. But now I was in New York with my partner and our very young daughter and believe I had a full time job and didn’t know what I could do for him so I said I’d do what I could on the telephone which he understood and was thankful for. He passed away soon after that.

Incidentally, the third type who Do said could go with him in some sense and be saved from the spading would be those who never heard of TI and DO but were in their own way separating from their human kingdom attachments and giving their lives to their understanding of the existence of Creator Beings. It has occurred to me that those who don’t accept the “mark of the beast” maybe some of those who are of this type because not accepting whatever marking represents, not giving our allegiance to the bestial acting human governments and institutions, religious or secular, which will be a big step for many to take, as it may mean one is no longer in their system that could inhibit their buying and selling of goods as prophecy indicates is to come. It also states that those who do accept the mark of the beast will be subject to the plagues that are the seven angels with vials I believe begin to show their arrival at anytime now and may have already begun that are in addition to other methods of providing opportunity for some to change their mind (repent) and recognize and give their allegiance to the Next Level as a show they still have some Next Level mind in them. We can talk about what TI and DO said it takes to graduate the human kingdom but as far as who will be “saved” for a future classroom, it’s really not for us to say.

A confirmation of the time frame of this Rev 13:7 battle with the saints is indicated by the beforehand Rev 13:3 depiction of the “wounding of one of the beasts heads” which most seems to apply to the 9/11 and Pentagon attacks that SHOOK the world and was the first of two “falls” for America (new Babylon) having already occurred before this 2nd subduing of the remaining students of TI and DO. (Also see Dan 7:25 that seems directly in sync with Rev 13:5-7).

Again, Rev 13:7 indicates how this subduing or conquering of the saints can also be a battle “amid and/or among themselves” – an internal battle and one in which they are pit one against the other and is totally parallel to the way there was discord and competition between some of the disciples of Jesus, especially seen after Jesus exited.

There was even competition between Paul of Tarsus to be equated with the 11 Apostles (those who Jesus specifically assigned as his delegates because of their personal experience). It’s similar now, the reason being we are all subject to the same Luciferians and have the same kinds of lessons to learn to overcome our humanness that sets up the criteria that triggers another’s area to gain strength to overcome.

For Paul to come to refer to himself as a delegate (apostle) equivalent to those Jesus assigned shows Paul was in competition with them. Perhaps he was jealous of what they had and it wasn’t really his fault entirely because the Luciferians were there and were permitted to attack more after the Older Member leaves – even immediately after as Jesus indicated would occur and would even come saying he was “Jesus.” Thus when there are differences of opinion of what Jesus said and taught and did, they were all faced with any that had their own ideas or about things that Jesus didn’t cover directly. The Next Level can even leave out clarifying some things as it then provides a testing ground for the remaining students to pull on his Mind for answers and come up with answers they can agree make the most sense, according to all they learned from being with Jesus personally and/or from the body of information he left as in the case of TI and DO. I am not separating those who had experience personally with TI and DO from those who come to believe in Them after they exit, because at this time there is a great deal of information they left behind that if studied can yield the same recognition of how to treat certain circumstances as They might.

At one point the Apostles decided to write a letter on a number of topics and send it back to groups of potential new believers in Antioch and Syria and Cilicia with Paul and Barnabas who would be accompanied by Barsabas and Silas whom they counted “of their own company” (Act 15:22). The letter pointed out what was told them that was not correct. (Don’t forget that Jesus told them as he was leaving that whatever they bound on earth would be bound in heaven – so they did have the authority to settle disputes). Here is a segment of the way they settled the issue by letter and by mouth:

Act 15:24 Forasmuch as we have heard, that certain which went out from us have troubled you with words, subverting your souls, saying, Ye must be circumcised, and keep the law: to whom we gave no such commandment:
Act 15:25 It seemed good unto us, being assembled with one accord, to send chosen men unto you with our beloved Barnabas and Paul,
Act 15:26 Men that have hazarded their lives for the name of our Lord Jesus Christ.
Act 15:27 We have sent therefore Judas and Silas, who shall also tell you the same things by mouth.

So Paul and Barnabas went with these others back to Antioch to deliver the message and stayed for a while until Paul wanted to move on by himself with Barnabas to revisit others they had visited before in different areas and this became another point of contention on who was going to go with who:

Act 15:37 And Barnabas determined to take with them John, whose surname was Mark.
Act 15:38 But Paul thought not good to take him with them, who departed from them from Pamphylia, and went not with them to the work.
Act 15:39 And the contention was so sharp between them, that they departed asunder one from the other: and so Barnabas took Mark, and sailed unto Cyprus;
Act 15:40 And Paul chose Silas, and departed, being recommended by the brethren unto the grace of God.
Act 15:41 And he went through Syria and Cilicia, confirming the churches.


What many don’t know is how much discord there has been among the ones remaining behind that still believe in TI and DO starting from immediately after Do and Crew exited in March of 1997 that continues to date in August of 2015. Some has dissipated with time and there seems to be little to no contact between some or to the public I am aware of and it all started centered around the letters that the class provided Mrc/Srf that contained instructions on certain financial loose ends, management of their web site, and ESPECIALLY REGARDING THE SUGGESTIONS ON HOW TO HANDLE THE CONTENT OF THE STORAGE ROOMS they were leaving behind. Three letters I was given by Carlan (Crlody in the classroom) who got them from Rkk who got them from Mrc were addressed to “Mrc/Srf,” one dated March 22, 1997 and were signed by “The Class” in two of them and the third by “Pursers (Sng, Slv, Mll, Gld)” all three giving various detailed instructions on how to handle legalities and their small fleet of automobiles and funds to pay certain bills and expressed their desire that funds be made available to those who support them and choose to assist in providing their information to others.

One letter spoke in general about the content of one storage room, though made specific mention in how to handle certain exercise equipment that belonged to the owner of the house they were currently leasing, thinking he would want the equipment back. But this was also where the audio meeting tapes were that TI and DO had made from 1982 until TI exited on June 19, 1985 which were 218 tapes as well as the audio tapes made by Do after that until they exited in March of 1997 that amounted to about another 266 more tapes. The instructions in the letters left it up to Mrc/Srf to decide what to do with the contents of the storage room (except for the exercise equipment) and even suggested Rkk and Osc to retrieve the contents if Mrc/Srf for whatever reason didn’t want to.

They made it clear that they wanted the content of that storage room to be divided among those who wanted to participate in disseminating their information as they also stated wanting the public to have a chance to have more knowledge of who they were/are and what they were about than what they knew the public would get from the media coverage. The division specified that if any funds came from the sale of things in storage those funds could be used by those involved in the project and they didn’t limit who could help with it, though they gave the names of all they thought wanted to help with the project at that time. Do and crew didn’t want the authorities to get the content of those storage rooms and Carlan said, I believe from Rkk, that they had put the cases of tapes right in the front of that storage room. There was a separate storage room that had a 20 foot yellow truck in it that they thought could be used to remove the contents of the other storage room.

As it turned out Mrc/Srf didn’t want to go to the storage room so arranged to meet Rkk (and perhaps with Osc) to give him all the letters addressed to them along with the keys to the truck, etc. Rkk/Osc retrieved the audio tapes and soon thereafter Mrc/Srf seemed to change their mind and wanted it all back, Rkk, I believe didn’t feel he could trust Mrc/Srf for a variety of reasons but possibly the biggest being, according to Crl, the way the names on two of those three letters apparently addressed to them (“Mrc/Srf”), were blacked out, as if whoever did that didn’t want to be associated with the task. It was strange that those two letters were the ones filled with the legalities and automobile instructions, while the third letter that talked about the storage room content and intentions for the items of value in them still showed being addressed to “Mrc/Srf.”

Regardless of why two letters had names blacked out and one didn’t, Rkk with Osc (as was also suggested by Do’s crew (if Mrc/Srf chose not to perform the task)) went to the storage and took all the tapes and began to copy and digitize them and accomplished doing so for most all the tapes that were recorded while TI was still in her vehicle, which numbered at about 218. At some point Crl, who had joined the class in 1994 and was with them for a number of months got involved with Rkk and the digitizing process and they began to send cd’s with the digitized tapes on them to libraries and universities. By this time Mrc, and presumably Srf who was largely quiet in communications, wanted them to be given back to them thinking it was their task. My understanding is that Rkk did end up giving Mrc/Srf all the audio tape masters, while retaining copies of the 218. (I took Rkk’s giving them back as his recognizing that Mrc/Srf were given the instructions to manage the distribution of the tapes, as shown in the letters).

Mrc/Srf hired a lawyer to bring a lawsuit against Rkk and Crl’s dissemination of the digitized tapes now on compact disks. I know some of this story from the contact I had with Rkk and Mrc by phone during this time period. I was trying to offer help but I was not in a frame of mind to get that involved. Even though I had gone public with my continued belief in TI and DO, I was not an active student. I had started a new human life, had a partner and she just gave birth to our daughter.

I had been in contact with Rkk before Do and Crew had exited because I traveled all over the western U.S. meeting up with all the dropout members I had addresses for and Rkk was among them, as was Cdd, Dnc, Mrc, Srf, Jst, And, Pmm, Hvv, Osc, Pyp and Flx, while I heard about Abl (joined briefly in 1993 having been Flx’s partner in the world, who she returned to when she dropped out in around 1981, so joined when Flx rejoined) and spoke to Gnr (had become a human partner with Rkk when he was outside the classroom. She was in the class for some weeks in 1994, joining when Rkk rejoined following the dissemination of the Beyond Human video tapes they were among the receivers of) on the phone and in email. I knew these well from being in the classroom together, most for about 12 years or more depending on when they dropped out, though also because some rejoined before I left and dropped out again after I dropped out, namely, Rkk and Jst. I visited with them, seemingly as a matter of convenience as my new partner wanted to travel to certain places out west from New York to invest in land. I told her I knew a lot of people and we could stay with them along the way. We did that and we also stayed with people I knew in Newport and Waldport, Oregon from before I joined with TI and DO.

During the greater part of seven years I was what might be called an “inactive believer,” roughly from when I left in September of 1994 to 2001. During part of this time Crl, with Rkk at first and then Crl on his own after Rkk layed down his life, were active in talking to people, digitizing the approximate 218 audios created by TI and DO from 1982-85, that Rkk/Osc had kept from Mrc/Srf, to send to Universities and libraries and people with additional packets of the information Do and Crew left behind; The Book, video exit tapes the “Beyond Human – The Last Call,” twelve video tapes. I understand all they charged was for the cost of shipping.

However after the 9/11/2001 attacks while I was living and working on Long Island close enough to see the smoke from the burning WTC, I felt it was quite apocalyptic and began to study what led up to it politically, in conjunction with searching the Bible for indications of it and then began to write about what I was discovering, relating it to the “end times” or “last days” TI and DO mostly referred to as the recycling time. Before I lost my full time computer programming job on Long Island I was attempting to write a book with the title in my mind as “The Message” when I had a bunch of dreams, the first with TI by herself simply approving of my writing. After that I had dreams with Srr with Do and Crew, Do by himself and many other signs that helped me begin to re-awaken to wanting to serve Them again and by 2002 I had committed to do so though understood it didn’t have to entail leaving my new human family to do so, as I had become attached to them.

I knew re-engaging service to TI and DO would mean detaching from my human family eventually but I didn’t dwell on that as at that time I did not have enough Next Level mind in my vehicle to accept it. It is still hard to swallow but TI and DO have gradually and gently helped me a great deal to where at this time my partner has left me and my vehicle’s daughter is just about on her own at 18 years old. I don’t have any reason to believe leaving where I currently live is an automatic condition when there is no Representative incarnate offering the overcoming classroom and of course it also depends on whether staying a little engaged in my vehicles family life becomes an interference with the service I can provide that will continue to face me with what I needed to learn to overcome. I have to be prepared to leave should TI and DO require it of me.

By 2003 I was on the internet searching for Heaven’s gate and came across Crl who had approached the one who later became known as XF (who was never in the class), who was tricked by the lower forces to create a group of four additional new believers that turned out to be of XF’s fabrication. This is referred to by a number of us as “the Hoax.”

Crl had continued problems relating with Mrc/Srf due to Mrc’s insistence on keeping the tapes and because of things Mrc said that He and Rkk saw as disinformation – for example according to Crl, Mrc said, “no one will benefit from exiting their vehicle” and “The door is closed. to (leave) is a fruitless act. Your task is to stay here and grow forward,” among other things. (I agree those are not statements that relate to what Do said, thus Mrc’s opinion based on some other source, while claiming to be the “gatekeeper” because of his task to maintain the web site and handle tasks to do with the groups legal affairs, finances and physical property that was left behind.).

Neo, (known in the media by a different name, he asked me not to use) published a book in 2007 about his experience in the class having joined in 1994 (when I met him) and left just two weeks before Do and crew exited. He and Mrc had said things against Rkk and Crl publically on the Art Bell radio show and Mrc still wanted to stop any dissemination of materials. I pointed out to Neo via email that what he said about the origin of the “ody” names, in his book was all wrong. He stated his understanding as if it was a fact, which shows that even being in the classroom does not mean one absorbs all that’s taught and can be subject to misinformation as well). Crl took issue with other things Neo said and did or didn’t do. I went through Neo’s book and highlighted a number of other things that didn’t seem to express TI and DO’s teachings exactly but he told me by his silence he didn’t want to know and never responded to the part about the ody names, at least that I ever saw. Neo later started a YouTube channel named, “riverofangels” and on it he posted the Beyond Human tapes. Then one day he closed the channel and later told me in so many words in an email that with the publish of his book, he was done with his contribution regarding TI and DO.

When I got back in the fray I began conversing with XF’s imaginary believers via email in great length about my experience of 19 years in the classroom and I began to communicate with Mrc/Srf in an attempt to find out why they were holding back the remaining tapes and never got any concrete reasons except that Mrc said he and Srf were left with the task and that Srf told me they were afraid people would portray Do in sexual ways if they had them, to which I responded that nothing we did could prevent that if someone was a mind to do so. Years later Mrc was helping me with certain memories of the early classroom. (They left the classroom in 1987 being told by Do and Crew they had to leave until such time that they wanted to abide by the lesson step surrounding breaking down our ego – giving the Next Level our will that was entitled, “I could be wrong”).

During that time in 2014 Mrc, at one point confronted me with why I was wanting to be so detailed on the past history (for the purpose of this book) yet not that detail orientated on the fact that he and Srf were trusted by Do and Crew to decide on how to handle the tapes. So I asked him again why they weren’t providing the tapes and he referred to something Do once said on the tapes about how humans may not be able to correctly see what he and TI said on the tapes and might twist things as they did to the Moses writings, trying to adhere to certain things that were meant for their classroom specifically that could do them harm. (I have yet to find that segment, but as I was there for all the meetings up until nearly 1995, I do recall some talk about that, but at the same time also heard a great deal more talk about expecting that humans will hear those tapes and how the letters spell out their intentions, while giving them the option to accept their intention of wanting people to have a chance for a more in depth understanding about them. He told me all the tapes were digitized but didn’t want them made available to the public and didn’t trust that I wouldn’t provide them. He felt, if I understood him correctly, that they were for only the classmates which I don’t agree with at all even though many lessons were specific to that classroom.

Crl sent me copies of the letters Mrc had turned over to Rkk so then I knew what was going on and at the time didn’t recognize how Do’s not being specific with what to do with the tapes and leaving it up to Mrc/Srf was a test setup for all, so I more or less sided with Crl so tried to appeal to Mrc/Srf to make them available but I had no influence on Mrc/Srf. Crl has most of the details of what was a great amount of discord between him and others that I got somewhat in the middle of. The person that did the hoax came clean and asked for forgiveness but Crl last told me he doesn’t trust him though I tried to help him see we don’t need to trust him as we have no group or plans to coordinate or events to do together and that people can change, which XF was showing a capacity for off and on. XF admits struggling all the while, having a short temper and being prone to defensiveness as areas to overcome. Because of my activities, starting a blog and making video’s of me talking about my experience with TI and DO for the last 12 or so years, Crl has expressed how he believes, is about my building myself rather than being in service to Do.

I at one point wrote in a post or comment to someone that I believed myself to be the “most outspoken” about TI and DO’s information. Crl saw it later and called me on it and I owned up that it was an ego building influence with me that I let use me to try to impress this other person by. It’s a human way to try to impress someone with our self importance and in some competitive way to boot. Plus Crl has I’m sure sent out more of TI and DO and Their Class’ Books and tapes than I have by a long shot, though all in all it’s a human type of comparison.

