Archive for the ‘wars’ Category

What Humans are up to in Space and on Earth and Why

February 19, 2021

Here is my little synopsis of what I believe has been happening for years in regards to aspects of the space programs of many countries, as of late with a new Mars rover landing on Mars.

Make no mistake about it, this is one tiny but huge part of where “their” (beyond dems and repubs which are simply mostly public relations categories) priorities are, tech development on earth and in space. The idea that it’s exploration for exploration sake is totally antiquated thinking. They have very concrete plans Bush escalated in around 2007 immediately after China announced they were going to build colonies on the moon and mars, with the same kind of programs. I remember him saying at the state of the union address where/when he announced this for the US efforts, that “perhaps we will find an energy resource that will boggle the mind”. People said he was referring to helium III, but that element doesn’t boggle the mind any more than plutonium, etc. though it does defy gravity and they say the sun is full of it (and who knows what all else). But they also said at the time that the moon had helium III but that it’s easy to manufacture it on earth and far less expensive to do, so that didn’t make sense that that’s what he was referring to.
When this happened, since in the 90’s I followed everything that was happening in the so called UFO community, I knew well of the Bob Lazar story in which he was hired out of where he worked in Los Alamos National Laboratories, to be whisked away from that job and given a task at the infamous Area 51 at Groom lake, NV to back engineer how a certain type of engine worked, an engine they got from one of the crashed or provided ufo’s – while ufo’s were long known to seem to defy gravity. Thus could that be the energy source to boggle the mind?

At about that time after Hubble space telescope was launched it detected something not able to be seen from earth – one very bright spot that looked like a light on dwarf planet Ceres, actually the largest “asteroid” in the asteroid belt that is between Mars and Jupiter. It was so unusual to see that they built an entire project around going to Ceres and some years later it was launched and several years later it was very close to ceres in the beginning of 2015, it’s cameras were awakened and that one bright spot became seen as two spots, with one larger than the other and when they tested the heat signatures one was thermal and the other wasn’t so one had no heat to it. That was the Dawn spacecraft.

Then by the late summer of 2015 Dawn was so close that it was clear that it’s wasn’t just two spots. It was many but in different configurations that when compared to pictures of cities on earth from space at night looked of some equivalence. But apparently as it got closer and closer as it orbited, the biggest brightest spot appeared to be a tower of whatever material was putting out that light and/or heat, that was estimated to be 5-10 miles tall and kind of looked like the Eifel tower in the way it looked like it had legs, causing the base to cast a shadow underneath from the sun light, which seems to mean it’s not only light but has dense physicality.

Other locations also showed that same kind of luminescence, one other location on Ceres looking like a pyramid shape with one side full of that same bright white light looking material.

They got closer and closer and the pics used to be mostly on the Wikipedia website under Ceres but the last articles I know about it were from late in 2019.

I can imagine that they don’t want to talk about that much and I’d bet they are planning a robotic expedition there to try to get samples of this material which may be a mighty task to do. Perhaps that’s part of why they want bases on Mars in particular since it’s the closest planet to Ceres.

By the way, I don’t know if I believe that humans have been on the moon and/or Mars and/or Venus, etc. I say that because TI and DO didn’t indicate that they had been there, at least during this civilization as implied by Hoagland and others. And I don’t think the space aliens (human equivalents) are there now either, as my understanding from TI and DO is that the space aliens are in jail on earth, though that includes the near space around the earth but I don’t know how far that near space extends away from the earth but my suspicion is that it might not go much further than the moon – but actually they may but without the technology to do anything in those locations so why go there. They need the biological and elemental substances on earth and from humans to subsist.

DO said that he didn’t know if in a previous civilization on earth humans had developed the technology to go to Mars. So the Alternative 3 story may or may not be misinformation or disinformation or ideas from the space aliens and/or discarnates. It could be that there was once a project on Mars and I suppose could be human equivalents living underground there but I doubt it.
I also doubt parts of the Val Valiant Thor story from 1957, that Dr. Frank Strange reported Val and some 76 others come and go from their home on Venus. I’m not saying it’s not possible but since they are all space aliens (mammals in their behaviors and ways), my understanding from DO was that they were forced to live on earth and that’s why the stories developed that “hell” was underground, because they had chosen to go against the Next Level Above Human by their own choices many times over millenniums so lost sight of the reality of the Next Level as being evolutionarily Above and Beyond Human, so think of the Next Level Members, they once knew about as just another space race like themselves but with better technology and so they seek to duplicate that technology.

I surmise they didn’t have that much technology when they were jailed on and/or inside the earth and/or under the seas. That’s why they need humans and that’s why they always look for ways to give humans reasons to build their technologies fast, having the money for R & D and the drive to do so as quickly as possible, hence using “wars” to build the military industrial complex and control the resources of the planet they want and need. (Iraq war, etc.)

DO said that was one of the primary agendas of the space aliens (souls with hybridized human vehicles), to escape the earth, their jail, as among them rumor has it that they are about to be recycled by who are actually the the Creators of the earth and it’s inhabitants/life forms. So they are attempting to compete with the Next Level which there is no contest with, though they can steal souls, their other agenda. The way that most translates to date is by the people who are literally at war with anyone who is religious and especially Christian. Isn’t it ironic how so many Christians unbeknown to them are not actually believers in much of what Jesus taught because they haven’t been told about much of what Jesus taught and/or if they were taught, were kept from seeing the overall way Jesus was teaching that humans needed to break ties with their human family to go with him and lives and work with him in one of his “many mansions/dwelling places in his Father’s House among the stars in the literal heavens” (paraphrased).