There is a great value to disseminating exactly what TI and DO said and did in their words and in the words of the 38 active students. But it can also be quite valuable for any “active students” to share their personal experience as a number in the class did, to be found in the Purple Book’s materials posted on the web site, still maintained by Mrc/Srf that is good for copying and/or to downloading the free text/zip file of TI and DO and Crew’s Book. The evidence in this statement is in the way those classmates wrote their own papers, giving examples and talking about all they gleaned from TI and DO over the years, saying that they could be wrong about this and that perspective. They were with Do physically. He most likely read all their statements or at the very least his Helpers and writing task Overseers read them. I witnessed how even Do had some go over what he wrote and was open to corrections not in the content but in the grammar that can open doors to misinterpretation, doors Do preferred to close.

Slv was one student among those who wrote documents who had been a dropout from the 1980’s to her return in the 1990’s. TI and DO can be heard on the audio tapes talking about how their students all represented a genetic strain of humans who might most identify with the way in which one particular student expresses him or herself. Crl has put down my vast verbiage as nonsensical and rambling and I don’t disagree, though I hope it has improved over the years and have been told by some it has. He has accused me of acting as if people should look to me, to replace looking to what TI and DO have said, but as of yet haven’t seen any examples, though his criticism has put me on my toes more as I know I can slip into over-confidence, especially when it comes to what I believe I am seeing in scripture that TI and DO didn’t talk about directly.

Of late Crl has told me a number of times now that he knows that I am a “charlatan” and am really about promoting myself. I’m not saying I don’t have many things to overcome and one of them is an ego but nor do I believe dissemination of TI and DO’s info is restricted to only what they wrote when I have 19 years of personal group communications with both TI and DO and with one on one with Do in their classroom in which I also had writing tasks and was on the Beyond Human tapes as a helper to Do, was a “craft overseer” and gave many meetings around the country on TI and DO’s behalf in 1975-6 but especially in 1994 as a group overseer and primary speaker and communicator with the media. Now those are not qualifications as they were simply the avenue for my own lessons that also provided service to the mission. They just show the “tests” I was subject to that in so doing, as with all overcomers, would surface the influences with me that sought to build up my ego into being someone special. However, even though those positions seem lofty they didn’t keep me on the straight and narrow because I still dropped out having failed to graduate with my class. But we all get chances to try again, which I am in process of doing.

Even so, just because I can see how having so called lofty looking positions in TI and DO’s organization were lesson opportunities, that’s the way it works in the Next Level. The more we serve the more lesson opportunities we get and the more responsibilities we get assigned that give us more lesson opportunities. TI and DO said that never stops even after graduation. The lessons just become different. In this way TI and DO also felt they got lessons. One big lesson they said the got was by keeping that rental car beyond it’s turn in date. They considered it a lesson, yet we have no idea if their Older Member who there was some indication from Do was the other part of TI’s mind that he, TI, didn’t need to bring with him to perform the task through the female vehicle he took, led them to keep the rental car as long as they did to fulfill prophecy by. It gave the human authorities and media a clear reason to discredit and condemn them – to subdue – shoot them down in the street commons of the national media as occurred and was the way the prophecy of the Two Witnesses proceeded.

Plus TI and DO spoke about how students remained individuals. It’s true that they would grow to not want to be individuals, knowing that they thrive on every jot and tittle from their Older Members mind, but the Older Members don’t want robots or slaves. They want to trust each younger member will seek to do the most right thing in each new circumstance, because they will “pull” on their Older Members mind that includes all the parts of their mind they made their own mind. Thus for many things, they don’t have to ask their Older Member, though they still will remain sensitive to changes. TI and DO called that being “in tune” with our Older Member. When we are with them physically, in tune mostly means asking them by the mechanisms that were set up, how they would do this or that and then following what they receive. When the Older Members are not incarnate, we still have all they taught us to draw upon but with a mind to how to apply certain parts moment by moment instead of an automatic kind of adhering to the previous guidelines.

Now there are certainly some big areas that aren’t going to change. They aren’t going to approve of talking about the Next Level in inaccurate ways – diluting the information to make it more palatable for the masses. Yet to some it can seem to be a dilution. The key is to continue to check and the attempts to see how each circumstance may require a certain different handling. It is easy to be tricked and even if we are, if we continue to ask for help and to seek correction we will be shown where we get off the track. Even though Crl, I don’t believe was tasked to point out to Sawyer his slippages (missing the mark aka sin), I have actually asked Crl to do so repeatedly so he has the right to say what comes to his mind and he has been helpful to me in trying to stay better on TI and DO’s straight and narrow. But nor does everything someone says about us mean we must take it to heart as some are acting out their own lessons under discarnate influences whether they know it or not. Sure all things said can be worthy to consider but if we do consider things said to us with a mind to what TI and DO think about it, and if we don’t see how it fits, then it would be a mistake to try to make it fit.

I have had many more dreams mostly personal to my own growth. Having dreams doesn’t make anyone better. I believe when I have one, I need it. I don’t get new information from dreams and believe from them and prophecy and many things TI and DO said over the years that they gave me a task to take advantage of my dropping out to re-interpret Jesus prophecy to include the Book of Revelations. TI and DO had once assigned Dnc the task of rewriting the Bible, but he never got going very far on and then left the class. As I see more and more in prophecy being fulfilled by TI and DO and current event signs and governments behaviors and I write and talk about it on the internet and elsewhere I do get some attention from. If I am letting it go to my head, time will tell for sure as I am prepared to exit my vehicle because of “standing for TI and DO” at which time I will be judged by TI and DO. But meanwhile I remain open to criticism but am not going to make every shoe fit as the saying goes. If it fits I will try to change those ways that apply. Thus this has been a summary of some of the discord. There has been more. The Luciferians especially attack those that may or do choose to give themselves to the Next Level’s service but we don’t need to fear that as long as we ask TI and DO for help to deal with it as they would and keep pressing on. Everything is a test of whether we will respond as a member of the Next Level or not. And the tests are to help us build strength while being of service.

Regarding not having the remaining tapes. I understand Crl wanting them if only so he can hear what he wasn’t in the class to hear. I wish they were available to everyone. I have tried to help Mrc see that opinion and what seems to be quite clear as Do’s highest intention as stated in the letters themselves. Yet, I contend that if we needed them to be of service to TI and DO we would have them. I trust that TI and DO made sure Rkk got those tapes with TI on them so we could hear TI’s voice and observe how they worked together and what they covered. It’s a treasure trove of data though some who don’t believe in them at all don’t see anything they said as of value. Some appear to listen to them to see if they can find dirt on TI and DO. One new believer has in times past got very angry with Mrc’s holding back of the tapes and I keep saying it’s not a Next Level way and to trust that we have exactly what we need. He seems to agree and disagree. I understand that but anger can be just as strong a sensuality as sexuality so we gain strength from converting it into a positive. The positive is that we have so much information from TI and DO that we could listen to over and over and over and still not get all they were saying. Mrc answers to TI and DO, though we can continue to ask for the tapes which Mrc said were all digitized years ago.

I hold nothing against Crl and still know he seeks to contain TI and DO’s mind and serve. I only say this in this book to show how this battle waged against all those who are showing their allegiance to TI and DO is fought and how we can be subdued by it if we don’t push past each battle and take away from them our own lesson to change by. Jesus also taught that if you have something to say to one’s “partner” (brother, but it’s not a gender thing) say it.

Rev 13:8 And all that dwell upon the earth shall worship him, whose names are not written in the book of life of the Lamb slain from the foundation of the world.

All on the earth, who have not sought to show their allegiance to the Next Level’s Older Members in whatever ways the Next Level decides is the criteria, according to the three types, from the start of the civilization’s human kingdom experiment will directly or indirectly be giving their service (worship) to the Luciferian space alien (dragon and associate fallen angels). It’s key to see the real meaning of the word translated to “worship” as bowing and scraping, as many of the religious do. That’s a misconception of showing respect though perhaps it’s better than ignoring or claiming there is no Next Level, (thought that can be a good step away from religion). Do said “worship” was to “work for.” That’s doing tasks for – becoming the employee of, except in the Next Level all members couldn’t imagine doing anything different. None want to be leaders. None want humans serving them. If they wanted servants in the context it’s often seen, the Next Level would make or grow robots. They are way above that primitive mindset. Their membership thrive on being of service to their Older Members. The opposite of that is the way all who are not giving service to the Next Level are giving service to the Luciferians because the Luciferians have used their influence from the discarnate world where they trained spirits to work for them to keep humans in their mammalian behaviors and ways because then they will never wake up to what more there is. They become addicted to giving away their force in many ways but mostly through procreation, sexuality and by this time whatever they gravitate to that they are passionate about that didn’t come from TI and DO with the exception for those who never hear about TI and DO.

For example, when these who are not written in the book kill someone directly or indirectly, as we see increasingly in wars and police actions, I suspect all who justify this behavior are showing who they “work for,” the “false god,” even “false Christ” (as many would say they are Christians) and that’s just one example. Even killing others in self defense is breaking the Next Level’s rules though you can be forgiven that “missing of the mark” (sin). That is because when you lose your life from another hand because you don’t want to fight back you send that signal to the Next Level monitors and they know that you have a Mind that has some of their Mind still alive inside yourself so they take your spirit or Soul and save it for a new opportunity to grow closer to Next Level membership. Thus you are not dead. This is why Jesus said,

Mat 16:24 Then said Jesus unto his disciples, If any man will come after me, let him deny himself, and take up his cross, and follow me.
Mat 16:25 For whosoever will save his life shall lose it: and whosoever will lose his life for my sake ((1752 heneka= on account of, for the sake of, for this cause, therefore)) shall find it.
Mat 16:26 For what is a man profited, if he shall gain the whole world, and lose his own Soul? or what shall a man give in exchange for his Soul?
Mat 16:27 For the Son of man shall come in the glory of his Father with his angels; and then he shall reward every man according to his works.

A key here is that one is losing their life “on account of, for the sake of, for this cause.”

At this time even becoming a humanitarian or an environmentalist when one has been shown how it can become a time to give our all to TI and DO may be a lessor choice from one’s highest potential. This is the time to decide whether or not to seek to apply what Moses and Jesus later said was THE GREATEST COMMANDMENT to “love the Lord your God with all your heart, all your mind, all your Soul and all your strength.” This has nothing to do with joining a monastery or becoming a priest, reverend, pastor whether in a Buddhist, Hindu, Jewish, Islamic or Christian religious orientation. It’s not even a time to put ahead of “giving our all to our Older Members” service to help the homeless, the sick, the abused, the hungry, the depressed, etc. That was the lesson step Jesus gave, instructing his disciples and any who followed in his footsteps/teachings related to the SECOND GREATEST COMMANDMENT, to “love your neighbor as yourself,” which doesn’t get dropped as we must continue to treat one another with that example. Perhaps even the Luciferians may have passed that grade in school and they still fell away from completing their metamorphosis because what’s most important is to connect with the Next Level through their most recently incarnate Representatives, by adhering to all they taught that by doing so will show 100% consistency with all that the Reps taught in millennium past.

So this mouth of this Beast and Dragon amounts to all those who are empowered to wage battle (war) with those who have committed to serve the Next Level Older Members, TI and DO with their life. That’s the definition of a “saint.” It has nothing to do with what any religion calls a saint if it doesn’t meet this criteria, of course applicable to times when there was an incarnate Representative to give that commitment and service to. No human has any business saying who is or who is not a saint or the equivalent designation in any language or culture. Humans do this because of the misinformation sowing of the Luciferian space aliens seed aka the “tares” among humans. This is why the Next Level was so against making statues and pictures of people who were then often worshiped (the term for pretending to “work for” them) in some way, that over generations and Luciferian distortions ends up “working for” a an illusion of what they taught and did as we see now in all the religions with many Christians, whether they have a clue or not, as the epitome of false Christ worship of Jesus. The protestant reformation did correct some of these distortions that had crept into Catholicism but then they embraced equivalent or even greater demonic misinformation with the “saved by grace” distortion, propagated mostly by Paul’s letters, teaching that “Jesus died for us,” so we don’t have to do what he did, even saying we’d be sinning to “try” to do as he did as if it would insult him because he loves us so much he wanted to pay our price for admittance into his kingdom. And then there are all those rituals of being “born again,” born into that saccharine distorted “love” ignoring almost entirely everything he stood for and was trying to teach us to stand for, if we wanted to be with him in his Kingdom.

Many, even most have become their own dreaded Antichrist as they are now anti the entire Christing process, making what Jesus taught about moving closer to overcoming the human world null and void and more like a country club to belong to and then think are qualifying to reap the rewards of going to some Heaven. TI and DO indicated that taking an atheistic viewpoint can be a healthy step, having recognized the fallacies in the religions, though also a trap if it stops one from further seeking of the truth of where this vast world came from and by Whom and for what reason.

For a number of reasons I believe Pope Francis is one specific manifestation of this “mouth” who is doing this “blaspheming” (railing against), because he’s not teaching the actual Christing Overcoming of humanness Process, yet misleading people to think he is God’s Representative on earth to millions – using the name of the Lord in vain, participating in the speaking of vain repetitions, making a show of piety, building statues of humans to bow down to, dressing as if they were kings, amassing fortunes of gold and the like, calling their priests “Father” as if to say “heavenly Father” when there is only one who is the Heavenly Father Jesus was referring to with that name. Not talking about how Jesus saw peace and love but making those words into a human meaning.

Mention of God’s “Tabernacle” in Rev 13:6 may also refer to the recent observations of the TWO HUGE VERY APPARENT OBJECTS OVER THE SUN on July 21st 2014 video photographed by NASA’s space telescope and the MANY LIGHTS IN THE SHAPE OF A LAS VEGAS SIZE CITY ON CERES photographed by Hubble space telescope in 2004 and Dawn spacecraft in July 2015, and the FOUR ~200 MILES WIDE EQUIDISTANTLY SPACED FROM ONE ANOTHER, RECTANGULAR (HANGER/DOORWAY) LOOKING “SPOTS” (AS NASA CALLED THEM) ON PLUTO photographed by New Horizons spacecraft in July of 2015, because I’m not aware of any comments by him in any of those regards. However, saying nothing is also a strategy because we know well that the Vatican has it’s own observatory and works with others all over the world and has made statements about the prospect of space aliens or extraterrestrials that didn’t address them as “fallen angels” and/or descendents of the fallen angels, at all, so it seems he is siding against the real Next Level to not see that and express all the evidence in that determination.

I say this about Pope Francis because of how much media he has gained since he came to the papacy, largely because of his ecumenical (One World Religion) preaching before and during his visit to the U.S. from September 24 to 27th of 2015 and how this was during this years Jewish Shemitah, a Jubilee year that follows each 49 year period (seven weeks (yearly sabbath re-affirmation times) at the time of the harvest moon. This moon just so happened to be a very apparent BLOOD MOON ECLIPSE and the Moon was reddish because I saw it live.

It was also a Tetrad year which means there would be four blood moons in 2015 which hadn’t happened on a Shemitah year since the year 1919-1920, which is especially interesting as that is the decade Do said he and TI came to “tag” the vehicles they would awaken in later. TI’s vehicle would have been tagged then and Do’s in the early 1930’s.

This would not seem like a prophetic correlation if all these other events had not transpired but are especially interesting given that Ceres is the Roman mythical goddess related to the Greek Demeter which are related to GREEN as in the upcoming GREEN HORSE of Rev 6:8, who I’ve interpreted is the next U.S. President about to be inaugurated in 2017, that is also represented as the “goddess of the harvest” that would refer to both the way the Luciferian Space Aliens are harvesting the “tares”, those they sowed, as Jesus described that Do said were “weeds” to be pulled up from the “garden”, and to the way it’s also the time of the LAST WAVE “fruit”.

The winner of the presidency will then take on the name NAME “death” – Greek, Thanatos because they will be in office presiding over and trying to put a smile upon or to give a sense of hope to, what will be the start of the “winepress” of death including more waring, crime, famine, social unrest, and anarchy from all directions not only from those who are called Islamic terrorists – but this time including it’s manifestation in the U.S. Geography, while the Next Level kept that away during the time their TI and DO Overcoming Classroom was present til 1997.

The bottom line on this 4th Seal is that it’s harvest time into the Kingdom of God/Heaven in the “Winepress” great tribulation LAST stage when some will “give their lives for God” and that of course will be met by those who “kill others for god,” except that’s the false god in whatever form one serves the Beasts and their Image (spirituality and religiosity – including looking up to space aliens and even to holograms like Fatima that would seem to be expected). Giving one’s life for God is through asking our Heavenly Father for that service and trusting what we are shown is what we need to experience, which will always be a choice to do or ignore or slant in some other direction to avoid that hard choice. Some may actually lose their physical life in service to disseminating TI and DO’s information and reality because it will be seen as the ultimate blasphemy by all religious and spiritual (false prophets) and space alien worshipers (image of the Beast) and by the largely atheistic leaders of the U.S. Beast and the E.U. little beast (in comparison).

It is said another one of these types of Tetrads of blood moons won’t happen like this for another 33 years. In paying attention to these events and time frames, it’s interesting to back up 7 years from 2015 that brings us to the time I have reported I suspect was the Rev 10 and 11 prophesied, “Seventh Angel’s trumpet sounding” in the airing on October 17, 2008 of National Geographic channel’s, “FINAL REPORT: HEAVEN’S GATE,” that broadcast for the first time by a mainstream popular media organization, as a question, whether this Heaven’s Gate group/cult could be what Christians refer to as the “Second Coming” of Jesus the Christ. The reason I am paying notice to that timing is because of:

Rev 14:7 Saying with a loud voice, Fear God, and give glory to him; for the hour of his judgment is come: and worship him that made heaven, and earth, and the sea, and the fountains of waters.

This Judgment Hour time period here seems to be announcing the start of the LAST 40 year time period that may include the half hour, perhaps a 20 year period as the Seventh Seal’s time of “silence in heaven” shown in Rev 8:1.

At this time it seems the beginning of the previous “hour” was the 40 years, within which the BEAST, as the U.S. fell from the heights it held in the world’s eyes following World War I and II. I believe this falling hour began officially with President Richard Nixon’s resignation in 1974 to avoid a certain impeachment and forced removal from the presidency over the Watergate burglary and other “dirty tricks” that gave him the nick name, “Tricky Dicky.”

Nixon’s fall was followed in 1975 by the United State’s first clearly lost war over Vietnam, as the Korean war ended in a type of stalemate that divided the Korean peninsula that still stands today, however tentatively. 1975 was the same year, starting in late March that TI and DO spontaneously began public meetings in North Hollywood and the San Francisco bay areas and in Waldport, Oregon that gathered the bulk of their students from, their leaving all behind to follow with them, that by late September became a mystery about where these dozens of people went to. In early October these TWO, claiming to be from the same literal Heaven’s (outer space) and Heavenly Family that Jesus came from, were as a figure “shot down by the press,” the media mouthpiece of the U.S. BEAST.

TI and DO, then using the silly names Bo and Peep, had been tagged by the press “The UFO Two” and/or “The UFO Cult” that seems to have been the “subduing” (overcoming) of the Two Witnesses in Rev 11:7. That was followed by an unprecedented 20 years (1/2 hour) of relative peace in the mainland U.S. that allowed all manner of alternative groups to operate freely to include TI and DO’s group they called their “class” of students, mostly in the western U.S., the modern “temple” area. TI and DO’s group were branded a dangerous cult that the FBI suspected could have been responsible for a rash of most mysterious cattle mutilations and were compared to Charles Manson’s murdering manipulations of others and a few years later to the Jim Jones murder/forced suicides as was clearly shown by the video footage from Guyana.

This U.S. “fall” was secured starting at about the half hour point of 1997 by the PNAC group who planned for a new Pearl Harbor event to provide motivation to rebuild American’s military industrial complex to plan for a two front war, which culminated with the 2000 coup d’etat via the Federal Supreme Court stepping in to interfere with sovereign Florida’s supreme court decision to recount the Florida vote by ordering them not to recount. Then came the first fall event of 9/11/2001 in the WTC/Pentagon attacks that correlate with the timing of the Rev 6 Red Horse in a reason to have “endless war” and a huge reduction of rights.

This verse shows the 9/11 attacks happen in the same hour that began some part of 40 years earlier:

Rev 11:13 And the same hour was there a great earthquake, and the tenth part of the city fell, and in the earthquake were slain of men seven thousand: and the remnant were affrighted, and gave glory to the God of heaven.

(I’ve already fully interpreted this verse in the Rev 11:13 section).

Even though it was said the primary reason for the Pope’s visit was to attend the “World Meeting of Families 2015” in Philadelphia, he combined it with addressing a joint session of congress that included President Obama’s cabinet and the Supreme Court Justices and the next day he gave a talk at the United Nations General assembly which is in the process of celebrating it’s seventieth year since being founded on 24 October 1945.

I suspect this “seventy” has a direct relationship to Daniel’s reference to Jeremiah’s prophecy in:

Dan 9:2 In the first year of his reign I Daniel understood by books the number of the years, whereof the word of the LORD came to Jeremiah the prophet, that he would accomplish seventy years in the desolations of Jerusalem.

(See Jer 25:11-12 and Jer 29:10 for what Daniel is referring to)

Now one could interpret this as many have into referring close enough to the 65 or so years that passed before the Kingdom of Judah broke off from the other 10 Israeli Kingdoms (tribes) and then were all scattered by the Syrians.

It’s interesting how in September of 2015 many thousands of Syrians chose to risk death on the Mediterranean Sea to get to Hungry where they were briefly stalled but then allowed into Hungry but the trains ceased running so many began to walk to the Austrian border and were allowed to enter and many of which made their way to Germany before the EU started insisting on border countries closing their borders and primary route to asylum. After all they were trying to escape the ongoing war in Syria that was escalating with Russia joining in on bombing ISIS – the self proclaimed Islamic State in Syria, aiding Assad’s government while the U.S. has been bombing as well (as well as other EU nations like France – all wanting a piece of the pie or whatever advantage they each feel they have by being there), but want to oust Assad which is like the reverse of when Syria invaded Jerusalem and Judea and sent Jews scattered abroad.

Whether we admit it or not the U.S. is largely run by Israeli interests, money, people, corporate ties. The Jews in the U.S. own most of the media (mouthpiece) and the entertainment media is included in that along with most of congress and it’s well known Wall Street Investment banks and dominate President Obama’s cabinet.

And though I don’t doubt that “seventy” could have also applied to then, the prophecy in the visions of Daniel were most applicable to the end time as Jesus indicated and that time period coordinates with the end of World War II, the establishment of the Jewish state in the Palestinian territory and the opening of the bottomless pit shown in Rev 9:1 which is most represented by the times of the crashes of spacecraft in the U.S. southwest, called Roswell and Aztec, Laredo and a few others, that by the way the Luciferians also stimulated as “copy cat” crashes by some of the space aliens groups who at that time were let out of their underground hiding places where they largely were locked up during the time of Noah’s flood, where they have been surviving for generations since.

During those 70 years the United States “fell,” depicted in prophecy as the new Babylonian Empire with the “woman” of Rev 17, Lady Liberty as the new city of Babylon being New York City dominated by Jewish Zionist and Christian Zionist business leaders fully sympathetic and supportive of the new state of Israel their ancestors saw to establishing by deals surrounding the U.S. entrance into both WWI and WWII and continuing to date against that Arabs all over the middle east. These who are Jews no longer have any real relationship to much of anything Moses taught, just like those who call themselves Christians have little to nothing to do with what Jesus taught. They are all products of the Luciferian misinformation campaign, as are we all unless we are given a seed by the Next Level and wake up to the truth and choose to pull on those threads of truth to discard the misinformation from our Mind/Spirit and/or Soul filling it instead with the true information about the Next Level, the Older Members TI and DO provided.

The falls were gradual until the end of the age began in the year 2000 with the Supreme court ruling to stop the Florida Supreme courts recount of the Florida votes to insure G.W. Bush would be elected and would preside over what would take place as a result of the 9/11 attacks that produced the first fall and the global financial collapse as the second fall. This was followed by a recovery of that wound on the Beast’s head.

All this is ushering the globe into the “time of great tribulation, not seen since the beginning of this civilizational human world” as prophesied by Jesus and a number of Old Testament prophets.

On September 26, 2015 at the United Nations both the president of Russia, Vladimir Putin and president of China, Xi Jinping gave speeches. Supposedly Xi Jinping was there to talk about giving more rights to women in China while Putin was supposedly there to talk about the Ukraine but ended up being more interested in showing their interest in the Syria conflict.

Rev 13:9 If any man have an ear, let him hear.

Having an ear means you recognize what’s being said as having validity, truth, accuracy, a reflection of reality, so can become further understood by paying attention to and applying what’s provided to enable further “hearing.”

TI & DO The Father & “Jesus” Heaven’s Gate UFO Two Witnesses – Section IV.B.-The Seven Seal Openings-Second Seal-“Red Horse” (G.W.Bush) – Endless Military War

February 15, 2017


Rev 6:3 And when he had opened the second seal, I heard the second beast ((Living Being)) say, Come and see.
Rev 6:4 And there went out another horse that was red: and power was given to him that sat thereon to take peace from the earth, and that they should kill one another: and there was given unto him a great sword.

The Soul that “sat” on this horse described as ruddy/red would primarily be instrumental in “taking peace from the earth.” He was “given” a great sword is a reference to the military. The Next Level doesn’t promote the waring nor help them build up their military might. They just know this is the direction the Luciferians always try to influence the humans to, but They for a time HOLD BACK the larger part of their efforts to allow Their incarnate Older Members “Overcoming Classroom” to operate, since during the time of this waring there will be increased scrutiny of dissident groups that strange cults could then become targets of. Thus when the “overcoming classroom” was completed and they exited their incarnations they removed the restraints they put upon the Luciferian influences thus “giving” the humans the freedom to re-engage their quest for power.

Note the Greek word translated to “kill” in this verse is sphazo, which is a straight forward way of describing “slaying, slaughtering, butchering, to put to death by violence, to mortally wound” others. And that’s what the world got primarily from the one sitting upon this Ruddy/Red horse – ENDLESS WAR using the 9/11 attacks as the justification.

So this time period is marked by the establishment of the New World Order with the U.S. having it’s seat and authority. The Luciferian Space Aliens (the Dragon) provides the ultimate power in the technologies their pawns, the space aliens had been sharing with the U.S. government since the 1940’s and 1950’s crashes and other cooperative efforts reported since, to include an alleged meeting at Holloman Air Force Base in 1979 and an alleged jointly operated U.S./space alien underground base near Dulce, New Mexico where hybridization experiments were being carried out. (It’s not important that these are totally accurate in terms of times and locations as in part it could be misinformation or a mix of real and disinformation. However, overall, Do came to know some cooperation were going on and since my study of prophecy that has been born out, however unofficially documented.

It’s because of the U.S. knowledge of the space alien presence and help with technology that many humans in positions of power were motivated to do whatever it took to steer the country in directions they could not tell everyone about because they felt it had to do with both survival of the current way of life and even the human race, while enabling the potential to rival the power of the space aliens. These objectives were significantly moved ahead at various stages over the last 40+ years but seem to have been secured more formally in the government when the U.S. Supreme Court illegally stepped in to instruct the Florida Supreme court not to recount the Florida 2001 presidential election votes, amidst many irregularities that surfaced, after the Florida court voted to do that recount. Though it’s a continued debate, there is at least one report that claims Gore would have won the presidency, while the greater awareness of the space alien threat seemed to be held among those more in line with George W. Bush and his Republican party and their military and security affiliates who had become the basis of what became known as “The Shadow Government.”

The plan to fully take over the U.S. government was hatched in 1997 officially through the documentation produced by the private think tank/committee called, PNAC, “Progress for a New American Century” that called for “Rebuilding America’s Defenses” which they wrote required a Pearl Harbor type of event, so America could be prepared to fight a war with two major fronts. So that is what they got and the 9/11 plan was hatched, though no doubt was taking advantage of those who hated the U.S. who were behind the first bombing attempt of the World Trade Center. (Again, for all I know some of this is inaccurate. It’s not that important how it was done and who was behind it the most. It’s all lower force Luciferian driven space aliens getting humans to do their bidding in one way or another and deceit and lies are always part of their modus operandi, to get humans to develop the technologies and will to use them so they can hope to get off the planet before the next recycling period forces them underground again.

This verse describes this effort and how it was orchestrated by the Luciferians for the creation of a one world government with all it’s allies to include all human interested organizations and governments who had become programmed to think the earth was their planet to do with whatever they wanted, though little did they know that period of their having such power was coming to an end. Some of the space aliens know the ones they think of as just another race like themselves have significant technologies to try to combat or escape from, thus the more governments cooperating the better, while also keeping the worlds so called rogue governments ineffective in reducing their largely hidden agenda to war against the Kingdom of God as depicted in Rev 16’s battle of Armageddon. (There will not be any contest in this battle).

This next verse describes the formulation of that One World Government that is called the Beast – a wild, poisonous animal because to the Next Level they are mammalian humans who work against the Next Level’s plan for the garden, though the Next Level takes advantage of their choices by subjecting their upcoming students to their Luciferian mindset and it’s influenced over them, as when the students conquer caving to their influence they show they are ready to take over the positions the one’s called the Luciferian fallen angels forsook when they broke ranks with their Next Level Older Members.

Rev 13:2 And the beast which I saw was like unto a leopard, and his feet were as the feet of a bear, and his mouth as the mouth of a lion: and the dragon gave him his power, and his seat, and great authority.

To review alot of the details that show the assent of this BEAST to it’s One World Domination, see sections: III.D.4.b.i., ii., iii., and iiii. that describes a significant description of the way the 4th kingdom’s Beast rose to power as shown by the Old Testament Prophet Daniel’s night visions.

This extends to the opening of the 4th Seal which is when the New World Order is in place in a cooperative attempt to prepare to fight against what one part of the elite, who lean to Atheism and/or New Age Spirituality, are behind the governments under the impression the Reptilian Space Aliens are mounting an attack on Earth, while another part of the Christian leaning elite see the space aliens rightly as all Luciferians but don’t distinguish how they are actually under the spell and misinformation of the Luciferians to continue to think the Kingdom of God/Heaven is a spiritual realm. Thus both factions that are global in scope are preparing to war in the heavens against space aliens, while they have become the puppets of the space aliens to be mounting an attack/defense against who really are the Evolutionary Level Above Human whose Older Members literally created by hard work our entire reality – the stars, planets and all the life forms as their hothouse to grow Souls upon for their new membership opportunity.

Further details are provided in section: III.D.10. re: Rev 11:13 – The Same Hour (40 years) great shaking… Rev 6:3-4’s Second of Seven Seals being opened).

Rev 13:3 And I saw one of his heads as it were wounded to death; and his deadly wound was healed: and all the world wondered ((admired)) after the beast.

I believe the U.S. is one of those heads and it’s wound was the 9/11 attack on the World Trade Center and Pentagon that shook the world and also stimulated the Red/Ruddy “horse” figurehead, U.S. president, George W. Bush to start a global wide “endless war on terror.” For a brief time world opinion of the U.S. sky rocketed. The beast, the U.S. was “admired.”

This might have to do with the timing of the instigation of the U.S. war on Iraq, when the U.S. leaders were trying to gather support to go to war against Saddam Hussein working (worshiping) the Luciferians interests of building U.S. technologies that are accelerated by war in the increased funding and manpower and related developments:

Rev 13:4 And they worshipped the dragon which gave power unto the beast: and they worshipped the beast, saying ((lay forth, set discourse)), Who ((what, where every man)) is like ((similar in character)) unto the beast? who is able to make war with ((amid, accompanying)) him?

Also this might be setting the stage for what Rev 16 calls the war of Armageddon which is against the ones the “Beast” – bestial humans loyal to governments, institutions, corporations and supportive individuals knowingly or not fostering or turning a blind eye to what has become called “business” but is actually highly predatory “poisoning” human mammalian behaviors and ways that are stimulated by the remnant of offspring who all become referred to by their ancestors, the Luciferian space aliens aka fallen angels.

These space aliens, largely through contactees and abductees and their hybridizing and technical development projects and through talk among some in the various UFO phenomena related communities directly and/or indirectly involve themselves with earth governments to influence humans to think they are the “good aliens” and that they need to work together to combat the approaching “bad space aliens,” depicted as the Reptilians and their robot Grays.

Some of the space aliens have told humans they are from various star systems that make them into Pleiadians, Aetherians, Arcturans, etc., all of which and more having associated human groups, moreorless led by various contactees such as Frenchman Rael’s, Raelians, that either say directly or strongly imply are also the returned Jesus and/or Buddha or Maitreya or a devotee, teacher, diplomat, ambassador or some sort of go between to humans, just like we saw developed throughout history that is apparent today as the Holy Roman Catholic Church with it’s hierarchy that directly consider themselves God’s authority on earth.

Some of these Space Aliens with their human groups claim to have physical bodies and others claim their natural state that they say their followers can also look forward to is having a “light or spirit body,” thus prompting some humans to embrace death and/or not fear it, thinking instead like other religious that it’s a welcomed condition that is elevated above the physical realm where they can be “free” so they can even travel to other planets at will and help others transition to.