It’s also interesting how in the end of the summer of 2015, days away from the closest passage of Dawn spacecraft around Ceres, the New Horizon’s space craft was passing by Pluto and it just so happens that Pluto was referred to by TI and DO, in a movie script they started a project for some students to write in around 1982, that they said was “fiction based on the truth” (sign of a true Master, is they don’t think or pretend to know what they don’t know). In that script, with illustrations painted by student Ollody (who wore the Dr. Seuss hat in the exit video) Pluto housed a huge earth lab. This is most pertinent and significant because Pluto has a number of characteristics that the earth has. It has a thin blue atmosphere and mountains and caverns and a huge methane ocean – NASA calls a great white spot and other features that no other planets they’ve seen have and were totally unexpected, their thinking it was just a desolate cold rocky barren of life planet.

So the Space Force that Trump heralded as one of his great accomplishments, which was fully funded by his opposition as with all the military budgets that show how deeply in bed they really are together. Though I know many felt stifled some in their earth projects because of Trump so would do anything to get rid of him and not create a war in the states because that would just interfere with all they still wanted to do in the building of underground bases and development of nuclear energy and lots more.

So they, the space aliens are using the human race through humans with great power who don’t know they are being used or believe the space aliens can be trusted, to build underground bases that can also be the technology used for humans in outer space.
Some in power suspect the near miss asteroids are literally being like shots across the bow of the earth so they also need money galore to develop ways to try to steer them away and/or break them up. In any case, they are seeking someplace to hide from many other geological events, climate changes, earthquakes, volcano’s and pestilences all of which happen to be forecasted to happen in the records of even a number of cultures.

Some believe the evil space aliens are coming to enslave humans but that’s the “weeds” of the “garden” calling the master farmers evil for wiping them out which is going to be happening more and more with weeds taking out weeds, while the innocent victims when they die are accelerated to their next station in the human school IF their Souls and/or Spirits are deemed salvageable as all our human vehicles are simply plants that live and die in their season.

However, we don’t know how to tell who is or isn’t salvageable so that’s why we need to grow to even treat those who are opposed to us in the same way we would want to be treated (as Jesus taught that TI and DO supported), that is physically speaking – being non-violent and peace loving, kind, gentle and tolerate of one another, unbiased and non judgmental and straight forward.
But there is not to be “Heaven on Earth” as some New Age Christians and other spiriutal religionists say is coming, as that’s an oxymoron because the meaning of the word Heaven has to do with the environment in deep outer space, among the starts, though for any Soul that has become a Next Level Above Human Member, while they are on earth or in it’s atmosphere, are Representing their Older Members and thus in that way, like Jesus said, “The Kingdom of Heaven is at Hand”, through Them, which is still the case as long as TI and DO are keeping the “garden” free enough so that people can choose to make application for employment to Them, serving on their Above Human spacecrafts.

So in this world we will not have peace as the human kingdom was not designed to be satisfying except for periods of time in different lands as having pleasures then provide the lessons of what to outgrow wanting and even think we need to be happy, when ultimately the only thing we need to be happy is to be working for our Older Members, which is what Jesus and Moses taught was the number one commandment (qualification to make our goal). That’s why everything, governments, family structures, health, etc. on this planet are once again falling apart more and more. Of course some don’t see it that way, but that’s because they haven’t grown in that way yet to see it. Sure we get breaks when it doesn’t seem to be falling apart but at this time I doubt those breaks will be very long lasting.

However many deem it normal to have belief in justifications for wars and curtailing others free will and even using humans as their guinea pigs, like for their vakkkk programs, etc. They seek ways to combat diseases in space or in underground dwellings, whether on earth or on another body. So some humans consider other humans as collateral damage, a common way of thinking from the Luciferian Space Alien Fallen Angel Souls’ minds that many humans have bought into as normal and even justifiable. I know some believe they are being of service to the overall “good” by becoming willing guinea pigs for medicines. It’s similar to some who join up with the military to fight terrorism, though they often find that they are becoming even the greater terrorists. They can choose to accept that or they can suffer from their participation and grow through it, to have learned that lesson.

So the overriding task before those who want to continue to make application to be on TI and DO’s Crew are required to believe they are from the Kingdom that Created the Earth and all it’s inhabitants and lifeforms AND to Stand in Their Defense and accept the consequences and maintain that Stand until they exit their vehicles, however that happens. We need our vehicles to take that Stand and with taking that Stand it’s up to us how fast we want to grow as we can also be moving our metamorphosis ahead by adopting the behaviors and ways spelled out in the Major and Lessor Offense Lists in the Heaven’s Gate Book and the Seventeen Steps. In order to Stand for them we have to study the information they left behind so we know whether we believe it or not and/or so we can share the truth about what they taught with others. How, when and where we Stand for TI and DO is up to us and it’s part of the Next Level Students ways to seek help from their Older Members, at this time using the names TI and DO in our privacy. Study of their materials alone is not enough. All the People in the Next Level thrive on doing tasks for their Older Members so that’s why they give tasks to those that are becoming their students. This all becomes instrumental when applied to Overcoming our humanness that includes separating from our human root systems. That’s not to say someone can’t grow while taking care of responsibilities they have to fellow humans, but how each of us proceeds in our growth is up to us and to get help with that, we need to ask TI and DO for, and they will give us the indications of how we might best proceed.

I could be wrong but believe I experienced receiving such help with separating from some of the binds I reconstituted in the human kingdom after I left TI and DO’s group in 1994, when I wanted to work for TI and DO more and more but I had a partner who didn’t believe what I believed and so that prohibited my serviceability, but eventually she left me and though that was painful it was needed by me to separate from and not then try to reconstitute that or another of that kind of human relationship.