Thus they want to be dead, a twist to what Jesus and TI and DO taught of growing from overcoming our human ways to where death simply provides the final detachment to our humanness IF WE HAVE “CHANGED OVER” INTO A NEW BEING THAT IS COMPATIBLE WITH A NEXT LEVEL BODY that is grown for each one who has graduated.

These space aliens in bodies or not teach what they actually believe but what they don’t know is that their reality is about to be dissolved so is a dead end way of thinking because becoming spiritual is another type of human level addiction that promotes the heightening of self as a destination “heaven” or “bliss” – universal or cosmic consciousness that the Next Level when they are ready just flips a switch, so to speak and is gone, or perhaps vacuums up into and/or by a “Lake of Fire” somehow. I don’t know the mechanics but there are indications it’s not a pleasant condition to be in and is said to be eternal but I suspect that’s because their energy is recycled as waste. I don’t suspect they retain consciousness of having gone against the Next Level as I don’t know why the Next Level would care. If they no longer could influence humans, why keep them around though I can imagine that allowing some to exist in some way in a perpetual type of “longing to be alive” even though by then it’s strictly programmatic as they have no sensory system, could be sending out a message that such a condition exists that is undesirable to find oneself in, where the idea of Hell came from as a disincentive to thinking the spirit world is a desirable destiny. This can be seen as part of the Next Level’s way of preparing the planet – seeding it with all the options that humans can choose from, as TI and DO spoke a little about.

Note TI and DO said all the space aliens were Luciferians as they have bought into the Luciferian misinformation and they are all also “human equivalents,” proven by their values and spiritual belief systems.

We worship who/what we “work for.” The Luciferian space aliens are more and more being worshiped by all those who are seeing the space aliens as “brothers.” After all they promote peace and good will and environmental care because they are knowledgeable as to the value of those things for their people and for humans to survive and thrive as they NEED them to. Worship of the beast is in patriotism to the systems of governments most directly applied to working for the United States and Western powers like the EU. Allegiance has to do with putting the systems first in any battle of mindsets.

Though one can not judge any one person, as we never know when someone can change their behaviors, who we show our allegiance to is what will show the Next Level to whom we really love and support the actions of. The system, even though one can say it’s needed to keep the peace, so to speak is totally corrupted as it is a product of the entire Luciferian misinformation mindset and priorities though most don’t know it but the Next Level is forcing the show of, while it’s up to each to choose to seek to recognize and SEE or not.

For instance, increasingly during this time in the early 2000’s more than at any time before there is an abundance of evidence to provide ample reasons to distrust governments, institutions, corporations, religious and/or secular and all those who are their leaders and staunch followers.

With most young and older adults in the U.S. and Europe and actually all over the world having cell phones with video capability hardly anything is missed. More and more police are being shown to be violent and brutal and breaking their own rules because of their bigotries, hatred’s, poor judgment and personal conflicts.

With the U.S. and Great Britain and allies unjust invasions of Afganistan and Iraq and the blatant profiteering from those wars by corporations like Halliburton, even linked directly with G.W. Bush’s vice president, Dick Cheney as the tip of the iceberg, showed more and more the basis for this distrust. The election of a African American “black” president drove many white conservative Republicans and fringe groups over their edge of civility. Proof of major coverups keep coming to light. The latest I saw offered simple proof that the Twin Towers couldn’t have free fallen from the plane crashes into them because of how many seconds it should have taken to do so, against how they fell several seconds faster, proving they were pushed down by the explosive charges that were also heard going off on tapes and heard by witnesses. This simple idea was introduced on top of a huge amount of collaborating evidences leaving any discerning mind knowing the party line 9/11 commissions explanations was overall a deceit.

Rev 13:5 And there was given unto him a mouth speaking great things and blasphemies; and power was given unto him to continue forty and two months.

– MOUTH – The Internet seems to me to be the biggest “mouth” the Luciferians are using through all the BEAST’s infrastructure of channels. The overview of the mouth of the beast is the corporate/governmental media complex that has become consolidated to 6 conglomerates that corner 90% of the market, promoting all forms of allegiance alongside every form of misinformation and even disinformation in all forms, while truths are previous misdeeds are brought to light. Meanwhile new discoveries are skyrocketing in all fields of research and development while existing trains of thought still drive the larger part of the corporate and institutional organizations increasing the gap between what used to be considered a fact and what might be pure fiction. One example is that on the news a comet will be spoken about as a snow ball made of ice and rock while landing on one comet and shooting another with a rocket and close snapshots of others and many unusual characteristics across the board of many observations keep on showing that humans know little about them. The same holds true with lots of earth science, finding bones that show as humanoid with unusually large skulls and finding ancient tunnels in the Grand Canyon that have large man made rooms underground that show Egyptian hieroglyphics on some walls and all sorts of new revelations behind the wars and coverups and on and on and on that makes a great deal of what’s taught in the high schools obsolete yet kids and young people are still being brainwashed to believe.

There are so many varied viewpoints and considerations and conspiracy theories being floated about. For many of the mass bombing and shooting events in schools and other public places come the “false flaggers” – normally thought of intelligent people who don’t believe what the government tells them so they don’t believe much of anything anymore and because of coverups and conspiracies they know about think most every event has been staged. It used to be thought the moon landing was staged in Hollywood. Now there are people who others listen to who moreorless say anything that’s too challenging to hear is staged which goes along with saying the Jesus story was staged and that the lights on Ceres were staged in a studio somewhere. It’s like a plague of distrust and rightfully so but often seemingly misapplied but it’s so hard to sort through and especially when we’re a society that is losing common sense which I believe TI and DO equated with giving away one’s force all the time through sexuality and propagation of the species, where that energy can actually assist in consciousness expansion, though can also be misdirected into fostering more human behaviors but in more of a “spiritual realm” of further illusion promotions and tricks and a false sense of well being and satisfaction and comfort from practicing.

One can talk peace and love and God in all the depictions and/or Jesus, Mohammad, Maitreya, Messiah, Mahdi, or any other identifications while anticipating a return of a previous personage as prophesied and still not be showing the genuine Kingdom of God from the literal Heavens, the Next Level their allegiance. It’s easy to slip into. Taking so long to complete this book I was wondering if TI and DO saw me as “dragging my feet” because I still spend most of my time with mammalian interests and behaviors.

I had a dream with Do in it and I was sitting at a long table and there were maybe ten or so other people I didn’t see clearly and had no sense of recognition of who they were, who were at the table along both sides and Do was at the head of the table. I was struggling to see him as if I had just awoken from sleep and was squinting to see him. After awakening I had a particularly hard time waking up. I was squinting the same way for some minutes, not like ever before and I have nothing to account for it other than the dream. As with every dream I’ve had with Do and/or students there is an overall message with it, which in this case was that I was “barely awake” equated to being able to see him for who he is at all, which was something Carlan (Crlody) would say to me he remained thankful for and I sort of took it for granted.

The next night I had a dream with Jnnody and Smmody that I don’t recall the detail of now but it was about being of service which I knew I was at best dragging my feet on. Sure I would go on the internet everyday and spend some hours responding to people’s comments and posts, often with Next Level and TI and DO references and I would work on this book for hours everyday and give some personal testimony in some small or large way among acquaintances and friends and even the vehicle’s family, but all that only amounted to being “barely awake” and I later could see how all of a sudden I could think I am this big shot with this vast experience with TI and DO while slipping into the same stupor those I talk about who are into their religiosity and spirituality and atheistic self aggrandizement as intellectuals and scientists and artists, etc. have become, though with most of them, they may not have had nearly the chance to rise out of it as I have, so I may in fact be more asleep than they. Of course there is no competition in this, except as a competition with the Luciferian space alien adversaries and other “boogers” – discarnate influences and the humans most used by them.

The Next Level crews will decide who has the capacity to know Them better and thus who will sort themselves into which category (TI and DO called a “box”) of “saved” or to be disposed of as waste, and it will have nothing to do with what label one puts on their belief or non-belief system. It will simply come down to who each one of us is talking to in the Next Level and whether or not we have expressed to the highest Beings we can imagine in that Level Above Human our desire to be in their service or not. If that is not what we ultimately want, no matter how many good works we do, the Next Level crew may or may not help you by keeping you from having your spirit/Soul recycled. They don’t need anyone who doesn’t want to work for them yet they are willing to help each of us come to terms with what we want, verses what we are attached to of/in this world, though to not act quickly when it dawns on us we have the option is also a way we can be entrapped by the lower forces.

Members of the Next Level don’t think or teach that anyone SHOULD leave all behind to become a full time servant and disseminator of their most recently provided information provided when TI and DO were incarnate. Nobody should do anything they don’t want to do. But it’s actually real employment that includes eventually separating from all our attachments in relationships and addictions to reap the promised rewards to become a Member of the Kingdom of God/Heaven. So one that receives this information about TI and DO – the most accurate portrayal of the reality of what was in the records called by Jesus the Kingdom of God and Kingdom of/in the Heavens, must be willing to “stand for them.” “Standing” for them means believing in everything they said AND telling others about them while accepting the consequences to our human condition, as most we tell about TI and DO will not respond favorably and will begin to ignore, shun or oppose you. We shouldn’t push things on anyone or even suggest it’s an ultimatum or route to “pie in the sky” as is done by religions.

It’s not meant that we impose TI and DO’s information on others without seeing some kind of asking but nor can we just sit back and wait for people to ask or require a certain form of asking. We simply ask TI and DO to lead us to what they want us to do, who might have an ear that may take us to certain events as they know who else they have given a seed to that they can help find you, so they can wake up a little more by what you might say to them when you come together.

We are not limited to any one way of “standing for TI and DO.” TI and DO’s examples were to put things in the media wherever possible and communicate with people who want more information or are seeking for answers TI and DO have provided. We’re not trying to start a new study group or “cult” or “overcoming classroom” as such will be started by an Older Member upon their return after the spading and recycling of the civilization has completed. They are basically taking applications to be in a future classroom.

TI and DO didn’t have us guilt people into paying attention to the information, though would tell what we were given as the truth as it’s drawn from us. For instance, when traveling sharing information in 1975-6, having no income/funds they sent us out to go to a destination city and said to “test” the churches on the way for your needs of food, gasoline and at times shelter. It was a test because Jesus told his disciples that Christians claim to be, to give to those who asked something from you. We were not instructed to ask for money, nor to specify what kind of food.

Incidentally, TI and DO did not approve of “dumpster diving” that they learned some were doing at some Dunkin Doughnut shops. They also didn’t limit the asking to churches and we never just asked for help without stating that we were working for the Kingdom of God, mostly in that terminology, but not as an instruction, but according to the context of the desired interface.

In this day and age I suspect using TI and DO’s terminology might be met with more recognition if they were given a deposit so could help them awaken more. Perhaps saying both terminology in some way will feel best. If they are glued to terminology so intently that you use a term and it causes them to reject you outright, they may not have a deposit or it might take your leaving their presence for them to think about what you said. The point is to open as many doors to TI and DO as we can. Let them close the doors if they choose to. In some situations you will be rejected. It’s not a pleasant vibration to deal with so just excuse yourself and like Jesus said, “knock the dust off your feet” – shake off the negativity they will have to embrace to reject you. We didn’t make a point to go to every church in a town. Even Jesus said not to go “household to household” like some Christian evangelicals do. Nor did we tell people to change their ways or burn in hell. It’s so general and prone to misinterpretation and a false sense of piety to talk like that or to read those scriptures to people. or think we can make that judgment on another. When it does attract someone, what does it attract them to. Often it’s another form of misinformation. (See Luk 10:1-24 for Jesus instructions for disseminating his info). Yes the recycling will come when the Next Level is done making Their offer.

Doing this more and more will bring about your separation from the human kingdom’s behaviors and ways as you also seek to adopt more of the behavior and ways taught by TI and DO. That is all part of the separation formula and what goes along with it as you feel to, is regular asking what more we can do in their service, always using the names TI and DO as our “address” for contact and learning while being keen to recognize their responses not by voices or words in our heads or by visions or even day dreams or remote viewing or psychic reading techniques. Even dreams are suspect. One will not get new information or new instructions but one may get what they recognize is an answer to their questions that could be in a dream, but it won’t suggest you to do something. Nor will someone else direct you in any way that you would take as instruction. Those are all tricky ways the Luciferian discarnates can and will work against us. I suspect even dreams if they feel to send you communication that way will be far and few between, if at all. One isn’t elevated by having dreams, as I have had many of. I needed them, so they may be a sign of how far I fell, but it also may be a little different when someone had a face to face relationship with the Older Members, TI and/or Do, though it guarantees nothing about them and what they do with having had that relationship. It doesn’t automatically mean anything to one’s forward growth, though I admit the dreams do make a lasting impression, but again, if I don’t grow from them, then I could be worse off than someone who has had no dreams from them as we are each measured in comparison to our Older Member and not to fellow students as I am to other believers.

We don’t need to fear the Luciferians or humans, in the sense of a scifi horror movie, though fear of how they could influence us from further growing our relationship to the Older Members of the Next Level would be healthy to fear, as with fearing our Older Member’s judgment that can be a motivation to stay on the straight and narrow path. We don’t try to test ourselves by engaging in behaviors and ways that we were once addicted to – like sexuality for instance. Next Level Members don’t have sexuality thus would be new members need to outgrow desire for it and learn how to cease re-engaging and as with any human behaviors if we “slip” (the term TI and DO used to replace “sin”), try to learn what led to the slippage and get back on the straight and narrow. In our classroom community we had “slippage meetings” where everyone would take a turn expressing things they did that they considered to be a “slip.” We were not allowed to talk about sexual things because of how even talking about it can stimulate some so if we had a slippage in a sexual way, we would say we “slipped in sensuality” and we would also say we wrote a note to TI and DO with the details. One student would volunteer to record what everyone said and send it as a report to TI and DO. We needed to include a “remedy” with every slippage. Slippages should never mention another nor imply another’s fault for our slippage. If someone said something angry to you and you responded back in an angry way, then your slippage would be that you had an angry response and it was important to say what it was. That was not considered the same as a sensuality slippage. We had these meetings about once a week.

Jesus gave guidelines on how to handle problems which I think would apply to this time just the same and especially since there is no Older Member incarnate to report to and to put a student in that position, I believe would be like what we see today with priests hearing confessions that I believe in most cases probably does more harm than any little good that comes from telling another one’s slippages.

Another meeting we had was called a “help wanted meeting.” If we wanted help from our fellow students we could call such a meeting for ourselves, again not to use to get one’s beef off on another. The same rules applied as with the slippage meetings. Also the craft overseer partnership could call a help wanted meeting for someone else whether they wanted one or not. Do wouldn’t attend either a slippage meeting or help wanted meeting notes were taken and a report was sent to him.

Part of the problem with this information age is that there is so much information, unless one seeks out all that’s happening with any one subject, all they have time for are “sound bytes” in the headlines from mostly the mainstream media that includes all the internet browsers like Google, Bing (Microsoft) and Yahoo, etc. These stream stories but if you don’t look at all they reported each day, it’s easy to miss a great deal, yet one can think they are well informed. Since most people have jobs they travel to and from with varied commutes, by the time they take care of their needs to eat and sleep and some chores everyday, they are mostly exhausted so only catch certain news in little in between spurts.

-MONTHS in Rev 13:5 could be translated in the same kind of Rev 11:2 reference, noting two meanings in it’s root, one pertaining to 30 days and another to a period of time when individuals can show their affirmation of allegiance to the Next Level.

-FORTY TWO in both verse can also seem to have the same meaning, referring to both an amount of days and the affirmants during that time and pertaining to the time period allotted for these 42 affirmants.

Forty comes from the Greek tessarakonta which actually translates to, “the decade of (four, forty, fourth)” which is all interesting and especially in the context of each of it’s two usages in these Revelations prophecies because they seem to be relating to the FIRST (Rev 11:2) and the LAST (Rev 13:5) harvest WAVES Do spoke about but may be about four decades each. This could have been said as “hour” but then it wouldn’t have simultaneously described how many affirmants there would be and the time period of their affirmations.

The Next Level could know exactly which souls are attempting to borrow human vehicles that were tagged from birth for their usage at this time so they would know what number to describe.

But back to the two periods and how they could be related to the opening of the next two “seals,” the fourth and fifth, both of which are described as times of the continuation of the “overcoming of the saints” by the Dragon/Beast shown in Rev 13:7 to where this depiction of Saints are those who “remain,” aka the “remnant” who have committed to the Next Level and TI and DO in particular to give their lives, literally, mentally and physically in service to TI and DO that does bring about their “separation (from their human lives and perhaps from their vehicles) by dying,” literally and figuratively dying to their humanness (in Rev 6:8 – the time of the fourth seal) but said as their being “slain,” a more literal translation of the physical death of the body in the Greek word, “sphazo”= to slay, slaughter, butcher, put to death by violence, mortally wound, stated in Rev 6:9 during the opening of the fifth seal.

In any case, the death of the human vehicle affirms one’s allegiance, whether to the Next Level or to the Mammalian Human kingdom because of what we think, say and do up until then that Do talked about as being taken into whatever “heaven” we believe in. Heaven in that context, I believe referred to whatever literal location ones spirit and/or Soul is taken to because of who/what they believe in when their vehicle dies as the vehicle is necessary to form that commitment so without it, one has solidified their sealed/marked allegiance.

Rev 13:6 And he opened his mouth in blasphemy against God, to blaspheme his name, and his tabernacle ((4633 skene= habitation, tent, vessel [human vehicle He takes over for his task], implement, fig. specially, a wife as contributing to the usefulness (goods [fruit])) of the husband, tent built for Jehovah in the Moses camp, movable temple of God)), and them that dwell in heaven.

Blasphemy has to do with saying things that are against the truth provided by the One true God. Obviously for anyone to say that a Kingdom of God/Heaven doesn’t exist and teaches such are influencing others to go against the same recognition and thus would qualify as “railing against the truth” (blasphemy). The Luciferians influenced humans to think they had the judgment to determine who was blasphemous and some say the penalty Moses gave was to execute them, which is what the Jewish high priests used to justify having the Roman government execute Jesus for.

Regarding that history, TI once said there were parts of the Bible she didn’t think was representative of Next Level behavior and no doubt there was tampering with what Moses wrote just like there has been tampering with what was written about Jesus. I don’t recall TI saying specifically what she questioned but I have always wondered how the Lord could say it was a major commandment for a human to not kill another human (which by the way, Jesus supported so we don’t have any reason to think that was misinformation) to then order Moses to order those that sided with him to kill those that didn’t agree to the covenants to those commandments. The same with the penalty for blasphemy that said one who blasphemes shall surely die or shall be put to death.

I could see at that early toddler classroom, where Moses was up against many who sought to kill him or supplant his leadership that the Next Level was not going to let those bad apples spoil the batch of vehicles and spirits and/or souls in development. After all to the Next Level all human vehicles are no more than plants. If a weed comes up in our vegetable garden and we kill it, is that an ugly thing. The problem comes up in plants determining who are the weeds. TI and DO said there was no justification for a human to kill another human. In other circumstances the Lord gave certain warnings and said the penalty for disobeying was death and when some disobeyed, the records say they were killed. It’s possible some of that was a distortion just like we always see after the Older Member exists their incarnation. One time the Lord made fire come down from the heavens to consume those who disobeyed and another time the Lord opened up the earth and swallowed up those who were bent on overthrowing Moses rule.

The Lord also said he would clear the way, when there were tribes who could threaten the Moses classroom and at one point when some in the camp insisted on fighting, Moses let them and they were defeated badly, but then Moses said if they looked to him during a battle as when to fight and when not do, then they would win. They followed that lead and sure enough they won easily because no doubt the Next Level saw to it that the enemy was easily defeated which taught them to look to Moses. That sounds like Next Level to me to make a positive out of a negative. And it was a serious rebellion to ignore the sabbath rules.

We must not forget that it was the breaking of a simple instruction that cause Adam and Eve to fall so following the rules was crucial to showing the Next Level we wanted to be counted theirs, but Moses may have counted it a mistake to order the killing of that one who disobeyed even though the Lord didn’t intervene. However, all of that was updated by Jesus who did not agree with the penalty for adultery when caught in the act – being stoned. Thus those humans who had become blood thirsty against Jesus were from a long line of human plants that were using the Moses laws to maintain their own power, not because it was the right thing to do so much. They were assuming they were of the equivalent authority over others that Moses had which continued with Christians who then persecuted anyone who appeared to “rail against the Lord’s truth,” that they, like the Jewish leaders were influenced to think again that they were in a position to judge. But the positive that came out of that was that generations then flew away from what had become named Christianity, though it also became a test of whether they would still see the truth in what Jesus taught and how what those Christians were teaching and/or doing as contrary to what Jesus taught.

Speaking in some way is the biggest part of what defines blasphemy, reason being I believe because of how it can then influence others to one’s own believed and accepted misinformation. This is also the only unforgivable sin according to Jesus because someone who is actively promoting this kind of misinformation (of course not really knowing it is or having ignored clues that could have led to knowing that it was) is programming themselves in that same misinformation that becomes “burned in” to the hardware of our brain – mind/spirit after a while.

Misinformation is also evidenced through those who preach about how we are “saved by grace,” that is, by Jesus blood as if his dying was for us so we don’t have to, instead of the true information that he demonstrated overcoming to include physical death, because we DO HAVE TO DO THE VERY SAME OR EQUIVALENT THINGS to reap the said rewards, leaving those who fear the changes we must make, that is, if we want to become members of his team in the literal heavens, to “bide their time,” doing some minor good deeds here and there and teaching humans to be good humans with their families and in the propagation of their species and some accumulation of wealth and happiness in the human kingdom that ends up replacing a real relationship with the “God” they say they love and worship. This is also where the dissatisfied for whatever reason, those who are poor in any number of ways have an advantage over those who are rich in any ways, as the rich have a harder time believing in the truth because the truth will separate them from the riches they often become attached to and rely upon. This is why Jesus said, it’s not really possible for a rich person to enter into the Kingdom of God – though he left it up to his “Father” to make that judgment upon anyone, that is from that vantage point.

As these “false prophets,” or “false Christs,” that I wonder is also saying “false Christians,” as one is not a Christ-ian if they aren’t an “overcomer” as the overcoming process is the “Christing process,” teach others to become their followers no matter how they word it, they are not telling the truth about what Jesus actually taught about separation from the human kingdom to apply to be on his team. Again, we can give our all now but it’s not only for those who have the strength to give their all. It’s about believing in the real formula to give our all and spreading it in it’s most accurate form which can only be achieved by studying everything TI and DO taught and for those that do want to start their metamorphosis (Christing) spreading that information far and wide and adopting all their behaviors and ways, they certainly can and will be rewarded accordingly.

Do did say, about the time after his exit that it’s not going to be like after Jesus to where there will be thousands of years to study it all. It’s all going to be “done” during the current generation this time around, as it’s graduation and judgment time to conclude with a recycling period and then a new opportunity for all souls saved during this time to further progress to overcome their human condition.

But specifically to Rev 13:6 shows that this “mouth” is railing against God or “deity,” which we have clearly seen done plenty in various New Age and/or atheistic teachings with movies like the Zeitgeist that tries to document how the Jesus story was made up or the web site “think atheist” which I am a part of as there can certainly be those that are only aligning with that site to have less restriction of thought than one has with any of the religious institutions who are often the most entrenched in misinformation. There are organizations directly confronting the religious with large mailings and such and though I would agree with them on some points they tend to fall into the same trap of not discerning the differences between what, for instance Jesus said and what the religions say, seeing it all the same way.

– BLASPHEME HIS NAME – The only application of NAME would be related to the name of the vehicle an Older Member from the Next Level took to perform his/their task through. In the context of the Judeo/Christian/Islamic “records” that would be at the least being against Moses or Jesus but though I don’t equate them, there is certainly railing against Mohammad who TI and DO never addressed as working for the Next Level or not. They did count favorably those that wanted to preserve their instructions of being modest pertaining to showing skin, which I believe was given to help them keep out promiscuous thoughts that needed to be overcome to advance to Next Level membership though are part of the options for humans that don’t care to advance to Next Level membership.

But the biggest name that the internet was used to rail against was Do and interestingly enough that sort of stopped after the 10 year anniversary of Do and Crew’s exit in 1997. From 1997 on one could count on at least an flurry of anniversary stories about how Do was compared to Charles Manson and Jim Jones and other mass murderers as if he murdered anyone or led anyone against their will or manipulated anyone to make choices they didn’t demonstrate over years wanting to make even when it was made easy to not choose to make, as was the case for all the students who were with TI and DO, that I can attest to during 19 years with him as his fully dedicated student.

– BLASPHEME HIS TABERNACLE – This seems most to be referring to the fact that the Older Members from the Next Level came incarnate and made their abode/dwelling among us, and literally lived in tents (tabernacle). When TI and DO left Boerne, Texas where they received a chunk of their awakening and were staying in a little “ranch house” since January 1, 1973 having left Houston in a hurry due to the mounting negativity they were facing there, they began to live in a tent as they traveled all over the U.S. When they sent out their first statement and were invited to speak to a group in North Hollywood, they had those that wanted to follow them meet them in a nearby campground and then went up to Gold Beach where they had camped before in a camping area called, “hideaway.” When I joined them in September of 1975 from the Waldport, Oregon meeting they had us travel to the Colorado National Monument near Fruita, Colorado and we slept in sleeping bags under the stars. Then we were sent to a camping area near Boulder, Colorado where we stayed in tents and then went to a camping area on the Pourdra River, near Loveland, Colorado where TI and DO outfitted everyone who didn’t have one with sleeping bags, a tent, cots, foam pads, a two burner Coleman gasoline stove, and a few cooking tools. I went to TI and DO’s camp in Cherry Creek, Colorado and saw that they had the same equipment. I think it was about a year later that they got a small one room trailer. Therefore, I believe this tabernacle is referring to their earth dwelling. Thus to say, this “mouth” is railing against “his name and his tabernacle can be seen as claiming TI and DO are not from the Kingdom of God, not incarnate with the names TI and DO and not dwelling on earth and don’t have a dwelling in the literal heavens and are not the return of the Father and the One who was incarnate in the name, “Jesus,” etc.

The lines are all very grey anymore as all countries have had their experiences with the Luciferian space aliens so on that basis have in common a desire to work together on certain fronts while putting up pretenses of conflicts for the public face. It’s not that those in government are putting on false faces consciously. That’s simply the way the game is played. They are 7 heads and 10 horns that are often snapping at one another but all need to cling to their sovereignty to keep their constituent public on board for them to keep their various focus. The biggest way in which the dragon has power is by their existence along with the facts surrounding all the things the Next Level is doing at this time especially to show the powers in each country that big changes are on the horizon for the planet as a whole. Thus began the push to “save the world” used to give people an enemy that is out of reach to fight and is endless to fight and will have the least affect on governments ability to control the masses and their various agenda’s to try to “save their own worlds” by the rush to build underground bases to potentially hide within, and to build technologies to consider shooting down or diverting incoming asteroids, etc. All the while maintaining control over the people to be able to keep their machines operating which means building the security state larger and larger as described in Orwell’s 1984 which has been long surpassed with the amount of surveillance and data that can be used against anyone who is seen as threatening their agendas.

Where the SEAL ON THE BOOK – is opened further is shown by the provision of TI and DO’s information in new outlets, starting mostly with in February of 2005 that would include documentaries and books that were laden with misinformation but included radio and video and written materials generated by new and former believers/students of TI and DO to include Sawyer’s post of some of his 19 years of experience in TI and DO’s classroom. Here are the links to the internet sites where Carlan, Sawyer and others still disseminate TI and DO’s information while in Sawyer’s case also providing perspectives from personal experiences and how what TI and DO taught relates to the teachings and prophecies of Jesus and other biblical materials, to include current events that suggest prophecy fulfillments:

Carlan has provided access to the 218 digitized audio meeting tapes. When started up it was a completely free service. A few years into it’s inception it began to charge for downloading what they were providing space for, though I believe one can still download freely but with limitations daily, otherwise one can pay to download as much as they want. Carlan doesn’t financially benefit from any download purchases:

Audio Meeting Tapes TI and DO Made in the 1980’s of internal “classroom” meetings

There is at least one YouTube channel providing the Beyond Human video tape series and Do and his 38 students “exit” video testimonies. It was last noted at the channel name: heavensgatedatabase but I will be posting them on my youtube page with the channel name: 3spm.

The last former student to dropout of TI and DO’s classroom was named in the group Neody or in short Neo, known in the press by his human name he asked me not to use, when his picture was put on the front cover of People magazine soon after the groups 1997 exit of their physical vehicles. He published a book of his experience in the group from when he joined in 1994 that he named: “Beyond Human Mind – The Soul Evolution of Heaven’s Gate.” (I have already addressed one inaccuracy in it pertaining to the origin of “ody” names, and there are other areas that in my opinion and perhaps others who were in the classroom might suggest changing but by in large it can be of value, but I understand it’s very expensive and not provided freely so I don’ t think anyone would miss anything by not buying it. I enjoyed most the description of the time the class was visited by physical members of the Next Level, which was after I left, which I have described in this book.

There are all kinds of frauds popping up with websites and social media sites, using ody names and even saying they are in communication with TI and DO or speaking for them and it’s all lies and deceit to try to muddy the waters.

TI & DO The Father & “Jesus” Heaven’s Gate UFO Two Witnesses – Section IV.&A.-The Seven Seal Openings-First Seal-“white horse” (DO’s vehicle’s name-AppleWhite)

February 15, 2017


Rev 5:1 And I saw in the right hand of him that sat on the throne a book written within and on the backside, sealed with seven seals.

See section II.A.5.B.i. for the details in how the Seven Seals relate to the opening of the Front of the Book and related to it’s “backside” (written after and about the history leading up to the current BOOK) and in Rev 10’s depiction of the Little Book being prophesied during the time of the Seventh Angels sounding.

The usage of “horse” in the following verses is symbolic of a human being. As with all human vehicles they are influenced by unseen entities, discarnate spirits and/or Souls, either from the human kingdom or from the Next Level Above Human. What they think, say and do is what shows the origin of who they are in service to, between the Next Level Older Members (God) and Mammon (What Humans consider to be wealth and treasure in all it’s forms, physical or mental). It’s apparent that the White Horse has an Older Member Soul filling the task position, said as “sitting” on the human vehicle (horse) showing how his actions are to assist his litter of students who have formed their covenant with him and his Father to overcome aka conquer the human world. The Next Level doesn’t have human weapons (bow and arrows). Their “sword” is their mouth – the requirements humans need to meet to make application to join their crew. That “sword” ends up cutting away at the human root systems of those who have entered into that covenant.

The second seal opening has a Luciferian space alien sitting on that vehicle described as a Ruddy/Red Horse who is given the power to kill with a sword which is a reference to a human military might and thus from which camp the one sitting on the horse is from. Remember, there are only two camps, though there are degrees of loyalty and/or belief in them, which constitutes the battle to decide to whom to give our final allegiance. The one sitting on the 3rd horse described as being Black and/or a Blue Horse has the mission to bring balance to two opposing Mindsets – Republican Conservative and Democratic Liberals and the two BEASTS, the U.S. and the E.U. and a big part of what transpires during his reign is related to high finance, Wall street banks and buying and selling. Finally, the 4th Pale/Green horse is named “Death” and “hell” follows which then goes on to describe a time of death in general but in specific of men by the hands of the BEAST, via weapons/war and famine.

The original Luciferians are now discarnate Souls. A Soul is a “container” deposited into a human in a “seed” form that contains a set of programs that provide the avenue to grow to become an adult member of the Next Level, so is like a Next Level larva. It grows when we think and act in ways provided by our Next Level Older Members when they come incarnate and leave record of what they said and did to show us the way to membership. A student can not accomplish the task without their hands on Older Member’s participation. A Soul can only contain Next Level true information but can be used against the Next Level. Those who are called the Luciferians are souls that received degrees of Next Level information which gives them an advantage as they know how to easily manipulate a human to become a slave to their agenda. One of those agenda’s is to steal the allegiance of humans who have received souls away from their capacity to form an allegiance to their Next Level Older Members and/or add them to their ranks to serve as ambassadors, teachers, guru’s, leaders to have influence over larger groups of humans.

All humans have either Souls or Spirits. Our spirit is mostly built from Luciferian influenced thinking and acting that Do called “misinformation mind” to where spirit is synonymous with the word “spirit.” When humans die the Soul or spirit leaves the vehicle but doesn’t generally go anywhere so mostly remains to circulate in the same circles of humans and human families as they did while having their own human vehicle. They try to influence living humans to entertain their programmed thoughts, behaviors, ways and activity. What we accept or reject is what we then become. We are the chooser. These discarnate spirits share time trying to experience life through us, using our brain and body, since they can no longer experience anything without a vehicle. Souls, at least the ones who grow to the degree of a Luciferian try to direct humans with souls away from developing a stronger and more real relationship with their Next Level Older Members, aka one’s “parent” (Heavenly Father).