Allegiance to Ti and Do – not based on Their fulfillments of prophecy in the Book of Revelation

August 29, 2019
Crlody’s comment of DO’s statement put on Sawyer’s YouTube channel (3spm) re: a livestream that focused on the Book of Revelation:
“It’s no basis for our allegiance to our task. And it shouldn’t be to you. If you can think of it in that light, and just simply be amused by it, because we’re not trying to lock in on what we’re doing with fulfillment of the prophecies in the Book of Revelation, or Isaiah, or anyplace else, or Daniel”.-Do, Beyond Human Session 11
Sawyer’s reply:
The Book of Revelation or any other records never were the basis of my allegiance to TI and DO’s task. My allegiance to Ti and DO’s task They gave to “us,” that started in 1975 for me, was never based on the Revelation at all and it’s still not.
However, it was after the Beyond Human tapes that DO began being more forward to the public with regard to “our” position that “we” were the return of the same Souls who were The Father and Jesus and Their students.
This is clearly evidenced in a number of audios but perhaps the clearest is in the Portland, OR meeting tapes made in the spring of 1994.
In that tape, Rkkody asks a question of DO along the lines of… should we start standing on street corners holding up a sign or poster like the ones of those produced by DO and Class that are in the Heaven’s Gate Book. (That say DO and Students are the return of the Soul who used the vehicle named Jesus about 2000 years ago and His Students).
Also in that tape, DO tells the class, that included new students, that they should get familiar with the scriptures so they can speak to people with some background and that we might need to get that bold if they continue to ignore us.
I’m fulfilling some of that – helping to give anyone who is interested a great deal of evidence to set the records straight as DO also said in slightly different words, that Christians were the biggest group of people that were prepared for Jesus’ return.
DO on that occasion and other occasions in the Beyond Human series and in a big way did talk about key topics that are only found in the Book of Revelation, like Armageddon in the document He wrote called:

Armageddon which side are you on”
Also in the document he wrote, (I believe after I left the class in 1994), named:
(because they were bombarded by Lucifer and his helpers) and hardly stood a chance, which means they have a chance):
“Now, before departure via a “NEXT LEVEL” mothership, my students and I will be assisting my Father and His other Next Level helpers in their WAR against these lies – this serious misinformation – perpetuated mainly by the so-called CHRISTIANS and JEWS”
DO also said that the WAR recorded as Armageddon was a war for Souls.
We know that He and TI were the fulfillment of the Two Witnesses prophecy in the Revelation, though they didn’t want to put that fact up front in their talks because they weren’t trying to ride those “tail feathers”, especially for those that were prepared to graduate who were most receptive to their more accurate terms of describing the Next Level Above Human and the “process” to embark (overcoming).
I also witnessed (and Pypody and Andody (Frank) and Mrcody (Mark) and Srfody (Sarah) were present for) DO holding a meeting that TI didn’t attend, (so before June of 1985) in which he gave instructions to bring whatever Bibles we had on hand to, where he had us open to Revelation 12:1, which he said was talking about TI as the “Woman”.
I know I can’t depend on all that was written in the Revelation as accurate because DO said in that same Portland tape, I think, that John didn’t know how to write down accurately some of what was being given to him, which I hadn’t heard or remembered until I recently listened to that tape.
Many Christians think they know it all, to include in the Revelation and some humans have picked up on major new ways of thinking about the Revelation, that I observed while researching certain topics for the book I wrote. (TI and DO The Father and “Jesus” Heaven’s Gate UFO Two Witnesses)
DO didn’t say we couldn’t read the Revelation materials, if only to be “amused” so I’m not doing anything wrong or against Ti and DO’s wishes to choose to talk about those materials. (Years ago, Carlan cited that part of the Beyond Human tape before as criticism of my writing a book focused on all Jesus prophecy to include the Book of Revelation).
In about 1985, that the students I mentioned earlier might recall, Dncody (Dick – not among the 38 yet his vehicle became deceased because of disease) was assigned a task by himself to re-write the Bible, if I recall correctly, though I wasn’t privy to what parts as I doubt it included that Old Testament. He left the class some years later, perhaps as late as 1991 so I don’t know how far he got or whether it was discontinued soon thereafter. I only bring it up to show Ti and Do’s thinking back then.
One of the main points of the awakening Ti and Do first experienced, they said, in Boerne, Texas in 1973 was that they were both from the Kingdom in the literal heavens (outer space), here to fulfill prophecy and to bring updates to the bible.
I know these records are not important to our allegience to Them, possibly to include to new students at this time period, after their exit of their human vehicles they borrowed but how do we know they won’t be important to certain ones now or to come? Even if none of the Souls that might still remain to find vehicles they can take over to show their belief and allegiance to Ti and Do don’t benefit from the Revelation materials, it faces Christians with the truth so they can choose whether to serve their humanness (mammon) or The Next Level through the “keys” (teachings) provided by TI and DO.
It also provides the Next Level with more options if TI and DO want to use what we and others write/say about more of the truth of the application of those historic records for a future civilizational classroom, should it be organized by the Next Level soon or in the distant future. TI and DO talked about this and assigned us in the class at that time in the 1980’s the task of writing a “book” for that purpose – to be an aid to a future Next Level crew. A future Next Level crew would be on earth again, in this way to relate to humans as They don’t need these records but those might benefit from having them.
I would think that anyone who believes in TI and Do would want to see Them talked about in every applicable positive minded way.
For whatever it may be worth, that lower forces influences (that we all have to battle) would have some believe about me, I’m not competing with anyone. Nor do I think I’m a hotshot or elevated over anyone for doing what little I do. If anything, my talking about scripture much might turn away some that choose to turn away because of their difficulty with those records – often because of the way those records were framed as a part of the so called Christian religion that they may understandibly hate because of the centuries of hypocrisies and outright lies, that they got mostly from Paul of Tarsus (that TI talked about in audio tape 66 or 201 if I recall correctly).