TI and DO said the Luciferians teach these spirit/discarnates how to use human vehicles to get what they want. In other words we decide what thoughts, behaviors and ways we will make our own. That becomes the content of our Mind aka Spirit but also becomes what we must overcome IF we choose to enter an Overcoming Classroom when the Older Members come incarnate to offer it as TI and DO did and are still offering a first stage of for a short time more. The human vehicles the Luciferians use are depicted in prophecy as “horses.” These are different from the human equivalent vehicles the Luciferians try to develop, foster, propagate to become the next human vehicle they will need to occupy to continue to have their own vehicle.

Also, it seems this these verses in the later part of Revelations chapter 9 are depicting the 2nd, 3rd and 4th horses in this section that coordinate to Fire (war) and Smoke (illusion and kindling of fire) and Brimstone (sulfur) as a purifying fire (red) with a blue flame and a green antibacterial killer of parasites – the weeds and Tares of the planet:

Rev 9:17 And thus I saw the horses in the vision, and them that sat on them, having breastplates of fire ((4447 purinos= red color, shining like fire, fiery)), and of jacinth ((deep blue color)), and brimstone ((2306 theiodes= sulfurous, yellow at room temperature, when melted turns blood red with a blue flame and as an organic phylum chlorobi a “green sulfur bacteria that is used in pharmaceuticals to kill parasites, bacterias, mold, mildew, fungus, as a fumigant)): and the heads of the horses were as the heads of lions; and out of their mouths issued fire and smoke and brimstone ((2303 theion probably of 2304 (in its original sense of flashing)= brimstone, divine incense, because burning brimstone was regarded as having power to purify and to ward off disease))

It seems the “horses” he sees in the vision are indicated to be three horses in Rev 6, the Firey Red horse of Global wise endless war on/with terror set by the G.W. Bush administration, followed by the DEEP BLUE/Black horse noted as jacinth, set by the Barack Obama administration, who reigns in the New World Order BEAST (US secret Govt) and the E.U. little Beast (horn) as provoked by the Wall Street Investment Bank manipulations (depicted in Rev 6:6 as the price of the commodities of wheat and barley) endless Global Financial Crisis of 2009, and third, the Green (pale) horse – marking Harvest time noted as Brimstone. Considering this 3rd horse, opening the 4th seal is named “death,” it seems appropriate when thinking of Brimstone as Sulfur that has properties related to Green Sulfur Bacteria to destroy bacteria and disease. That is the relationship to green and the related Greek word chloros in Rev 6:8 wrongly most translated to “pale.” And along with “death” is “hell” following which again relates to how sulfur is associated with the devil in hell and this particular strain of Green sulfur is found at the greatest depths in the pacific ocean.


Rev 6:1 And I saw when the Lamb opened one of the seals, and I heard, as it were the noise of thunder, one of the four beasts ((Living Being)) saying, Come and see.
Rev 6:2 And I saw, and behold a white horse: and he that sat on him had a bow; and a crown was given unto him: and he went forth conquering, and to conquer.

These first two verses that depict the opening and revealing of the mystery in the First of the Seven Seals is thoroughly deciphered in Section II.A.7. Continuing from that section further reveals how Rev 14:1 outlines the same part of the End Age/Time timeline with a  more specific description of the Student Body – the returning Souls, some of whom were the ones who were called the Saints because they gave their lives standing for Jesus – working for him according to the instructions he gave them to “drink the cup of the shedding of their own blood” knowing they would be treated (killed) as he was treated for saying the things He was saying. This time around, after they all exited their incarnations, not needing that same exact lesson step, the Next Level gave them the challenge of laying down their lives without the aid of their opposition which was the final ingredient of their changeover that is described as their conquering, aka “prevailing as Jehovah,” the meaning of the word Israel, Do summed up as the Overcomers and aka their Overcoming of the human kingdom.

Jesus said his disciples needed to return to complete their Spirit Birth by working through a “water birth.” TI and DO referred to the Spirit birth as a graduation that was set up to work up to by three periods of time they called  trimesters, just like the time periods in the birth of a human baby. The first was with Jehovah and Moses with apprentice Aaron, followed by their being with the Father and Jesus with John the Baptist (in another type of apprentice task) administering the second trimester and where TI and DO gathered them again for the completion of their third trimester.

Note in Rev 14:1, the “Father” has a name as also said would be the case in Rev 3:12 and they all have that name on their minds. If the Father was not going to have a physical presence he wouldn’t need to have a name. Even Jehovah was a name given to Moses upon his request and Jehovah had a physical presence in their camp and on Mt Sinai when He allowed Moses to touch his shoulder or back, but wasn’t allowed to see His face. That name was TI as in this verse Do is represented as having served last as the “Lamb,” though during this trimester he also graduates to his next station in the kingdom like hierarchical structure of the Physical Evolutionary Level Above Human.

Rev 14:1 And I looked, and, lo, a Lamb stood on the mount ((3735 oros= to rise or rear)) Sion ((of Hebrew Tsyown – a hill of Jerusalem, figuratively the church, conspicuous Sign, title, waymark, the same as tsiyah (6723) (pronounced tsee-yaw) rooted in – to parch, aridity, concretely, a desert, barren, drought, dry (land, place), solitary place, wilderness)), and with him an hundred forty and four thousand, having his Father’s name written in their foreheads.

Mount Sion can be shown to be most focused on the continental “mountain” – what rises out of the sea to be the location for the “rearing” of those to become the next graduates into the Kingdom of God – the western half of the United States, where that land has always been largely thought of in history, and especially in the Southwest from Texas to California as largely a parched, arid, literal desert, barren, drought stricken, dry land, place and a wilderness.

Re: “wilderness,” note how Rev 12:6 depicts how TI took the class to live outdoors in the parched barren high plateau of Medicine Bow National Forest in Wyoming and to South Texas, traveling back and forth to avoid the harshest parts of the seasonal differences, from July 1976 – 1980 and in Rev 12:14, depicting when TI and DO had their quarters in a house in the Rocky Mountains at over 9,000 feet in elevation, above the tiny once upon a time mining city of Blackhawk, Colorado. (For Jesus indications of moving the location for the Kingdom of God’s return, see Section II.B.1.).

It’s also interesting how Jesus spoke about the dry places where an overcomer finds themselves where they are challenged further to go back into the world:

Mat 12:43 When the unclean spirit is gone out of a man, he walketh through dry places, seeking rest, and findeth none.

The hundred and forty four and a myriad of thousands are all those Souls, also considered as a group to constitute the “church” and aka “Sion” or those “reared” as “Jerusalem” (city of God’s Crewmembers (Angels), also indicated as the basis for the name of the U.S. southwest’s biggest city of Los Angeles, California), returning to move up in their Overcoming of the Human Kingdom School (experiential classroom) with some graduating the human kingdom.

Here is a further description of the time period that is the opening of the First Seal:

Rev 14:2 And I heard a voice from heaven, as ((after, with all speed)) the voice of many waters (peoples), and as ((after, with all speed)) the voice of a great thunder: and I heard the voice of harpers ((lyre singer)) harping ((playing a lyre)) with their harps ((lyre)):

This first group, the harpers harping with their harps, where the harp is their human vehicle they have made into their instrument to perform before (in view of) the throne (The Father with the new name and the Lamb with the new name who serves with the Father on the throne and then is birthed to perform the throne task incarnate by himself when the Father, the Rev 12:1 woman exits here incarnation when the earth opens it’s mouth to swallow her with the flood of negativity from the dragon, Luciferian Space Aliens shown in Rev 12:15-16).

Also notice the reference to “great thunder/roar” to be shown relevance to shortly.

Rev 14:3 And they sung ((singing the praise of someone)) as it were ((in that manner, about, according, like)) a new song ((5603 oide, from aido (103)= a chant or “ode” – the general term for WORDS sung (psalm))) before the throne, and before the four beasts ((2226 zoon= Living Beings incarnate in mammalian vehicles and not the same word used for “The Beast” which is 2342 therion= brutal bestial, savage and poisonous human wild animal)), and the elders: and no man could learn that song but the hundred and forty and four thousand, which were redeemed from the earth.

This next group don’t have harps yet but do use words to “sing” the praise, not only before the Throne but also before the four Living Beings and the Elders. This would seem to depict that new students Do and the Twenty Four Elders gathered during the second time they went public face to face in 1994 where they nearly doubled their numbers that were down to twenty four. For them, TI is not incarnate, nevertheless fully aware of them while Do manages the Throne task.

Since we know there were only 38 students who laid down their lives with Do in March of 1997, there are to be more students to come after that. Otherwise their would be no reason to say that “no man could learn that song but the 144,000 – The Redeemed – meaning those who were purchased, bought, to go to market (become fruit) and of that large number. It must be that the Next Level knows exactly how many Souls they deposited in times past who I would say were also brought back (as Jesus and TI and DO said would be happening at this time) from having had a relationship with Jesus and/or His Elder Students and/or the Four Living Beings who seem to be of some equivalence to archangels (captains of angels) or are in the making of becoming archangels. These all are thereby the only ones who can learn and sing the new song.

Rev 14:4 These are they which were not defiled with women; for they are virgins. These are they which follow the Lamb whithersoever he goeth. These were redeemed from among men, being the firstfruits unto God and to the Lamb.
Rev 14:5 And in their mouth was found no guile: for they are without fault before the throne of God.

These 144,000 are all who can become part of the first fruit harvest. They are all Souls that are working to take over their human vehicle. They all either don’t have commitments to a spouse and/or human family or break those commitments for the Kingdom in the Heaven’s sake,” as there is no marriage and no children for those that are found worthy to rise from the dead:

Luk 20:34 And Jesus answering said unto them, The children of this world marry, and are given in marriage:
Luk 20:35 But they which shall be accounted worthy to obtain that world, and the resurrection from the dead, neither marry, nor are given in marriage:
Luk 20:36 Neither can they die any more: for they are equal unto the angels; and are the children of God, being the children of the resurrection.

Stating, “that world” would refer to their souls being saved, to be brought back for the next trimester and the resurrection from the dead is the actual rising out of the human kingdom enough to have life, even though it doesn’t guarantee becoming an adult member of the Kingdom of God, since that requires graduating all three trimesters (at least the way this civilizational experiment was set up).

Once they have risen from the dead (human kingdom’s condition is one of death since even their spirits die when the Next Level recycles. It’s just referred to as the “second death” after the vehicles first death whenever that occurs). They are then equal to the angels – the ones who became members of the Next Level where while in a human or human equivalent condition their only family became those who also had risen from the dead. They don’t have any sexuality. They have recovered their virginity. Do said that virginity does mean the vehicle is pure in the sense of not having had sexual intercourse, but it’s a wrong definition to take it to mean that’s the only meaning as virginity can be recovered by cutting off one’s sexuality.

The rest of those in human vehicles, who may or may not have souls but whose Spirit is each judged according to their works in life and would seem to be the ones in the third category who Do said could escape the recycling who have never heard of TI and DO.

Section II.C.4.a.i. provides a more comprehensive word by word deciphering of Rev 14:4.

The FIRST SEAL ON THE BOOK IS OPENED WITH THE FIRST OF SEVEN THUNDERS (ROARS) FROM THE LION OF THE TRIBE OF JUDA: Here is how TI and DO and Crew naturally ended up manifesting them, since I was there for the first five and know that it wasn’t layed out ahead of time and wasn’t tailored to fit the prophecy. As I’ve said many times, TI nor Do took actions based on prophecy. They even knew they were Two from the Kingdom of Heaven before they saw that recorded in chapter 11 of the Book of Revelatons. Since I wasn’t there for their last 2 1/2 years incarnate perhaps they did talk about it but that would only be in time to enact that 6th and 7th thunder/roars. Jwnody does lay these out, without these terms, in her document entitled, “Overview of Present Mission” written in April of 1996 where she even says their Book was to be “phase one” as their “farewell legacy…” that is their “seventh” and suspected “final, public involvement,” but that “Nothing is predetermined” because the Next Level makes decisions after they see that “worlds response” that is “monitored very carefully” and how it is up to each reader, what they do with what they say.

-FIRST THUNDER/ROAR started by TI and DO’s first Statement mailed out in March of 1975 from Ojai, California that resulted in their being invited to speak (prophesy) at a home where a meditation group held meetings, in North Hollywood, (as in Isaiah’s description of Jerusalem as the “valley of vision”) in April of 1975.

Because several dozen wanted to follow them, to their initial un-welcomed surprise they took the names Bo and Peep because they now had sheep and preceded to see if others felt the same way about the information they were delivering. They held meetings in the San Francisco Bay area and then Waldport, Oregon and Colorado that resulted in about 70 students following them wherever they chose to go.

All told between the meetings they spoke at and the ones the student body was split up to organize they held at least 144 public meetings in 43 states and several Canadian provinces. About 17 of these were in cities east of the Mississippi river that all took place from April, 1975 to June of 1976. Because of their bizarre claim to be from the Physical Evolutionary Kingdom Level Above Human (aka Kingdom of God), from outer space, having arrived in a “cloud of light,” what was called a UFO, while saying they were here to gather their students and board such a spacecraft and because they required people to leave all behind if they wanted to follow them, including family, houses, relationships, careers, possessions, their story went national when around 30 or so people left all behind after attending their Waldport, Oregon meeting.

In October of 1976 stories started to appear in perhaps every city newspaper in the U.S. This included the cover of the magazine section of the New York Times and in the magazines Time, Newsweek, Psychology Today and others and covered by all the Network National Television stations, NBC, CBS and ABC and many local radio and television affiliates.

Following this time period a number of books were written including, “UFO Missionaries Extraordinary” by Brad Steiger and Hayden Hewes that was exclusively about Bo (Herf) and Peep (Bonnie) – later taking new names of Do and TI.

By 1978 a grade B movie, entitled, “The Mysterious Two” was made for television but had next to zero accurate information in it.

To put a “period” on this “thunder/roar” Do wrote a booklet entitled, “’88 Update – The UFO Two and Their Crew” he designed to “set the record straight” following the many lies and misinformation and distortions spread about he and TI before then. This was made public to a minor degree through mailing to some New Age centers, Health Food Stores, writers, preachers, ufologists like Walt Andres of MUFON, monasteries and more.

It was most interesting that TI left the human vehicle she took for her task in 1985 and had always talked about how when she got back, if she learned that some of the UFO abduction and contactee accounts were the actions of  Members of the Next Level, some “heads were going to roll.” As it turned out it was about this time that a great deal of new information began to surface to include the book UFO Crash at Aztec where about 18 bodies were allegedly found. The book included autopsy reports and lots of details surrounding this crash so became the start of the classroom waking up to the UFO/Space Alien phenomena, all before the 88 Update was written.

-SECOND THUNDER/ROAR: The “Beyond Human – The Last Call,” 12 Sessions (total of approx. 13 1/2 hour) video tape series made by Do with various student helpers recorded in late 1991 to early 1992 when they were broadcast by satellite uplink. We used the name Total Overcomers Anonymous and provided a post office box and began to communicate with people who wrote to us. To the surprise of Do and the Crew instead of receiving a public response, it was seen by former dropouts who wanted to return to the classroom and did. Among them was one former student named Jhnody who was from and then lived in Venezuela coincidentally saw the video over satellite.

-THIRD THUNDER/ROAR: Published in USA Today Newspaper an Ad Statement entitled, “‘UFO CULT’ RESURFACES WITH FINAL OFFER” that fills a 1/3 of a page (they paid for themselves), in very small type size that appeared in both the national and international editions on May 27, 1993.

-FOURTH THUNDER/ROAR: Published a similar statement to the USA Today Ad Statement entitled “Last Chance To Advance Beyond Human” in over 20 weekly and monthly alternative newspapers and magazines in the U.S., Canada, England, Scotland, Australia and New Zealand between June and September of 1993. The names of the publications were Creative Loafing, Spectator, Twin Cities Reader, The Boston Phoenix, Omega New Age Directory, PhenomeNEWS, Nexus, LA Resources, Free Spirit (in NYC) Dimensions, New Texas, Common Ground (in Vancouver B.C., San Francisco and Puget Sound Area), Pathfinder, Crosswinds, Steam Shovel Press, Reflections, Arizona Network News, Orange County Resources, Baltimore Resources and San Diego Resources.

This began communication with readers by letter where we sent people Beyond Human Tapes if they wanted more information. As a result Slvody and Jstody returned to the classroom and a new student was accepted into the classroom who took the name Ready or Rddody, but he only stayed for maybe a month or so, having a hard time adjusting to the many routines, schedules and procedures and ways. He was provided with his request of a Greyhound bus pass that was good for unlimited travel for a year. He had been living homeless for years before joining with us. We communicated with a number of incarcerated prisoners and quite a few interested parties from Australia.

-FIFTH THUNDER/ROAR: Starting with two trial public meetings in 1993, starting out on January 1, 1994 began about 9 months of what ended up being 63 public meetings to begin what the class called the “Second Wave” since the First Wave was from April of 1975 to June of 1976 at the following locations:
(*Denotes the late 1993 trial meetings in preparation for the 1994 meetings.)

– Alabama – Birmingham
– Arizona – Phoenix, Tucson
– California – Anaheim, Berkeley, Carmel, Chico, Eureka, Fairfax, Garberville, Marina Del Rey,
Mt. Shasta, Pala Alto, Sacramento, San Diego, San Francisco, Santa Cruz
– Colorado – Boulder, Denver*, Ft. Collins, Littleton
– Florida – Ft. Lauderdale, Sarasota, St. Petersburg, Tampa
– Georgia – Atlanta
– Idaho – Boise
– Illinois – Chicago, Glen Ellyn, Palatine
– Louisiana – Baton Rouge
– Maine – Portland
– Massachusetts – Amherst, Boston, Cambridge, Hyannis
– Minnesota – Edina, Minneapolis
– Montana – Livingston, Missoula
– Nevada – Lake Tahoe, Las Vegas, Sparks/Reno
– New Hampshire – Portsmouth
– New Mexico – Albuquerque, Santa Fe, Taos
– Oregon – Eugene, Medford, Portland
– Texas – Addison, Austin, Dallas*, Houston
– Utah – Salt Lake City
– Washington – Olympia, Seattle, Spokane
– Wisconsin – Madison, Milwaukee
– Wyoming – Jackson Hole, Laramie
– Rainbow Gathering (I believe was in Pennsylvania)

It was realized that this effort wasn’t for the general public but to locate our additional crew members who nearly doubled our numbers. This could also be called the “second rapture.” The rapture was misunderstood from Paul’s writings to mean physical bodies would be lifted up into the clouds as occurred with Jesus. Even though that could be possible if those being lifted up had completed their changeover into a viable Next Level vehicle as occurred to Jesus because he had overcome the human world. The more accurate interpretation of Rapture – the “catching away” was just as Jesus said when he began to round up his disciples telling them he would make them “fishers of men” – human vehicles caught by the Next Level student level Souls who had prepared those vehicles for capture. TI and DO once spoke about how the Next Level were like ranchers who round up wild horses and try to train them. Those that don’t take to being trained are let loose back into the wild. Those that do take to the training program become serviceable to the rancher and the the rancher treats them as extended members of his family (that is if he’s a good rancher). At that point even those horses will have bonded so with their masters that given the opportunity they would likely not want to return to running with the herd though as far as the Next Level each member always retains the choice to stay with their new family or not. Thus the first catching away occurred in 1975-76.

Starting in September of 1994 these who joined began to experience an accelerated version of the metamorphic classroom that lasted for about a year.

-SIXTH THUNDER/ROAR: This began on September 25-26, 1995 from a secluded location by issuing a statement to 95 UseNET groups on the Internets World Wide Web entitled, “UNDERCOVER “JESUS” SURFACES BEFORE DEPARTURE” that they followed with more of a higher generic translation that was speaking in a different “tongue” of terms entitled “’95 STATEMENT BY AN E.T. PRESENTLY INCARNATE” on October 11, 1995. They were both met with a mixed reaction but dominated by hostility and people that were quick to judge what they could not comprehend which signaled them that it was time to return “home” to the Next Level, which they had been considering doing by their own hands since August of 1994.

As Do said in the USA Today Ad, – the weeds had taken over the garden and disturbed it’s usefulness beyond repair so it was time for the civilization to be recycled – “spaded under.”

-SEVENTH THUNDER/ROAR: This began in April of 1996 with what they called their “farewell legacy” in the writing of their book entitled, “How and When “Heaven’s Gate” (The Door to the Physical Kingdom Level Above Human) May Be Entered,” (Purple Book), what they called an “Anthology of Our Materials” that was “phase one” that became their web site:

Note as of 2016 I believe this site has been left as Do and Crew designed it. If anyone contacts the Webmasters,  they should be careful to research what they say, that is if one asks about the Teachings of TI and DO. They have logistical information that may be of interest to you if you want to write an article, but their opinions have become in large part far afield from what TI and DO taught. I’ve mentioned this several times in this book and can show where my concerns are on my blog by accessing the links provided in this books appendix that demonstrate in  three interviews these webmasters gave that strayed from TI and DO’s teachings significantly. One example is their saying, “There is no Heaven or Hell.” (Even though that’s a quote they may deny, it’s just one of many things they have been reported to say in these interviews. They didn’t give interviews that showed their faces and none of these included audio. They were done by email exchanges. Otherwise the web site still provides the entire Book that can be downloaded for free in text format:

Heaven’s Gate Web Site

I believe this Book is represented as the “book written within”:

Rev 5:1 And I saw in the right hand of him that sat on the throne a book written within and on the backside, sealed with seven sea

“Within” would seem to refer to what was written from “within the Throne” that Do was birthed to by TI – the Woman, shown in Revelations chapter 12 (the only part of the bible Do spent one meeting interpreting for the class but didn’t go through more than a few verses saying this “woman” was referring to the vehicle TI took to perform her task of “getting Do started.”

This writing of the BOOK from within the Throne and the publish of the web site and their Exit of their human vehicles that demonstrates how Do and his students had “conquered” the humanness they had entered into covenant to do depicts the opening of the first of Seven Seals on what was to be the revealing of Do as the return of the same Soul who had served incarnate in the vehicle named Jesus, spelled out in:

Rev 6:1 And I saw when the Lamb opened one of the seals (([on the book])), and I heard, as it were the noise of thunder ((roar)), one of the four beasts saying, Come and see.
Rev 6:2 And I saw, and behold a white horse: and he that sat on him had a bow ((litter [of new offspring to become members of the Next Level])); and a crown (([new physical Next Level grown (not begotten) vehicle])) was given unto him: and he went forth conquering (([for each of the students he brought through their Spirit/Mind invisible to humans Birth])), and to conquer.

So the Rev 5:1 description includes both what was written from “within” and what was written on the “backside” – what comes AFTER their exit and refers to what happened BEFORE – in the “Records.” What they wrote in the front of the BOOK was done by he Lion of Juda is the same as in:

Rev 5:5 And one of the elders saith unto me, Weep not: behold, the Lion of the tribe of Juda, the Root of David, hath prevailed to open the book, and to loose the seven seals thereof.

The context to the “thunders/roars” was first given by:

Rev 10:1 And I saw another mighty angel come down from heaven, clothed with a cloud: and a rainbow was upon his head, and his face was as it were the sun, and his feet as pillars of fire:
Rev 10:2 And he had in his hand a little book open: and he set ((to place)) his right foot upon ((epi= above, over, have charge of)) the sea ((sea of salt [those who were being accelerated to grow – like when Jesus said they, his disciples were the “salt of the earth” – those who were the enhancement, the product and to be preserved from the earth garden])), and his left (foot) ((well/good-named/called)) on ((among)) the earth ((human kingdom)),

Announced during the time of the 6th Angels Trumpet Sounding that lead up to the Two Witnesses Prophecy period and exit by their Souls “ascending” (the Spirit Birth was to be an invisible to humans event) back into the Next Level spacecraft, I believe this “mighty angel who comes down from the heavens” is depicting the Older Member Do. Note that he is a “mighty angel” which is a reference to an Archangel – a Captain of Angels that Do is depicted as having served using the name Michael with Daniel and shown as waging war against the Luciferian Dragon and his associates (angels) in Revelations 12 (alongside TI when TI took him and the students into the “wilderness” (Wyoming). It’s describing him as having a “rainbow upon his head” to shows he has his litter’s covenant on his Mind, his task (Rev 6:2). He has this Little Book ((bibliaridion)) in his hand. A hand is one of his crew-members who want to serve him.

The Little Book seems to be the Rev 5:1 “Backside” part of the overall BOOK.

The Right foot (footstool) from the Old Testament represents those he counts his Primary incarnate – on foot (footstool) – his Crew of the returned Saints that were with him when he was incarnate in the vehicle named Jesus):

Rev 11:2 But the court which is without the temple leave out, and measure it not; for it is given unto the Gentiles: and the holy city shall they tread under foot forty and two months.

His Left foot are like those in a Secondary task position, who are those who are “good” among the human kingdom.

Rev 10:3 And cried with a loud voice, as when a lion roareth: and when he had cried, seven thunders ((roars)) uttered their voices ((disclosures of their information)).
Rev 10:4 And when the seven thunders had uttered their voices, I was about to write: and I heard a voice from heaven saying unto me, Seal up ((set to (one’s or the first) seal)) those things which the seven thunders uttered, and write them not.

Note how it’s the Lion from the tribe of Juda (that is the one who was Jesus who is at this time incarnate in the name Do) that opens the seven seals that depict the opening to the book. However the book thereafter it’s initial provision via the Seven Thunders John is told NOT to WRITE those same things that were uttered then.

Rev 10:5 And the angel which I saw stand upon the sea and upon the earth lifted up his hand to heaven,
Rev 10:6 And sware by him that liveth for ever and ever, who created heaven, and the things that therein are, and the earth, and the things that therein are, and the sea, and the things which are therein, that there should be time no longer:

So after the thunders have all roared, Do “lifts up” whoever on earth he chooses to perform a task for he and TI.

This is the same One whose hand had the Little Book in it. The Little Book is not the hand. The hand is his servant he is lifting up to work for headquarters in Heaven.

Rev 10:7 But in the days of the voice of the seventh angel, when he shall begin to sound, the mystery of God should be finished, as he hath declared to his servants the prophets.

The timing to provide this service is during the days of the Seventh Angel sounding. That is after the Two Witnesses and Crew have exited their incarnations, shown by:

Rev 11:12 And they heard a great voice from heaven saying unto them, Come up hither. And they ascended up to heaven in a cloud; and their enemies beheld them.
Rev 11:13 And the same hour was there a great earthquake, and the tenth part of the city fell, and in the earthquake were slain of men seven thousand: and the remnant were affrighted ((alarmed)), and gave glory to the God of heaven.
Rev 11:14 The second woe is past; and, behold, the third woe cometh quickly.
Rev 11:15 And the seventh angel sounded; and there were great voices in heaven, saying, The kingdoms of this world are become the kingdoms of our Lord, and of his Christ; and he shall reign for ever and ever.

The cloud indicates their ascension is “covered” – hidden and can be seen as relative to the Hale Bopp Comet “cloud of light.” The Earthquake is a great shakup. It seems this was fulfilled by the 9/11 attacks and collapse of the Twin Towers of the World Trade Center and Pentagon attack that shook the planet, literally and in terms of every country in observance and was used to generate the Endless Global War on Terror that continues with no end in sight in 2016. I believe this was also the first of two falls of Babylon described in Rev 14 and 18. This was actually part of the 2nd Seal to be described next.

The Remnant or Remaining that were alarmed by this and may have seen it as a type of apocalyptic event probably had a sense that the Kingdom of God – the Next Level was responsible for letting it happen. TI and DO always said that the Next Level was holding back anything that could cause interference to their classroom.

It was after the 9/11 attack that TI came to me in a dream and left me with one thought – that I should write. At that time I thought I would entitle the book, “The Message” but it took me years of false starts and not getting any positive responses from would be publishers to finally get on track.

It was 2009 after the Second Fall of Babylon with the Global Financial Crisis when the Nat’l Geographics channel “Final Report: Heaven’s Gate” came out and suggested twice per my request that TI and DO and the Heaven’s Gate Group were the “Second Coming.” This was also about the time I finally came up with my approach on this book though had a huge design problem I ended up scrapping as it would have made this book much bigger than it is.

This time frame is also shown by the rising of the “BEAST” shown in:

Rev 13:1 And I stood upon the sand of the sea, and saw a beast rise up out of the sea, having seven heads and ten horns, and upon his horns ten crowns, and upon his heads the name of blasphemy.

This rise out of the sea of humanity was stimulated by the rise of the Luciferian space aliens who had been shut underground being allowed to come out of their prison cells as shown in Rev 9:1 to wage war as shown in Rev 11 who use humans to subdue the Two Witnesses but not until they had gathered their potential first fruit graduate student body who came with them having had a relationship with these Two before. After the first roar began the Overcoming classroom in the wilderness of Wyoming occurred for about 3+ years that was also a battle with the Luciferians, shown in Rev 12 in the heads of every potential new graduate student.

This First Seal includes most of the Chapter 11 of Revelations prophecies fulfilled.
(See section II.A.7. for the details)

During the years of 1997-1998+ by the efforts of Rkkody (Rkk) and Crlody (Crl) (aka Carlan) this was followed by their distribution to libraries and universities and anyone who wanted them, CD’s of the 218 internal “overcoming classroom” audio meetings tapes recorded by TI and DO from 1982 to 1985. (The tapes recorded from the late summer of 1985 until 1994 have not been publicity released as of September of 2016. They are being held back by Mrc/Srf who were given the choice to handle as they decided by Do and Crew, though can be shown by the letters they and Rkkody received that Do and Crew fully hoped would be made available to the public. It was a test that Do didn’t spell out what to do with the audio tapes as he did for the video’s and their Book entitled, ‘HOW AND WHEN “HEAVEN’S GATE” (THE DOOR TO THE PHYSICAL KINGDOM LEVEL ABOVE HUMAN) MAY BE ENTERED – AN ANTHOLOGY OF OUR MATERIALS,’ (Purple Book). The disagreements between remaining believers in TI and DO became many and are outlined in the section: IV.D.1 REV 13:7-11 WAR AMID/AMONG THE REMAINING (REMNANT) SAINTS.

Sawyer’s book: ‘TI & DO The Father & “Jesus” Heaven’s Gate UFO Two Witnesses” Free & Ordering Information

February 13, 2017


EBOOKS IN OTHER FORMATS: (epub, Mobi and .pdf) ($3.99)–Do-The-Father–Jesus-Heavens-Gate-UFO-Two-Witnesses.aspx

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Published on 1/25/2017
912 pages
ISBN 978-1-52465-761-1
Print Type B/W
Listed in Fiction and Science Fiction, my third choice, but because there were none better in their documentation at the time, though on their website many more choices I would have chosen.

Ti & Do The Father & “Jesus” Heaven’s Gate UFO Two Witnesses–Do-The-Father–Jesus-Heavens-Gate-UFO-Two-Witnesses.aspx
Retail Price: $43.99
Published: 1/19/2017
Format: Perfect Bound Softcover
Pages: 912
Size: 8.25×11
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ISBN: 978-1-52465-762-8
Print Type: B/W
WEIGHT – About 5 pounds
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This book claims to have an abundance of evidence that TI (Tee) and DO (Doe) were the individuals referred to in the Records as The Father aka Jehovah, Elohim and the One who was incarnate (in human flesh) of Adam, Enoch, Moses, Elijah and Jesus who returned with their “Saints” – the Student Souls that had been with Them during some of those incarnations past, who They gathered from 1973-6 and from 1993-6 (mostly around the U.S. Western states, in what was seen in the U.S. National Media as the UFO TWO or UFO Cult in 1975+ and more globally in a bigger way in 1997 as the Heaven’s Gate “Cult of Truth,” (The way DO described His “cult”, which would have been the way the Jesus Cult would have been described if they used that word in the media during His incarnation because of how it was seen as foreign to the current secular and religious cultures that had developed into distortions of what was taught by this returning Kingdom Above the Human Kingdom) seen in the media as a suicide cult because they chose to “lay down their human vehicles lives” themselves as part of their final exam, also as Jesus required of his disciples, though then by telling the truth and giving their lives in that process, also their choice and knowing the ramifications would be the same as it was for Jesus because of the threat he posed to the Jewish heirarchy that had become corrupted from Moses teachings. Their exit of their vehicles was timed to the perihelion of the Hale Bopp Comet. (There is no new cult or leaders or suicides, though nor is Ti and Do’s teachings to become a new religion they would condone as it would again have to be a distortion, which is already happening, most seen by the many interviews given, ironicly by the Heaven’s Gate webmasters known before they were instructed to leave the class for not wanting to abide by Ti and Do’s lesson plan, framed as “I Could Be Wrong”, designed to lose “self” as Jesus also taught was a requirement to be his disciple. However as with other dropouts including myself, the Next Level gives repeated chances to restore our relationship with them, so some are giving their lives by telling the truth about Ti and Do and how they were from the physical, many membered, Evolutionary Kingdom Level Above Human, who made all the planets and all the life forms and designed the earth to be a type of hothouse and “garden” to grow Soul within human vehicle in a type of metamorphic process that is accomplished in WAVES or Stages across ages/millenium and that is coming to a close in the next decade or two (it seems) as we enter the Fourth Seal described in Rev 6:8. As we speak there are dual near miss asteroids that have passed by earth but I suspect more to come and dual comets, with companion objects to approach the conclusion of the Next Level’s  experiment that will include a recycling of the civilization and those spirit and souls who have become “weeds” in their hatred and opposition of/to the Next Level.