Phoenix Lights=alien attempt to upstage Heavens Gate HaleBopp Comet Encounter

February 7, 2016

Below is my comment to a blogger who reports new airforce footage of a jet following a triangle shaped black, so called UFO, that allegedly occurred during the famous March 13th 1997 Phoenix Lights sightings. The link to her blog and the link to the video of the jet in pursuit of the triangle UFO is at the end of this post. (It shows the cockpit view from the jet and the craft it is in pursuit of that is black and triangle shaped and is very clearly some type of manufactured craft dipping and rolling about).  I wanted to express some of what I thought could have been behind the Phoenix lights event, whether this triangle craft was space alien generated or U.S. govn’t instigated or a joint human and human equivilent program development – perhaps the least likley scenerio, at least in any kind of direct fashion.

Sawyer’s comment:

You could be right about some or all of what was called the Phoenix Lights being staged one way or the other, either by humans and/or by space aliens. If it was staged by humans or space aliens, I say it was because of ideas given to humans to have a reason to do so and at that specific time and location, because that’s how both the space aliens and humans work. Ti and Do taught that all humans to include human equivilent space aliens are influenced by discarnates and/or thought projections and it’s the ones known as Lucifer and his associates, who wield the biggest influence and who teach mortal discarnates to do the same which can be as simple as giving certain humans who have authority direction as ideas they would have.

The space aliens are not one group either. Their made up of multiple races, literally brought to the earth vicinity without their knowledge by the provisons of highways in the heavens they were given a one way pass on. Othewise there was no way for them to traverse the distances within even a number of human lifetimes, though some do have extended liftimes that Do indicated to about 1000 years (which shows in the records of the current early part of the civilization).

So the space alien races don’t have one organization though may have alliances with one another that extend to human governmental organizations, I believe Ti and Do also indicated. Ti and Do spent little time on all this. It’s little tiny one sentence tidbits that when looking back and combining with what we learn about from reports shape a picture that makes reality look far stranger than any fiction, though The Next Level is the source of even that fiction indirectly and directly, though some of which comes from the ideas the Luciferian space aliens provide humans in thought as ideas and motivations to play out their agendas.

So the aliens have competitions among one another for the spoils of the planet” whcih is also spelled out in non-religious historically recorded word of mouth/written Jesus forcasting of this time, referred to as prophecy. However, in general, which always works it’s way down to the same specifics the aliens have the same agenda to steal “souls” and/or to advance human’s in technological development they can benefit from and/or advance their hybridization programs to develop new bodies from, they can program for their use (that the bodies don’t know is happening because of the mind control over them from their bith as we also see throughout human populations) or to develop longevity and survivalist technologies and sustainable energy system development – to power their spacecrafts and environments on craft and provide sustenence that also carrys over to their hiding in their underground bases where they have been forced to retreat during previous civilizational recycling times.

I know from reports that particular triangle shaped black craft that look like the one later shown to be among the first “stealth” aircraft designs were seen by people I’ve read in reports over the years and had conversation with one who is a Hopi descendent in Arizona who did quite a bit of investigation into the Phoenix lights and the triangle shaped craft who went to Virginia and got a hold of some footage of the same kind of craft in that  airspace. Virgina seems to definitely be a hub and is even where Virginia Tech hosted a mirror Heaven’s Gate “cult of truth” site and it’s interesting that it’s been “marked” it seems by the Next Level in these latest “fireball” sightings at the end of January of this year of 2016 that also marked Arizona with a sighting, Maine (kennebunkport?) to North Carolina and Kentucky, this time around.

By the way, those “fireballs” as I reported seem to be arriving in the same pattern as they did first in 2013 that started with the Russian Cherblynsk “meteor” that flew over that city and did result in some minor injuries from thousands of broken windows but no fatalities or serious injuries reported. In fact, each year starting in 2013 the Fireballs were followed by a near miss asteroid and a couple comet that in several cases came out of nowhere that came to perihelion within days of the March 22nd Hale Bopp’s perihelion, when the Heaven’s Gate “cult of truth” members layed down their lives, believing doing so was TIMED by the comet’s arrival as they had been anticipating since 1975 to come to pick them up. For those that know some of that history, one would know that at that time Ti and Do thought we’d be picked up with our vehicles, while they also thought each student that was fully embracing what they taught was literally growing something inside of our human bodies. They didn’t get any more specific than that at that time but only said we were going to experience “body changes”. It was many years later that Do spoke about how the “deposit” provided each who is “called” to the opportunity is a physical container that houses Next Level Mind (holy spirit). They knew that was what would be born but they didn’t know when the Next Level would move that “body” out of the human body and into the Next Level body that was to be “grown” for that student according to what they had risen to in their metamorphic changeover.  Therefore when it happened by their own hands that was the method to exit their human bodies and since those soul bodies are invisible to humans it was the “spririt/mind (soul) birth” Jesus spoke about happening upon his return. Therefore Ti and Do were 100% correct in thinking we would be picked up with our bodies – it just was the only body the Next Level harvests as they have no need for human bodies – they can grow them by the billions easily.

But why wouldn’t Ti and Do have said that it was our “soul body” that would be harvested in the first place. As they always said, they were only informed about what was going to happen and with certain understandings a little ahead of the student body. That is strategy becaues the Next Level knows the Luciferians will be looking for every way to create facsimili events and understandings and doubts and side issues to try to thwart the Next Level’s harvest of souls as they want souls for themselves, to add to their ranks and also resent the Next Levels authority over them so if nothing more want to try to prove them wrong at every turn.

And yet the Next Level knowing that uses it for several purposes. When something they say is later seen differently by them it’s uncanny to see how it resulted in a filtering of those who were not ready to go the distance of overcoming their humanness. Plus it provides another filter, giving people who might be on the fence an easy out as if someone wants an easy out, they too will not at that time go the distance, though for all it doesn’t mean once one has left a classroom or never even joined, that they can’t at any time switch gears and say to the Next Level, for those hearing this, to Ti and Do, they want to give it all they got, so want the help to do so. And by the way, if the “bombardment” from the lower forces we all must experience that trys to turn our eyes away from further growth towards Next Level Membership seems too hard to handle, then Ti and Do said we could ask the Next Level (Them) to ease up some.

Coming back to the Phoenix Lights, from the reports of that event, that triangle craft doesn’t seem to explain the famous “7 lights” that don’t look like one craft in their configuration, (but I don’t recall if they moved around, so could have been one craft or a combo of crafts forming a formation.) I don’t think drone technology was that well in place then).

What many in the know about space alien activity and in governments who have knowledge of space alien activity, that becomes divided into “good and bad aliens”, may not be open to considering, and that even some Christians who believe UFO’s are evidence of the fallen angels often don’t want to consider is that none of these are representative of the physical Living Above Human Beings who evolutionarily created everything. Some of these Christians will say, for instance that the UFO’s are satan yet will say space aliens don’t exist a typical way the Luciferians twist anyone’s thinking away from further reality. Where the non-christian based scientists and such, if they have recognized and dealt with the entire ufo and space aliens among us evidence will often say, there are both good and bad aliens – another Luciferian viewpoint that allows them to continue to enslave humans who were waking up more. As Jesus said “tricks” both in physical (ufo sightings and strange abduction accounts) and mental to miss the greater reality in front of us, to even sway those of the “elect” or “remainder”, another reason we won’t see the Next Level staging a sighting like the phoenix lights UNTIL the chance to be harvested in some fashion is passed as said in:

Rev 16:17 And the seventh angel poured out his vial into the air; and there came a great voice out of the temple of heaven, from the throne, saying, It is done.

and then Do in his Next Level vehicle with graduates in their Next Level vehicles come with their armada of spacecraft “white horses” to be seen by EVERY EYE ON EARTH. I’d bet even the blind will have a minds picture of that, though that verse that says that also  refers to all manner of people seeing and some seeing because they have eyes to see.


One thing that seems to be apparant is how Do and Crew of the 38 students had been building an “earthship” near Manzano, New Mexico until November of 1995 and suddenly got instructions from Ti (from His spacecraft) for Do and crew to move to Scottsdale,  and Paradise Valley, AZ. They had been hauling supplies to build their compound near Manzano “all summer long” (certain residents reported) and were regularily in touch with the people they rented office space from, that saw them everyday and knew of their earthship project and some of their far out thinking that wasn’t really out of place in that area.

The group bought that 40 acre plot, where they had intended to potentially stage or hope for an exit of their vehicles at the hands of the government, thinking along the lines of staging what happened at Waco with David Koresh and the Branch Davidian group. (Do was constantly seeking Ti’s will for them to conclude their nearly 25 years incarnate and was willing to provoke the government to accellerating their exit IF he felt Ti was behind their doing so. There is a great deal to talk about regarding Do’s thinking in this regard that can easily be ignored but I’ll just say that the human vehicle was never thought of as being harvested so how the souls would exit was always something  to try to stay in tune to as they also never knew when, though at one point they took a stab at it and the spacecraft didn’t come take us away so Ti told Do that he told us later after she left that she felt like she had “egg on her face” and then some students left the classroom shortly thereafter, presumably related to that forcast of “not more than 5 years” not being accurate. Ti and Do regretted saying that. Before saying that when asked how long before the craft comes, they would say “months”. That was their instruction to say and one can easily see why – because this wasn’t going to be a start of a new religion and they wern’t interested in lots of members, and they knew that it was possible to be months and they knew that one had to have a fire under them to hit the deck running or they would never make the grade. Ti and Do always kept an urgency about changing. It was a training program afterall.

It was in mid 1994 that we first believed we might have to “self exit” our vehicles as we put that suggestion into a poster used during the last meeting we gave in 1994 after 9 months of such meetings across the U.S. That was followed by a sense that no matter what we said publically, our exit and end of the task was probably not going to occur by another’s hand.

I was with them until September of 1994 when we had a meeting with even the new members of the group that had been gathered during that 2nd public meeting offering (after 17 years living in seclusion – “overcoming our human behaviors and ways”, which was after the first public meeting spree that also lasted for 9 months) where Do described in detail a plan to self exit by drinking a barbituate mixture that would essentially put our vehicles to permenant sleep, as it says in:

Rev 11:7 And when they shall have finished their testimony, the beast that ascendeth out of the bottomless pit shall make war against them, and shall overcome ((to subdue)) them, and kill ((apokteino= seperate by dying) them ((auto= themselves)).

These double parens above are  the most accurate translation of those Greek words in this context. Ti and Do were subdued by the BEASTS (US) media in the public space (airwaves) and they weren’t put in graves yet their “fallen bodies” (reputations as they were called thieves) was in that public square for the “first third trimester half” as their story was in the media moreorless close to when Ti left her vehicle as we learned periodically.

At that meeting with Do in San Clemente warehouse in september of 1994 He asked each student, one by one, older and newer if they had any reservations as the first posters we used for the meetings said nothing about that kind of exit and there never was anything snuck up on anyone in my 19 years in the group. As it turned out a few did have reservations so Do asked what they wanted to do and they then wanted to leave the group and Do had “pursers” give them money and a train, bus or airplane ticket to wherever they wanted to go.

But that still didn’t leave Do with knowing that irreversilble action was to be their method of exit so he continued to explore alternatives as he had explored for most of the time I was a student, that actually started while Ti was still incarnate as they had that book by the Hemlock Society on all the ways one could self-exit. It’s really not suicide because suicide always includes some sort of negativity against self or others – for revenge or to escape difficult lessons on earth, lessons that we absolutely need to have our physical bodies to learn as once outside the physical body we are “set” in whatever we believed before we died.