TI and DO The Father and “Jesus” Heaven’s Gate UFO Two Witnesses – Cover, Overview, TOC and Section I.

Here are some of links to additional Sections of the Book:

TI & DO The Father & “Jesus” Heaven’s Gate UFO Two Witnesses – Section II.A. Jesus Prophecy of the Return of the Kingdom of God, Kingdom of Heaven

TI & DO The Father & “Jesus” Heaven’s Gate UFO Two Witnesses – Section II.A. Jesus Prophecy of the Return of the Kingdom of God, Kingdom of Heaven

TI & DO The Father & “Jesus” Heaven’s Gate UFO Two Witnesses – Section II.B. Where on Earth the Return is Most Evidenced

TI & DO The Father & “Jesus” Heaven’s Gate UFO Two Witnesses – Section II.B. Where on Earth the Return is Most Evidenced

TI & DO The Father & “Jesus” Heaven’s Gate UFO Two Witnesses – Section II.C. The Return Is For The Harvest Of Souls

TI & DO The Father & “Jesus” Heaven’s Gate UFO Two Witnesses – Section II.C. The Return Is For The Harvest Of Souls

TI & DO The Father & “Jesus” Heaven’s Gate UFO Two Witnesses – Section III.A&B. The Time Line That Reveals The Return

TI & DO The Father & “Jesus” Heaven’s Gate UFO Two Witnesses – Section III.A&B. The Time Line That Reveals The Return

TI & DO The Father & “Jesus” Heaven’s Gate UFO Two Witnesses – Section III.C. The Seven Angel’s Trumpet Soundings – Arrivals, Announcements and Examples

TI & DO The Father & “Jesus” Heaven’s Gate UFO Two Witnesses – Section III.C. The Seven Angel’s Trumpet Soundings – Arrivals, Announcements and Examples

TI & DO The Father & “Jesus” Heaven’s Gate UFO Two Witnesses–Section III.C.4.a&b. The Seven Angel’s Trumpet 4th Soundings – 1930’s – 1940’s

TI & DO The Father & “Jesus” Heaven’s Gate UFO Two Witnesses–Section III.C.4.a&b. The Seven Angel’s Trumpet 4th Soundings – 1930’s – 1940’s

TI & DO The Father & “Jesus” Heaven’s Gate UFO Two Witnesses–Section III.C.5. The Seven Angel’s Trumpet 5th Soundings – 1940’s – 1960’s

TI & DO The Father & “Jesus” Heaven’s Gate UFO Two Witnesses–Section III.C.5. The Seven Angel’s Trumpet 5th Soundings – 1940’s – 1960’s

TI & DO The Father & “Jesus” Heaven’s Gate UFO Two Witnesses–Section III.C.6. The Seven Angel’s Trumpet 6th Sounding – 1960’s – 2000’s First “Hour”

TI & DO The Father & “Jesus” Heaven’s Gate UFO Two Witnesses–Section III.C.6. The Seven Angel’s Trumpet 6th Sounding – 1960’s – 2000’s First “Hour”

TI & DO The Father & “Jesus” Heaven’s Gate UFO Two Witnesses–Section III.D. The Revelations Two Witnesses

TI & DO The Father & “Jesus” Heaven’s Gate UFO Two Witnesses–Section III.D. The Revelations Two Witnesses

Section IV from the Table of Contents shown below is yet to be posted:


Section V. is mostly my re-worded version of Do’s document. I re-worded it while providing the link to the original to avoid any grounds for copyright infingement that might try to remove this book from the market:


TI & DO The Father & “Jesus” Heaven’s Gate UFO Two Witnesses – Section VI. Appendix

TI & DO The Father & “Jesus” Heaven’s Gate UFO Two Witnesses – Section VI. Appendix

TI & DO The Father & “Jesus” Heaven’s Gate UFO Two Witnesses – Section VII. The Finish – Sawyer’s Final Statement

TI and DO The Father and “Jesus” Heaven’s Gate UFO Two Witnesses – Section VII. The Finish – Sawyer’s Final Statement





Critique of MoviePilot article featuring Lt. Uhura of Star Trek’s brother among the Heaven’s Gate Graduates

February 13, 2017

Here is the text from the article with my comments to the primary misinformation, with the link to the article at the end of the post:

Critique of MoviePilot article featuring Lt. Uhura of Star Trek’s brother among the Heaven’s Gate Graduates

The article is written by Eleanor Tremeer, writer at on the  MoviePilot staff. The writer does provide a few links to Dstody’s exit video statement.

Here is the text from the article with my comments to the primary misinformation, with the link to the article at the end of the post:

Cults have long captured the public’s imagination, just as they’ve captured many actual people. Yet while many are murderous, brainwashing people into committing horrific acts, and others are just a big con for financial gain, there are some that are more like religions, indoctrinating followers into a peaceful belief system — and in some ways, those are the cults that are even more insidious. Such is the case of Heaven’s Gate.

20 years ago this March, the 39 members of the Heaven’s Gate cult committed mass suicide. They believed this would allow them to “graduate” to the next level of consciousness aboard a spaceship hidden in the wake of the Halle-Bopp comet. Unlike other cult mass deaths — such as the horrific events of the Jonestown massacre — the members of Heaven’s Gate departed this Earth peacefully, consenting to the suicide and totally believing this was the right thing to do.

Sawyer’s comment:

I guess it is a Next Level of consciousness but saying it that way, however subconsciously is yet another way to distract from it’s physical reality and direct relationship to the Kingdom of Heaven Jesus described.

For the record, it’s not accurate to say their spacecraft was hidden in the wake of the comet. It was stated very clearly in the opening statement on that:

‘Whether Hale-Bopp has a “companion” or not is irrelevant from our perspective. However, its arrival is joyously very significant to us at “Heaven’s Gate.” The joy is that our Older Member in the Evolutionary Level Above Human (the “Kingdom of Heaven”) has made it clear to us that Hale-Bopp’s approach is the “marker” we’ve been waiting for — the time for the arrival of the spacecraft from the Level Above Human to take us home to “Their World” — in the literal Heavens. Our 22 years of classroom here on planet Earth is finally coming to conclusion — “graduation” from the Human Evolutionary Level. We are happily prepared to leave “this world” and go with Ti’s crew.

If you study the material on this website you will hopefully understand our joy and what our purpose here on Earth has been. You may even find your “boarding pass” to leave with us during this brief “window.”

We are so very thankful that we have been recipients of this opportunity to prepare for membership in Their Kingdom, and to experience Their boundless Caring and Nurturing.’

picture of: The Halle-Bopp comet as seen over New Jersey. [Credit: NASA]

This was something of a comfort to Nichelle Nichols, Star Trek actress and sister to one of the Heaven’s Gate members. Aside from portraying the original Lt Uhura, Nichols has also spent many years working with NASA to encourage women and people of color to take up careers in science. After years of estrangement from her brother Thomas, in 1997 the news that he died in a ritual suicide shocked Nichelle, but as she told Larry King she wasn’t unduly surprised.

“He just dropped out.”

After 20 years of no communication, Thomas reached out to his sister several years before he died. He wanted Nichelle’s help in disseminating information about the cult, specifically focusing on “the great comet that would come some day.” When asked her opinion of her brother’s suicide, Nichelle responded diplomatically.

Sawyer’s comment:

I don’t know for a fact that Thomas had no communication with her for 20 years as perhaps when he visited his vehicles family as most all of us did in 1985 and 1987, for a weekend each time – stimulated by Ti and Do to “relieve (their) anxiety” that also faced each of us with whether we wanted to leave the group, making it very easy to do so and from which at least one long term member, named Rthody, in one documentary using the name “michael” did because of the visits.

“He was highly intelligent and a beautifully gentle man. He made his choices and we respect those choices.”

Indeed, Thomas expressed his sense of tranquility and happiness in the cult’s final messages, recorded the day before their suicides.

Watching the members’ laughing and content “exit statements”, the fact that they killed themselves just a day later is chilling — and baffling. So how did this happen?

The Strange Beliefs Of Do & Ti

Heaven’s Gate was founded in the 1970s by Marshall Applewhite, who later named himself Do, and Bonnie Nettles, named Ti. The duo sought like-minded followers, proclaiming that Do was actually possessed by the same alien who possessed Jesus’ body, while Ti was possessed by God — who was also an alien.

Sawyer’s comment

Ti and Do initially didn’t think they would have students. Do documented this view in the booklet he wrote entitled, “88 update – The UFO Two and their Crew.” It was after the two private meetings in North Hollywood when “several dozen” wanted to follow them that they said they weren’t all that happy with the idea of followers but accepted it and then took the names, “Bo and Peep” because they then had sheep.

To call the Soul an “alien” is yet another Luciferian tactic to re-direct the truth. The Luciferians and their discarnates can give people ideas like this. They do it all the time and it’s completely undetected by the human recipiant, though if they want to do a good job they won’t just throw out such statements to the public that then becomes misleading to others and not smiled upon by the Next Level for doing, if that is anyone cares about the Next Level.

But this seems to be part of the view that many writers are expressing and even some former students of Ti and Do seemed to have embraced to some degree, from my conversations with several that demonizes Do as if Do freaked out after Ti left and drove them to commit suicide. Again, misinformation that I can prove and do but it takes research but I have provided that research in my book:

And then calling “God” an alien is yet another of the tell tale signs of that Luciferian disinformation agenda that even took shape big time with the Rael and his Raelians who claimed to be a contactee for those who said they were the Elohim in Genesis and created humans, when they did no creation at all, but at best were the Genesis chapter 6 and Book of Enoch “watchers” who propogated with humans to create their race of giants/mighty ones, who were very violent and were in large part destroyed by the Next Level’s imposed “flood” as show related to Noah – what is all considered myth now. But that didn’t end the Luciferian space alien influence on human kind, as Jesus described how the “enemy” of the Kingdom of God/Heaven “sowed seeds” on earth that he described as “tares” – look alike, but phony “wheat”. So the Luciferians are the “false Gods” and Ti and Do were very clearly against them and their deceit but provide them, becasue of what they, the Luciferians want to do, to test upcoming student souls so they can gain the needed strenght to graduate the human kingdom.

Do and Ti nicknamed their disciples “the crew”, in one of the group’s many eerie references to Star Trek. Considering Nichelle Nichols lost contact with her brother 20 years before his death, it seems that Thomas was one of the first members of Heaven’s Gate. Reportedly, the cult would often watch episodes of Star Trek together.

“39 to beam up!” said one of the Heaven’s Gate members in their final message. [Credit: CBS]

By 1975 Heaven’s Gate had sunk out of public view, giving up all personal possessions, rejecting their Earthly names, and even abstaining from sex. At this point, over one hundred people were part of “the crew” and they lived as vagrants, sleeping in tents and begging on the streets.

Sawyer’s comment:

It was 1976 when we sunk out of public view, though publicity continued into at least 1978 with the grade B movie that was total misinformation entitled, “The Mysterious Two”.

We were never officially called “the crew” though “crew” was a term used to describe the group. It wasn’t like a title as this implies.

To say we lived as “vagrants” is a low blow but not surprising to hear. We never “begged on the streets”. In 1975 Ti and Do did instruct us to travel to Chicago from Colorado where we had just completed a series of public meetings, to go to churches to state our needs, saying that we were doing work for our Heavenly Father, having new information about the Kingdom of God. If they asked what the new information was we told them about Bo and Peep as the Two Witnesses in Revelations chapter 11. We were instructed to never ask for money but only state our need – food, gas, shelter. We also offerred to work in exchange for the help and some did. Whether or not some of those early students, who were operating on their own ever “begged on the steets” or not, I can’t say but that was not the Ti and Do instruction to do and they would have been opposed to doing so.

We did sleep in tents for those first years until around 1980 when we moved into houses in suburban communities and got jobs. In 1976 we stopped holding public meetings and didn’t do any until late 1993 and through most of 1994 and then ceased such meetings again.

In the 1990s, after Ti’s death and revisions of the doctrine caused members to desert the cult, Heaven’s Gate experienced a resurgence thanks to the advent of the internet. Working as freelance programmers under the company name Higher Source, the cult recruited many new members using their website — which is still live today, explaining their ritual suicide.

“We’re looking forward to it!”

**** Sawyers comment:
I don’t recall “revisions of the doctrine” causing anyone to leave, unless this writer considers not leaving on a ufo in the time frame Ti and Do first thought a “revision” or when Ti and Do said the demonstration seems to be off. In both of those cases no doubt some didn’t stay on but if they were invested on those events happening, they really weren’t believers in Ti and Do, which is hard to describe, as for one those things didn’t affect me at all.

The internet had next to nothing to do with recruting new members. One couple joined from coming accross the web site and one of those left soon after joining. The one who stayed took the name David – Dvvody and who had a human vehicle that was female and African American.

I guess one could say there was a certain around of symbolism in their exit of their vehicles but it was not a “ritual”. There was never anything ritualistic in the group. There was no hint of religiosity except in how the “records” (the Bible and other materials) were passed down through religious organizations.

On March 19th, Do taped a final message that he later sent — recorded onto a VHS — to various news publications. In the hour-long video, Do explained why his cult had to kill themselves to avoid the “recycling” of the Earth, and ascend to the “Next Level”.

Just a few days later, the remaining 39 members of Heaven’s Gate were found dead in their rented San Diego mansion. Coinciding with the Hale-Bopp comet’s visit to Earth, the group ingested a deadly cocktail of phenobarbital and vodka, asphyxiating themselves with plastic bags to ensure they left this Earthly plane. The plan: To transport their souls to the spaceship hiding in the wake of the comet, finally achieving the destiny that Do and Ti planned for them over 20 years previously. In another unnerving reference to Star Trek, the members wore arm bands declaring them part of “the away team”.

How Did This Happen?

It’s terrifying to think that people really can become so indoctrinated into a belief system that they are happy to take their own lives. By all accounts, Heaven’s Gate was altruistic and kind, with no reports of the kind of fear-mongering and psychological abuse rampant in many cults. As very little is known about the group, it may be that the peaceful act was all a facade. Yet it is possible for people to become absorbed into a cult mindset even without violent brainwashing taking place.

As part of MP Super News’ current series Cults & Conspiracies — in conjunction with Hulu’s #ThePath — we invited clinical therapist and cult deprogrammer Rachel Bernstein to explain just how people fall prey to this kind of brainwashing.

Berstein’s explanation helps us understand the eerie sense of tranquility that is evident in Thomas Nichols’ final message. According to Bernstein, a sense of idealism and open mindedness is crucial for a person to be indoctrinated into a cult.

“[People who join cults are] bright, they’re wanting to learn about a new way of looking at the world. They’re sometimes religious — they’re opening their heart and their mind to something more spiritual. [They] want to do things in a non-mainstream way.”

People with these tendencies are susceptible to the kind of manipulation that cult leaders use. In the case of Heaven’s Gate, Do and Ti’s fervent dedication to their beliefs — along with the ’70s cultural climate of new-age spiritualism — persuaded people to join their cause.

**** Sawyer’s comment:
Typical ignorance in these opinions from the so called experts but there was never any evidence of “manipulation” by Ti and Do, consciously or otherwise and even a great deal of evidence of an aversion to any form of manipulation, which again my book provides the most evidence of that I’m aware of.

Picture: The Heaven’s Gate website is a wonder of 1990s cyber design. [Credit: Heaven’s Gate]

Unfortunately, we can’t just write this off as an alternative life choice. Like Thomas Nichols, many members of Heaven’s Gate left family behind. In particular, Yvonne McCurdy-Hill abandoned her five children — aged between four months and 19 years — to join the cult. Although both Yvonne and her husband attended an initial Heaven’s Gate spiritual retreat in 1996, only she decided to stay on as a member of “the crew”. Her family was distraught at her suicide a year later.

***** Sawyer’s comment:
There was no “spiritual retreat” that they joined, as if they were anything like the many groups who have such spiritual retreats.

“We all feel very emotional about the gift that we’ve been given. I’m the happiest person in the world.” — Thomas Nichols

As Bernstein urges, the only thing we can do is to stay aware of the dangerous people that seek to indoctrinate us into cults like Heaven’s Gate. A healthy dose of cynicism is advised. But sometimes, these things just happen, and we can only hope that those involved at least go out peacefully.

For a gripping take on life during and after cult brainwashing, check out Hulu’s The Path Season 2, airing every Wednesday.

And check out Super News’ ongoing series Cults & Conspiracies every Wednesday.