I’ve already reported how some of us considered exiting by space craft pickup and/or by “fasting” our way out that was aborted after 14 days of a water only fast. And there was the time after the cocoon movie Do wondered about getting a boat to exit that way. He even bought a boat we had docked in Houston for as much as a year in case he felt instrucdton from Ti to all get on it and head out to sea.

If we believed in a Jesus that did it all (overcoming) for us, so that we didn’t have to do our own overcoming, then the “heaven” we get is just as fictitious when we die. If we die believing nothing is going to happen then that’s what we get – nothing. If we die thinking we will then be free, it is true but free only of the vehicle which is then also free to “change our mind” to grow, to have anything more than the freedom of floating around (though even that is limited though we won’t know we are limited as we won’t know that even in the first “heaven” – the spirit world there are “gates” and chambers, what Ti and Do called “buckets” or “boxes” which is a type of sorting the Next Level Above Human does with their school of spirits and souls as some who did the best they could with what they received will be “saved” for a future opportunity to be incarnate to learn more lessons at a time when an Older Member from the Evolutionary Level Above Human comes incarnate again to nurture towards an eventual chance to graduate their human condition to enter the Next physical Evolutionary Kingdom.

None of the space aliens have graduated. The fallen angels dropped out of a previous program before fully graduating though they did advance enough to have some service in the Next Level in elementary tasks as “watchers” (observers).

But back to the Phoenix lights:

So in the late fall Do got instructions to stop building the earthship though they told those in town, like I said, it was because of the upcoming winter. I’m not saying that didn’t have somthing to do with it, but as with all things associated with the Next Level there are all sorts of overviews but they don’t tell their servants on the ground incarnate more than they need to know as there is a strategy in it. They need strategy because the Luciferian space aliens have strategy as they try to second guess what the Next Level is going to do as they knew well who Ti and Do were and were seeking to steal away souls that were their students and also just resent how they have been restricted to the earth and a short distance into near space so want to do anything against them they can do.

The Next Level lets the lower forces do this against them because it provides all souls with the full free will to choose who to give allegience to, as Jesus said between the Kingdom of God and Mammon (all things that are wealth and treasure to humans). We build our strength of mind/spirit by rejecting human mammalian ways when we know there is something else to aspire to, which is why Older Members from the Next Level come incarnate to share with us in a way that’s direct to understand so not to be left with the archaic and distorted and diluted records (though the truth is still very apparant in all Jesus said, which is because the Next Level saw to it that record remained accurate enough to be used to help awaken future students to their reality and the overcoming process that Ti and Do equated to a metamorphosis).

They stayed in Scottsdale “until it started to get hot” and moved to Rancho Sante Fe from Paradise Valley, Arizona in the spring to summer of 1996.

So the strategy as I suspect was to give the Luciferians the idea they (Do and crew)  would be living and exiting from the Phoenix area and somehow blocking them from knowing when they moved to Rancho Sante Fe to exit.

But the Luciferians I suspect wanted to make their show to relate Ti and Do and crew to themselves, to the space aliens, especially for Christians to see as they had already begun to do though various sources like MUFON who had a staff member who specialized in UFO’s in religion and in the report of the Yellow Book Bob Lazar was shown where he read that the same ones who provided the 5 spacecrafts to the U.S. to back engineer their operation were the ones who also said, “we created Jesus” and said they had video footage of Jesus on the cross from that time period as proof. And I guess it’s possible they do have such footage.

That would indicate that there were some of the space aliens who did seek to commondeer who Jesus represented to turn people to themselves which is also a big part of what the Urantia Book also accomplished and then makes further sense out of the Paul of Tarsus contactee experience or at the least the idea for it, if Paul was directly working as like a double agent even unknowingly.

But the Next Level steers completly away from showing themselves to humans in such an obvious way as seven lights spread across the sky or as a triangular or wing shaped craft or as actually any of the sightings. The Next Level does things in ways humans see as “nature” – meteors, asteroids, fireballs, comets, signs in the sun, moon, stars, planets, signs in earthquakes, volcanos, storms, tornado’s, etc. weather events as then people still have no proof except the proof they get from a “deposit” that they must grow or lose that too.

After all Jesus said it would be the false christs (ians) and false speakers/teachers (prophets), that includes the space aliens directly an directly by teaching humans certain things that show “great signs and wonders” to even persuade those who are “called” (deposited with the soul container) to see the truth (which comes from the incarnate Two Witnesses who are the Father and the one called Jesus returned incarnate in the names Ti and Do.

In other words the Luciferians want to further muddy the water and this is also what is behind the “war in the heavens” – armageddon which is in progress and is a war for souls. Souls are literal deposits of the equivilent of a larva (seed, embyro) that has the potential to become a new child in the Next Level that can become an adult in the Next Level eventually.

I suspect Ti, knowing of the Luciferian plan afoot threw them a curve ball by appearing to locate in Scottsdale to exit. I suspect the Luciferians knew the exit was very near, maybe even expected it at spring solstice, passover time – the time the Israeli tribes exited from their bondage and the significance of comets.

Even if I am wrong about some of this, it’s occurred to me as I ask and dig to see more so may be accurate enough that it might help others come out of “spiritual” thinking a little more to see some of the potentials in strategy. We can think Lucifer is a myth – certainly one of the ploys he likes to spin in his web of lies along with the rest so perhaps this can be of value to someone.

That staging event doesn’t make sense to me otherwise as the Space Aliens have no reason to woo the general public though since saying that the idea popped into my head that this was staged to steal souls – an agenda they definitely have and what better time to do that but when the Next Level are drawing that huge attention. The Next Level may have blocked them from doing so at other times as if we can be wooed by the Luciferians as our choice then the Next Level gives us opportunities to be wooed though at the same time they give opportunity to ignore that wooing and keep our eyes on Them.

Here is the link that stimulated this but I am also aware that a movie is coming out in March about the Phoenix lights, perhaps with that new footage which will make it into another science fictional perspective for many.

Air Force Aviator Leaks Dramatic ‘Phoenix Lights’ Cockpit Footage

What Ti and Do (“Jesus”) might say about Trump wanting to keep Muslims out of America

December 12, 2015

Here is my response to a post that asks the question of whether Republican presidential candidate Donald J. Trump was right about a law banning Muslims from America. I tried to give what I hope might be what Ti and Do might say. The link to the article is below for those that want to see what others say. I left a comment but I didn’t actually read the article. I just went by the title to respond:

From what Ti and Do taught; I believe the Luciferian space alien perspective of maintaining law and order that Lucifer and his fellow “fallen angels” seek to maintain on earth, it’s “just” (right). But from the perspective of the Evolutionary Level Above Human who created the earth and all it’s life forms, as their “hothouse”, to grow minds/souls upon towards new membership in their society of Beings, it’s not right (just) because it imposes limitations to how the souls and human evolutionary level minds/spirits in their “garden” can migrate away from their human root systems and war torn environments to seek a better life. (As Jesus said about the “son of man” (offspring man-faced (human)):

Mat 8:19 And a certain scribe came, and said unto him, Master, I will follow thee whithersoever thou goest.
Mat 8:20 And Jesus saith unto him, The foxes have holes, and the birds of the air have nests; but the Son of man hath not where to lay his head.

A Member of the Next Level who is incarnate in a human vehicle would not be comfortable staying put and outgrow relating to their human root system – family as they know they are related to a different family of Above Human Beings like themselves as their Family, not the relations to the vehicle they borrow for their task. Thus the Next Level working with Souls and the human vehicles the souls are planted within foster events that break up human families and disrupt normalcy to stimulate further growth towards some becoming graduates out of the human evolutionary kingdom.

In other words, the object in the garden is to raise minds/spirits through human flesh by subjecting them to adversity that stimulates their quest for something better that if they continue to thirst for, as Jesus taught, which, that adversity is the salt in the garden, will draw more of what is real to them which must be continued throughout that mind/spirits experience in the human kingdom over many lifetimes (each leaf on the genetic tree is one of those lifetimes – the leaf dies each season but the tree retains all the leaf experienced in it’s genetic database it produces new leaves from to continue the growth pattern of that branch).  All the space aliens are like “fallen trees” – from whatever planet or earth civilization past, souls (planting into the human or equivilent tree) who sprouted and were given a partially evolved Next Level vehicle before they chose to go against the Older Member’s instructions and began to cohabitate and/or use humans for their hybridization of human experiments to foster their own “kingdom” on earth. They had many chances to change/recover from that fall but did not, so the Next Level decided to use what they wanted to do, to put other souls in their equivilent schooling stage towards adult membership in the Next Level to the test, to gain strength of Next Level (holy) Mind/Spirit by dealing with and conquering, prevailing against, sort of like the Star Trek Holodeck as a training program that if they succeeded could be awarding a Next Level Adult vehicle (body) grown on a vine (no longer from mammalian reproduction) that they would have outgrown desire for.

That’s what was meant by an Israeli, (he who “prevails as Jehovah”) a human seeded by the Next Level (receives a soul deposit, a container like a seed with programs in it to provide interface and the sense of Beings who are Above  the Human Kingdom in every way) that by receiving continued nourishment from incarnate Older Members – adhering to each lesson plan, that are like trimesters toward their spirit/mind birth – the Moses classroom and possibly Gautama Buddha’s classroom (because of how it taught renunciation of the (human) world’s norms) and then Jesus classroom (that taught how discipleship involved severing of genetic roots in behavior and ways) and to date Ti and Do’s third trimester classroom, that those souls already graduated from but that we are still potentially engaged in, to degrees or not, yields growth of each soul to be ready for the next re-incarnation (re- taking over of a human vehicle – aka to “stand up again” (re-generate) of that Older Member (that is not scheduled before the civilization undergoes a spading under that includes a dissolving of the “sprirt world” and a re-jailing of the Luciferians, which is what humans now are preparing for without much knowledge of who is coming to perform the recycling procedures. The space aliens try to win souls to their camp by pitting souls against the Next Level by referring to them as the Reptilians and/or Orion’s (greys) who have no ability to alter the earth’s usefulness to the Next Level until the Next Level allows it to happen for the sake of the difficult lesson plan they help their “seed” through because overcoming the Luciferian influence on humans would be impossible without that help.

So the Luciferians, who are the space races who themselves are in competition with one another over the spoils of the planet, those souls who have decided not to be in a Next Level program, because they can’t create a soul pocket/container/seed but have no other way to add to their ranks – as souls can be taught to move in and out of vehicles and to see as they see, though to be in their camp means they have disconnected from the Next Level camp. These space races pit humans against humans because of how it drives the increase in technologies they need to try to get off the planet to find another life habitat and/or certain elements they have in very limited supply to date that powers their spacecrafts (that are primitive crafts to the Next Level, though have things they can do that human’s are still trying to duplicate, and may to some degree accomplish before recycling is underway that will set them back in further development) and/or build safe harbor from recycling they know is pending underground and/or under the seas or on a near space base as they can’t travel very far away from earth anymore for lack of a life sustaining/promoting atmosphere.

Thus the warring is used by the Next Level because those who seek to escape it are those who put the value of their lives above fighting for their root system – security, homelike, status quo humanness, genetic family, lands, livelihood which is to the Next Level a good step for them to take as they can then become the spirits and genetic strains that the Next Level uses to re-populate the civilization from, like Jesus referred to the “meek who shall inherit the earth”. The graduates leave the earth and after the waste reduction of the humans who became the fodder of the space alien race wars – even assisting the Next Level’s spading (pulling up of the Tares the look alike wheat planted by the Luciferian space aliens in the garden – their seed). By leave the earth it’s referring to being “saved”, Do called being “put on ice” (not literally) but kept safe from the recycling and garbage (weed) disposal. (by the way we in human vehicles don’t have the ability to know who is a weed or not so it’s no appropriate for us to judge who should die – that became distorted in the records, though the Next Level can save any spirit or soul who has lost their vehicle like by accident or as a victim of war and crime. The vehicle is designed to be disposable. Only the Next Level can destroy a soul though a Luciferian space alien can turn a soul away from the Next Level but the Next Level doesn’t let that happen easily without giving each soul many, many opportunities to come back to their allegiance. The Next Level does not need new members. It’s their joy to provide what they know they have – real genuine physical and mental life in a perpetual growth and service society that show their love for one another by their common Next Level Mind (holy spirit) connection to their Older Members, the Ones who parented them into their membership in the Next Level.

Is Trump Right About a Law Banning Muslims from America? 

Social and political unrest in Turkey

March 14, 2014

For whatever it’s worth this is my response I posted on facebook sawyer heavensgate to a video posted showing protesters in Turkey getting shot by a water canon. Other commenters talked about how the police were breaking the bones of peaceful protesters and damaging their eyes, blinding some and killing some, while another commentator says the protesters are communists and the police are just doing their job. I asked this person who called them communists what makes them communists? Were they demanding the wealthy share more and asked if Capitalism is any better a governmental system. I got no response except another said, the protesters were socialists, not communists and then said these conflicts were threatening democracy in Turkey. I’m not a political scientist by any means but I suppose the difference is essentially that socialists want the government to provide social services for the taxes they pay to the government but don’t want to ban private enterprise and ownership as I understand a strict communist system would do. (I know that’s perhaps an over simplification, though may suffice for the moment).

So I thought to share this response it case in might be meaningful to anyone who reads this blog. I don’t pretend to know what Ti and Do would say about this case in particular, which is by far not a unique situation in the world as we all know.

My comment:

Democracy is really a joke at this point. Look at the U.S. supposedly a great democracy EXCEPT for people of color, minority ethnicities, women (still not paid equally for equal work), labor, poor, non-Christian religious persuasions and social or political dissidents. True for a time it was better than lots of other places but now there is no such thing. Elections are bought and rigged. Money is provided as political favors and the reason it’s not a police state YET is because there are still government social welfare programs – food stamps, etc. When someone is elected or rises to combat the “venomous animals” – the meaning of the biblical “beast” they are either snuffed out, shut up, framed, ignored or laughed at in various orders. Let’s face it, this human condition has become more dog eat dog than perhaps ever. There is no benefit to protesting. Those in power “the Nephilim descendants” all over the world will only give the appearance of change. I watch the US politicians talking humanitarian and universal rights and peace, etc. while they bomb the hell out of people in another part of the world when it’s in their interest to do so. Lies and deceit are the rule and it’s always been that way but it’s peaking and it will only get worse so we each are by the circumstances being forced to make up our minds as to whom to pay homage, where we want to put our loyalty and it really comes down to one of two choices – as the real non-religious, non-spiritual, non-christian Jesus said, between “God” and “Mammon” where God is a term that’s become meaningless but originally referred to living physical beings with by hard work design and develop planetary systems as their way to offer beings they seed the opportunity to make application to be on their own crews, and Mammon is all that we consider to be wealth and treasure whether monetarily, resources or so called intellectual wealth. I am NOT preaching religion or spirituality – a big part of the way the truth – what is most real has been infiltrated with lies and deceit, but serves to give us all the choice to recognize what we are made of. If we want to think this entire world came about by some amoeba just happening to want to crawl out of the sea, that’s fine. If we want to believe that adoring some “savior” and giving tithes and living by a few basic rules entitles us to die and wake up in some Utopian existence forever, that’s fine, but doesn’t make it reality except for that believer. If we think we can beat back the powerful, we may for a time, but then we will become the next tyrants someone else will want to beat back and again that’s fine, it’s our choice, but if we want to learn what is the ultimate reality we can reach for, then the only place we can go is outside it all. The space aliens are not outside it all and to avoid having any of our requests answered by “them” we only need to use a simple formula that is foolproof. Project your asking for the truth about what is our ultimate path/choice in life as far away from the planet as we can imagine beyond the furthermost stars to those living beings who can identify such a communication as they set it up for brainwaves that project that signal to be identified, to which they will provide a response geared to you. They will not come to you as a spirit or as a voice in your head or by blinding you by a light or any such dramatic fashion but you can expect to see their response and it will be subtle and could simply be identified as a sense that it was their response. When you have that sense occur to you, then follow whatever that leads you to. And continue to ask questions. You will always have the choice to disengage that communication and you WILL be challenged to change your thinking and behavior and ways in time and as changes are presented, you can ask them for help to change and from doing this you will come to know that this is very real. I don’t suggest some of you don’t already have some communications in this way but none of us can assume anything about where we stand. All that is happening now is what’s being used to help stimulate us to seek the source of all things from the real living beings who created it all. If we think we have it all already we are wrong. We must continuously seek out that communication. (I believe when we do this – project our asking into the distant literal “heavens” we are actually going to the crew that work for those who were called Ti and Do, so if you are daring, you can take the fast track and just ask them what you can do for them, but I know for many that’s a huge leap.